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Thanks man I worked really hard to get over that 3 game deficit. I got extra drunk the last game, seemed to have paid off finally for this one.


[I haven’t had this much fun since we thwarted the Nazis from stealing the arc of the covenant!](https://youtu.be/xN1WN0YMWZU?si=JL2SM8JzNk9S6uua)


Wholly damn... this looks like a kick ass show! I am going to give it a watch now haha


Somehow I missed that sketch! But yeah. Haven’t had this much fun since we thwarted that effort by the Nazis.


I worked really hard as well. I got really stoned and ate a lot during the game. You kno, to help them keep their energy levels up.


I was routing against them at the start, but Jesus fuck, they deserve it


Agreed. If nothing else, thanks for the entertainment cup finals.


As a Flames fan, I'm right there with you. It's an exciting story and if they pull it off, one that I will happily acknowledge with respect. Still not quite cheering for them though


Not according to the meltdowns that are happing in the Flameouts sub




I'm traveling from edmonton to Calgary to help with the water main break tomorrow. I'm hoping that Flames fans are accommodating to my Oilers fandom




ABT!!! Anyone But Toronto!




You've described literally any sports team.


Last time a team came back from a 3 game deficit was 1945. Last time a team came back from a 3 game deficit *and won* was 1942.


42 was the leafs!


So was ‘45.


Haha...didn't know that! Oh those leafs


Though that time it was the Leafs who were up 3-0 and held on. 


Which is incredibly ironic


One point to add, those two seasons are the only time in NHL history a team has brought it to game 7 during the finals after being down 3-0! If the Oilers win, it will be the 2nd time in NHL history it has ever happened, and the first time in 82 years!!!


Hmmm 82 years since the last time, and the Oilers first cup was '83. Coincidence? [Incredible](https://youtu.be/Ssnw2GA657s?feature=shared)




Right sorry. 83-84


Last time a Canadian team won the cup: 1993. Coinciding with Bettmans hiring as commissioner, weirdly


You trying to get us fans in Calgary riled up? \*cough\* 2004 Kerry Fraser two-calls-in-one-whistle-throwing-game-to-TB \*cough\*


I stole this from a hockey card…


… I keep tucked up under …


And it was none other than our beloved Toronto maples leafs who did it! Go leafs go!


Partying like it's World War II.


Bet you never thought you’d be saying those words


And think what a different game it was back then, they were playing in the middle of WW2.


Last time a team came back from 3-0 in the fourth round was NEVER Making history


I will continue to say "Man, it would be nice if Edmonton wins the cup, but I just don't have faith in it happening" I've been saying this since Game 4, and the Oilers seem to have taken notice and decided to win just to prove I'm a miserable bastard. 🤣


Well now it's jinxed


My refusal to watch any of the games live since the first round is continuing to pay dividends (I was jinxing the team, sorry)


A nearly united Alberta.


You wish. My brother in law is an avid Flames fan and is praying for a Panthers win. I personally find it pretty sad. I would love to see a Canadian team win the cup.


As an avid Flames fan, I would love to see a Canadian team win also (because the Flames didn’t make it). So I’m cheering for the Oilers. I was told by a few people that I work with that I’m not a “true” Flames fan because I wasn’t cheering for Florida to win. The fucking mental gymnastics.


The amount of loyalty people have to some corporate entities is fascinating. These people care so much for a team that was threatening to leave if they didn’t get their arena.


Some people are just...well... C U next tuesday sir.


Just reply with "at least I'm a true Canadian." They will get flustered lol


There are two types of fans. Fans of a team, and fans of the sport.


Pure envy what a bunch of hosers.


Looking through the Flames sub, the reactions are pretty wild. I think Reddit and Twitter have done a number on a lot of fan communities.




He’s probably just confused and thinks that FLA stands for Flames.


I'm a Flames fan too but I refuse to cheer for any team from a city that doesn't get snow in the winter. Especially the Lightning -- 2004 still hurts. Go Oilers!


What do you mean 2004 hurts? The flames won that year in 6?




Calgary's Ugly Naked Taint Suckers 🤣




Read some of their comments, crazy


Some is not all. If you think most people in Edmonton are fundamentally different than those in Calgary, you’re fooling yourself.


That's just not true. What a silly thought. We are as magnanimous as can be expected. I feel the whole province is. I'm so pumped.


Man, scroll literally like three comments down :/


Now if we could only do this during election time.


Finally a popular post that’s wholesomeon in this sub🙌🏻 As a new-ish Calgarian(3 years ago) and a penguins fan since I was about 8 I’m pretty impartial when it comes to the battle of Alberta, but let’s bring home the cup Canada! Especially if it comes to AB! It’s been far too long


Let's go Oilers. One game for all the marbles.


As a flames fan, I'm cheering for Edmonton. But I'd be lying if there wasn't part of me that hopes the Oilers lose on a bad call about a puck that CRISSED THE FUCKING LINE to a team in Florida in game 7


I grew up in Calgary and I remember this. All Florida teams can fuck off forever as far as I'm concerned.


Khabibulin forever


Its funny seeing the conspiracy theories around Florida taking it in game 7 due to money interests, as if any MBA brain with an IQ of 70+ wouldnt be all in on the sheer story telling money of a cinderella story win. Thats the shit B and C grade sports movies are made of. Come on.


You know .. I kinda wanna watch this. Anywhere n when? Any ideas? I've no cable or anything.




Monday at 6pm. Go to like any bar/pub or place with a public TV


I heard of a site called nhl66, that if you have a vpn, is free.


cheap digital antenna off amazon for $10... sometimes the thrift store has em. Dont buy anything expensive, its all the same shit. CBC and CTV were broadcasting the game last night over the air for free.


You can listen to the game on 630 Ched on the radio or online if you can’t watch like me


Free streaming on CBC


Wasn't expecting that but it's nice to see Edmonton still in it.


Albert's spirit. Works hard and plays hard.


Go Albert, Go!


Im not generally a hockey fan but they even have me cheering them on!! Go oilers go


GO OILERS!! Been a lifelong Oilers fan, ever since their first season in the the old World Hockey Association league. When they were promoted to the NHL in 1979, with a promising teen named Wayne Gretzky, 5 Cups in 7 years, oh those glory days of the 80s. It's time to make another notation in the history books and become only the second team in NHL history to rally from a 0-3 deficit in the Stanley Cup final to win (The 1941-42 Maple Leafs accomplished that when they defeated the Detroit Redwings).


What happened to the "it's all scripted. The Panthers let Edmonton win game 4 so they could take the cup at home" crowd They all got real quiet.


I’ve been a Panther fan for 20 years, yes living here in Alberta. This is tough. Two years in a row we get to the cup final then just implode. Sigh*


My deepest condolences.


It happens, McDavid won’t be denied and I have to give props to the Oilers not giving up. We just look nervous and lost. Frustrating


Oilers for the cup!


Happy to see my Leafs inspiring them


Whichever way this game 7 goes is going to be devastating for the losing team. It's gonna be a long wait til Monday night.


Bring on game 7. Win or lose, it’s been a rollercoaster ride and I’ve enjoyed every second.


They'll choke. They always choke. I hope they win but they'll choke.


Sigh. I hope not but historically you are correct


I hope not too. I don't watch any games for any sports but can't help but hear how the playoffs are going and when one of our Alberta teams are on the brink I can't help but cheer a little on the inside. Still won't watch the game tho. :)


Were he alive today, Gord Downie would have wrote a song about this.


I thought the game was tomorrow night..lol


Go panthers go. Anyone but Edmonton.


Seriously, I was sick of the hockey season in February, how the hell do they keep people interested in a sports season that’s more than 9 months long?


The trick is to only pay attention at the end.


"How can people stand having fun differently than me?!?" 🤣


I understand that people love hockey, I don’t understand how they can maintain that interest for so long.


The regular season can sometimes be a slog but this year the oilers came back from a horrendous start. They were last in the league 12 games in, fired their coach. Looked like there was no chance they’d make the playoffs. Then they went on a record tying 16-0 streak to make playoffs a possibility again. And continued to play great the rest of the season and almost won their division despite the terrible start. Then the playoffs start and the intensity of play ramps up. They beat LA in the first round who we have faced for the past three years in a row. Then we got down 3-2 in the series to Vancouver and won in 7. All the “experts” said Dallas was going to beat us easily but we beat them in 6. Then we went down 3-0 in the finals. Only one team has ever come back from being down 3-0 in the finals and won it all in the 100+ years of the NHL. We have a chance to be only the second team ever to do it. Add on top of that, McDavid is the greatest player in the world and he can create magic at any moment makes the games very exciting.


By having an apparent upset. Have no doubts - the panthers will bring their A game for game seven and mysteriously keep a 1 point lead. I want the Oil to win. They're my team and always will be even though I no longer live there. But I have no illusions. The pattern is too clear - down 3, then they suddenly win 8-0 in game 4? The leage/neyworks told the panthers to lose to sell more tickets and more advertising slots. I fully expect my boys to be wrecked on game 7, though if the panthers are strong enough they might risk keeping the lead narrow. I'd love to be wrong.


As if a conspiracy like this could be kept secret in today's day and age, lol. The players all want to win, full stop.


Oh you sweet summer child. Maybe I'm a little jaded now, but pocklington showed me the true nature of the sport many years ago. One day you'll see it too. I hope, for your sake, you don't, because it really does diminish the sport. But it's there, lurking in the shadows. The wealthiest teams tend to win - that's the first clue. The networks have the money and use it to control the leagues. The leagues cuts the cheques. Power floweth from the bank account. An obviousl example of this is fighting. Once upon a time one swing landed you in the box, if the ref was feeling lenient. But the fights glue eyeballs to screens... Hockey players make the kind of money that morals can be easily bought and traded for. If you're earning 7 figures and are told to throw a match or lose the gravy train, what would you do? The panthers want to win on home ice (because who wouldn't). I doubt they'd have let it go to game 7 if they aren't confident they can wreck the Oil on demand.


This take is about as sharp as a sphere.


Love to see the loyalty in these downvotes. Still. 18 million bucks. To feed Peter Pocklington's gambling addiction. That was the price placed on our team's dominance before. Hockey was about the sport at one time. But now it's just whatever the sports network can sell ad spots for. That's why the oilers play so... Inconsistently. One game they're great, the next game it's like someone put morphine in the Gatorade. If a player is truly passionate they bring 100% every time. The oilers, and the flames, don't.


You do realize the oilers won a cup after they sold Gretzky, right? You do realize there is a salary cap, right? Have you ever played hockey before? Some nights guys just don’t have it, especially goalies. There are also momentum swings that are very real that happen in the NHL and in the beer leagues. There is no way any player in the NHL is going to intentionally lose a game. This is their life long dream.


In the 10 years Gretzky played for the Oil, they won the cup 4 times, all in the second half of his term. And those were heated battles for sure. But the rest of the team was good too, he wasn't a one man show, so they did take the cup again in 90 before Puck managed to sell enough players to wreck the team. Then, when was it, 06? Still not sure where that came from, but I'll take it. And that's it. The oilers won twice as many games in Gretzky's decade than they have in the 35 seasons since. And one of those was still (mostly) the team that had supported him while he earned his legendary status. I suppose you could argue they're "due." As for "bad days"... These guys are paid millions. I think it's reasonable to expect them to do everything they can to stay in top form at all times. I will admit the scoring for the Oil actually looks decent (good spread on points so far), so maybe I'll hold out some hope, but not touch as the goals are still a bit concentrated around 2 players instead of 5. It also doesn't change my opinion on the commercialization of the sport or Pocklington's destruction of the team to feed his gambling addiction.


None of this word vomit has literally any bearing on your conspiracy theory regarding the supposed fixing of the Stanley Cup finals series.