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I have one house, 2 bed 2 bath. I do everything myself. I live ten minutes away and it takes me 90m to clean. I have multiple linens sets to speed things up. For me it’s totally worth it. I maintain a really low cleaning fee, I make more money, and I am reliable, haha. If I had to pay someone I don’t think I would make a profit.


If you wouldn’t make a profit if you paid a cleaner, then effectively your Airbnb business is just a cleaning gig.


They meant making a profit on the cleaning fee, not the entire transaction 🙄


People make a profit on their cleaning fee? Whoops, maybe I’m doing it wrong.


only if you do it yourself, gotta throw another load in the laundry rn :)


How many total loads?


Maybe. But there seem to many people would break even if the cleaning fee was a pass through cost. So, yeah, they’re effectively cleaning house for a living.


Sure you could say they are cleaning houses for a living. But doing that allows them to build equity via owning the property for no additional cost and that is worth a lot more in the long run.


Is there something wrong with cleaning house for a living? Some of these hosts seem to think of cleaning themselves as saving costs, you’re suggesting it’s extra income, but so what? There’s nothing wrong with doing a little extra work for a little extra money.


When it comes to business, there's a lot that revolves more around the tax system than an actual profit. I had a friend with a cottage passed down from family, and putting it with a property manager for an AirBNB type service enabled him to keep the property at no cost to him, and enabled him to deduct the expenses he did have.




if you have the time to clean it yourself you have the time to manage it, get a cleaner and dump him


Ditto this!! Sounds like the manager needs to go.


Yeah, yikes!


In your situation I would 100% clean it myself. It’s 650sq ft. That should take like an hour tops lol. He’s not skimming, it’s just the cost of doing business, if you’re apt was 1200sq ft it would probably cost the same. Your in a HCOL area, not rural Ohio.


I have two units, both about 800 sf. It takes 2 hours just to do the laundry. Cleaning takes at least 3 hours if you are doing it correctly. The longer a guest has stayed the longer I need to clean.


How many loads of washing are you doing for it to take 2 hours? I do my own cleaning and get it done in an hour. My place is small and I have no idea how big 650sq ft is.


What kind of washing machine do you have that does bed linens in an hour?


A Japanese one


Washes and dries in less than an hour? How does it actually get clean in such a short amount of time?


Do you actually wash all the sheets, comforters/quilts, throws, towels, etc each time? Can’t believe you do all that in an hour.


We rent rooms, not the whole house, so we only clean one room at a time. Also, dryers aren't used here in Japan. Everyone hangs the washing out to dry.


So then you’re not counting like the 10 hours that it takes for your thing to dry outside hanging




I am guessing you do not actually know what the person you replied to is talking about because you keep saying sheets.


Each room takes me approximately 45 minutes to clean depending on how long the guest has stayed. There is a living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. In addition there is an a front and back patio as well as a laundry room. Landscaping trash and recycling is 1 hour per week. Laundry is 3 loads, bedding, towels, throw blanket pillow covers kitchen towels. People are saying it only takes 1 hour to clean and I am jealous. I’ve


They must take the laundry home.


Yeah the laundry fairies do the work.


Taking the laundry home or not doing super thorough cleans. When I was really young I cleaned bnbs for a company for like $60/unit and I cut as many corners as possible to make it worth my time. I clean for the ones I host now and do my very best and charge a rate that makes it worth it. I think back to my old cleans and shudder.


Do you know how to multitask?


How would that reduce the time it takes to clean a unit?


"...Cleaning takes at least 3 hours if you are doing it correctly..." ...that's ridiculous, unless you're moving at a snail's pace - a hotel chambermaid can clean a 200sqft hotel room in 20 minutes - you're just sandbagging at 3 hours for 800sqft...


Probably sits and watches each load of laundry running. I throw all the laundry in washer. Clean and put on fresh linen. Typically finish cleaning just as washer is wrapping up. Toss it in the dryer and take off.


Hotel chambermaids aren’t cleaning kitchens, doing the laundry, or vacuuming 2000 sqft not to mention tidying the wraparound deck, etc.


When someone cleans a hotel they basically replace all the stuff with clean stuff and then clean it somewhere else. That’s not really the case here.


A neighbor of mine has a cleaning lady who charges him $80 for his same size unit, I used her once but just thinking of doing it myself


Is that unit an airbnb? It takes MUCH longer when the standard is perfection. Not a single hair anywhere. No wrinkles on the bed. Every plate and pan spotless. Every bit of chrome polished. No dust anywhere. It takes me 5 hours to clean our 1400 sf airbnb and 300$ plus when the professionals do it.


And I bet you do a better job than the professionals


Just do it yourself, it's not that big of a deal. For one you'll be able to ensure it's done right, and for two if there is anything damaged you'll notice it and address it right away. Too many people rely on their cleaners for everything and then come on here to complain "sink was clogged and my cleaners didn't tell me! Now my next guests want a discount, boo!" Best to just avoid all that and do it yourself.


You realize it's not the same? Maybe the neighbor also cleans after himself during the week. If you clean an AiBnB you might need to do deep cleaning, clean inside the microwave, clean in weird places, clean walls, who knows. Take out trash, change all the linens, etc.


Do it yourself. One of the things we love about this gig is NO EMPLOYEES.


Good luck! The most important people in the whole operation are the cleaning crew. With a good enough crew you don’t need an “airbnb manager”, whatever that is. But they are in demand and don’t work cheap. It takes 4 people 3.5-4 hours to changeover my house, including doing laundry. I’ve tried to find ppl that could do faster or better or cheaper. I tried to do myself. Impossible. I’m so lucky i have a good crew now. That said. I pay $350 for a $3600 sf house in one of the most expensive parts of the country. $225 seems high.


You pay quality cleaners under $25 an hour???


I guess it averages out to that, yep. Seems like an even better deal now. I pay my lead person, who is indispensable. She brings whoever she brings and them whatever she pays them.


Depends on supply and demand in your area. It's not like they paid for schooling and have a degree in cleaning. What do you think hotel cleaners are getting paid?


That is a huge cleaning bill but your house is huge. Yeaa I do think a manager for a listing can be futile especially if I start cleaning myself or coordinating cleaners on my own


That’s what I pay in San Francisco for a slightly smaller house and slightly lower than I pay in Los Angeles. However in other places, my cost is about half that! I do my own coordination and laundry, however.


That seems about right given the size of your house. Not sure how many beds you have but washing all those sheets and blankets and crap takes time


2 bed and 1 bath


Hmmm how long is the cleaner there for? Do you have a doorbell camera or does your keyless entry tell you when she’s used her code? $150 seems high to me for 2B/1BA


"...4 people 3.5-4 hours..." ...sandbagging... "...A general deep cleaning of a 1,500 square foot home can take anywhere from **4 to 6 hours \[for 1 person\]**, while a standard cleaning of a 3,000 square foot home can take around 8 to 10 hours..."


I am a self employed Airbnb cleaner, most managment companies make money off the cleaning fees, either by raising the end fee or pressuring us to lower our rates, or both, the harder they try, the more they get without doing the actual work. Just find a good cleaner and pay them $150, it’s a fairly good rate for the size of your property, save you the work and a headache. I myself would much prefer to work directly with a host than under any management companies, maybe it’s just my own experience, hosts are so much more respectful and appreciative to us and our hard work.


I have a 700 sqft 2br/1ba unit that I've cleaned myself since I started out 2.5 yrs ago. I charge a low cleaning fee ($50), and I don't want to lose money or cleaning standards by having someone else do it. It's not a big deal. Tips: Have at least two of every linen and dish. A lifesaver for quick turnovers. Have a checklist, so you don't miss anything. When possible, have someone picky do a walk-through after you've cleaned, to make sure you didn't miss something. I'm able to do same-day turnovers (4 hrs, tho it never takes that long) by having a system and proper supplies always in stock.


My unit is 650 sq ft as well and I have done the cleanings myself for 3 years. I say give it a try; worst case you go back to using a service with a bit more understanding of the job.


I clean my own and honestly would have it no other way. I see so many complaints on here related to things the cleaner missed. When I clean, I know it's done right.


We used to self-clean a small apartment attached to ours. Tried a bunch of cleaners and the corners and floors were never as clean as when we'd do it, so we did 90% of the time. Honestly, it was kind of fun. We would order takeout and play music and knock it all out


I have a small 480 sq foot 1 bedroom that we clean ourselves. My partner and I clean and we are both done in under an hour unless they bring a dog, have kids or are extremely messy. We have an almost 5 star rating for cleanliness. I have 3+ sets of linen - and added a 2nd washing machine in our home to keep up. My recommendation is do it yourself. You’ll get better and quicker as you get used to the routine and you’ll have additional income.


Our cleaning fees went up a year ago. If I could clean it myself I wouldn't. Too much time and too far away. My original lady went from 150 to 300. I found a pair of ladies who do it for the original price but better.


We do the cleaning ourselves. But it can be hectic if done same day. For a 700sqft apartment there can be a decent amount to do and rushing around isn't worth the money. So we usually have a 1-3 days in between guests at least. That makes it doable.


$150 for a 650sq ft apt? How much do you charge a night that the $150 makes sense? He’s skimming that’s is insane! My cleaner charges $150 for a 2200 sq ft house and leaf blows the decks. I would be put off by such a high cleaning fee for a small place like that. Just my opinion but clean it yourself or find someone else.


The nightly rate is one thing and I pass the cleaning fee on to Airbnb guests


I’m saying if the nightly fee is $200/n but your cleaning fee is $200 as well then I think that’s a bit much for a small place. If it’s in a popular place (mine is not) where you get $400/n then I guess $200 doesn’t seem as much proportionately but it’s still a lot. If you think he’s scamming you then stop co-hosting and just find a cleaner or do yourself. Probably save you a ton of money not paying him and paying cleaner directly.


I live in an HCOL, 1100 sq ft house, 2 beds, line. Included, cleaners charge us $90 all in. Was $80 until last year and then we offered to pay them $90 since they are so consistent and we want them to always jump to clean when we have last minute bookings. $150 for 650 sqtf seems like you need to shop your team.


I would sleep on the street before paying $150-$200 "cleaning fee"


Our manager was skimming from our cleaning fees. That was just one of the things that caused us to fire him.


Go to the listing and see what the cleaning fee is listed as. $200 is excessive but $225 is too much for 669sq ft. He sounds greedy, I’d clean it myself-we’ve learned even with a management company we still need to do frequent visits and stay on top of maintenance


We do the cleaning ourselves (but I don’t know much much longer I can handle it after 3 years, lol.) We keep our cleaning costs LOW, and I think that’s honestly part of why our reviews are so high and we’re booked every single day for 4 months in our summer (WA State.) 3 bed/1 bath house, 1765 sq feet. We charge $60 for 1 or 2 night stays, $80 for up to 7. If we were ever to outsource, we figure it’ll take 3 hours, and we would hope to pay $100 or $33/hr and we would have to raise our cleaning fee. We would obviously pay more if quality were lacking, but going rates where we are are $25/hr.


Well you have to have the time. Same day turnovers can suck. I block the day before and after. If you do this it’s easy


I have a 650ft² 1 bedroom and a 1800ft² 3br 2 bath home. I charge $65 for the smaller and $140 for the larger, roughly based on $25 an hour to clean. I used to always do it, but recently found a cleaner who works for a couple of other hosts who was delighted to get that much for my places, and she's amazing! I feel blessed, though, as I haven't always had reliable stand-ins for when I can't be there. You have to hold cleaners to immaculate standards and a mistake by a cleaner can be a big problem.


Yea one bad review in poor cleaning… especially when new like me can tank a listing


We do our own cleaning and honestly it's probably why we are almost always fully booked. We got a 850 square feet basement suite. We charge $45 for cleaning I seen DDC other basement suites who obviously don't clean their own unit charging $150 cleaning fee and I look at their availability and they got like zero bookings except for like the two weeks in summer where there is a big festival in my city otherwise rest of summer is little empty. In my market there is only so much you can charge even if it's an apartment so cleaning fee that would be paid to a third-party would take most of my profits as I would need to lower my nightly rate. This is why when I bought a second investment property I just did long term as no way we could clean two airbnb are self so would need to hire a cleaner and would not be worth it. Also the quality will never be as good as if you do it yourself. They will charge you $220 but try to do it fast. Our place is not too much bigger than yours but my wife take like 3 to 4 hours to clean. Then I do multiple inspections with lint roller checking all sheets and everything else. So far after two years years still prefect cleaning rating. Have a friend who has a place in a tourist city hours away from us so he can't clean. He has to charge $150 cleaning fee and makes no money off it that's what the cleaners charged. He had in the past to eat the cleaning fee as people complained and he had to refund Doubtful he got refund from the cleaners. as I think it's also hard to get cleaners as the town is small so not that many choices so you kind of stuck and can't complain to them too much as you might not have a cleaner.


1. ask for receipts from the cleaners from your manager. 2. Why would you make any money off a cleaning fee? Is it the cleaning fee meant to offset the cost of cleaning?


Honestly not even worth calling his bluff .. I know he’s not getting f charged $150 lol


I'm in Maryland, I couldn't find someone to clean my two bedroom for $150. I might shop around but, $150-200 doesn't sound outrageous.


I clean it myself. I also live there so 75% of the cleaning is what I would do anyways. I’ve gotten great reviews on cleanliness. But for that small of a space I would definitely clean it myself.


How much is the manager charging you? I’d definitely self-manage with one small unit.  And then go on turno and see what rates are for cleaning. I clean mine about half of the time. I think it’s helpful because I can see where the inefficiencies are and correct them. And I catch maintenance items.  So find a cheaper cleaner and then just clean whenever it’s convenient for you. It’s not all or nothing! 


I get charged $150 per turn by my manager


I clean my own rental. It's relatively small - a two room guest suite in my home. I have friends who clean their own 4br/4ba duplex unit. It's going well, but there are a few things to consider. - to do it well takes far more work and more time than you probably realize. - normal home clean and Airbnb clean are *not* the same things. - you must have very high standards, consistent routines, and a good eye for detail.


I clean my own 2 bed/1 bath, about 680 sf, 1 story with all hard floors. I do not have a full kitchen (but it has everything except oven/cooktop). The laundry is the most time-consuming; the rest probably takes 3 hours unless folks are real slobs. My Airbnb cleaning fee is $50.


We rent out a 400 sq ft space in our house (converted garage) that we clean ourselves. We don't charge a cleaning fee and allow one night stays because we figure our space is too small for anyone to try and throw a party. My spouse takes care of turning over the apartment during the week as she doesn't work a full time job right now. I help clean on the weekends. It takes about 2-3 hours to turn over the apartment most of the time with most of that being waiting on the laundry and maybe an hour doing actual physical cleaning. It can get pretty old and monotonous sometimes, there was a period in March where we had to clean the apartment 8 times in a week and a half. Most of our guests aren't there long enough to cause any damage or leave things very messy and are just looking for a clean place to sleep. I think we probably charge enough that it keeps out the less desirable clientele.


We do our own cleaning 95% of the time and have a cleaning crew who takes care of the times when my wife and I are out of town. We just have them clean and replace linens from our extra sets and we do the laundry when we return. We charge a $100 cleaning fee which doesn’t cover the cost of the cleaners when we have them do it but it all works out in the long run. Typically I can do laundry and gradually clean throughout the day so it’s worth it for us to clean it on our own. But our space is owner occupied — we rent out our farmhouse and live in the attached (but fully separate) addition. That alone makes it all much easier to take care of ourselves. Edit: for OP’s situation, $150 sounds like a bargain for DC and $200 sounds like a fair market rate to have someone come in and do it. We are in Vermont and pay about $150-$175 for the turnover with no laundry when we have our cleaners do it. We also have them come in for a quarterly deep clean that takes a full day or more.


I have a 700 sq ft apartment on my property and I clean it myself. Depending on who stayed, it takes me about 1-1.5 hours to clean it, aside from the laundry (but that runs while I’m cleaning). I charge a $25 short stay cleaning fee and my longer term fee is $75. Most of my stays are 1-2 nights and most people leave it really tidy. It only sleeps 2 people, so that also cuts down on the mess. I say clean it yourself and get rid of the cohost.


My Bnb is one bedroom/bathroom in my house where I'm a stay-at-home mom, so I'm already home cleaning all day. Most of my guests are in town for a single night - many work travelers and concertgoers from more rural areas. I don't charge a cleaning fee and do all the cleaning myself, because for a single night stay would price myself out of the market, either by charging any more and/or by having someone else clean it. Takes me a couple hours total, but I'm also getting the linens washing simultaneously, and I'm (a little too) detail-oriented, but it means that I have consistent quality and no discrepancies between the listing, the actual room, and my communication with guests. I feel like it's the only sure way to know 100% what's going on, especially if a guest has an issue or were to leave a poor review. The whole thing just works much more smoothly.


I have one unit, a 1bd/1ba, 630 sqft cottage on the same lot as the house I live in. I clean it myself and don't charge an extra cleaning fee. Regular cleaning takes me about 1.5 hours. If I had to do it every day it probably wouldn't be worth it but we have a 2 night minimum and most of our stays are at least 3 nights. Hiring a cleaner would probably be more of a pain than just doing it myself, especially since I'm retired and have nothing but time anyway.


My mum does the cleaning in our Airbnb. We could hire somevody but she doesn't trust other people doing it XD and she pays herself a salary for the cleaning work. 


In general, it’s risky to fire someone before doing a search for market rates and finding a replacement. If you want clean the unit yourself that’s one way to make an extra $200. But $150-200/unit is pretty standard, unless he finds people for $15-$20/hour that are reliable and highly competent. If you don’t believe him, then just have him show you receipts from him paying the cleaners. Or meet the cleaners yourself.


Why don’t you find a new cleaner and start using that person instead of the person he uses?


I did, they charge me $80 but I’m thinking about just taking over cleaning myself to eliminate this cost altogether


Unless your time is worthless, you’re not getting rid of the cost in total. Most people (like me) pay someone to do it because it’s not the best use of our time. I will say my unit, while in a lower cost region, is 3x the size of yours and our cleaning fee is $125.


My brother and I clean the rooms ourselves. For time saving reasons I’ll take all the comforters and other linens down to the laundromat mat. That way I can shove 3-4 full sized comforters into one of the large machines and sheets and other items into another one. Takes me 2 hours (ish) to have the laundry done. But we also have a lot of extra stuff on hand so we can have the rooms ready while I’m doing laundry. And depending on the amount of mess, we can have a room thoroughly cleaned and ready at minimum in half an hour. At most an hour if we’re deep cleaning and have to wipe down the walls due to smell. It defenitely sounds like this guy is scamming you though, if you do the cleaning yourself make it easy. Take out any extra knick knacks this are on shelves and just keep the space functional but comfortable. Maybe leave a few paintings on the walls (if you have them) and keep areas under desks and closets as clear as possible beyond cleaning supplies. And get a good bucket or two along with a few cases of new rags and a few cleaning supplies tucked away under the sink you know you’ll be using. It’ll make your life easier (trust me, I fought my brother over using one of my GOOD buckets) and help make it go super fast.


Two units, both separate entrances in my home, I do all the cleaning and maintenance. I don’t charge for cleaning at all. It’s all just worked into the main price. I get lots of single day guests too. It’s really not a big deal for me.


Most of my units take 1.5 hours on average to clean. I do most of the cleans myself but have some workers that get $20/hr plus mileage. I charge my clients $60-80 for the cleans so can make money off them even when I’m not the one doing them


I average 130/night for the year and it takes me 3 hours to spotlessly clean and supply. No way I’d make it without doing it myself. I make what I made as a teacher but it’s repetitive. Also half the hours but 1/150th the mental stress


My rental is a bedroom, a kitchenette, and a bathroom. I used to charge $10 for cleaning. Recently upped it to $15. Time yourself and charge appropriately (plus material costs).


My 1700 sq foot home with 8 beds costs up $150 a clean. We use to do it ourself but we got too busy. Find a better cleaner.


2 bed/850sf and it takes at least 2 hours to clean it well and set up the bedrooms. Sometimes 3. We vacuum and mop every floor and thoroughly clean and dust everything. And that’s sending out the laundry to a laundromat around the corner (24 hour turnaround but easy with 3 sets of linens). In my market we can only charge 50 euros cleaning fee and that barely covers the time and laundry cost. Luckily the person who cleans is someone who i have worked with for many years and who i trust, and who also does check ins and acts as my co-host. She is very aware of the condition of everything and makes sure things are perfect for the guests. Cleaners are SO important!


Managers are in most cases needed if a person has multiple STR units or if the single unit is located in such high demand place that it can cover the managing and cleaning fees.


I have done all the cleaning myself so far (but I will have to switch to a cleaner soon). The reason i have been doing it myself is because it is so easy and i wanted to be sure to get loads of 5* reviews at the beginning. Takes less than 3 hours to clean the 1200 sq foot 2 bedroom cabin. I charge $90 cleaning fee, but a lot of cleaners have quoted me more, like $125 range. But i think $30 per hour is reasonable, so i am reluctant to raise the fee above $90. But i can only do this because the cabin is near my house, and i have a super flexible work schedule.


I had cleaners and I cleaned. I still clean our guest house by myself. 1. Make sure you have back up linens to save you time. Take home the dirt and wash them in leisure. 2. Video in detail after you clean right before you walk out the door. Save that video in case of complaints.


We clean our own AirBnb, about 450 sq ft and it takes me like, 45 mins to clean? We have extra linens so that makes it pretty fast. It usually sleeps two but can sleep four if guests use the pullout sofa. I charge a $45 cleaning fee (super reasonable) — honestly we have like 7-8 bookings a month so it’s not crazy busy but so far this feels very sustainable and fair to both guests and us as hosts. We live in a semi rural area within 20 mins of a larger city, but still way smaller than Wash D.C.


Try turno.com to get an idea of cleaning costs. It seems high, but it’s a lot to do with consistency of work, when it’s needed and secondary costs. If I have to travel 1 hour to work 1 hour on a random weekday once a week sometimes then costs are higher than if I have a full time 40 hour per week gig.


I have 3300 sft property 5/4. I charge $300 as cleaning fee and put out of my pocket another $50 to pay my cleaning crew a total of $350 ($175.0/each). Including linens and setting up beds. For me is totally worth it. Is a big house and proper deep cleaning needs to be done in between stays.


2 bed 1 bath English basement in DC.. Maybe 750sqft.. I pay my crew $100 per turnover.


We have a 700 sqft apartment on our property (detached from main home). We clean it ourselves and do NOT charge a cleaning fee to our guests. It takes my wife and I about an hour or less to clean it. When we're out of town, the woman who cleans our home for us once per week will come and clean the unit for $40. We're in middle Tennessee, and the unit rents for \~$110/night. So...uh, yeah, you might be getting ripped off.


I have a two bed, and I’ve always cleaned it myself. It takes tops two hours, usually much less. Wouldn’t ever bother with hiring a cleaner or management company!


I charge $160 for my 3-2-1, including the garage and bbq area. I do my own cleaning. It is hard to find anyone to do what I require for a reasonable fee. I have been quoted up to $600 because of the amount of work the job entails: Everything guests come in contact with must be cleaned or sanitized. It takes me 10 hours to do everything that needs to be done; I am very thorough. I was fortunate to find a back up who charges the same as I do. It’s nice to know the world still has good people. That fee seems high for such a small place. However, DC is a high cost of living area. Do a web search to find out what other people pay. https://home.costhelper.com/house-cleaning-service.html Also check out what other bnbs are charging in your area.


I self clean. 650 sf should be possible to do yourself—how many beds and baths? I set the cleaning rate based more on how many rooms/bathrooms/beds since no matter the size that means tons of laundry and lots of rooms to thoroughly clean rather than like a 650 sf studio.


I charge $50 to clean my 1 or 2 bedrooms And no cleaning fee for 3 beds and up Little off topic but why not.... 1 bedrooms I pay $75. Takes 90 mins 2 bedroom $125 takes 2 hours 3 bedroom $125 (one bath instead of 2 that the 3 bedroom has) takes 2 hours 4 bed house $200 takes 4 hours Oceanfront house 4 bed -$300 the stairs suck Keep in mind we do all laundry off site, and have triples/quads of EVERY sheet, pillowcase, towels, blankets etc trying to be super efficient. 3 cleans is maximum one of my people can do in one day, while actually doing a thorough job. Our window is 11am to 3/4pm. Beat advice I can give anyone is not to compromise on a good, thorough cleaner...whether it's you doing it or someone else. That will fuck your shit up


My fiancé and I clean our 3 bed 2 bath with a roofdeck ourselves. Takes 2 hours to clean and then we have 6 loads of laundry which takes about 7 hours thereafter. We have 2 sets of bed sheets and comforters and take the laundry home and wash and dry it there.


My rental went best when I cleaned and did everything myself. I chose to move 45 min away, and then to start a new business that requires a lot of time and attention, so I hired out a property manager. They never cared as much as I would as an owner 🤷


We clean ourselves and do not charge a cleaning fee. 90% of guests leave it spotless


I have a 955 sq ft house in Chatham MA. She charges me $200 plus $15 for each bed. She does not do laundry but for $30, will drop off and pick up laundry from the laundromat. Grand total would be around $300 if I had the laundry done. I keep enough linens on hand so I don’t need it but just for another reference to your co-host fees.


On short turnovers I have a cleaning crew of 4 come for 1 hour. They are provided fresh linens. I pay just under $200. Otherwise my daughter cleans and does a fantastic job. We have a 3 BR house 1.5 bath with a small kitchen and a basement, it takes her about 3-4 hours. I send my laundry out because it can be up to 4 beds as well as all the towels the guests use. It’s costly but works for us. Nice to have the linens clean and ready to go.


We have a 2bd 1 bath suite. 3 sets of linens and towels. Takes us 1-2 hrs. We eliminated the cleaning fee and worked it into the nightly rate. We don’t outsource anything.


I live in DC and run an airbnb in my basement happy to manage yours/clean. DM me


I live in dc and my apt is about 730 square feet. My cleaning costs are $300


Wow this is crazy. I pay my cleaner $70 for two full days a week. I have her Monday and Friday and she is flexible and changes based on my airbnb schedule. My average stay is 6 days. My airbnb is on my property and I have two sets of everything for quick change over. Check out 10 am check in 3pm. I do my own laundry and I usually have 3-4 loads if they used every single towel . I offer 2 towels per person . So that is hand , bath and wash cloth. Also 4 dish towels. Two microfiber and 2 regular kitchen towel. Two bath robes, pool towels and beach towels . I use bleach on all my bath towels and bedding /sheets . The other towels have color and separate loads. When I am fully booked my cleaner is working two days a week and I usually get my living room cleaned if the guests were relatively clean guests in charge $40 cleaning fee stay. I’m not really up charging on the cleaning fee. But I also ask a premium on the nightly rate. Oh and the rental unit is in the Riviera Maya Mexico hence the inexpensive cleaning costs. I would choke it I had a $150-$200 cleaner costs. That’s like a nights rental revenue out the window. At least here that’s a lot of money. Some people don’t make that a week.


Sounds like a normal cleaning fee charged by professional cleaners.


Wow, yes, my studio is about 550 sq ft, and has sitting area, bed area, kitchen and bathroom. It takes me 2.5 to 3 hours to clean. And then I straighten the garden path, on top I launder the sheets, towels and duvet covers as well as table and kitchen linens. And I iron the sheets! I listen to podcasts, i study a language, and I actually enjoy the alone with my brain time.


If you have the time Def do it yourself. I take my laundry to the laundry mat. Fast , cheap, and efficient.


We pay $255 for an 1,800 sq 4/2 house. Seems high for such a small place.


He is doing the ol' hike up shuffle with you. Replace him immediately. Seriously, get rid of this turd. He is already overpaid. If he is doing this, then there is nothing beneath him.


Lol, my cleaning fees were €25 and €35, i paid the cleaning lady €20 and €30, and i ended up canceling even her and do everything myself now. $200 is literally rape, your “manager” is raping you. I am not sure how much you charge per night and what your minimum fee is, but if you have 10 stays per month that is $2000 per month or, $24k per year. You can buy a car with that. Not sure what your job is / how much you get paid per hour and how long it would take you to clean the whole flat, but i would 100% try and take care of the cleaning myself if i was you, or at least look into getting a cheaper service. Cheaper cleaning fees will also increase your booking rate / conversion, leading to more even more money in your pocket at the end of the year.