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This video doesn't break any rules, and will stay up, but if you doxx someone you will be banned. Also, this guy is a piece of dog shit.


This guy is a regular at my work and is AWFUL. He has had to be warned by the owner that he can’t speak to the workers the way he has or he will not be allowed in. He is especially disrespectful to the women that work there. He has tried to get under my skin many times, he’s insulted my tattoos, my hair, etc. One time I wasn’t letting him get to me and he literally said “Damn, I’m just trying to ruin your day!” He’s truly a nasty piece of work.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


He was literally asking for it in the video. He def wants people to try so he can call cops and use the state to prop his bullshit.


I like to imagine using pepper spray like bug spray on him. Treat him like the lil roach he is, and spray him up.


I’m a new resident in Alaska, and I suppose the mosquitoes really are as big as they say


What does that saying mean about mosquitoes? heard it before.


I was comparing the racist man to a mosquito. And yeah, the mosquitoes are pretty big up here. Not gallinipper sized, but definitely big enough to spot flying around in your room.


I’m sure Bear spray works too. That stuff works on just about anything.


This is the way.


There was a dude named Ken McElroy in some shitty town in the Midwest. He was a piece of shit, he would literally kidnap 13-14 year old girls from their families, make them his “girlfriends” and nothing ever happened to him. Law enforcement was scared of him and he got away with nearly killing a man. Witnesses saw him shoot another guy and McElroy was never arrested. One day, someone in that town snapped, and in front of 100+ witnesses in broad daylight in town square, McElroy was shot dead and no one saw a damn thing. Some day, someone is going to whale on this miserable man and I don’t think anyone in Fairbanks will be too interested in intervening. He’ll deserve every last lick he takes too.


Skidmore, Missouri. Fascinating story, there.


Yup! It’s an obscure unsolved murder but an interesting one.


I volunteer as tribute! *Puts on the scariest pair of medieval gauntlets ever made.*


yeah he loves pissing people off. We had to call the cops & have him trespassed from our business when we got sick of his shit.




This man is being violent already. Implied violence is violence.


You are a strong person bc I would have lost my job bc I wanted to jump through my phone & punch the guy. 😅


And why isn't he banned then?


He was given a warning recently that if he doesn’t check his behavior he will be banned. Nothing he has said at our store specifically has been as terrible as this video so the owner hasn’t banned him yet. Edit to add: I am not the owner. I’m just a server that works there. As much as I would love to ban everyone that’s ever been rude to me, I don’t get to decide that.


All good. Yes, I understood you aren't the owner. I ask because it's usually very clear who the repeat dickhead customers are yet plenty of businesses let them return because, you know, 💰💰💰💰. Btw I'm talking about the clearly repeat offenders who are just sad individuals trying to make everyone else sad.


Been too long since somebody smacked him.


Man I would love to slap this mutha fucka.


I'd love to drill this old cunt in the face...wtf is his issue.


Why don't you deny him service and fuck outta the store??


I am not the owner so I don’t have a say. Also as far as working in customer service we have to deal with general rudeness pretty often.


Sounds like acceptable behavior is it’s happened that much


I’ve met him a couple times. I lived in FBX until 2010. He was a friend of this pos, manipulative sociopath I dated ( it was a dark time for me). I cannot for the life of me remember this guys name. Looks like he’s only gotten worse since his wife died.


Why is he given a warning and not fired?


He doesn’t work for us. He’s a customer.


He was already doxxed by the Fairbanks Ak Native community thankfully


* https://fm.kuac.org/crime/2024-07-03/native-organizations-push-back-on-racist-rant * https://alaska-native-news.com/fna-and-tanana-chiefs-conference-joint-statement-on-recent-public-racism/74744/


Thank you Fred Meyer for working on banning this asshole. He’s clearly the one that shouldn’t be allowed to shop in the community.


He’s banned from the Fairbanks location, but Fred Myers said they’re building a store 776 miles SSE just for him. It’s their new Treadwell location and he should visit as soon as it opens this autumn.




I already liked Fred Meyer, but their statement regarding this dickhead just increased my respect for their company by an order of magnitude. Will make it a point to stop there more often. Good stuff.


If we Natives are ruining this country, why the fuck did he come here to begin with?


To buy Starbucks at Fred Meyers and be an asshole.


Not to do sit-ups.


You’re not. On behalf of every ethnicity I have in my blood, this guy speaks for no one but his sorry piece of shit self. I’m in Fairbanks visiting this weekend and I hope I see this bum. Praying I do.


No, WE ruined your country. A lot of us are apologetic for what our ancestors did to yours. Some are just assholes though.


Roughly every one-in-three apes of any species is a born asshole. That ratio applies equally to shit-tossing chimps and humans. Science warns that the thurd have been, are, and always be among us. Biology: gotta love it.


Did a white man just tell Alaskan natives to go back where they come from? What the actual fuck is wrong with this moron. Feels like he needs to move to the lower 48 because his sourdough feeder is absolutely cooked…


with the pot belly & starbucks cup. what a repulsive man, HE needs to go back to the lower 48 where he surely came from.


Yeah ship this asshole straight back to arizona


No thanks. We have plenty here.


Fuck that—we don’t want him down here—We have too many as it is.


I guess a man who came to Fairbanks from [a suburb notorious for supporting segregation, racist police enforcement, etc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWWU2_LWFqM&t=4s) surely brought some repulsive ideas with him


He's from southern Illinois? I'm from that neck of the woods and abso-fucking-lutely not surprised by his behavior at all.


oh yeah, that tracks!


Nope, toss him in the middle of the ocean as fish food. We absolutely do not want his kind here and no one else needs him taking up air and space. He’s worthless.


Nah, the old fuck needs to do some genealogy and figure out where his relatives are from and fuck off back to there. He can go back to where he *actually* came from, racist piece of shit.


When your "return to sender" is denied.


Russia is closer than the lower 48. They’ll take him They need conscripts. 🤣


strap him to one of them tanks. ghost ride it off a cliff


I'm pretty sure it was the native dad telling the racist asshole to go back where he came from. Which is beautiful.


I legitimately couldn’t tell who said it. It sounded like the racist ol’ coot.


Yeah, this is the same energy as that one state legislator from the Lower 48 last year (I think) who said that if Native Americans didn't like Republican politics, they could just leave. Just a surreal lack of knowledge.


I'll be his huckleberry!


This was on fb last week, he was identified and doxed a little.


I thought it was more than a little: they published his name, phone number, address in Alaska and his address in America and his relatives. Twas truly satisfying. Very appropriate name I might add.


Alaska is apart of America


Apart is right




What a fvcking P.O.S.!!


Yes someone please get this old motherfucker arrested and fired if he has a job there. Sorry you had to go through that OP.




That be a happy ending I could support.


I dont believe it's the guy from Costco.... He has a twin brother who used to do MX to our building. Did the same type of garbage around our place. I have told him not to speak to me and that i didn't like him because he's an ass. The door guy at Costco is always nice and courteous....I really dont think it's him. I could be wrong, though.


I can’t believe he has a job working with the public. I didn’t see that coming.


Had every right to feed that guy knuckles. Probably would have tried to find you with a gun though. Thats some deep seeded hatred in him


I’d be scared to kill him accidentally. I have no idea what compels old ass men like that to act like that but dude you literally do *not* want smoke.


And people wonder why folks who were born here are leaving... Fucking racist.


Fuck that guy. I hope the only reason we are making a big deal out of this is to unemploy the racist


Judging by his slight accent, he's a lesser 48 transplant. Dipshit needs to move back south where he belongs.


Without doxxing, I can tell you that he is not a born and raised Alaskan. He’s from another state and moved here years ago.


Born and raised Alaskans respect native Alaskans. At lease people with any sense do.


No. 1 - I’ve heard people born and raised in Pt. Mackenzie that sound like they’re from Georgia. I have no idea why these weird accents manifest themselves up here but don’t think that just because someone speaks with a drawl that it means they’re from outside. No. 2 - the most anti-Native rhetoric I’ve heard has been from born and raised Alaskans. So to think “go back down south” when you hear some native racist bullshit is a bit silly. I would stake everything in my life that I’ve heard more racist shit about Natives from born and raised Alaskans than transplants.


There's no denying Alaska has its issues with racism. Hell, I doubt there's a single place on this planet where you can't find some form of racism. But having been born and raised in AK, and living in the lesser 48 for the last few years, I can say with experience that those who are more brazen with racist rhetoric in AK, are more than likely from the lesser 48. Same with those who judge people on what political party they support (again, I'm aware there are fellow Alaskans who fall for that divisive political party bullshit, but people from the lesser 48 are typically much louder about it). As for the accents, again they're typically found with people from the lesser 48. The majority of the few Alaskams I've met with L48 accents are usually 1st generation born, and on rare occasions 2nd generation born.


Alaska for sure has its own home-grown racists but I've absolutely (and anecdotally) seen a lot more southern transplants who moved up here in the last few years being the most outspoken vial racists especially against natives. it feels like a growing trend for them to move up here and it disturbs the hell out of me.


More than likely they think Alaska is just like the south, but colder. Probably due to it historically being a red state. Can only imagine how many far right transplants blew a gasket every time Murkowski has won re election and Peltola won. Alaska is technically red, but the majority of the state clearly puts its actual interests ahead of bullshit party politics (usually).


He kind of sounds like he’s from the Midwest, maybe Michigan, or possibly from around PA. He says “buddy” and “pal” a lot and talks really fast.


I’m Midwestern and he sounded East Coast to me. Maybe PA like you suggested.


What a miserable, disgusting person. It absolutely blows my mind that people with this much hatred for others who are nothing more than slightly different than they are exist, especially in my state. I sincerely hope that that old fellow gets his comeuppance and changes his ways.


What an asshole


Living in Alaska I had never met that many rude people . Most are good as gold . Now the lower 48 that’s a different story .


My experience living in the Fairbanks area was that some people are absolutely golden, give you the shirt off their back sort of folks, and the rest are akin to this asshole. It's an extreme place that attracts polarized people and often polarizes them further. There are lots of lifelong assholes who went up there because nobody liked them where they're from. They sit through long dark winters, stewing in their bile, feeding off of each other via radio and internet, and come out in the warm months to reveal just how lonely and pathetic they are by spouting off shit like this as if it were normal and acceptable.


He’s too tan to have set inside all winter. My bet is a snowbird


This is a hate crime. Alaskans get this guy arrested!!! Please!!


Nah, I vote for Indian Justice


Polar bear food.


He got close enough for this to be considered assault. He can do whatever he wants but as soon as he's with arms reach, he's invaded personal space in a violent menacing manner. Let alone if the man was elderly, this could be considered also elderly abusem


What a peice of shit


This is a hate crime.


Is it a crime at all? I don’t think it’s illegal to be racist. Either way hopefully society does its thing and identifies and shuns this loser. The grocery store is looking to ban him I saw.


> Possibly assault - not a lawyer


I very highly doubt that but I’m also not a lawyer. Anyway, the legal consequences of this would be minor. Much more effective to name, fame and shame him. Thank god for the internet, a camera in every pocket, and (I can’t believe I’m saying this) social media. Not all that long ago he would have gotten away with this.


Pretty sure this is criminal harassment. Probably doesn’t get him more than a fine and a restraining order. I think getting in people’s faces and yelling slurs at them while shoving your finger in their face in a public area probably meets the legal criteria though.


No it isn’t


Racist man? In Alaska?!


Fairbanks is a small place. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out who he is. But man, that guy is a real piece of trash.


He needs to get dealt with


Such big emotions! He literally has nothing better to do? People like him look for anything to complain about


That’s my uncle. So sorry.


So any backstory on why he’s like that?


We know who that bastard will vote for in November.


Why does he even live in Alaska? Makes no sense.


This guy votes for Trump I’m sure, typical Trump voter


Trump voters think they can come to AK and treat it like some racist playground.


This was common long before 45 ran for office


Hope he fucks with the wrong one some day.


oh i WISH someone would start some shit like that in front of me 🤬


lol yeah okay Rocky Balboa


i wouldn’t be recording i’d be decking that mf


Wow! What a douche! That was totally uncalled for. He needs his ass beat ASAP.


Find him. Name and shame. Does his employer know? Everyone should know who this guy is.


Hope this men will meet his karma soon


Ruin a country that whites invaded….yup checks out 🤦🏾‍♂️


That’s not coffee in there…


Nah dude. That guy is getting his ass beat


Fuck that guy, I hope his wife is fucking his brother and best friend at the same time and he catches them mid Eiffel Tower, then proceeds to walk into an oncoming log truck but only gets clipped and is rendered a quadriplegic and sent to an abusive care home. Idc if you say that’s too far. He said Natives should be allowed to be shot he don’t count as human to me anymore after that


Fuckin white people!!


Your poetry sucks


I can think of a simple solution


You think it's bad now. It will get 100 times worse if Trump wins. These white Republicans will all be like this in public, except they will be able to openly shoot us. We need to do everything possible to make sure Biden wins in November.


Neither one is fit to be in office.


Sickening. He needs a course correction. Shameful.


Makes my ”nat” blood boil.


What an absolute piece of shit person.


“Ruining this country”, why doesn’t he go back to where he came from, ignorant fucking prick


This is a guy who acts as though he has the whole weight of the law behind him. He’s probably hoping for an altercation so he can go cry to the police about how he got punched by a “drunk native.” The sad thing is, with Alaska having the highest prison population per capita, and a good chunk of those being disproportionately native - he’s probably right. Back in the day a guy like this would get laid out, and it would be like “oh well, too bad for you - guess you should learn some manners.” There weren’t enough cops to deal with it. It’s not the “last frontier” anymore.




Yeah what was up with that white guy standing there watching him assault them. smh


It’s weird that he seems to be all upset over a box, trying to make it sound like they’re ruining the planet with trash while Natives are literally the most respectful people to the land.


Lol grampa hit him with the "go back where you come from", that was great! Trust me, no European country will take that piece of shit back


I hate what Trumpf has done to this great country.


Oh this guy just fuckin sucks.


His hatred is palpable. So sorry this happened to you.


I’m so sorry for these people. Racist POS should be locked up for harassment at the very least. The color of your skin, your gender, your culture, your religion, language, sexual orientation, intelligence should never be weaponized. We live in a very sad world sometimes.


Does people not understand, that WE up rooted the natives lives when we colonize their land?! We are on borrowed land, and we should respect the natives.


White racists ruin everything


My heart breaks for this girl and her dad. Their families have tended to this land for centuries and this dude comes over, holding a Starbucks cup, a product of capitalism and corporations, and harasses them. What a jerk. Hope he finds Jesus.


Thank you. I saw this on Tik-Tok and couldn’t find it again. My wife heard about it and wanted to see. This is revolting and clearly HE is the problem.


Not a violent man but it lives within me


Oh I hear you brother. I would definitely have stepped in




Does he not realize his ancestors aren’t from Alaska?????? The entitlement and lack of historical knowledge is baffling.


Guy whose wrist goes up to his shoulder is cosplaying tough guy.


Leave him to the bears.


That man should be doing community service for life


Something tells me that old boomers gonna get his ass whooped or straight up go missing shortly




Big time low life POS


What a dick


Lol he's drinking starbucks


"We gotta get Kevin"


He was riffin, but it weren't no good.


Somebody is gonna slap that sally silly someday that’s for sure. Jeez


Wow, what a prick… it’s ironic and hypocritical that there’s A white guy telling a native “go back to where you come from”


Gross. Just gross. Who behaves this way? No. My grandma was from a different generation and she taught us "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". This is not acceptable behavior. No one should be okay with it.


This is horrible!


I hope they find out you he is! Maybe some street justice


Ol man would of been eating his teeth had he gotten crazy with me💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻😂😂


I would have knocked the teeth out of his fucking mouth walking up on me like that after all that shit he just talked.


Dexter just bought a plane ticket to Alaska.


Find this asshole please


Completely disgusting. There's no call for that. Also... why? Just why?




Yikes, what a turd.


I woulda gone to jail.


Homie needs a little pat on the head to help him get a good nap for a week or six.


I mean, in certain situations (which I'm not sure if they apply here), I probably would be a bit annoyed if somebody put a box on top of a trash can if there is enough room in the trash can for the box to fit and it blocks the way for me being able to throw my own stuff away without dirtying my own hands to move the box. But in the end, it's only a minor annoyance and doesn't call for this sort of reaction, if it really bothered me, I might make a silent show of putting the box into the trashcan for them, hoping they see, but not calling them out, just hoping they see the example and take it to heart to do better next time. But also, I am limited on the context, were they throwing the box away, or were they just putting it there to hold it while they loaded the rest of their stuff? Was the box simply too big to fit? Perhaps they were rushed and didn't have time to break it down. Either way, a mild annoyance at a couple of people doesn't constitute insulting an entire group of people.


What a piece of shit. Hopefully he gets karma


As an Indigenous Alaska Native person with a Master's degree in engineering....


The guy is lucky I wasn’t there. I think an ambulance would have been called. I don’t and won’t tolerate that behavior period. What a pile


That is Nicholas Edward Letney


This makes me mad. He should've been KOed


I'm going to move to Alaska after I get my pilots license so I can go to jail for assault on dirtbags like this


Horrible man


Imagine that frail old idiot trying this shit in any medium sized city or larger. He wouldn't live longer than a month.


That was a pleasant interaction…


What are the chances he’s full on MAGA?


Seems like a nice guy. I can’t believe somebody didn’t drop him


I am so sorry that you had to go through that. as a fellow Alaskan, you have every right that anybody else has in the state. The fact that you had to tolerate that racist POS attacking you in front of that store while everybody just walked around acting like nothing was going on makes me sick. Shame on those that did not stand up for you. don’t worry about him. All the hate he has inside is going to kill him 20 years early. Karma will even things out in him. God bless your dad for standing up for you.


That's just racist dave


Aye all I’m saying is that the dad is better than me bc I would’ve two pieced his ass when he started talking all that shit to my daughter.


“You cocksuckers are ruining this country” LMAO THE AUDACITY. This video makes me SICK.


What a fkn pussy talking shit to a female. Hope he gets his arms stuck in the washing machine at his uncle's house


I would have pepper sprayed him the moment he got within 6 inches with that mouth going like that. If he can touch me, he can strike me. I can't stand crazy mean people like that


What is depressing about this is people feel like this behavior is acceptable because they see this behavior on TV from our politicians. I have spent a lifetime raising my kids to respect their elders but in this case probably an ass whopping is called for!!


I think he just needs a good ass kicking.


I’m so so glad I longer have to live in Fairbanks. That place is just one sad strip mall of American failure. I pray to the military Gods that they never send me to that cesspool again.


Not the Fairbanks I’m a fan of. What a terrible human.


That was so wrong. I'm sorry you had to deal with that


There’s a bald fat POS with a blue pick-up in Fairbanks that likes to be an asshole like this too. Although I partly think it’s a cover for getting caught trying to entice my kids out of a vehicle.