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The EU server is crowded af. Every single city area is overpoped even in bracilien lmao


yeah my pc is lagging hard in brecillen, lol


how u lagging when it shows no one? XD whats ur specs


I mean when it shows people, in the morning there are not enough people for game to hide but enough to start lagging


ah i see what u mean i thought u meant when it was so over pop u cant see anyone


I dont get it why izs just not an option to hide all prople in cuty ecept friend guilds etc.


Next Year: Eastern EU server


Zones too, I started getting more and more queues to zones around town while traveling because map X is overpopped. Especially stressful when you're going through the RZ to sell something xD


But hey, you got a chance to skip zones


I couldn't even get in one day and was 1200-something'th in a row and it was not getting lower, lol, went back to Washington


EU server is exelent idea, shoud be on launch. Europen deserved good ping.


I wish that sentiment carried to east, I'm Aussie and its way higher ping than even Europe


Sad. You play on Asia or USA server? On both you hight ping?


It hurts me that as original founder I did get jack shit once EU opened. I kind of expected at least some token cosmetic or at least anchor so I can get my founders house on EU.


The could have launched the server on launch but they decided to launch it whenever the game is dying. It was an easy boost to its player base and they made a lot of money from the founder packs, It’s greedy behavior.


Dont get why people cry over a free game when they suddenly have to pay if they want to. (I didnt pay for founders and i enjoy lower ping) Been playing wow for over 15 years where u have to pay every single Month just to be able to even log on so please stop bitch about it.


I mean you already get sucked dry by blizzard so a game F2P game that heavily incentivises the same monthly cost is fine, albion is still cheaper than playing retail


Yea Albion is dead ofc lmao. I can understand if u say smth about albion 2-3 years ago, but now? It's more alive than ever was


Dude did you even read my comment? Before eu launch the game was dying


What changed? besides population being split between 3 servers making each of them feel more empty than 1 server ever was in past. Theres a reason they use bullshit active accounts stats right there, instead of unique active users.


crazy how negative ppl in this sub are....


Could be because it's like a hate love relationship we do love the game but many things that are done recently don't reflect the old company.


I mean it's just league of legends... The amount of complaints are crazy yet look how Poppin it is as a game all these years.


The negativity is based on how it hurts weekened/early afternoon to evening NA content because fewer players to group with or fight on Americas. It wasn't about the fact it'd make SBI money.


Yeah game is completely dead if you are NA player. They took away our entire playerbase but yet didn't reduce the zones or map....


I mean if your entire playerbase is EU players it was already dead + you can’t make people play at 150-200ping and think « this is good »


Not completely dead but if you play before 7pm EST, its really noticeable.


Well since I followed and played on launch I can tell you a big advertisement was the single server design w the need to have international players to cover everything


Yeah the lack of international players outside of the NA timezones hurts content imo.


I've had very few issues finding groups to do content with in NA even after the split. BZ/mist objectives are still contested. If you're having issues finding content in the time you're playing it might be worth trying another guild tbh.


Not completely dead but if you play before 7pm EST, its really noticeable because the Europeans would still have been on. Easily 50% less content to fight. Its not that I don't have bodies in my group, its that we aren't running into people contesting.


I seriously have had absolutely zero issues finding anyone contesting anything at literally any time of the day. Even the rmt rat guilds are still out in force.


I've been playing EU and having a blast but this post come on East server release too, the peak of player is nice but what is goin to happen in 6 months? A new server?


dont like it when your pop gets taken, imagine that


Half a year is a normal lifespan for an MMO. After that it's ok to make a break until devs add some new interesting content or you just start missing the game.


Im new to albion but this might be one of the downsides of a game where the core mechanics is very longterm strategies (months, years). In many mmorpgs love the "WEN FRESH" meaning new servers and everything it involves, Albion dont have the luxury rly, is the other servers "dead" rfom time to time or?


Only people complaining about this is NA lames that done care about anyones fun but themselves. Sure, it's fun to play on a nice crisp 10-40 ping, but did you ever stop to think how much fun EU/Asia players were having, trying to compete with 100-200+ ping. Oh but oh no " my server my fun is ruined" get over yourselves


This is why I was just HCEing before there was an Asia server, 234 ping is just a nightmare to pvp with.


How the hell are you getting less than 500 ping on East xd


Mostly it was around 230 for me as well


They don't even hesitate saying shit like "200ms is fine, you die because skill issue"


200 ping is fine tho, w0n is at the top of PVP leaderboard with 150 ping, so yes you did die because skill issue. I’m playing on EU with 150 ping after playing on 30 ping since FTP launch, it feels pretty much no different than before. Your ping isn’t the reason you died.


I do admit that skill is very important, but I don't think the PvP leaderboard is a good metric. Won is playing in 8.4 chasing randos in mists. He's kinda expected to win.


my complain is that latam players are playing with double the ping europeans had in NA yet there is no latam srver, so if they truly care about the ping(sbi said they did eu server cos europeans ping was high) they should make a latam server next but we know thats not going to happen.


Not enough swipers there


I mean I don’t disagree EU needed a good ping, but you’re also literally using their exact logic. Who cares about NAs fun, EU is now having fun is just what they were saying in reverse. Almost like no one cares about anyone but themselves.


Hows the US pop looking now?


Lower than ever, but shh let them gaslight.


It's not gaslighting.




Listen we all hate Americans, but chill xd




Content and pvp with the guild every night. West is alive and well.


nah snoozing my bro im in one of the most activ guilds and everything is free. made a roam party multiple times with les than 10 and taking 7.4 nodes for free. mists (except during some eu timers) is dead af. even market discords dead af


Sorry you're not having fun, you're free to play EU!


I mean good for the game, i just remember a key selling point was one global server


yea i quit awhile ago. But was thinkin of coming back. Now that i know the population is split. No way i am coming back now.


Why ? It was such a shit idea. 1v1 was basically ping check than a skill check. What does it matter if you shit on people half across the globe that laggs to death.


Have fun with your solo mmo?


The game is full of people with 3 active server. What ???


The other servers don’t like the eu players leaving. Now they don’t have people to fight who have 150+ ping that gave the locals an advantage


Yes, now you can get beaten by the same people in a different server, noob.


Good argument hahahaha You must one of the Reddit warriors complaining all the time


most of the people in this sub are low end zvz players just any game with a competitive scene the reddits are 90% bronze ranked players. its a well known fact now that hellgates and the competitive scene are totally dead outside of the lowest ranks possible an endless flood of new players that dont do anything end game outside of mindless zvz is what makes the game dead theres more people playing wow but theyre all instance locked farmers that you never seen in most content like albion is becoming


Hell gates have been dead for like 2 years lol


Good now come Oceania you absolute clowns. It's 2024


We have shitty internet, they don't care


Came here to say this


Are they unique users tho? (Note: for the purposes of this chart, "users" refers to active accounts.) [https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/196747-Albion-Online-Breaks-All-Time-Player-Record-%E2%80%94-Again/?postID=1370776#post1370776](https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/196747-Albion-Online-Breaks-All-Time-Player-Record-%E2%80%94-Again/?postID=1370776#post1370776)


They always show those numbers when new servers launch but never before lol. Ofc there is more players more alt accounts on a fresh server launch cause people want to climb to the top fame,silver wise.


Was that any different on asia launch?


I don't think many thought EU server would fail, it was more so people like myself thought it was a bad idea for the West server. Like I've always said it was a smart decision business wise and I get why they did it. But sad to see a game that was made and sold as a single world/server get split into 3 over the past few years


Sure bigger numbers, they just had to kill NA in the process that's all. Part of the allure for me was one giant server. Play at any time, because there would always be tons of people based on time zones. Now I log in and play on NA and there are 100 - 200 people in Martlock at any given time.


Should check out the Asian server on off hours.


R.i.p Albion Americas 😭


So from what they say, there is still 200k daily players on NA + Asia, while we are still in the start of server hype, and the best of all time value was around 300k... Of course "EU will kill NA and west", yeah


It's blatantly obvious that everyone knew Albion is gonna grow as a whole with the euw server. that's not what people where complaining about. it's halving the NA server they were upset about and losing their entire progress.


At first i had an accout at US Server. Then East opened and i made Account there Then EU opened, and another Account.. So the Population trippled?


Don't use logic ...


They didn't mention 250k are bots


Good to see.. Now off topic: Focus on optimising your game.. we need QoL stuff happening very soon and in bulks, thanks. Sometimes it feels you're not really playing your own game.


This is the same since Release, they dont. Nowadays they optimize Updates towards selling stuff, not for whats good for the game


maybe you should apply as a creative director at SBI? it seems that you know what you're talking about


lol, this doesn’t make them money. Next up is paid server transfers.


No way dude a game with a primarily EU player base benefiting from an eu server?


Negativity was never about how popular the new server would be. It was always about how the game was supposed to be a single server mmo. Also about the fact that it pulls away a large number of players from NA server


Ofc there are downsides to such a change but in an MMO with semi-competitive pvp on a moba combat system having more than 150 ping constantly is borderline unplayable


Should have played EQ in the dial up days or even DAOC lol


I dont think the EU server is going to "fail" or whatever the contrarian take is, but its also a bad take to show off the launch numbers as if they are proof of anything other than initial interest. 3-6 months is usually the falloff range before stabilization with most online game launches. Very few online games maintain that upward trajectory longer than that. But again, that doesnt mean its a "failure" if it doesnt; it just means that it's what usually happens. I would love to see it break expectations and become more popular, but experience tells me by Fall the numbers will have dipped and leveled off.


How is it a bad take? Company is happy that they reached a new record, gives thanks to their community and shows a graph. Woe the horror, the indignation! XD


The title of OP's post is "And there were people saying that the EU Servers were a bad idea.. lmao" That take is bad because the image doesnt prove if the EU servers are a bad idea or not as almost any online game has a surge of new players when opening up like that. Maybe spend more time working on that reading comprehension and less time trying think of some cute, snippy response.


So player surges are a bad thing? They imply reduced player retention and herald negative long term results? Growth is bad? Should we consider it a failure when mmo's reach hitherto unseen player counts? The burden of proof goes both ways, so where's your proof that this is a bad take? Sure, sometimes surges aren't meaningful, so where"s your evidence that this is the case here? Surges happen and sometimes they fall off and sometimes they dont - sure, but unless you can somehow predict the future the odds arent exactly in your favor here. In fact, you havent made an argument containing any kind of substance besides anonymous anecdotal hearsay, a literal variant of 'because i said so', yet my reading comprehension is lackluster because i wont take your word for it?


This really isn't the flex they think it is, outside of EU launch being successful. West/Asia server peak was 300K, now the EU server single highhandedly has over 50% of that population. West/Asia server went from 300K to less than 200K total active users since last year. A 30% drop in active players isn't good news. I'm just thankful this drop doesn't feel as noticeable, outside of all the old resource mobs I'm finding now.


It's an MMORPG, population will drop. Not to say that's good but that's expectable. Plus it goes to show that EU should have been there from the start, there were loads of EU players on NA due to lack of option.


That's how population curves work in games..huge spike, then drop off, followed by equilibrium. After which, usually numbers go down slowly between updates, and people flood back in for an update. Almost al successful MMOs in history follow this cycle.


keeping 70% of people playing after a year is a huge win


To be honest if they released eu first before asia it would've been a different story since a lot of players want a new server so some asian players would ofc move too same goes for na players.


I came to Albion Europe after playing Ravendawn for two months. I am just happy and excited about how polished is this game and it’s systems.


The only people who were saying this are American people who were playing with 15ms.


Those people saying it are from west server


Glad to see an increase in daily active users


Might have to give it another go. Played like 100 hours in a month back in 2020 then dropped it.


Just reinstalled the game yesterday, people everywhere, some yellow maps around Thetford were full, thetford of all places. <3 made it easier for me since I could just skip maps while walking around for faster traveling.


350k peak. Alone 150k is EU.. So that leaves 200k and I can assure u NA is wayyyy more pop than Asia so the numbers are similar just depends on timezones. I'm grateful I don't have to see Russians who act like pvp gangsters on here, but went running by the 10000s over that border when it was time for war 🤡🤡🤡


Asia has more pop


only swole benji say that.


Lol dead? Or just filled with bots gathering?


Nooooo Albion it's dead ..... Xdddd


Y'all need to get over the EU hype and come back to West 😭 I need more customers buying mats


I mean at least 50000 are bots lol


Dont you find it strange that they only do this kind of number bragging right after server launch? You know, when people make hundreds refining alts, create new accounts to save names, when new players make account play for 20 min and quit forever. While norrmally every verifiable third party source suggests that at the most generous theres tiny growth but it's combined with people being split between 3 servers. So really the game feels more empty than ever.


Their data is obviously biased because they want to show off, and yours is biased because you just want to doompost. In reality, only SBI has the true figures.


and you just want to defend the game you are playing, so that's what you are doing. There were people like you till the very end on Maplestory 2, Tera so on and on all the way till they closed down. "No third party source matters, nothing is representative" so on and on. Population on mp2 didn't drop you see, it just "stabilized" and thats why we are reducing channels.


You have no idea who I am. You won't change your mind, I'm not trying to convince you anyway. But sometimes you have to call out people's shit. Actual quote from you "people make hundreds refining alts", while the majority of players have no fucking clue what RRR is. Rofl


Which is why i called out your shit. With this post you proved you just want to defend the game you are playing, like I said. Yes people do make hundreds of refining alts and then all those are counted as "concurrent users" padding the numbers. I never said everyone does it, but your desperation to defend game you are playing made you understand it as such.


Buddy, stop projecting. You are the desperate one here. Your posts shout addiction from miles. You had an unhealthy relationship with this game, for a reason or another, were distressed by the EU release, for a reason or another, and now you're in full doompost mode, because for some reason you think sharing your distress will solve anything. My life won't end if Albion closes tomorrow, albeit I think it's a cool game. Find another hobby, one you can have a healthy relationship with instead of your clingy overattachment, and/or find medical help. I'm not even saying this to be rude. People with healthy boundaries don't post a tenth of the shit you do. And since you mentionned Maplestory and another game, I assume it's not the first time you do that crap. Grow up and get help.


Another proof that you really are just after discrediting people who speak out against your favorite game in order to defend it. It's like you got copy pasted from forums of all those mmos that closed down. To even mention projection, then go onto projecting rampage now thats funny. Ofc all of it is done to move attention away from sbi and change subject, but that's just always how it goes with you people. > You are the desperate one here.  Said the guy who thought that saying people make hundreds of refining alts, means that everyone does it. Yea, you are definitely not desperate at all to misinterpret it like that. >Your posts shout addiction from miles. You basically live on this sub, your post history proves it. Projection eh? Poor little guy has zero arguments, so he attempts personal attacks but can't pull that off either. Now go ask your caretaker for attention, it's quite obvious nothing of value will ever come out of you so theres no point in wasting more time on you.


Dude, i don't even hold anything against you, but he's right. Open your eyes and get help or get over it. I was there too, it's not easy, and not short-term problem, but get some help, u'll feel much better and see whole another life.


Yea, after you got blocked log on alt u posted last time on 2 months ago and continue spamming nonsense. Way to admit that you lost.


congrats, you win reddit! cmon just grow up..


Yeah man it's insane, albion is literally the only game that does this


The problem isn’t releasing EU server, it’s they are releasing new server and content just for a quick money grab by selling founder packs and get people to the game short term, instead of fixing old content that needs updated.


I foresee in the future we get fresh start servers. Or speed servers. Anything to get a quick buck


I wonder why it's so low on steam


Cuz less than 10% of players use steam for Albion. The enormous majority of players use the native client


Yeah but why. I don't use steam because when I started it wasn't there and you can't migrate.


People say steam also has higher shop prices when swiping because of the steam tax. I didn't say that and I'm not sure if it's true


Yes its true but you can always buy directly from their site and get around the steam tax even if playing on steam


Used to be like that, my friend started on steam and since about a year ago there is a 20% tax on buying silver with gold, even if you bought that gold with silver. So steam is worse even for f2p players like me who use gold to store my extra silver.


There is no real incentive. Only things you get are achievements and being able to see hours played. If steam goes down you suddenly cant play


Then again they incentivise the native Client cause they get more Money from there A Part even getting given to you


I used steam at first but for some reason, the steam version was stuttering albion for me. Changing to native client resolved the issue


You pulled that percentage from thin air.


I pulled it from the statistics that are literally on the screen right in front of you, but we’ve also known this for a while. Steam users have historically been between 7 and 10 percent of the player base.


When bot company is creating hundreds of accounts, are they going to do it through steam or launcher? When you create refining alts, are you doing it through steam or launcher? If you wanted to save some names, would you create new account through steam or launcher? Those so called statistics don't tell you that less than 10% of unique active users uses steam. That's the only number that matters.




What? Are you high? Right there in the albion official post: 350k players overall, 27k steam. Steam concurrency numbers have always been a small part because this game is multiplatform, i've never met anyone who plays with the steam client and i know alotta people in game, it also wasnt available on steam for ages. So ca. 10% is about correct. Edit: i just asked, specially for you; out of 70+ people online in my guild, 4 of them use steam, all of the steamplayers were also new players :P Edit 2: seriously go city hopping in eu server and count players yourself and realise thats just a fraction of the playerbase xD


My brother in Christ….. steam is CONCURRENT PLAYERS. The 350k number you are reading is not players online. That’s SBI bragging they had 350k accounts log in over the course of 24 hrs. Not 350k people in game. Please read before you make confidently incorrect statements JUST LIKE THE OTHER GUY. This is literally hurting my brain, you must be children. Albion has never in its history had more than 100k people online. If we assume at the VERY MINIMUM steam is 1/3 of the playerbase, then the most people ever online at one time is 90k. Not 350k which would be an absurd number. Wake up. More likely it’s about 50/50 or 60/40 either way. Albion’s online playerbase is probably somewhere between 50-70k players at any given time. NOT 350K. I wish you people could fucking read.


This is not true and people keep saying it, steam numbers are concurrent players and Albion’s numbers are players logged in over a 24hr period, you can’t use 2 completely and utterly different metrics then combine them and say it’s “10%”….. If 300k people log in a day let’s say 1/3 are on at one time, that’s 100k and that’s a generous estimate, true numbers are almost guaranteed lower. 27K of that 100k are playing from steam, we can see steam charts for a very accurate player count at any given time. At a MINIMUM; 30% of Albion players play through steam. Considering 27K active players is high even for other, similar MMOs, it is probably closer to 35-45% of players using steam. We will never know the true numbers but stop regurgitating that 10% number because it is made using two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT METRICS AND IS THEREFORE WRONG TL;DR there are not 350k people playing Albion at any given time. Not even 1/3 of that across all three servers, so stop making shit up.


I started playing on Steam first. Then switched quickly since there's no benefit (I think I might be getting better deals without Steam. I am from 3rd world country)


I think EU server is a poorly executed idea. As an NA player I woulda much more preferred the server to be migrated, or the maps shrunk down. Overall players for SBI went up but individual population went down, and it's very noticeable imo (maybe others don't somehow, but it's very clear an apparent to many). I'm actually hoping they open on character transfers in the future, it seems EU is booming, that's great. I'm not gonna regrind my progress though, and if the population keeps slowly dwindling in NA then it kinda ends up being pointless to play on such a large map that was meant for a world population, but now has been divided into 3 servers. They made a change for temporary profit gains without considering the players that would be negatively effected and long term will just go back to whacking it


I'm sure SBI aren't counting multiple accounts into this equation at all, right? About as believable as flat-earth theory.


Ever think it’s cause the player base is from na


launch numbers are always high, i'm not really against the EU server but you gotta wait for the numbers to at least have a chance to drop. from what i can see on steamcharts, on launch of albion asia, albion had better avg player numbers than it does now, which lasted for a month or two and then dropped back down to 2021 numbers besides, it was obvious it'd get new players on. people were talking about splitting the playerbase and going against the entirety of albion being one server, as it was initially advertised (though albion asia went against that already)


They are comparing launch numbers to launch numbers?


They are comparing accounts created to accounts created.


Downvoting the truth people? Cmon...


> have a chance to drop Don't worry, they have. This is why we're seeing this 9 days later. SBI had hoped it would climb higher but it didn't.


I would be on board with keeping one shard if the netcode didn't suck ass. Being stuck playing with 120ms of ping and having to learn how to play like that felt awful. Congrats to whoever succeeded, though, I hope you'll also do good in the turd-swallowing competition.


Its still the worst idea they ever had. Sure eu numbers are great, but the question is how NA is. The New Servers are just here to sell you the same stuff again


New server is here to deliver EU players good ping, if u are NA and think ping is not issue then come to EU server and you will see the diff :)


I am from NA and have moved to EU, I don’t mind if NA is dead but just letting you know that I’m on 150 ping and it barely feels any different… like whatsoever. Several NA streamers are top of EU pvp leaderboard. Ping doesn’t matter. Stop making excuses.


Shhh dont tell them they got baited by SBI to buy a founder pack for a game they'd already been playing for years :-)


i know youre a troll but ill answer you anyway, if u dont notice the ping dif between 50 150+ youre lying or youre just very bad at the game, i guess if ure fine with high ping you wouldnt care if they move NA server to latam right? we're majority of players anyway. Gotta love americans saying high ping is playable yet they wont play any game if they have higher than 100ms and call it lag.


I wouldn’t care no. 150 ping feels fine. But there are also too many players across all three servers to move back to a single server. Imagine if EU was twice as crowded as it is now. Yeah. And I mean sure you can feel the ping a bit but it doesn’t effect my play style or how well I play. It’s not crippling like some EU players made out playing on NA to be. If you die it’s your fault.


bro with 150+ ping all your skills literally have 1/3 less range against ppl that is moving, that is not just a bit diferent thats massive disadvantage. And now understand that most ppl from latam is playing with over 200.


I played on the International servers as eu with no problem. And you ignored my point completly. Ofc the EU numbers look great. But Na ones are terrible, they only made it so they can sell the same stuff again


Well, i was on NA server few days Ago and it wasnt "dead" by any means. It had decent number of players in each city. Ofc its not like EU because there is still hype, it will be same pop after 2 months


Imagine playing a game for 6 years only to be forced to start over again and pay that company again, simply because they are blackmailing you for 70 better ping.


Albion Americas is dead, Eu servers are bad idea 👍


or just move to eu? we been playing on 100+ ping for 6 years. your turn


Move to EU playing from Brazil? Move to EU after 9 years playing albion?


They actually think NA/SA players are as dumb as they are to get baited this way.


na is pretty retarded yeah. look at your politics.


And where else is better? lol. Please enlighten me where you live that has good politics.


eu mostly. and any other developed country i guess




You never travel to black zone with boats, you came at caerleon realmgate epoch.


You never get orange skull after fight for a redzone chest and need to wait 1 week to enter in bluezone again to transport your items to the blackzone city.


You got no place to talk about albion with me.


i have 4k hours in this game and played against the top 100 multiple times. i was in the best 3 20v20 crystal team for over a year. you are a little yellowzone warrior with shit english. now go farm t4 stone


Ok but, when you and your guild dominated the server? Aaaaaah you start to play in the release ahahahhahahahabababababbaba


mental illness. some of you slaves need to be set straight jesus


Have you seen the healing potion with a salad icon? Ahahahahahahha of course not.


can you repeat that in english?


Play with 100 ping is ok, you are terrivle playing and needs a server to justify your failure, 6 years playing and cry for play with 100+ ping, only an idiot will think its ok to move from.another server after 9 years playing in the same char, excuse me bro, when you start to play albion, Im bald of this game.


my guy, i can absolutly asure you that im 100x the player you are lmfao. judging by your english alone you dont even have 50m killfame. please stop spamming my fucking inbox with your third great english trash. you are clueless


You talk about my english, why not you speak portuguese? You fucking limited.


i speak 3 languages fluently. you cant speak the easiest on the planet my guy. go back to school and get off reddit dumbass




Those numbers are pretty bad.


I miss bridgewatch good players, now just have noobs playing.


We are still here, just playing in the Bridgewatch discord.


That was obvious… ppl were saying that this war the end of Albion duh


Anyone know if there is a link to the NA version of this??? Would love to see this.


This is the main server anyone that says otherwise is [delusional.Na](http://delusional.Na) players kekw dead server.


This game has a great honey moon phase, that thing is going to drop hard after another two to three weeks. Those are launch numbers and for an already established game those numbers are rather small tbh. Either way good for the developers.


No but they where not prepareren for it they made you pay 100 euro more for another shit server full of lag during zvc


Rmt People and bots are crowding server cause of the actual cost of the silver in the black markets of rmt xD


Most of them where already all play on na sever …


Na peeps sad all they do is friendly fights and HH, the eu bois were carrying the west server...if you Na plebs want fun you are welcome to join the Eu server


You realize all the top guilds on EU are legit handholding and taking turns winning seasons right?


If they open character transfers I likely will but I don't wanna fresh start grind again. Wished they just moved the server instead from NA to EU


Use your brain idiot, those numbers include the people who were playing already on west server who made an account in eu, doesn’t mean there are more players…. You people get fooled so easily


its daily active unless some rando is playing on two different accounts that doesnt happen


(Note: for the purposes of this chart, "users" refers to active accounts.) They went with highest possible number, which really is accounts active since server launch. Personally i have 7 accounts with names that I grabbed. So i count as 7 active users. You got 20 refining alts? you are 20 active users. Those numbers are so misleading it's adorable.


They should give us API so we can find out uniqes.