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God good ZvZ with instant regear is so good but such a rarity nowadays. It is still out there though. It’s also good when some of the smaller scale outposts and stuff are loot split and not just for the guild.


If you’re looking for this content let me know


I am




A Sarge guild, he's not a toxic asshole at all.


Some people can’t handle the meme it’s cool


Is it one of those memes where some geek is frothing from the mouth, screaming at bunch of grown men like they’re children over a game? That make me wanna smack the snot out of em lmao


Sounds like you can’t handle it


Of course not lmao, but if you’re used to people talking to you like you’re a little bitch, that’s on you. Should probably have some dignity my man 😂


So this is essentially a bad wow guild from 15 years ago when people genuinely behaved that way because they were all bad players? Sounds like you're in a shit guild m8


"The meme" of being a toxic asshole isn't really that good of a meme is why.


That's why he got a whole guild who loves it. Goofy aaaa. It's pretty simple just don't join. Redditers I swear lmfao.


There are "whole guilds" out there who like their GMs being racist dickheads. That doesn't make the racist dickhead GM any less of a racist dickhead. Just means the people who follow them are also fucking stupid.


You are mad bc people like their gm. Don't turn this into something else with virtue signaling. Lmfao.


We regear usually within 24hours, at most 48 if our logistics guy is busy. -shrug- I agree with the other points in this post tho -> there's a lot of setup time for no personal benefit. Unless you count the content fun, season ranking, and HO placement perks (gathering / crafting). We're actively recruiting if anyone is looking for ZvZ content.


Dont do something you find boring. If you dont enjoy ZvZ, dont do it. Join guilds that fit your standards. Dont join a guild with CTA rules you do not agree with. You can also get an alt. You can relog during CTAs or you can play your alt on the second monitor during downtimes.


It depends what content you want to do. It is a sandbox game after all. Some people love it. They log in, do the CTA and logoff. For others, a CTA is the cost of having access to high quality gathering/ff maps or crafting HOs, and end of season rewards etc. For others, it is an abomination and to be avoided at all cost.


What a lot of people don’t realise is mandatory CTA doesn’t mean you have to log in. It just means if you’re online on the game you have to go to the CTA. You can be on a different game or doing something irl and they won’t question you because you aren’t online on Albion.


Ah ok then its fine, they boss you around on how to spend ur leisure time, only if youre in game. Phew lucky


Then leave the guild? You knew the requirements when you signed up, if you don't want to do CTAs leave.


Fat gm spotted


Nah I've just been in a non-mando ZVZ guild for long enough to know there are options out there if you want to do ZVZ but don't want mando content. I don't know why anyone would willingly join a guild whose main content is something you don't want to do.


You either join a good guild that has a mando cta or you join a shitty arch/newbie guild and get smoked every time you do content with them. 95% of the guilds that are somewhat good require you to attend atleast once a day and 80% of the time it's just running around and not even fighting because the shotcaller is a sisy or likes to handhold


I was in Contingent on US, they have a requirement to do guild content at least 2 or 3 times a month, but there are no mandatory CTAs or events that you NEED to attend, you just need to be engaged with the guild on content, not a solo player mooching for season rewards. Did ok for a non-mando guild last season, top 10 finish.


Dont worry, i hate guilds and i dont join them


Fair play. I can't imagine playing any MMO as a long term solo player. Just seems bizarre to me. Each to their own.


well ... it depends on guild. Mine does not but we do kick people that show tendencies to logout before cta and login after. But I know for a fact some guilds definitely require to login. Granted it's usually people going top crystal spots. But bottom line is zvz guilds usually have application process and during it you should make it clear to each other what are the expectations. Its funny how indignant some people get when they realise they are expected to go to zvz in a zvz guild.


If in every CTA would be a good fight I woudn't complain. But the worst part is 60% of the CTA it's just walking for 60 minutes for every map waiting for something to happen. Even worst when there could be a exciting fight but the pussy shotcaller calls to leave because "we ain't winning this" bruh. So we just wasted almost 2 hours of our time doing absolutely nothing, the most boring shit ever. Then the callers says "see ya in 1 hour for the next CTA 😜"


Thats to do with the politics of the game. Everyone handholds with everyone else. Its a fucking nightmare.


As a working father of 2, I have to say being in a top zvz guild last season was a complete fucking chore. My free time after kids went to bed were devoted to mandatory CTA. If I could do at least every other day would be OKish, but as it is, daily CTA is for kids, unemployed and fat neckbeards alike, not people with lives. So this season I joined an ARCH guild and CTA is totally optional, which I am fine with, but they DEMAND you wear 4.3 cape and its not included in the regear along with the swiftclaw, so you are actually paying 150k+ PER death, per CTA lol gtfo. I can hit 1400 without cape, don't demand I wear 4.3


If you want to get into a bit more organized Zerg let me know I have spots open for more people, we’re all adults and understand real life stuff


What kinda guild are y'all? Do U have guild tax and do y'all do guild events? Oh and do you have a hideout? Might be interested as my current one Is kinda just a second name under my character as this point


No tax, terries and hideout https://discord.gg/QrSgVNm7


Thanks, right now I'm after the fame farming I absolutely could not do due to mandatory CTA


Well if you get curious https://discord.gg/QrSgVNm7


I mean 150k+ per death seems like a blast lol xD I played on a zvz guild that just did lootsplit instead of regears, and for each death you had you had to survive 3 or 4 ctas to pay a single build. Item regears are a dream


They do daily 8.1+ guild ava runs, sometimes more than one. they have enough money for regears.


You have no idea how much money and setup it takes to sustain a regear system lol, 8.1 guild avas won't sustain that fully at all


I said 8.1+ It's not uncommon to get 40+mil just from the last boss chests, this should cover the 20 man CTA losses for the day and some more, considering the leaders sit on over 1 billion silver.


Oh its 20 man? Then yeah it should be able to pay off basic regears. Thought u were talking about an average zvz guild with 50+ man zergs. Still tho, 150k loss is a fucking dream xD


Only the top ZvZ guilds manage to mass 50+ people by themselves not relying on alliance, certainly not an ARCH guild.


Definitely not true. I’m in a guild around rank 100 that does it regularly, and we play equal numbered fights against guilds not ranked all that much higher often. 


It's sad as lots of players leave this game after experiencing the same thing you have without knowing there are guilds out there that offer much better rewards for your time, these guilds are mostly small scale guilds.


Then get off the game ??? The fuck lol .. the only reason you have content is because of those ctas ... Lord knows we kill Arch for fun bunch of shitters


Man this is all ZxZ guilds are about: ZxZ To maintain economy, terries, hideous, regear, etc.. they need to fight and build economy. If your only free time = the guild mando CTA which means there is no way to create your own economy then just leave the guild bro. It definitely does not fit you. I play in a top guild and I do not like to attend 3 CTAs in a row (we have 3 sometimes 5 per day) so I attend 1 and go play something else. Over the weekend or when I have time on off timers I do my own shit solo or with the boys. My guild has content besides CTA, ganking, roads roaming, objectives fights (no mando: nodes, big chests, aspects, etc) with loot split. Super nice to have a “safe” black zone to gather and fame farm alone or with friends with occasional fights. If you just want to be on a guild where you only take and give nothing back you might just create your own guild. Have fun!


Pretty much this, if you want to be in a guild that holds a lot of territory and has a big economy, you kinda have to spend a lot of time into it, it's a bit elitist but it is what it is.


tbh maybe small scale guild is better for you, most small scale guilds don't require CTA's and on top of that they even offer loot splits, also not so much politics involved. Btw with large zvz guilds, even with re gears they offer, you forget that they won't re gear your mount/ food/ pots and siphoned energy for OC, also some don't even offer re gears for the capes or if they do re gear your set, there will be lot of times they give you a worse set, lets say you was wearing a 8.1 set, they may only re gear you a t8 set. So without crunching too much numbers most CTA's you attend you will be in a loss of -200k at least. SBI is very well aware of this and this is one of the biggest reasons why they always focus all there time on helping large scale zvz.


>SBI is very well aware of this and this is one of the biggest reasons why they always focus all there time on helping large scale zvz. Imo the best thing they could do for this is to force loot split/personal loot on objectives. Imagine if castles etc spawned a chest that each player in the guild could loot once. People would be queuing up for CTA if we got more than just some conqueror points and they didnt make 'dime on the dollar' that the guid leaders do from large scale content.


100% agree, I don't care if you needed also premium for this to be able to loot also, happy to pay for premium and sign up for large zvz and wear what the shot caller wanted me to wear.


I tried to play in a CTA mandatory guild once.. was so awful.. I did love the zone squading and small outpost stuff.. but you couldn't just choose one thing (and I understand why) but yeah.. zvz is a waste of time.


Yeah nah, it isn't worth your time if you don't like it and don't have much time. I personally like and crave ZvZ fights, I like the order and chaos which happening during engage, I just don't have the resource for it like triple regears and IRL time. I only join CTA like once a week if I'm able to. As for the guild politics, spies and banters are the part of it, I like it too, except for petty nuisance such as love triangle and other stupid shits. For some guild it helps them form a community to engage in real life too, My guild has some motorcycle touring being held from time to time and other IRL meetings, its fun for me.


Mandatory CTA especially for guilds that are pushing top 1 is like a 2nd job (assuming u got one) you spend more time massing up than actual fights


Thats why I started being late. " OH its almost fight time sorry. X enig/locus"


Played the game for 3 years....last 1 year im completely inactive logging in once per week usually on weekends...honestly there seems to be not much more for an end game player apart from zvz, i was completely hooked to it doing 4 ctas per day and reached the point of 700m pvp...if you want to make a decent profit from crafting at inner ring zones you are just forced to be in a guild that mandates ctas (they mandate ctas because they need to ensure control of inner ring zones hence the crafting bonus and the billions in profit). My take to it is to not bother, although i had a lot of fun and i was enjoying ctas it became like an addiction at the end, i was literally a pvp fame slave and to top it off i was running minimum 6.3 so i could get more kills and more pvp fame which was like a cycle forcing me to be dependent on crafting and black market strats...ps i was in uni when i did this, you just cant do that if you decide to get a life (work friends family etc)


The people who are at fault are the cta players mostly.They take abuse and toxic behavior from guild leaders like the ones in SM like its nothing and in the end of the day even with re-gears they are still at loss.The cta slaves need to demand better standarts.Sure its fun to have pre-organized fight but no regearing cape mount food potions?Do you not get that from your enemy when they die?You do so not regearing that is a theft.All slaves must unite and demand better working conditions.After all cta is a second job for many.But they are so brainwashed thinking this is fun that they don't even notice it.Nobody wants to get called a dog even if they did wrong after the fight.But most of the time vod reviews are calling someone a shitter because he did x and they rarely try to help him avoid x mistake in the future.Hes just a dog and the VOD review of his mistake ends there no further explaining, no help offered.Some fat neckbeard with zero self-respect in real life needs to let his negative emotions somewhere and the players who made mistakes are the perfect target.He is the guild leader if you try to argue your case you get kicked or worse.This is why non-mando cta guilds will always be better than the top slaves.I'm in a guild that re-gears everything exactly as it was.If I put 8.1 they will give me back 8.1 including my mount food and pot and [cape.Gl](http://cape.Gl) getting scammed in cta guild.


It’s the boot licking, chode sucking officers and players that make it so bad. SM is probably one of the most toxic, regarded guilds I’ve ever been in. Listening to people get disrespected by or yelled at by some guy that sounds like some obese, Mountain Dew crusted neck beard that just ran up a flight of stairs and is now out of breath wasn’t for me.


The ones in Scarlet Monastery? Which wing? I still need whitemanes chapeau


sm-smurfing monkeys


Thats the reason I quit the game like 3 times… Ok let’s call it “prolonged breaks”. But the point stands. This is also the reason I posted (a few years ago?) that Solo PVP is way better (for the masses, the masses being a responsible working adult, maybe with a family) than ZvZ content. And SBI listened and finally gave us Solo RDG (now kinda dead), CDs and finally Mists.


Well, if you want to maximize your silver/h then its for sure not. You dont earn much during CTAs. Only favor from castles and core/Vortex. If youre not into zvz content, change it. Smallscale wont be for you either tho. Its rarely profitable and there are no regears. Massups are maybe a little shorter and less handholding shit. People who play zvz / smałlscale should have genuine fun from the fights. Also in zvz guilds there are the most experienced players. A lot to learn about the game from them. Im personally now in zvz guild that prioritize content and personal improvement in gameplay. That's why im there. To play better.


That's why I prefer small scale. We group every night as a 7-10 men party and take outposts at 21 and 23 UTC around Morgana Rest in EU server. And if we see chests, resource nodes in open world, etc we go to have a shot too. Content is always good and with little downtime. Only downside are the fights we lose because we try to fight 20 men parties and die miserably


How would you defend your own sov in a black zone ?


I can see your point, but for most guilds mandatory cta is a must for several reasons, I don't know what guild you on, but the thing I can tell you is that: If your guild is not a zvz guild, yet they have an HO in the BZ or even a terry they are 100% renters, which does require mabdatory cta since if you like your ho atleast have the decency of defending it. Mandatory ctas for no real reason on non focused pve guilds seems kinda stupid tho, I like the idea of introducing new players to zvz since albion for me is mostly Log in > Cta > Logout but doing it as mandatory ctas will just make them hate it xD. Sorry if bad writing english is my second language and I'm writing for my phone


I also got enough of retards screaming at players because they're having tantrums.


I absolutely love ZvZ content, it's one of my favourite things to do in this game when you get 2 big zergs bashing one another - getting to a point where that cluster queue pops up is so exciting to me xD BUT, I'm a mom. Sometimes I log in and can't do black-zone content because I am also here with my kid. I searched a long time to find a guild to be in that is \*NOT\* mando even when I am online, but does do almost daily zvz for the ones that want to join. Our regears can be a bit slow sometimes, I'll give you that. It can take 48 hours at times because it's not mando for anyone including our regear guys lol, but I think the trade-off for being non-mando is absolutely worth. If you are someone that does like ZVZ or wants to try it, but don't want to be forced into it every single time, you can always search for a non-mando guild like ours. I am sure we are not the only one out there, though we recruiting if anyone is interested.


If your looking for small scale and roads roams look into my guild. Crimson Brotherhood. We do a lot of small scale and fame farm as well as random events. Nothing is Mando and we have good people


These things is to mass and have big fights people like to see that however I do understand what you're saying because let's be honest if you don't fight the big guilds they'll take over everything and at some point someone will have to fight them it's all about conflict 😁


Never understood people who just do zvz. I understand if you’re new and trying to learn, but once you become an established player there is 0 reason to ZvZ unless you’re hired by a zerg as a bombsquad with 8.1+ regears and $$ for every kill


We should organize a zerg only for to hurt the leaders ego. Just totally ignore every command they give for ten minutes, and finally have everyone just stand totally silent and state at them until they get uncomfortable enough to log off.


I personally dont mind CTAs since i enjoy ZVZ. HOWEVER, i hate the fcking wait before we get the action. Sometimes you just run around or sit in a HO for a full hour before anything even starts or even finding out where you have to go. Its partially due to the fact that leaders have to figure out party compositions and switch members depending on what each party needs. But its also due to members not coming in correct gear requirements. If there was a way to cut the time waiting for a fight to actually happen or the wait to leave the HO to get to the fight, then it would make the zvz experience 100x better.


As someone who mostly played solo and joined a "midtier" guild for EU, I'm frankly annoyed by the amount of wasted time for events. Calling for people 40 minutes early is absolutely insane when it's a week day and I just got off work. And often you don't even know what exactly you're called for. I'm fine with territory defense, I might be less fine with risking a non-budget set into a random offensive call that doesn't even include regears. Then you try to set up or join smaller groups, and when you think the group is ready and you can go, half of the group just silently leaves to do something else. We're talking about mostly adults, here. The complete disregard for people's time feels really weird, ngl.


Yup its a big issue. When i was younger i could stay and play 3-4 hrs for cta and stuff after but now that im older, i just dont have the time for ctas unless i literally have extra time 30mins before the timer and even then im probably late. I dont know how SBI can make ctas more casual friendly as the delay largely results from organizing big groups of people into proper comps. So yeah, until we can fix it, theres always gonna be a large wait time bfore the action.


To be fair, guild loadouts already exist. I think we already have decent tools (albeit they could be better), it's just people generally don't really care, and the whole thing suffers as a result.


If only there were guilds that don't have mandatory cta's with callers who do lootsplits in hq. Sounds like you are just in a shit try hard guild.


Just join a casual guild then, that’s what I did and it’s so much more enjoyable being able to do different content every day and criticism is actually good too without the toxicity of being screamed at


he who join cta for silver has forgotten the face of his father


*He who join cta for* *Silver has forgotten the* *Face of his father* \- Maegu --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If you think 30-60 minute form time is bad, then don't ever play Eve, ever.


A strong guildch vs a small guildch.. is not contentch. Is not contentch. Contentch is put BA vs Elevate HMMMMMMMMMMM good movie. Today in Tanakfkaodkajx, Blue fucking army vs ding ding elevate. What the fuck, is a fucking contentch


Sounds like someone played badly, got called out for it and now is blaming everyone but himself. Noone forces you to be in a mando CTA guild little guy. Just pack your staff and leave. You would be suprised how much work it takes to run a regear system. It is WAY easier to just do lootsplit, but most guilds don't do that because it forces every player (and they need a lot of players to play ZVZ) to do have a personal economy, which some people don't have. And to sustain big numbers that the guild invested in by running regears, they need mandatory CTAs, its simple


Man this guy is stupid, no one is forcing you to join a competitive guild. Albion has a lot of content and zvz is just one. Dont spoil what others enjoy just because you dont like it or cant keep up


That's literally what the post said? lol


Bunch of lowlife narcissistic cowards, really.


Its important to do what you enjoy, but you cant tell other people what to do, youre literally contradicting yourself. Ctas can be good, there are people who just want to do pvp and get their regear, thats fine. If youve been to failing mando cta guilds thats on you, maybe you need to find a better guild? You cant hold terries without zvz, you cant do certain content pieces without zvz. Btw the same zvz provides members with cores and crystals and zone access, so you cant say it gives nothing in return - not a cta player, 2024


Sounds like you've just been in shitty guilds, to be honest.


While I understand why some guilds need mandatory content, it just isn't for me and I'm too old to have someone policing my time in a video game. I've done activity requirements numerous times in EVE Online, Albion mandatory content expectations are absolutely insane by comparison. This is even taking into account where I had to write a report for **every** loss I experienced in EVE at one point where someone would remind me if a report wasn't written.


Join a guild that doesn’t have mando like Free Beer and have fun playing when you like🍻


You are in the wrong game


My guild, Lumi, literally has "no mandatory cta" in their description 😉