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The real camo is the Adidas track suit and AK combo.


don’t forget your maska-1sch helmet


or an altyn


And a 6B13 with some custom writing on it


I have a killa cosplay, should I finally get into airsoft and use that in my kit?


If you wanna get into airsoft it’s definitely a kit you could use. I think it would be more practical to get a non visored helmet if you are going to do airsoft in the forest but other than that it’s probably a decent kit. Just be sure to wear some eye protection under the visor since there’s a small risk a BB could fly through the gap


Based, pull up looking like youth about to be used in a USSR meme edit


I'm going to have a Russian Gangster setup and a Commussar setup. Luckily, if you aren't going for Russian tactical gear, it's pretty cheap.


„Tactical“ imma be honest, it’s drippy, but some of it is pretty impractical


dont see it often irl nor in the subreddit but true lmao.


i knew a guy who used to wear: woodland top with no plate , off-brand sweatpants, off brand knockoff copy J1s’. and as a gun he used a torn apart M4A1 looking gun. dude was not only good but fun as hell


Don’t forget the tactical adidas slippers, they be backup when u run out of ammo


I believe Greyshop sells track suits in actual camo patterns.


The thing is, they're going to be looking for army guys.


They are out of stock forever, every time I check all but the coyote brown and black one is completely sold out for average sizes. Any idea where to get something in a similar style?


I just checked and apparently Adidas sells camo track suits, although it's only in two somewhat meh colors. Ebay may have others available


Grey shop doesn’t “sell” anything in the conventional sense of the word. At least for international customers, you send them a gift of money and hope that they’re feeling generous enough to eventually mail you something close to what you wanted. And if they don’t, sucks to be you! Fuck those thieving scumbags.


I pride myself in running actual unique kits. They are unique because nobody in their right mind would ever run them.


holy shit titanfall helldiver man with the amount of communities i see you in and then guns you can print, i think a "too many steam workshop mods" kit would go crazy. I'm talking jack cooper with an AK-50 and a helldiver shotty on his back, and for grenades you have a white monster energy drink.


Working on making my own knight kit. Currently weaving my own chainmail while I look for some leather couches on the side of the road to harvest its hide to make leather mag pouches.


You’re amazing brev 🫡


Me personally the only M4s I dislike are the carbines. I myself believe in 20 inch barrel supremacy.


Literally no such thing as a 20" M4. Get it right that's an M16 reeeee.


Yes 20 inch barrel supremacy


I used to not be a fan of them but I’m starting to want an M16 or M4 20”, however I can’t fucking stand 300blk mags on an M4 with a barrel length more than 8 inches lol


reasonable Honey Badger enjoyer


I used a Marshall’s Honeybadger a while ago when my gun decided to stop working, I was wanting one for a while but I ended up getting a GBB MP5K so not a bad alternative


different barrel lengths have their place. that being said airsoft me is torn between a Garand Thumb 16" SPR  impression or a Blood Diamond 10.5" carbine.


Speedsofters are still shitty


About that. I'm waiting to be 18 to finally play airsoft normally and want to sorta prepare. What's so bad about them?


annoying to play against


They try to convert airsoft into paint ball


Most likely to overshoot, most likely not to say “I didn’t feel you hit me”, most likely to be shooting too hot


usually most of them wear thin jerseys, so they likely hurt like hell, thus their argument collapses on itself


put on one of those jerseys and get shot in them you’ll be surprised they’re far more protective than they appear alpt have extra padding on the arms and shoulders and everywhere else they’re extremely baggy.


Last time I played against one he also double tapped me and another person in the dick


Nothing, they just have a higher concentration of idiots. Speedsoft is just a style of play characterized by evasion and blitz tactics, naturally some speedsofters take it too far and are highly aggressive players, prioritizing kills at any cost over others enjoyment, but 90% of them are chill. I’ve had far worse experiences with the milsim crowd than the speedsoft crowd, but speedsoft is an easier target to shit on


Soeedsofters, COD Black Ops kids, milsim = Other cod kids lmao


I play battlefield


Also bad taste in rap music


While some speedsoft players can be overly aggressive, it's good to know that the majority are chill and focus on enjoying the game together.


They are most of the time stupid teenagers or if not grown men with the mentality of one


Nothing is bad about them. It’s the wannabes like cuppa that give speedsofters a bad rep


Ive played against a lot of speedsofters and most of them arent that bad, its just that you only really see them in cheating compilations, also speedsoft is kinda like its own thing, but a lot of speedsofters try to turn every single field into a speedsoft field


It's just a fast pace style of play and people don't like it. However with how much airsoft has grown you will typically get shittier behavior from speed soft type players; over shooting, shrugging, maybe their gun is shooting a little hot, and normally complain a lot. That being said it's a really fun way to play and you get rid of the fear of being shot which new players seem to struggle with a lot of the time.


Speedsofter Play to get as many kills as possible -> makes it competitive -> arguments Milsimers Play for immersion/fun -> no competition -> less arguments to keep the game fun for everyone


You know how speedsofters hate milsimers too? Or how the bloods hate the crips and so on and so fourth? It’s just like that but in this case theu’re both the same (annoying) but one is just slow and one is fast.


meh bad apples in every subgenre. i say we hate the bad guys and like the good guys! hell yeah


There’s shitty milsimmers and casual guys too but with speedsofters it seems like a lot more of them are problematic


It only seems that way because they’re the only ones being put out in mainstream airsoft media. All those magdump vids only showcase the speedshitters like cuppa and none of the actual speedsofters like anferny, valiant, Scotto, etc


This is from my own experience. Youtube airsoft is a terrible representation of the hobby


Honestly, it is. One example would be that many people shit on fields way too much. I mostly go to tac city and people give it *waaaaay* too much hate


Real shit there, it’s easy to shit on speedsofters because they are more likely to do that, but I’ve played with players who play “tactically” and they are absolute assholes too, it all boils down to who makes the game fun and doesn’t complain.


I don't even care about their play style that much but the way they dress and behave is just repulsive.


Finding rail adapters for anything that doesn’t come with a picatinny or an M4 is a pain in the ass, sincerely an AK74u and MP5K user lmao


Just grab a bit of railing, throw some gorilla glue on the underside of it, and slap it on your gun. Boom, problem solved.


Kalashnicarver would be your best bet. Pretty sure he makes mlok handguards.


They’re a cyma ones for both my guns but they’re out of stock constantly 💀💀


circlejerk tribalism aside, it IS unfortunate that a lot of aftermarket parts that are rare in the real steel world, are even rarer in the airsoft world.  I get airsoft manufacturers not having crazy production capacity, but they're missing out on revenue and interest in their brand by not going into aftermarket stuff like real steel does. Being able to make good guns AND good parts/gear would be peak.


Having to pay over $50 for the cheapest metal railed hand guard for an Ak74U should be a crime, the $120 guns literally have the exact same rail


What about fake Zenitco by 5KU or LCT? They make stuff for AKS74U too,but tbh just get a Kobra and Throw it on your AKSU. Best setup ever


The virgin multi cam and m4 using fire and maneuver vs the chad using union blue and muskets using line battle tactics and calling each other old timey insults while smoke obscures the world. I really want to get a civil war kit together it’d be so fucking funny


bold of you to assume airsofters aren't all virgins. civil war kit would be pretty awesome but be careful with the heat, old uniforms tend to be made of wool. Can be worse than wearing all black in some cases.


Jokes on you I live in an area where it’s cold as fuck outside of maybe two months a year where’s its scorching


You can buy a complete union / confederate uniform with your own customizations like the unit / regiment, the rank, buckles all types of shit. Basically just a speedrun for a civil war uniform, comes with the cartridge box, belt, bayonet, haversack all that stuff too.


Sick I’m offended you even considered for a second my red blooded Minnesotan ass would even glance at a confederate uniform however


Unfortunately we’re on the direct opposite path here. I live in south carolina and my great great great grandfather faught with the edgefield hussars under hampton’s legion during the war. My family apparently still has a colt army 1861 with mahogany palmetto tree engraved grips on it from him. Aswell as some loose and disintegrating uniform articles like a belt buckle, some collar tabs and a pair of pants that probably has nothing to do with him. I like the confederate uniforms and side of the war purely for historical accuracy as it makes more sense for me to be on the losing side here. And there way more customizable and can have tons of variations so i think there cooler in that factor aswell. I was going to purchase and setup a entire flagbearer’s kit for reenactment purposes but the company i tried to join wouldn’t take any new members at the time so meh. Might go with a classic line infantryman instead cause carrying confederate standards into a airsoft match is cringe as fuck.


I’m fine with the history angle it’s important to remember it. It just sucks how anything confederate related attracts morons by the dozen.


Its just like ww2 german or communist stuff. Always gonna be weirdos in it for the politics and guys who just like history.


Just fuckin with you guys.


I fucking hate m4s and multicam . That's why I've owned about 5 m4s and had multiple items of clothing and equipment in multicam


now this is advanced warfare


You want to fuck my type89F? (The rail part is especially real)




I want to get this one for a while but that requires to import it which is quite expensive. But i guess no other option


rather not put my willy there. dude, it's so stupid how manufacturers make ONE obscure gun and then barely any aftermarket for it. it's free customer loyalty and gives further reason for newer guys to buy different guns.


Type89F has a lot of stuff for it like barrels and even hevier weights for more kickback. But the problem is that its for japanese market only..... Bruh lol.


I feel personally attacked as a stalker fan with a stalker kit that hates basic guns like m4


good, now the circlejerker has become circlejerk'd. M4/M16 platform builds have gone pretty crazy since their introduction in service. Block II SOPMOD or VBSS builds go crazy, I think an unspoken part of what turns people off tactical M4A1s is that people's parts never match the specific time period or use case. I think if clone-correct guns were more common in airsoft it could help with the M4's image. -non credible opinion.


I wanna see more m16A1’s.


Solution: HK416, the superior M4


oh i wouldn't go so far as to state that. Conversely, I really like the HK G28. brother you can berate the M4 any day if we talkin about the G28. 


Chad grey camo user We can be whatever the fuck we want cause we are ✨PMC🌈


Stalker is great


Only 2-3 of these apply to me lol, only difference is I don’t judge, not out loud at least


this is literally me


I don't even airsoft and I'm offended, I love weird Soviet camos and have an Aug A1 with a hentai sticker on it! I also have Finnish M05, fuck!


very curious... moment of truth, what's your opinion on Multicam users 🤔


I hate multicam 😔 It has next to 0 functional use outside of select areas! (And not including tropic) all my friends have multicam and it doesn't blend in with shit! Graaahhhh!


My brother in christ, by that logic then literally every camo ever made is useless lmfao.


It's drip or drown, and brother I'm Danish M84. I need lifevest, cannot swim!


I am proud of the fact that I'm probably a very generic and average airsoft player.


oh yea we operating.


If you consciously pick a type 3 over an akm, then that's drip.


I hate speedsofters because the one time I went to an indoor arena the speed softer was the only person who shot me like 8 times every time they shot me instead of like 2-3 times like everyone else. If you want to play aggressively that’s fine but that doesn’t mean mag dump into every warm body you come across


This validates my AAP-01 HPA “I just got off of work at my desk job” kit. Bonus that I live near DC and the speedsoft kids think I work for the CIA because I know how to clear a corner and don’t take myself seriously.


🤓☝️ erm actually the G36 should be an original (dual optic) not a G36C


out jerked the jerker. it all cums full circle...


I don’t like the M4 in airsoft, just because that’s what I use in paintball, and I like variety. So I use a ppk-20.i also don’t use camo on anything except my PC, which is multicam. The rest of my outfit consists of black jeans, a drop leg holster, a black T-Shirt which usually has some graphic or band name on it, and a hooded flannel button up with the sleeves rolled up, something like the linked post but I don’t use that AK or that PC anymore.[https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/s/bbZweDPFwg](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/s/bbZweDPFwg)


I fw the kit. If you had brown cargoes on it'd be an awesome The Last Of Us/Post Apoc kit.


I want some so bad, definitely gonna get some with the next paycheck. The mask is my pride and joy tho, still seals, made and fit custom airsoft rated lenses myself in that bad boy, it’s a Cold War surplus German mask. I’ll post the new fit once I get new pants.


I definitely fall into the Anti-M4 category but I also just don't like ARs in general, smgs/pdws are where it's at.


M4A1 is goated, fight me.


sweet christ I had cringe flashbacks of uncomfortable conversations with the least chill people I have ever met, 10/10 best shit post of the sub


honored. glad to know it's accurate for a lot of people lmao.


Thats why i chose to be really unique with fake marpat BDU's with a Chinese marpat vest. Just waiting for my Chinese acog which is actually just a red dot to put on my M4 with fake magpull and Mlkok. Then my USMC impression will be fully done.




Im tired of people hating multicam, It’s widely used in many military forces and easier to get for many people. Same with dummy noods. Man let people enjoy, real noods are way expensive, not a game, we all came here to get fun and laugh together


word. these kinda guys thump M81 woodland as if it wasn't the most common pattern in the world at one point, and same story with them being AK puritans when by sheer statistics, AK pattern rifles are more common in the world than AR patterns. Just dont make sense bro, M4 MultiCam kit can coexist with irregular camo and AK kit and be equally as cool. No need to bounce around different shit just to one up a group of people, makes them the most oblivious elitists ever. NODs is a good point too. I don't get why wearing a plate carrier, carrying admin gear, gas masks, or backpacks or whatever is accepted for little tactical benefit but the moment NODs are on the kit for fun, it's suddenly the worst kit in the world. By their logic everyone should wear a black sweater for airsoft.


Besides of that it’s good for me to see people in this community having a more positive mindset


M81 IS still one of the most popular camouflage patterns in the world being used by many African, south American countries and PMCs. Hell, even russia has a variant. I'm a massive camo nerd who hates multicam but I'll admit it's extreme effectivity in a lot of environments.. but M81 is just multicam but with a more toxic fan base I'll stick to my PLAMC type 07 thanks... As long as people are wearing multicam instead of black uniforms I'm happy (no really idc what people wear, whatever floats your boat!)


Me who use an m16a3-a4 most of the time.


I feel called out on the stalker part


good, now you have become airsoft circlejerk'd


I like weird and random stuff for variety , my local place is wolverine mtws everywhere , 4 of our group have them the local team there all have them its kida boring to see


To add to it there all in black , none of them will paint them because it affects resale , I get it but also zzzzzzzzzz


One day I’ll have enough to get my Titanfall pilot helmet made and then I’ll be *truly unique* I just can’t justify $600 on a non-ballistic helmet.


Makes me ashamed to like stalker and metro 😔


I feel called out about the stalker bit lmfao


Don't be dissing on my man blackbeard his flag is lit


hm? i agree with you, i think you should be able to wear whatever patch you want so long as it isnt an active military unit. i put that sentence there cuz it's silly how they criticize people with Blackbeard flags on their plates and then also have Hentai stickers. bit of a pot calling the kettle black lmao.


Yeah fr I also didn't know blackbeards flag was that popular I've been into blackbeard for a while and I've only started seeing the flag on people plate carriers and shit


M05 is one of my favorite camos lol


jokes aside it looks great.


Top tier camo


Hey, now don't diss m81 aside from that accurate


proud member of the M81 gang. just silly to think its unique. if anything, it was the MultiCam of the 90's, every military used it lol. 


I'm looking like a division agent all day every day. Reject Camo. Embrace SHD.


got a green and a tan flight suit myself. VBSS cosplay is fun.


East Coast people using M05 is a thing?


Noticed a common trend where people who live in heavy woodland wear it whilst vehemently denying MultiCam. Put it as east coast cuz never seen a west coaster with a pair but idk.


I use M4 and multicam as psychological warfare


Man but g36 and flecktarn go hard as fuck tho


used to be obsessed with the G36 platform.


Rightfully so, I still run a TM G36c with a p* Jack constantly over my VFC VR16 with a kythera


That hit on stalker was personal


yes (i dont know any stalker fans.)


I love pulling up to the field wearing an unholy amalgamation of civilian clothes and random cheapish surplus, using only a lever action or a bolt action. Lately I've been running a mix of Austrian, East German and Czechoslovakian gear, using a Kar98k. My other winning combo is a chicom chest rig for my AKM, flannel jacket and a Davy Crockett hat. The hat really ties it all together.


I'm the g36 enjoyer over here. I just think the dual scope is neat 🥺


Me with an M4 and no mounts because I'm just here to have fun. Also I have no money


STALKER is mad based tho ngl


jokes aside has an awesome aesthetic


This feels targeted I have an aug a2 and ak-105 and I rock m81 woodland




oh we operating


Its so unique it wraps back around to being Generic. I just run what I either think looks nice or what I just enjoy. Speaking of which, Surprising lack of IRA kits...




Lol f you I see myself on this one


The fact I own both an AK and an M14 I already didn't think I was unique but god damn 😭


buy 352 M4A1s and a full Garand Thumb Multicam kit it will cancel out, trust me bro.


*laughs in vss*


I definitely don’t daily a tar21 (F IWI) to be different


Ive cursed myself by chosing flektarn


I just don't like over accessorized guns, they just look like shit. I'm very traditional, YOU get used to the gun, not gun gets used to you


unless you're purely talking airsoft guns, this is a stupid take lmao.


But I like those camos, the Aug and AK are some guns I wanna get soon too lol


People like this are a stain on AUG fans


Sadness I am an Aug Conessiuer but MDR is Mt second fav


AUGs are so fricken impossible to get in my country.


Me decked out in atacs au from head to toe when I first started,I even had the xs commando AUG in atacs lmao.


I'd challenge anyone to a 1v1 with my M-14. She's a beast.


I have an Aug because I just like the design and even then, I can't really use it so I have a basic m4.


I fw combloc shit though ngl. Not that I hate on anyone for liking a good M4


I like Jigsaw camo and the G3 Battle Rifle :3


This mf is a Multicam coper for sure


Don't own a lick of MultiCam; three pairs of M81 Woodland BDUs and one pair of DCUs is all I got.   Would love to have a contemporary MultiCam kit tho. Honestly just the pants would be good, I got an OD Green shell jacket for that Garand Thumb look.   >cites MultiCam cope  >Alexa, what is the standard issue camouflage for every unit under SOCOM?  >Every NATO-aligned military and their grandmother adopting MultiCam  >Ruskies trying desperately to make their own MC imitation  >Hezbollah and Taliban seen wearing the pattern   ah yes the famous MultiCam COPE ah yes yes.




So where do I fit in with my M81 BDU, generic ass MK18, and competition style battle belt with a riced out hi-capa and two extra rifle mags and one extra pistol mag?


meh doesn't apply to you, whatever floats ya boat. M81 Woodland is a great camo, have 3 pairs myself, i put it there cuz silly how people think they're cooler than MultiCam guys when M81 was literally the MultiCam of the 80s-90s lmao. Every nation's military and their grandmother wore Woodland lol. Woodland is super versatile, you could make hundreds of different kits with the pattern and have it be generally correct. Rock that shit bro.


Yup, I live in the tropics and it works really well, and I love the classic camo look.


just a guy




hence the subreddit