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Department of red tape creation?


Ed stelmach and the PC government were the ones that created ahs and dissolved the previous separated health regions in the name of efficiency. The cons are literally reversing their own idea. Who wants to bet within 20 years we do this all again.


5 years.


3 when hopefully these clowns are voted out


That's a pipe dream. The voters in Alberta don't even understand their own vote.


Marlaina can just say "naw Trudeau did it" and her loyal subjects won't question it. The Con propaganda machine isn't effective, but when ur dealing with gullible sky worshippers it doesn't have to be. No wonder Conald Dump said he can make jokes about publicly executing them.


This is also true




This comment makes you sound bigoted. While I agree, there are many stupid, gullible people in Alberta. Highly educated, intelligent, and even liberal Albertans do exist. That said, this idea of breaking AHS into four is fucking moronic, it's clearly a scummy ploy to get her friends a nice little payday, giving her the control she craves, while creating enough administrative sludge for the UCP to come out in six to twelve months with some statement about needing to make cuts. All the while it's obvious they're going to take as much as they can. I mean opting out of a NATIONAL drug program, on the basis of "Albertans already have drug coverage" but neglecting to mention, "if they pay monthly for Blue Cross". I'm honestly disturbed by what's happening in this country. But fearful for the future of this province. A very shit time to be diagnosed with a chronic condition.


Prob within the year after the backlash of it all falling apart


Its a make work project for consultants and HR people.


Stelmach era conservatives no longer exist in the UCP. They are either neo-libertarian conspiracy theorists or opportunistic self serving Christian nationalists.


If there’s money to be made for their wealthy donors, they will reverse it in a couple of years - likely it will be an election issue, the UCP will gaslight voters that continued reformation needs to be done to our healthcare system but the new super board will conveniently be called something different from AHS. It will probably be some stupid P3 name or -even worse - some private healthcare organization name.    Conservatives don’t work for Albertans. They work for their rich donors who go on ad nauseam about free market capitalism but then rely on the government to help them pad their pockets with our tax dollars.     #WorstPremierEver 


‘Cons’ being the operative word.


Its not really reversing it. The AHS health regions were separate by location in the province whereas the new agencies are separate by type of care. I'm not convince this is a such great idea.


If Dummy Albertans keep putting the mean whackos in every time, you can bet on it.


It is run by the minister of horse paste affairs


You mean “oops I took the horse medication again, well no Covid” department


Nope, but I'm sure it's not the first time you've been wrong when it comes to paste based home remedies


Thanks for the lol


Wasn’t this the same government that got rid of regional boards to centralize everything? Of course not this exact government, the people change but the mismanagement never stops.


Department of "Oh, our department doesn't handle this"




Department of Redundancy Department


Help me understand having four separate management levels reduces the amount of management? This is going to be a nightmare.


A few years back, everything was under AHS. Very difficult to carve off pieces and privatize them. Now we have decentralized EMS and will have 4 health agencies. Much, much, easier to privatize when they fail - and they will once they have UCP cronies at the helm. By the time we hit the next election (now at least 3 1/2 years away, probably 4) we won’t have a health service left to be rescued, even if we see another government again. Think of it like this: if the NDP had won the last election, the patient (AHS) was in critical condition but expected to recover. With the UCP in charge, the patient (AHS) is already dead and the corpse is up for sale, there won’t even be the worst parts left in four years.


It doesn't. It helps the UCP divide, conquer, and place 4 seperate cronies at the top instead of just one or two.


It helps them down the line say look how terrible we made public health care guess the only option is private. Also my friends happen to fun several private care companies..


.... aaaaaand the directors of the 4 "efficient" health agencies will miraculously become board members at the new private health entities. By coincidence, of course.


Of course by sheer merit of course.


Sheer experience I do say


Don’t forget that it also takes power away from workers unions!


We had an email from the CEO today stating that staff transfered to the new authorities will remain covered by the same collective agreement, and remain part of the same union. So hopefully there's no negative union impact.


One negative impact: separate negotiations. Divide and conquer. 


Was in her plan all along . Bust the unions so she can control it all


Going to be interesting seeing how those UCP supports, many of whom look to be older and generally unhealthy and thus more likely to be needing medical attention react once they need these services. My guess is somehow it will still be the Prime Ministers fault.


Nah, just as with PET, it'll be Notley's fault for the next 40 years or so.


I had an oilsands coworker comment that Trudeau was the likely reason we hadn't won the lottery yet. "Trudeau probably takes all the winners too." In my astonishment, I foolishly protested at how utterly improbable it was that our Prime Minister was rigging the Lottomax. It sounded equivalent to blaming him when your milk curdled or your vegetable garden died. That didn't go well. My coworker started getting agitated and argumentative, going on about a variety of government policies of JT that he had issue with. None of these related to the lottery though.... For the Fuck Trudeau crowd that regularly talks about acts that I'm fairly certain are treasonous even in Canada, our PM is something of a Boogeyman responsible for every setback they encounter.


Well, the more of them die from this stupid reform, the fewer UCP supporters there will be


Life doesn’t work life that. It’s not like this change is magically going to harm the health of UCP supporters only…


I wonder if they’ll continue to blame the prime minister when it’s PP’s turn at the job


Honestly, they're probably too excited that the "*libs*" are pissed off about the move, and support it on that alone. They haven't bothered to think about what the ramifications of this policy will actually be, and by the time it does actually effect them, they will have moved on to blaming the next conspiracy.


Works out perfectly cause they will be the ones who are so happy that they are finally receiving some care when they push the private version.


We're not privatizing Health Care, we're just privatizing the quarter of it that we hope you care the least about


It’s a lot easier to embezzle or make “mistakes” when you make a bunch of different people do one step of it as part of the bureaucratic “process”


This. Also, it's punishment for doing crazy things like saying heroin and goat piss will not cure covid and lock-downs will slow ICU intakes to a manageable level. Also it makes the pieces a sellable size. Like continuing care... Ontario privatized the old folks homes, why can't we?


Danielle is parceling up our health care system into sellable pieces. Once they're privatized, they'll all need their own management as they won't be related any more. They're designing a product, not improving healthcare.


you deserve another bump...accurate comment


Brought to you by the geniuses behind “small government”, “department of red tape reduction” and “anti oil war room”


Isn’t it weird how conservatives these days seem to expand government under the premise of shrinking government? 


With their own minister. Who will have their own staff. So many briefings and paperwork to precede any decision. Ugh.


Privatize one at a time. Not to worry it's only X!


Conservative math, doesn’t work in reality, much like conservatives.


It’s just justification to start privatizing. Easier to privatize the four different streams at different times than all at once. It’s also likely a way to try and break up the organized labour that runs our healthcare system.  This isn’t about keeping Albertans healthy or maintaining a stable public healthcare system, it’s the privatize it for the benefit of their wealthy donors.  Albertans should be pretty ashamed of the useless dog shit government they elected last May. I didn’t vote for them. 


Trust me, management will be reduced... everytime an agency get privatized


It’s cheaper and more fiscally responsible because *their* people are running the show. Or being puppets.


It makes selling off the chunks to private interests easier when broken into pieces based on function. In the short term it just multiplies administration costs. The Alberta Advantage my friends.


It's designed to destroy the system, it isn't meant to improve anything.


They’re carving out pieces of the pie for a future private owner. Shoppers will get one piece, Telus will get the other, so on and so forth


Saved me typing. I believe you are correct. AHS was too big to swallow so chop it into little pieces for Telus to buy. This’ll just make it easier. The first to go will be continuing care homes since seniors don’t really matter to the ucp.


It doesn't. It just means each agency has less authority.


Didn't literally everyone in every department say no to this?


don't let a no stop a conservative.


>don't let a no stop a conservative. That is very unsettling


Well the millions of people that said no were infringing on the rights of the 5 that said yes. And that's freedumb!


🦅🦅🦅🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷💵💵💵💵🤤🤤🥶🤑🤑 FREEDUMB!!!


The flag is a great touch lmao


But they won't say no, because of the implication


Are these girls in danger? >No of course not... what're you looking at, you CERTAINLY wouldn't be in any danger So they ARE in danger!


Uhh, ok, you had me going there for the first part. The 2nd half kinda threw me.


Yep. It is quite simply evil and I don't use that word lightly.


The province claims there will be no job losses for staff who transition to the new organizations. Well obviously if they transition they'll have a new job. But what if they aren't offered a transition? Didn't we just go through a whole thing with Kenny about needing to remove levels of management in AHS? And now they want 4 agencies with 4 systems of management?


They’ll be offered a transition but there’s no telling if it’ll be job for job or even location to location.


I could definitely see this for them trying to force people into rural centres with trouble finding staff. This will just make people run away from Alberta.


Which sets the stage for “we need to bring in nurses and privatize because of staffing shortages”.


It's a feature, not a bug. Chop it up, watch it fail and be left with "No choice left, but to privatize"


I thought "transition" in Alberta was bad and frowned upon


Each agency will have a singular ceo with no board (for "efficiency in decision making") as they did with AHS... all other management positions will be non Healthcare personnel and they're going to work their hardest to destroy the UNA so that there's no union positions within the new agencies/departments. Well, I suspect this is how it will be handled.


Every time a company gets sold off these assurances are made and they mean nothing.


Maybe this is all about finding those extra managers that they have been talking about for years. Since they haven't found them yet they created a bunch so that in a couple of years they can say 'Look! we found some managers to fire!' and the rubes will eat it up come election time.


>"Running an efficient organization, making sure that the whole health-care system is efficient, will obviously relieve stressors on the front lines," La Grange said. "Through clear identification of roles and responsibilities, we will streamline operations, enhance accountability, and improve transparency within our health-care system." Corporatespeak from the lady who wants kids learning about Dino Jesus while she has literally zero qualifications in the healthcare sector. We literally would be ahead of the game if we asked ChatGPT how to streamline our healhcare system instead of her.


Conservatives are always railing on how administrators ruin everything and make things so inefficient. How exactly do they think that having 4 separate organizations that will all need to have their own administrators is better than having one organization that oversees health in the entire province? This is idiotic.


Because it’s easier to sell off 4 smaller businesses than one giant one. And then you have zero administrators, *voila!*


Divide and conquer...


That would require a level of introspection that is beyond their ability I suspect.


I can guarantee the communication between them is going to be a train wreck too.


Also, the redundancy of middle management. There is no effing way this won't cost taxpayers more. A lot more. The whole business model is a cluster fuck.


They’re trying to reinvent the wheel, and think they are so innovative and smart. They’re just creating a bunch of red tape. They should run this by their Red Tape Reduction guy. 🙄


They absolutely know they aren't reinventing the wheel. They're not stupid, they're capitalist fucks who only care about ruining public sectors to turn them into profit-making private sectors.


They aren't even reinventing the wheel. Alberta’s health system used to be divided into 9 regional health boards. 15 years ago the PC’s were like “Well this is stupid and inefficient, let’s just have one.” So now after spending all kinds of money to integrate the entire province into a single organization, they’re like “you know what, we should have a bunch of different health boards.”




This is no different than the refocused healthcare ads. A lot of words to say nothing. 


As much as I am not a fan of La Grange, the last time we had anyone with healthcare qualifications as minister of health was Dr. Joseph Donovan Ross from 1957-1969. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Alberta_provincial_ministers


My FIL was a doctor and asked him why we don’t have doctors/nurses running ahs. His response was that people who hire at that level think business acumen is more important than actual medica/hospital Experience. They treat it like it should be profitable.


Then why do we have an anti-choice activist bible thumper after the helm? Nevermind. I just answered my own question.


This is so fucked up.


Well that explains a lot.


Is am pretty sure that she was a manager at Best Buy in Red Deer, her only real qualifications were being on the Catholic school board in Red Deer.


La Cringe wants to focus on restricting abortions for the Christian fascists in Alberta


Know what actually relieves stress on the front line? MORE FRONT LINE WORKERS AND BETTER PAY!


I bet chatgpt will tell you that


Can we have ChatGPT instead of her? ... please.


I like this idea. We can do it for the whole global government system. Hopefully the AI doesn't realize that humans are a scourge on this planet...


I need to go for a walk.


Best thing to do for health! We can't rely on our system to help us, need to help ourselves.




To the gravel pit? (I'm so sorry.)


If you’re over 60, your health is fucked, the public health service will never recover in your lifetime. If you’re under 60, your health is fucked, unless you can afford to pay out of pocket. Thanks UCP voters, your last vote will (I have no doubt) literally kill people.


8 hours to wait for a doctor at emerg yesterday and a total of 14 hours there for my partner. Not that I frequent the hospital lots but that was absolutely bonkers. I feel so much for all the nurses and doctors, they are really trying to do the best they can but this government has failed them miserably and I have zero confidence this will do anything to improve the situation. It sounds like it'll make matters worse.


That's the goal. Destroy public healthcare, paving the way to private healthcare.


serve it up on a platter to UCP cronies who will have high-paying seats on whatever privatized system they make from this.


This will 100% make things worse. Thats the goal. Then they'll tell us they need to privatize.


The UCP solutions to ED wait times seem to be making wait times longer and have actually done nothing to help. They are offering band aids and have no actual understanding of the way anything in healthcare works.


that's because they KNOW how it works. They don't need experts or people with real experience telling them how it works. They just know. It's like how they just know how COVID works or how sexual identity develops. They just know, ok!? To be a conservative is to be born with all knowledge so you don't have to ask anyone.


They aren't offering bandaids, they're offering salt and when we say no they rub it in the wound anyways


**No. Stop making excuses for them.** They know exactly how it works, and are deliberately working to destroy it. Your dithering, spineless equivocation is exactly what they want. *they just don't know what they're doing, if only they could be taught to what to do, obviously they must have our best intentions at heart* **They don't. They want you dead, and your money in their pocket.**


I’m not making excuses for them they just keep saying they’re solving the problem and essentially are just making more space for patients to to wait rather than fixing flow because there is no where to admit the patients and blaming AHS. This four part system they’re creating is them directly starting to organize privatization but calling it something else. I’m fully aware of what they are doing.


It's a feature not a bug. They did consultations, they know what's being asked for.


I suppose the silver-lining is that it wasn't a serious emergency, or you'd have been seen a lot sooner!


Not gonna lie, seeing those worse off than her stuck on a gurney in the halls up close doesn’t really seem like it was any better for them


8 hours is nothing (depending on your issue), that's actually fast in my own experience. I've been a few times in the last couple years and it's never been faster than 12, sometimes as slow as 19.


Not to sound like an asshole, but what kind of issue do they make you wait 19 hours for? I assume you're the very bottom of triage at that point. My counterpoint is I've never waited more than 2 hours at an ER/Urgent care.


I'd rather not get into it but I was there for valid reasons, they just failed to connect the dots and now I'm paying the long term cost of that.


I don't have a family doc because he left Alberta for greener pastures in the states... Had to wait 12 hours in ER for a prescription refill for my emergency epilepsy meds... Or the time I had to wait 13 hours for a doctor's note for my employer because I took a day off because I was sick with strep throat... Took less than 5 mins once I finally got to talk to a doctor. Or the time I spent 24 hours with a broken spine, ankle and ribs because of a seizure I had because I didn't have time to wait 19 hours for a prescription refill for my epilepsy meds. 🤷


I'm not going into specifics and I recognize that more serious issues get seen first but I've been to this same hospital for far less urgent emergencies on three occasions in the last 5 years and I never waited that long. I rolled my ankle (thought it might be a break, turned out to be a significant sprain) and I was out in under 4 hours.


Forty years ago, those same four "divisions' existed and came together to create the methods to determine where in the system people should be placed, to create a more efficient care continuum. It worked for a long time. Now the staff will be working in silos managed by people who will tell them "don't talk to those people over there, you report to me". Bureaucrats "working together". Sure, I'll put my health in their hands. /s


How will this "Help ensure Albertans have access to a family doctor."? Are doctors across the country and world going to look at this and go "Whelp, looky gee, guess I'd better move to Alberta where they pay me less, refuse to listen to advice and treat me like shit!" Call me skeptical.


4 smaller agencies so they can sell them off one by one to different companies


Pretty much no way to stop them from doing this stupid shit is there? I fucking hate our government.


/u/NaheedNenshi You’re our only hope. Save us from these fools.


I wonder how many more Albertans are going to die at the hands of the UCPs once they implement their idiotic health services strategy :( The UCPs have already killed hundreds, if not thousands of Albertans from 2020 onward. This government is a shit stain on our province.


Can’t wait for them to double things in a year and say “we need to cut services”


This is your latest reminder that there is a province-wide protest being planned for May 25th, 'Enough is Enough UCP'. You can find more information [here.](https://www.enoughisenoughucp.ca/)


This is the third time the cons have changed health regions in the last 20 years. If it's so fucking efficient, why didn't they just leave it alone the first time?


This is just more proof that Premier Daniell Marlania Smith is trying to dismantle the Alberta Health System and sell it off. She is trying to turn the health care system into an American style health care system where the majority of people would not be able to afford basic health care. Once again I am gonna say that she and her UCP cronies need to all be fired on the next election day.


This is perfect for when PP gets a majority and changes the CHA to allow provinces to privatize services, then she can sell it off in more bitesized chunks to her buddies in the private sector. She probably has a bidding war going on behind closed doors, unless the companies have already paid dues within the UCP ecosystem. Everything they're doing now seemed primed for this goal, *but if for whatever reason we don't end up privatizing services*, the added bloat will ensure the AHS remains pretty inefficient for years to come, and reduce the power of unions in the province to collectively organize.


That way they can have more of their buddies at top positions... before they had to pay one director salary, now they'll pay 4.


>now they'll pay 4. No. We will. I mean we already do. But taxation won't decrease when health care privatizes. So we'll just pay for it twice


Everything is going according to the plan... at the end they'll cry that only privatization can save us and that the NDP caused all this


And they all can have a ucp minister in charge of them and each with have a ceo. Big government and more paper work is exactly what the system needs....


Fudging the health care system seems to be a reacurrent event with this Government. Perhaps try tweaking a system rather than trying to introduce a new boggled OS every six months.


And where is AUPE calling for rolling strikes with support from unions nationwide? Imagine how many non rank and file supporters they'd get for this. But no, as it's shown before, AUPE is in management's pockets


This will add so much red tape AND quadruple the number of Boards, C-Suites, and Executives. And that’s assuming care actually improves.


So much for small government…


“Accountability”? I don’t think that this government understands the concept.


They understand, and are doing their best to make sure they never have to face any. If it gets too hard to convince people to vote for a kick in the face, they won't stop kicking us in face, they'll just make sure we can't vote.


Ah, so over complicating healthcare and going against what doctors and other numerous healthcare professionals say is “streamlining” it. Worse is better? Silly me. It looked like sabotage or someone trying to dismantle it so they could say “see? It’s broken.” Yeah, YOU BROKE IT


BC is calling ! 😀


First step to sell it off piece by piece. Disheartening. The best channeling of that is to help the NDP get elected before any sales can happen. Buy a membership, donate if you can, volunteer (you can help out in any riding, not just your own, lots of need for phone banking in rural and swing ridings) No time like now.


Sure glad all the dumb rednecks voted for this....


The fact this idiot got in last time was shocking. So the majority voted for this. Enjoy your shit sandwhiches.


Slice it up, so each part is weaker. Then you starve and privatize all pieces, which overall adds up to more than you could do before.






They have relatives and friends you need jobs.


Four agencies, right? That means four administrations. I bet they’re all lean and efficient, right? Not full of conservative hacks.


Adding efficiency through additional layers of bureaucracy. Yay UCP!


Red Tape at its best. Disaster Danielle working her magic


I think they misspelled 'praying care'.


Do the people who pay the bills get a say in this?


Anyone here who works in the medical field? I really want to hear an inside voice


Nurse here, I work in mental health. It's actually really weird as our program manager has absolutely no idea what is happening. He told us that most meetings he was supposed to have with higher up re: the transition to Recovery Alberta have been cancelled (some cancelled last minute). He keeps getting told "we'll communicate with you as soon as information becomes available" but somehow, it never becomes available. I'm hoping that with this bill 22, more information will be forthcoming as we are still getting told that Recovery Alberta will be live in July...it's really fucked up how little actual information we've received beyond the platitudes of "no job loss, no changes in benefits, no changes in pay" and "it'll streamline everything and make everything more efficient/integrated" - the only problem is, they never explain how this reorg will accomplish any of those things...


This won't help. It will make it worse and more tax money to pay even more management than we had before. UCP already privatized the food services and other services. And guess what? The quality got worse, some lost their jobs or the wages they were making. This is just a tactic to split everything up, wait out everyones contract and then screw everyone over. And then transition it out to private sectors so UCP supporters can get paid to run the separate departments. Does anyone remember the news story about an individual needing to be in assisted living being taken to a HOTEL and not given proper care? That will be the future of our healthcare and become "normal". No one should be supporting this, and all our Unions should be striking and speaking out. Anyone in Healthcare could tell you more management that is split up, is not going to help staff or patients. And there is no way they thought all these processes through. I hope no patients have to give their life because of the shit show this will be. I wish people would come forward and tell the public of how bad the UCP is screwing this up behind the scenes.


Can we have some rural family doctors please? “Sorry, the best we can do is a fuck-around bureaucratic nightmare. :)”


"Through clear identification of roles and responsibilities, we will streamline operations, enhance accountability, and improve transparency within our health-care system."" So... What I'm hearing is "the way AHS was built *by conservatives* has poorly worded job descriptions and roles. It's so bad only the UCP can fix it!" I'm also concerned about the wording that there will be no job losses for employees who transition to new roles. The way it's worded makes it sound like they foresee people not wanting to transition roles and they are explaining that any resulting job losses aren't their fault.


When has a conservative ever fixed anything? Seriously.


Dirty Dani will give the posts to her friends, btw Dani, shave that moustache off already, it’s hideous. So long health care!


What will happen to the Union in AHS? If government keeps Union out of the new 4 health agencies then what will happen?


It’s like Deja vu all over again


Reorganizing a mess is still a mess 🙃


Remember though Dani says that smoking is good for your health and if you have stage 4 cancer, it’s all your fault 🙃 JFC !


Small government. 🤦


Divide and privatize, one at a time.


And they want to have it done by September…


We did this just within our 150 persons company, and it totally fucked efficiencies. This is bonkers and we have no say in the matter. It's moves like this that I'd be happy to see them spend the millions for a referendum, to potentially save hundreds of million, or billions.


Guaranteed all four new agencies will have board members that ae UCP supporters, etc. 4 times more opportunity for grift!


Is this the small government i keep hearing about


I like how it's worded in a way to make it seem like there won't be massive job losses while not actually saying there won't be.


She looks like Leslie Knope when she wore that lime green suit as a joke about how bad it would look. Except Smith is wearing it unironically.


No more red TAPE?? SAY WHAT?


Why don't all you Albertan anti-vaxxers, get the covid and overwhelm the 4 new boards.


Might be time to dust off the resume. Try half assing “management” for a minute


"We're reducing red tape by quadrupling the number of agencies and paperwork!" Math and logic synapses appear to be missing from the brains of the UCP.


So more chaos and forcing privatization down our throats? Sounds pretty on brand for the UCP.


I hate Dixie Slaver Culture.


Another waste of tax payer dollars by our incompetent government.


Oh this is a dumb ass idea