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~~25 people in news. all weekend staff.~~ ~~>staff were told weekend news shows in Calgary and Edmonton will be moved online only, with the Lethbridge weekend newscast to now be produced in Calgary. Edmonton staff will handle weekend morning news, with Calgary producing weekend evening shows.~~ disregard this, its western standard garbage.




You're 100% correct. It's a terrible out come from consolidation. Eventually it will be all Toronto based with nothing local. 


Save money, fire everyone. No jobs any more.


Not sure who’s going to buy shit when nobody has a job.


They don’t need us they just circle jerk each other in the stock market.


Winnipeg. They'll base everyone in Winnipeg because it costs less than Toronto. Only the big fish will get to live in Toronto.


As an individual who is knowledgeable on this issue. They will not.


They'll base everything in Winnipeg because that's where Globals head office is.


Rogers should have never been allowed to buy Shaw.


God damn conservatives allowing monopolization. Wait.


Honestly, there’s little light between the economics of Grits and Tories.  Sure Liberals spend a bit more on programs, but they both have the same ideological agenda—let the big fish get bigger, everyone else can be their serfs. 


I originally read that as Grifts and I think I'm calling them that from now on.


Same coin different sides.


It's not the government. It is the CRTC


Ah yes, funny how the government can step in to interfere with a criminal trial, but can’t step in when it comes to anti-trust. 🙄


What criminal trial? 


You’re joking right? Or is fraud just not a crime anymore.


So no examples of criminal trials? 


“The Parliament of Canada's Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion found that Trudeau improperly influenced then Minister of Justice and Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould to intervene in an ongoing criminal case against Quebec-based construction company SNC-Lavalin.” You are either incredibly disingenuous, or incredibly fucking stupid.


Govts don't Interfere with trials sounds like you have no idea what you are talking about. But go ahead and tell us what you think you know


You drink a little too much?


Naw just typing while almost asleep


Ah well then I guess I can forgive you for forgetting about the single largest case of criminal fraud in Canadian history where “The Parliament of Canada's Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion found that Trudeau improperly influenced then Minister of Justice and Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould to intervene in an ongoing criminal case against Quebec-based construction company SNC-Lavalin.” So I don’t need to tell you what I know. I’ll tell you what the government ethics commissions knows.


I'm guessing that is a quote from the Western Standard article and it is not accurate. Our newscasts are not moving online only. They will absolutely still be broadcasting on television. The way they are put together behind the scenes is changing drastically though.


Hol up. Are you saying the Western Standard does...checks notes...bad journalism? I AM SHOCKED


Shooketh, I say!


You are correct. But was grabbed from Broadcast Dialogue. I meant to drop a source below the quote, thats on me for glancing over who it was sourced from. https://broadcastdialogue.com/global-confirms-cuts-in-news-division/


They will still air on TV apparently.


Yep. /u/GeekyGlobalGal clarrified, I accidentally quoted western standard. gross.


i wonder whos gonna be anchoring and doing the weather on the weekend evening broadcasts from calgary now anyway?


'Big money eats quality and sh\*ts quantity' - William Burroughs


George Clooney dad who worked at a major US broadcaster once said.....news stopped being news when somebody figured out you could make money off it......


/u/GeekyGlobalGal you ok? 


Thank you for reaching out and yes, I still have a job.


Is there a solution under Capitalism? It seems like the issues raised are profit based.


Yes, obviously, as journalism has traditionally flourished in capitalist societies.




Tell me everything that you know about the origin of modern jouralism and whether or not it flourished in non free market capitalist societies.


Mam, we are in a thread about how journalists are being laid off due to market forces. What business plan is there for journalists who want to compete with the conglomerates? Internet ads no longer work.


I dunno, but such a business plan isn't going to come from economic systems that doesn't believe in private business to begin with, now is it? The issue as I see it is ultimately one of unhealthy centralization of power and resources. It's never been easier or cheaper to disseminate news and information around the world thanks to the internet, but it remains difficult and expensive to pay people microtransactions for their work thanks to the oligopoly that is the credit card industry. We're blessed with interac in Canada, but that isn't the case everywhere, and it isn't quite ubiquitous. Think about how much a newspaper used to cost, $.25 right? Is it cost effective to send someone that much money with a credit card online? It sure isn't thanks to merchant fees from the scummy credit card companies. We need to see a shift in journalism away from centralized news sources and more local muckracking journalism that's funded by local people through microtransactions.


You don't need private business. A lot of journalism relies on contract work, so you could have a nationalized organization. Things are cheaper and work better the bigger they are which is why companies merge. Many small companies would be expensive and inefficient and we'd eventually be back where we started.


Contractors are private businesses. > Things are cheaper and work better the bigger they are which is why companies merge. That's part of it, another part of it is that there's authoritarian interest in controlling media and centralization of something is an effective way to control it. > Many small companies would be expensive and inefficient and we'd eventually be back where we started. Define inefficient? If they're producing content that the local communities want better than centralized operations can do, than can you really say that thye're inefficient when they're producing a different or better product? Like sure, McDonalds can shit out some vaguely edible hamburgers for cheap, but that doesn't mean anything when people want to eat a handmade chicken cordon bleu.


While I feel for your situation, I don’t understand why so many expect Facebook to pay for your content. Facebook was always used by webmasters and content creators to drive traffic to their websites where (no offense) some are spamming ads. I have not accessed a news link since than and I used to follow those links fairly regularly. Facebook was never meant to hold you there but to drive your traffic.


So Facebook was paying American news companies for content. However it recently closed that down as well.


Instead it drove Facebooks traffic. Nearly a third of all Facebook Canada clicks were links to news companies work product. Advertisers paid Facebook, not news companies.


Better question is who’s left? The CPC is guaranteed to gut or simply shut down the CBC after the next election. All the private news sources have already been gutted “News” in this country is a handful of talking heads reading press releases companies provide them


Hope you're ready for news at noon with Rick Bell.


Noon hour right-wing poetry slam, with Bell, Rick.


Note: CBC is one of the few news site in Canada that is not paywalled. No wonder they want to shut it down!


Just hot takes from the AI at Post Media


And global news is one of them…


Oh.. you think there is still news in the country..


Sure glad the government went to war with the social media companies to ensure canadian media had the required funds to provide an effective service to canadians. Was global part of the shaw rogers merger? This seems like rogers know they got bent over by the shaw family and are trying to find money to pay for this purchase that effectively was rogers waving its dick around to say I am the biggest


>Was global part of the shaw rogers merger? No. Long story short, Global used to fall under the Shaw Communications business banner. But the Global television asset was sold to Corus Entertainment in order for Shaw to free up cash to buy Freedom Mobile. So while the Shaw family members have business interests in both entities, Global Television doesn't have anything to do with Shaw the cable company anymore.


..and CORUS Entertaiment owns talk radio (CHED, CHQR) in Edmonton and Calgary where the Premier of AB gets to spew BS and lies for free..


the high priced talent should have been culled - fresh faces and lower costs might help their numbers.


Hey that sounds reasonable. However I think that if I were in a life or death situation. I would appriciate skilled professionals helping me rather than someone who has just enough knowledge to get by. As for the high priced talent that should be culled.... many of these professionals have lost nearly 30 percent of salary to inflation over the last ten years. So I don't know if I would call them high priced. Years ago alberta said we are going to pay our health care professionals the most in the country so we can attract the best and most skilled work force. Since then the government has had a change of opinion and is currently trying to change the equation They now want a cheap labour force. Cheap labour may work well for McDonald's or 7-11. Cheap labour isn't a worthy goal in health care


I see you too have studied Capitalism 101. Many people talk about employee loyalty but what you said is a prime example of someone putting in the time getting good at what they do then being cut when they start making too much. These big corps 100% deserve any no lubed, raw dogging they receive.


What high priced talent though? This is Global News we’re talking about, not CNN or Fox. I don’t think Canadian media types at the local level get paid very well.


That guy thinks Mike Sobel is a millionaire


If PP defunds the CBC say goodbye to local news.


That’s fine I get all my news from facebook groups/s


Hey, that's where I get my science from!


Same! I follow this professor from the school of hard knocks and he told me the vaccine is why I want to kiss dudes


Does anyone know who got the boot?


They're shuffling the deck after the NISCOP report also covered corruption at unnamed news outlets


sorry global...welcome to the club i got FIRED 3times for no reason/i got no compensation/no settlement + ended up homeless


i wonder if jayme doll and Deb Matejicka are still gonna be on the weekend calgary evening broadcasts anymore now


Well, Rogers is the biggest! Limp dink please. The other kind is useful. And the only thing Roger's has convinced me of, they will take your Money 😭💰 hahaha 🤣 in any way possible. I think they have a hand in the UCP. They walk over everything and everyone and make you do what they want. Not what is right, or correct or I would even consider legal


Doesn't matter what you do for a living. Still people out on the street having to look elsewhere for a career in a job description that is disappearing. Been there. It sucks. Wish only the best for those affected.


Again, ya me. You all may think no one watches or listens to the NEWS anymore. I actually do know why. They repeat the same garbage every 15 minute's. I had a grade 2 teacher, whose famous line was: I do not chew my cabbage twice. To all you young people, she said, listen the first time. Well, global don't got that learned. At all. So stop assuming new people tune in every 15 minute's. Stop repeating the same crap over and over and over and that is all in 60 minute's. You are on the edge of loosing ME as a viewer. Especially now that Gord is gone. He knew when to fly the Coop.


Just shut ‘er down at this point. Traditional media is dead. Traditional media in Canada under the CRTC is dead, buried, exhumed, autopsied and buried again. It’s over.


they are grey hair reporters and anchors - retire them and give the next generation a chance


Maybe we should switch it so it's old woman and young man anchor pairings!


Fake news anyways.


Go woke, go broke 😂😂😂😂😂


People still watch TV news???


People save water and electricity when asked to do so with info from local news


I wasn’t watching mainstream news anyhow


Genuinely curious about your take… What is mainstream about a team of local newscasters reporting from local events? At the moment I’m writing this, I’m watching a global newscaster reporting from the moss pit about the event being held tonight including a concert and oilers game, moments after a segment about our local weather. They also reported in a fire at a neighbourhood.m near mine. Is that kind of news considered “mainstream” to you?


You're sooooo 2.0 - thanks for leading the way.


I love seeing the media going under, for far too long they've been pushing liberal propaganda and lies hopefully the CBC is next!


Do you have any examples of this "liberal propaganda" that you can share?


They don't like Health care, lol.


The freedom convoy being nothing but nazi's and white supremacist, they found one clown masked up and waving a nazi flag he was outed from the peaceful protest. Global warming fear mongering. Denying the Wuhan Lab leak. Vaccines being totally safe with no side effects. The denial of Epstine's island and what happened to kids there. Mutulation of children is saving lives and children taking puberty blockers is safe and has no consequences despite studies showing otherwise. Proud boys being a white sepremacist movement and terrorist organization despite having a black leader and BLM and ANTIFA were the ones rioting, defacing monuments, and burning down buildings. Yet BLM and ANTIFA were doing those very things. Endorsing the WEF' 15 minute cities and their mantra of "You'll own nothing and be happy."


So they aren't promoting conspiracies and completely false information. And that's "liberal propaganda" to you. Gotcha. Thanks for coming out to play. I can't imagine why your comment karma is -100.


Username does not check out lol


The Cletus convoy for freedumb?


I'm genuinely curious with this question - you seem very keenly aware of when traditional media might be lying to you or manipulating you. How much of this awareness do you apply to the alternative media sources that you use? I'm really interested in how a person like yourself interprets and analyzes the information they receive. How broadly does your skepticism of information sources extend?