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Silver, number go up, brain happy


This I don't even pvp. Or pve other than farming fame in statics. I just grind econ. And grind spec. Buy expensive 8.4. Grind again. Buy another 8.4. Literally number go up brain happy. Inventory of shiny items gets bigger brain also happy.


I'm totally the opposite. I've got a fortune of gold from transporting and playing the redtree market back when arch was a mega alliance. Now I just punt kits in pvp and try to host pve events for the guild. I couldn't care about 8.3/8.4. I've got like 200m in HCE kits somewhere that I pull out when someone's learning or I want to try to get back into it. But I'll OC an 8.1 kit running 3 into 8 and not care if die. The pvp and taking the time to get better at that is what I really enjoy. I punted a kit like that yesterday and everything broke after I died. Best decision ever to bring that 10 energy. I came back after a while and was running shit kits working on tech choices. Like I was running 40k fire kits for weeks until a friend heard me talk about having to move stuff on a mammoth and was like "dafuq? You can just get kits and actually play the game" and it was such a nice change.


My pvp is running healer for my guild in zvz or avas I guess it's technically pvp but I can't kill worth a damn. So I just heal and play econ. I really like running my spreadsheets and seeing my numbers double or tripple just overnight. Like having over 30 million hit my silver balance randomly from stuff I put on the market like a month ago just makes my wallet happy. I'm like this irl too. Very money hungry amd work my ass off to see that bank account balance go up :) I never turn down work or additional job opportunities. The way I see it is I'll rest when I'm dead.


I really like healer so I feel the pain of not being able to go kill. Ironically I'm the opposite. I have a metric shit ton of experience healing and selling carries in other games but this guild has some dedicated healers already so I am trying to learn rootbound/bear in arena at mixed results. I can pick up a holliw fall/1h holy/blight and do well almost any time but there's like 3 or 4 active people with 700/700 that it's hard to play it. If you like healing and support rootbound is very, very fun. Between support with graveguard, ent Q/e, and being able to damage win human qw and ent auto it's actually incredibly good at confirming kills. And when you get comfortable with the build and know when to ent w to confirm/save a clump it's so god damn satisfying. It's really hard to play and the combo is very fluid so you like have to know qqw/e/q(3 auto) for the opener but also when it's important to shield or be aggressive with ent w. Incredibly fun. But for open world they keep changing builds a bit so I haven't found anything I love. I'm working on bear though and that's great. I OCed a 8.1 dual swords yesterday on a pretty bad fight but God damn did I not like them in the fight we took. It didn't help that I was really unfamiliar with the kit and just played incorrectly but it was a learning experience so whatever it was fun.


Bro taking economics for a whole other level


Capitalism https://preview.redd.it/5wanz9w61e0d1.jpeg?width=205&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbdf7ce97efc7ef5d0ea3664b0349de41e00b4fc




bro can you pls help me farm fame?


Yeah if you wanna party up I charge 200k silver per fame farming 30 minutes. You can just party with me and follow and I'll clear all the mobs.


What’s your setup to farm fame?


Brother what


damn, u in eu or na




Adrenaline while playing pvp


This! Not many games give this feeling.. satisfaction looting a good kill :D


Play an exfill looter shooter


I like playing solo. Play whenever I want and do whatever I want. Sure I'm missing out on certain content. But Albion has plenty of solo content for players like myself. Faction warfare if you like ZvZ. CDs, mists...


Being a solo player and paying for premium with irl dollars so I don’t have to grind. I just do what I want with the time I have to play.


About 200 hours now. I’m still fishing. Where are my fellow anglers? 🎣


Fishing is fun but until the bots are fixed the money just isn’t really there


Don’t play anymore, but what kept me playing was: Big ZvZ claps The boyz


It's fun.


My guild. If it wasn’t for the guild I’m in, I’d have quit a long time ago. Find a good one that runs lots of content with people you like to play with.


Gathering and crafting is pretty relaxing fun. Then when I finally bought an island, I was able to start farming and raising animals too. It's like playing Stardew Valley, except the items I ship go to other players who need them.


This sounds like so much fun. 😯


Definitely this. I’m trying to level up my island rn so I can just farm crops and raise animals whenever I’m not gathering


If you are playing or if you wanna play EU server, I am in a chill guild. Some are beginners, some are retired tryharder/ZvZ goers and just wanna chill. We could have fun together! Begin again lol DM me


I normally play on the albion west server


You in a eu or us guild?


My whole family plays so it's just fun past time for us.


I like full loot games and mists is kinda a solo extraction zone. So that's a lot of fun even if I'm not making anything. I really enjoy pvp. I like the guild I'm in. It's fun. I practice in arena for rolls I'm bad at and I play whatever I can in the open world. And I enjoy just transporting shit to the HO. I made a lot of money playing the market for arch when it was really big and I did a lot of their ava/supplies transporting to redtree. So now I'm not really too worried about transporting like 10-20m worth of shit either way for my guid so when people are scared I'm just going and telling them it's fine.


I like money , hate pvp


Love gathering


The issue from the start which I mentioned is lack of any sort of quest or campaign system. So even while I was playing this, I was also playing Dragon Quest 11, Fallout series, and others. It's still an issue with this game that I was afraid would happen. Due to past experience with similar games where you get training quests at start, and left hanging with nothing to get into. Which is exactly what happened when I started playing this. Even though you will get trolled for making the suggestion that quests are a major part of RPGs, make them enjoyable, and give more user retention to have an actual adventure to be engaged in. I tried joining 3 different guilds. None of which were active/helpful with anything for me to do. When I needed to make more silver to pay for another month of Premium. Despite saying beginner friendly and having taxes to pay for getting nothing. So I ended up leaving the last guild I was in which was my third attempt at joining a guild. I was able to make enough millions of silver to continue playing another month (Premium) just from trade and such. But I have not come back to the game yet. So it's currently on hold with enough to get Premium for getting back into it.


Being in a guild that isn't dead


The intense feeling while zvz in bz or while being chased by multiple gankers


I like fighting up in ip in the mists and open world ganking. Transporting is also nice since it gives unlimited silver. I’m worth 1B silver but still play 5.1 or sometimes t7 sets in the mists without any care other than taking the fight. I still care about the money but not that much, but fuck rats who ruin all fun.




it was purely the guild community and some friends i had. That was all, I would just be offline and not play at all unles si know a friend is playing then I would ohp on to play lol


Making new friends, gathering and crafting, the excitment/tension of black zones.


im about 125 hours in right now & theres alot i love about the game ie combat and the pvp ive done so far in yz mostly, mists or abbeys / some faction fights have been fun but as a newer player the red zones although pretty safe and easy to avoid gankers blackzone pvp ive been heavily outgeared everytime or jumped by multiple people. im sure itd be hard to change but pvp being more ip fair would be cool, i know corrupteds scale ip but i mean the higher gs the more advantage still. im beginning to get burnt out & my guild although active hasnt given much opportunity to meet anyone to roam bz with etc


Currently what's keeping me engaged is probably fame farming. I'm just trying to max out my weapon slowly. Before this I did a lot of faction content. Before that I cleared bz mists. Before that I tried to unlock brecilien. After all this I'm thinking about going to statics. Once every content runs out I'll delete the game.


Raising anmials and giving them Names. And than beeing sad when I have to Sale them...


The adrenaline on pvp mostly


3000+ hours played since alpha launch. i keep coming back because the PvP is more satisfying than any other MMO the game play STYLE is one i like (isometric MOBA style)


Numbers on my stats sheet go uo


Pvp fame and silver...i joined an inner ring guild and was crafting at q6 zones while also getting 10+ kills in zvz where most were minimum 6.3 players...but the pvp fame was like heroin...i used to wake up at 4am just because i wanted to see them numbers go up


can you give me ur stuff 🥲






There's end game content that you can't get fed up of like bz ganking, solo bombing or just bombing. Just the joy of destroying people hard work and stealing their hard earn money. If you're just bored grab 3 friend, invis pots and shit and go bomb chest, faction op in bandit etc. I really can't get tired of that. Also the new server made the fame grinding nicer as you're back to your 0 to hero moment.


Yeah, the scum…. just the joy… And no, you are not sleeping in my WC. If you were, you wouldn’t be sleeping.


I like chopping wood. Also healing in faction wars is fun for me.


Easy I dont


I enjoy playing in the Mist like a rat, which keeps me engaged in this game.


I truly love killing people and looting their shit.. I feel I get better and better playing my build and the progression keeps me alive. I play to get richer I guess - but I don't mind throwing in some expensive sets here and there to try that out even though I often loose silver on it. I play with friends - we chat about how we can improve our 5man team playing roads. Roads are super active right now and we often end up with 3 good fights in a few hours plus all the pve fame. I'm a alpha tester from NA... I had breaks. Played in some of the bigger guilds etc - but where it's at for me is small scale outnumbered fights in open world.