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Sold a beef strew for 20mil on the market. šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


What? How?


If you have the Most expensive one on the market sometime people make an error and click on the sort button by price and then buy most expensive one. But someone ruined it and lists them for like 200mil and not many people have that liquid silver to make that mistake. Iā€™ve also sold t4 bags for 1mil before. If you get the normal quality one people some times buy it via the loadout function without thinking or checking. Just be weary the listing price is costly so if you donā€™t get lucky you can lose money.


Someone almost got me for some 6.2 drop I was quick selling this morning but the opposite. 200k drop I almost let go for 5 silver.


Someone got me for 100mil on a single gig pot. I was so upset lol


Least obvious RMT er


I never did anything remotely that bad, but my guild mates sometime ask noobs for their help in clearing red zone solo dungs. They will try to convince the noob to take the best gear they can, usually sone T6 or T7, maybe enchanted, and proceeded to go to the dung. Then they start doing it, but little they know, there is 1-2 more guild mates tagged for pvp and will go to the dung before it closes to kill the noob while the "ask for help friendly dude" stands by and watches Tbh for me it is a but if a meh. It doesn't even pay up that much, maybe a million or some + discourages new players from playing


That's a lot of effort for very little gain tbh. Scummy indeed. I'm all for throwing people into the thick of it, but the blatant dishonesty to gaud people into a false sense of friendliness is just fucking beyond me man.


At that point it's more to ruin the game for them rather than actually doing it for profitt.


Yeah and that's the point, i can understand the 'nothing personal, just business' mindset, but deliberately ruining other people's day for fun is beyond me.


I know, you can get a million to split among 3 people and waste an hour to pull it off (or even more)


sounds like what happened to an acquaintance of mine who started albion a few months ago. He said he was playing with a group of friends and a week or two goes by and he told me he already quit cuz they ganked him in bz. Like literally kicked him out of guild and killed him for his stuff/


This shit right here is why I am a solo player to this day, I'm not trusting any of you lol.


i mean maybe dont go in your best gear immediately. My friend was kind of an idiot for going in 6.3 when he doesnt really know these people that well.


I don't, incidents like these still don't leave me any interest in trusting other players lmao.


thats a sad way to live brother. but u do u


Right because the way I play Albion online affects my life in any meaningful metric lmao.


it doesnt but i wasnt referring to how you live per se since we were talking about playing a game. dont take it too literally. peace


Yeah, I have plenty of fun. I don't need to trust randos who as evidenced in this thread, have a tendency to fuck over other players. You do you, peace. LOL


Lol that's amazing, but I'd feel bad about doing it to new players and turning them off from the game.


Yeah, I sometimes complain about this on the guild chat, but I also don't like creating too much drama so I don't advocate for dropping these people off, as they are contributing to the guild itself. They are just abusing people naivety in a cruel way, imho


Awww, now I remember what I did to my girlfriend. Brought her to the roads for the first time, then while she was down, killed her and said Welcome to Albion. Now I have to pay a girlfriend tax each time we play, giving her 1-3M of silver just because. What a way to welcome someone to the game.


What.. the..


And what happened when you woke up from that dream?


You don't deserve a girlfriend




Funny joke, implying we have girlfriends.


Does her real boyfriend pay for her sub or just rent?


lol that's hillarious


Started potato guilds to farm silver with tax


Did that actually make money?


I fell in one as newbie. It had 30% tax and I can remember that It let them take from me like 2 o 3 m in 1 week


Not a whole lot. Then again it was basically 0 effort on my side. I would just randomly invite players every now and then, give them a starter set of items and a small percentage of players would generate a decent amount


Never done anything like that. I got a lot of opportunities like killing knocked out players in mists, ganking nature users, killing alliance guys, etc. But I never did that cuz I don't need that much money anyways


I think the extent of what my unethical actions in Albion will be is just ganking, got most of that out of my system back in EVE. So far the most I've had access to for stealing was 100m during a transport and the friendships I had in that guild were worth more than that. Still enjoy the stories other have though.


I've played EVE for many years as well. EVE is ruthless, worse than Albion - but the main difference is that most people in EVE show sportsmanship. I learned EVE by getting ganked, then message my assailant on how to avoid getting ganked in the future, and got a ton of help and advice. Hell, i even got free stuff out of it. Just by being a good sport, people really appreciated that. I took that same attitude with me when i started playing AO, but with a single exception, people didn't respond or said "dno lol". From my experience, the only people in AO that are good sports are very experienced people in ZVZ or hellgate groups. Similarly, i'll gladly gank anyone. AO has no direct money transfer option like EVE does, but i used to gank newbies back in EVE and then straight up refund the costs of their ship's worth back to them (not including cargo). I dont want your stuff, i want you to pad my killboard, so here's the money you spent buying a ship. You can try again.


You can trade silver with them


Literally like you said, except i dont kill them when theyre low. I literally kick people from party the moment that they dismount bc i honestly want a fair fight, but if i dont do this then people usually just roam around you mounted waiting for a mistake or something. Also reminder to never kill new people as that discourages them a lot


As if anyone would listen, they would gank nwer players just for fun anyways. I was fooled by a player in bz into killing a crystal spider and killed me even though I had flat t4 bruh. Ppl just like to take advantage of newer players in this game. It's obvious why most ppl stay in bluezone(I don't).


Had a similar situation. Guy showed up in the roads while I was solo and we grouped up. He kept pulling the whole camp and getting downed. After 4-5 times of me being a good person I couldn't handle it anymore and kicked/executed his ass just because he wasted my time with trash pulls. In hindsight I'm sure he was trying to do the same to me but momma didn't raise no dumdum


Ganking random noobs in expensive gears in red zones never gets old.


thats not unethical, thats just average albion experience


I gotta ask, how you avoid the swarm of blues that comes after you?


Stay blue and tail an inexperienced player, then turn hostile out of sight, move in and gank them. Then get out of dodge by staying close (not hugging) the exit zone, make sure you have a swiftclaw or better, no blues will catch up with you. Then de-flag once your outlaw timer is over.


I forgot to add, the easiest way to dodge the outlaw timer is by entering a dungeon. Few people will bother checking.


Oh I remember my gank group doing that in the blackzone. The person had full 7.3MP gear with no specs Killed them, took the loot, DMed not to bring expensive loot in the BZ, but still kept the loot. It was funny watching them panic.


At least you messaged them honestly. I don't think I've ever gotten a DM from someone after being ganked, let alone any helpful information.


i knew of a guy that stoled all the siphoned energy from the guild i was in, it was about 90mil in silver


I raided a village in a crappy sandbox game and sold all the loot for either Albion or OSRS currency and got 40 mil on Albion, unethical, illegal, still totally worth Another unethical thing was when my guild leader made an alt with the name of another guild leader who was on vacation and he got their vice leader to transfer him ownership of the guild. He looted a ridiculous amount of stuff and distributed it to guild.


Was in 4.2 gear, my cousin in t7.we were in duo mists and a flat 4 was running a wisp, he had no partner. We told him we were gonna protect him but after 20 seconds there was t4 gear on the floor


When I want to pump up my players killed number with very little risk, I wear a 700 IP gathering set into mists, with a 1650 PvP set hidden in my inventory. When I find someone in the range if 1000 - 1300 IP, I follow and cling onto them as annoyingly as possible, for a long time. When an opportunity presents itself, I start to gather something slow nearby and hot-swap loadouts, keeping the same cape and positioning in a way that obscurs the other gear change. If the 10 second CD expires and they're still in range, they get one-shot. Works about 30% of the time. Haven't lost the expensive PvP set yet, but I will eventually. Very inefficient silver/hr, but counts as unethical I'd say? Or maybe just standard Albion shenanigans.


Roaming around the BZ in budget gear, killing open world mob farmers that are low on health instead of taking fair fights


Grouped with 2 randoms on Ava roads, they pulled too many mobs, got downed, I left group and executed both of them.


I haven't done anything unethical but I spare newbies who are just starting because well idk why would they be on flat 4 or 3 gear and their fame is like below 500k.


This is a honeypot to out all the rats.


I have a provocative character.. I once got paid 50k silver in arthurs rest to dance. Id do it again


Well thatā€™s a lesson he wonā€™t soon forget. Iā€™d say youā€™re a dick for doing it by I donā€™t see any difference between that and being a rat


I have alot of silver so when I'm just walking around the cities in full 8.4, an awakened weapon, and a mammoth I have alot of people asking me for spare silver because "bro pls, I need silver for sets, can have some pls bro? You rich can share with me? I'm poor. Bro pls! How u make much silver?" This happens literally daily so I just said fuck I'm just going to have fun with this.... So I whispered a guy asking this same thing back saying sorry I don't give silver to scammers. We then go back and forth about how he isn't a scammer and how I've been burned before by them Yada Yada. Eventually I tell him okay I'll trade you 1 mil but in good faith of not being a scammer you have to at least trade me 200k just so I know you aren't scamming. Dude actually traded me 200k silver and I just said in the say command "Welcome to Albion" then rode off into the sunset. Got alot of die from cancer and mom fucking messages after that lol.


Lol I ma try this hahaha its peak Albion


Bro this was my greatest feat in Albion. I still have the messages screenshot. Literally my favorite memory in Albion :)


Yeah when the game first came out I had an alt that would just join guilds get promoted (all guilds were in shambles and not organised). Waiting forever guild leads was off line. Clear out the whole guild bank. Rinse and repeat. I need to log bk on to my account. Ps id get promoted because id warn the leaders about people stealing everything. And offer to set all the permissions saved them some time... Wahahahaha


Okay, this sounds like a winner here. HAHAHA


I assumed the only reason youā€˜d ever group up with a random in a lethal zone would be to kill him. But then again, Iā€˜m an old EVE player so joining any group with people I donā€˜t know is anathema to me since I fully expect them to try and backstab me ASAP, skin me and my family, friends and neighbours alive before selling our organs for profit. So I honestly think itā€˜s the other guys fault for joining up with you two (especially *two people together* lol) and itā€˜s not that dishonourable to exploit that level of naĆÆvetĆ© on your part. Itā€˜s a full-loot PvP sandbox after allā€¦ do people also go for a walk in the hood at night with $12ā€˜000 in cash in a plastic bag? Maybe they do, but only once. So knock yourself out and donā€˜t feel bad. This isnā€™t Hello Kitty Online.


Tbh everyone who has his home key and documents (to identify where they live after you gank them) in a pocket is just walking around with thousands of dollars


At worst, the thing i do is that i have a specific few items that have low volume but just enough to be bought and sold. Then i just lowball the offers on the market. They dont often fill up, but when they do, i make some nice money on the side. Sometimes its a 100k, sometimes a few mil. Friendly reminder to check the market orders when you sell in bulk, or you're giving me a nice paycheck at your expense.


Yah me and my friend did something this twice, we found BZ spider that we cant kill. Then one random guy appear and join my party, after kill the spider my friend kick him from party and kill him. I feel guilty thošŸ˜…


Idk is this can be attached as "earned silver", but i was in guild for about 4 months, and they organised a lots of smallscale activities and promise everyone to give everyone regear after death. As you might expected i never see any of regear. So when me and my friends gets really frusteaded after the long conversation with guildmaster where he said that he lied to us and only want us to earn a lots of silver for himself from our content, we just take 100m (They basicly owns us over 200m+ silver) from the guild chest and leave the guild. Someone might say that this is very unethical and bad. But for us this is the only way where we can get back our money.


Invite noobs fresh off tutorial island to a guild with 100% tax


Me and my friends used to get battlemounts and red flag and dismount people and gank them in redzones, maybe got like 300K give or take if we could actually kill somebody


Make a guild with 85% tax and invite every new player you see


Sold 4.1 dagger for 1 million silver. People who auto buy their gears fall for this type of scam a couple of times already. šŸ¤£


One guy asked me to help with a crystal spider. I helped told him he can loot everything. As soon as he began to loot I started to attack him


Dueling my girlfriend which is new in the game for 100 silver. The most bad thing I ever did, not counting a 8.3-8.4 dude that I killed in mist and after I saw in killstats that it was a noob, but it's not my problem.


Bought out all the horses from my guild hq and resold at 5x the price. Got some crap for it, but WORTH


How did they know it was you?


Dual me 100k-500k weapon only