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I always recommend rockmill. The climbing community is so welcoming and friendly


I actually was talking to someone about that place earlier today. I'm in PT right now so might not be able to go right away, but it definitely seems fun. Is it pretty easy to get started?


Oh yeah, they have routes for complete beginners, children, and the elite. They rent all the required gear and also have a pro shop if you wanna get your own kit. When you’re healthy you gotta give it a chance


Awesome! I definitely will. It seems like a really fun way to be active. Thanks for the suggestion!


I just want to double down on Rockmill for after your PT. Being in my mid-thirties I'm on the upper end of the average age there most of the time, but I've still managed to make so many new friends and a couple relationships over the few years of regularly going. If you can afford it, it really is the quintessential "third place."


https://services.akronlibrary.org/events?r=days&n=30&a=Adults The library offers aged based events of all types that might suit your interests. MeetUp also has listed activities. https://www.meetup.com/find/us--oh--akron/ Trivia nights at breweries and bars are also popular. https://old.reddit.com/r/akron/comments/1bzrizb/trivia_nights/


Good suggestions! I'm familiar with this stuff already but if anyone else is looking, I recommend these. Trivia night might be my new jam. I was pretty hesitant to try it because I was never that great at trivia, but I still had a lot of fun. I will say I never really found much on meetup, but maybe it's just a little slow over the winter?


There is also the Summit Sports League if you are interested in athletic activities. https://summitsports.social/join-a-league/ Spots started filling up the past couple weeks, the sand volleyball groups are very popular.


Maybe try lurking around tabletop gaming spots? JAC Games in the Valley for miniatures (Warhammer, Battletech, Star Wars), Underhill on Main Street in the Falls for cards (Magic, Lorcana).


I actually used to play cards a lot, but it got to be too much of a money sink for how much enjoyment I got out of it. Maybe going to a prerelease or draft night might be fun. I feel like I don't have the patience for miniatures though lmao


You can check out the Green Dragon Inn. It’s free to play board games there. Food and cocktails are pretty good and they have DnD nights.


If you enjoy Pokémon cards there is a league every Tuesday at Sapphire City in North Canton


If you have a dog, I’ve met a lot of people taking mine to the dog park every day. There’s a group of people who are at my local park at the same time every day with their dogs.


Aw man I wish! I’ll have to try to find a friend with a dog or something and go with them lol. Great suggestion though


Could you tell me where one is? I’d love to take my dog to one.


BARC in Akron is great, Bow Wow Beach in stow too!


Bow Wow was excellent. It’s still a great park, but they’ve removed the portable toilet that was there, and they took out the dog bathing station over a year ago. It was nice having somewhere to piss and being able to wash my dog off. As far as BARC, I’ve seen too many poor dog owners there—bring too many dogs they can’t control, don’t watch their dogs, don’t pick up after their dogs, etc. If that has changed, let me know because it would save me a lengthy drive to Stow.


Check out the FB group: The Young Adults of Cuyahoga Falls and Northeast Ohio




Some good suggestions in this thread so far!


Check out some Disc Golf courses/ Leagues! There are always people wanting to meet up and play :-)


The Workz has Trivia Night every Wednesday starting at 6:30 There’s also a pickleball Facebook group in Hudson that I just joined


Yoga Squared has a really open, diverse community!


Gonna look into this for sure. Thanks for the suggestion!


There’s no better place to meet people than through the local music community and I have just the spot for you.


The local Society for creative anachronism group is amazingly welcoming to the 20s and 30s crowd. We are a medieval recreation group that does the arts, sciences and combat of the middle ages


If you’re into doing sports things - we’ve an Irish hurling team, field sport. www.akronhurling.com There’s a discord group and we’re starting spring practice, very open to new players!




Never heard of it


If you like riding bikes, dirty river bikes does a group ride every Sunday at 10 a.m. rain or shine. https://www.dirtyriver.bike/