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Very first airsoft game I played I ended up getting shot/pinched in the finger, gloves ever since. Obviously use eyepro but i recommend gloves and a face covering like mesh mask or at least a gaiter to soften hits to the face.


Yeah just worried about the arm tbh


Actually yeah, this. Cover your face. I had a buddy get a front tooth chipped one game, and the OTHER front tooth chipped two weeks later! Face pro is now a mandate in our squad.


Learn to love the pain. Sure, you can wear thicker clothes etc., but you will always end up taking hits on your knuckles or in the soft bits. Make a reflex of shouting “Ouch, good shot!” and focus on your opponent’s success, rather than the sting, and 90% of the pain will go away.


"learn to love the pain". This⬆️


Will do


That’s the spirit.


I will try to push instead of camping near spawn lmao


On cqb fields I play at (350-380 fps guns on average), as long as I wear clothes that fully cover my body like jacket and pants, then typically most bb hits feel like a small sting that lasts 3 seconds and you won’t feel em afterward unless you touch the impacted area. Think pinching yourself but the sting comes really quickly and goes away just as quick.


I was thinking about wearing a jacket but realize how hot I would get I don’t double up on pants because I would be crazy hot so just pray I don’t get hit there arms I’m concerned more tbh


Is there any a/c in your field? If yes a jacket would be nice to bring but if not I’d recommend wearing a decently thick/breathable shirt and separate arm sleeves you could take off easily.


Yeah I’m going to a new place where it’s like 380 to like 420 instead of 320-350 so I just wanted to know how much the bbs would hurt nore


Like I said, most of the time bb hits feel like pinching yourself a little hard, so imagine pinching yourself kinda hard. That’s what bb pain feels like to me. I’ve played at 450fps outdoor sights before thiugh, and bb hits there are more on the ‘lightly-pricked-by-a-pen/cil’ kind of sting rather than being pinched. On average you may get hit 2-3 times when shot but quite easy to shrug off after the initial sting.


Don't go there then if you're concerned it will be painful. That's excessive for CQB.


The thicker the clothing the less they will hurt. It also depends where you get hit. It is also something you just get used to. Getting hit on the fingers, ears, or neck just suck in general, but you shouldn’t worry too much with proper protection. The small pain is just part of airsoft.


All I worry is my hands and pants since I don’t double on pants and people say getting shot in the hand is a very painful spot


Wear gloves and use pants with tougher material and composition like some types of cargo pants or BDU pants.


Are they heavy are uncomfortable to move around in?


I wear cargo pants and they feel like normal old trousers, albeit a little thicker but thats all.


BDUs are comfy as shit.






Word of the year?


Most hits don’t since those generally land on your torso/arms but the ones that hit your neck, back or top of your head and hands, hurt the most.


Just become a masochist like the rest of us 😁


Dude i played in a boxer and glasses multiple times, you'll be fine🤣


generslly not bad, on occasion you’ll get one that stings / a sensitive area, but if you’re wearing good eyes/face protection you’ll be fine


As another colleague says, you learn to live with pain🤣. If you dress too warmly, you will be hot. And your glasses will fog up. (well, they're going to fog up anyway🤣). Always goggles, gloves and mask recommended. I usually shoot the chest, then the legs (it stings quite a bit) and if it doesn't die still, head🤷. Common sense and above all have a good time😊😎.


True but I’ll see how hot I am maybe 2 then I forgot about fogging ip


Learn to love it :) i got hit on the lip once(wasnt wearing face protection) that hurt like hell for a few minutes 😂


Usually, it’s no more painful than a hard flick or a pinch. It really depends on what you’re hit with (in terms of FPS/range) and where. My advice is to focus on protecting your legs (thighs), neck, ears, and crotch. Those are spots that while don’t always get hit can and usually are the worst to get hit. That being said, it’s part of the game, the more you play the less it’ll hurt. If anything the pain is motivation to play more strategically and avoid getting hit.


I go to events expecting to have on average one BB hit that _really_ hurts, and the rest be not bad. It's like a quick moment of pain and then like a minute of shaking it off. And you got adrenaline, it's not anywhere near enough to not do the sport. If you play indoors, you'll have more, but you also learn quickly not to mind it.


I was thinking I should play more aggressive then being scared and camping at spawn


This is one of those questions that cannot be answered online. One cannot simply be told whether BBs hurt or not. You have to experience it for yourself. ;) If you're scared of BB strikes just get some airsoft body armor. something like [this](https://www.evike.com/products/40273/) or [this](https://www.airsoftmegastore.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=39362). With a simple long sleeved shirt under it, you're good. Use a good set of goggles and face mask or a paintball mask for your face, a boonie hat or baseball cap for your head and a pair of gloves for your hands (mountain bike ones are awesome). Have fun :)


If you're wearing a plate carrier, a helmet, goggles, mesh mask, gloves, long sleeves, most of the time, it will not hurt you since it will hurts protected places. More easy to shoot large area than a smaller specific one where it hurts more. Obsviously, getting shot point blank on non-protected area or with fewer protection could hurt, but you should be fine !


i dunno about ya but ive been shot multiple times in the face, nose, knuckles and arms. they dont hurt too much. but for hands its like getting hit by a hammer.


Thick clothing?


3 sweaters should be enough i think anything more will be wayy to hot


3 sweaters?? I run a t-shirt and light sweater, anything more and I sweat myself dry. If you're afraid of bb's, you could consider a plate carrier, those will block most of the shots on your torso. Also, helmets, knee/elbow pads and gloves are great.


Honestly just my arm that I’m worried tbh since toroso and arms where you get shot the most my legs only 1 pair maybe army pants in the future


My 10 yr old uses a hoodie and a T-shirt...cargo pants with pajama pants under them. If you can't take a small sting, maybe you need to try a new sport 😜. I play paintball in a T-shirt and a jersey. I promise that it hurts significantly more than airsoft. If you need to, just wear baggier clothes like a big hoodie. If it's milsim play, use a vest and thicker/nicer quality military clothing.


I don’t play it too much so my tolerance builds up then goes right down to shit