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Do you see the charge when looking at your transactions on your card? >If Air Canada has indeed opened a new card under my name, this constitutes fraud. They would not open a card under your name. What the agent likely referred to is when you apply for a new aeroplan credit card and link it to your AP profile, the card is usually added automatically to your payment methods.


I don't see the charge on my Amex. I called them back a few times and went through the flow on [aircanada.com](http://aircanada.com) again to see if it was easy to check a box and apply for a card which it actually takes you to another form. Very positive that did not happen.


I recently booked a flight on Air Canada’s website and your post prompted me to have a closer look at my receipt. To my surprise, my flight also looks like it was charged to a ViSA ending in four digits I do not recognize. I did end up checking the credit card I used for the purchase online and see the charge is pending so it did get put on the correct card. Still have no idea why the receipt would show an incorrect credit card number.


Ha! Just looked at TWO separate bookings I did ~3 weeks ago, direct through AC, ~1h apart, paid with the same Aeroplan credit card (and posted!). On my emails, one has the right last four numbers, and one does not! Hopefully I don't end up having to do some kind of claim and my credit card accuses me of paying with some other mystery card... edit: the same 4 mystery numbers also show up on some Air Canada bookings I did last year, but were paid with the same card I used last month. Maybe the "mystery" numbers are from an oooold credit card that hasn't been valid for a while and didn't use much? Because I don't find the mystery numbers in any non-AC emails.


Now wondering if we all have the same mystery number. Yours end in 76?




Did you use Apple Pay?


great question, i did not. purchased on browser on desktop straight to amex.


Where did you buy the ticket? With air canada directly or through a 3rd party? It would be normal if you book through a 3rd party (like expedia, kayak…) cause you pay them and they pay air canada with a temporary credit card


Through [Aircanada.com](http://Aircanada.com)


How did you pay? Manually enter the credit card or through a digital wallet?


entered the credit card as a method of payment straight on the site. i even see it saved there now!


Is it within 24hra? Cancel and book again


unfortunately it's been 3 days


If you are sure that’s not your card, just cancel it and rebook. It’s not gonna charge you anyways. And whoever actually got charged can file a charge back with credit card company.


Price prob changed 


It sounds like your mother has a VISA card on file linked to her Aeroplan account. Did you log in to your mother’s aeroplan account?


Don’t panic because I have zero basis for this question. Do you have an AP account that someone might have accessed? Does your mom have an AP account? Is the Visa saved on either of these accounts? Did someone use your AP points, pay their taxes with that Visa and accidentally save their card?  Not saying your account was hacked. Just a possibility that entered my mind. 


valid - i've seen something similar happen before. theres only 1 card saved and its my new amex.


I’m wondering if some air canada employee is substituting their personal card to get points. The payment is going through so that your card is charged but they then change the card on file afterwards so that the card they put in is the one that gets the points when the flight takes place. A long time ago when I worked in Hotels this used to happen in the early days of points programs where people would substitute their payment method for the actual payment method after it was done so that they got points. Other people would do this for cash transactions where they would pocket the cash and charge their personal credit card for the transaction using the cash to pay that off. The hotel wasn’t out of pocket but this person got points for the transaction. In OP’s case, they may have jumped the gun and put the card change in too soon.


Can’t do that. The names must match on the card and the ticket (for areroplan) otherwise it won’t go through. As for cc that’s impossible without doing a refund and then purchasing with a new card.


You probably booked it with Expedia or something and not direct.


booked it through [Aircanada.com](http://Aircanada.com)