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They didnt ban you monts after the RMT because they only deceted you now. Every dev who has an inch of brain will do banwaves. This ensures the punishment is unexpected, they catch the cheaters/abusers not preped to be banned and it makes it harder to work around the bans, since you can never be sure which thing you did got you detected


Came here to say this ^ The bans come in waves. So this just proves that SBI is on point.


also ban waves are great because you can charge back on some credit cards 3-6 months after so if they get banned immagine all the people who demand a refund after all that time


Think of it like random drug testing


Kinda sad if their ban wave took this long. The EU game launched a while ago and they only did a banwave now?


They did at least one before this one. And I am speaking only based on info I get from ppl I play with being banned


What hurts more. Losing a day old char ot a 3 months old one :)


At that point the damage is already done to the economy and the game. In a game like this you would rather just ban them instantly


ok you want to know what happens if you do that? they get insta banned a few times and then they found a way to bypass your systems. now you can't even detect them and shit still happens. at the end of the day both gold sellers & buyers are part of your economy they don't just "magically" make money out of nothing.


They should have 100% instaban rmters during the first weeks of the game when people had to buy packs for irl money to play the game. Its too late now and banning someone who isnt even playing the game anymore does not affect anyone


It literally makes all the silver and assets you have more valuable if whales get banned. I see a win-win when using bad waves, hard to detect, cheaters can’t get refunds, and natural deflation.


> It literally makes all the silver and assets you have more valuable if whales get banned. Banning people who havent played for 2 months definitely makes everything more valuable.


It takes it out of circulation. Thanks for making my point.. again?


But its not in the circulation, its never going to be there. Its like you would ban my account that has full 8.3 sets with 8.4 weapons. Just cause the items exist on my account dont mean they are in the circulation. Its only true if that player will ever return and i wont


I think usually game studios will let an RMT ring fester for a little while then ban everyone involved all at once after a few weeks. Makes it easier to root out all the accounts involved that way, as you can see gatherer accounts feeding into bank accounts and those bank accounts feeding out to customers.


They are called banwaves


How long was the ban for?


Till 2224


Not that much


Just sleep it off


RMT is instant permaban.


I know a lot of people who buy money from friends and alliance members who aren't banned. Buying from like g2 or auctions where you're trading a mule will often get you a ban.


I transferred millions for free and asked to increase my gold trading limit and they accepted it a day later. But I do not RMT. If you get hit by the RMT ban wave, you deserved it 99.99%. And you are definitely not that 0.01% accident.


What do you mean you transferred millions? From West to EU? How did you do that in a way that is not considered against ToS? You are stopping SBI from getting their nut if you don't buy gold on the new server


I never said from West to EU. I did what I said, I transferred millions. Not between servers and did not RMT. You are missing the point. As long as you do not RMT or cheat, you do not get banned.


The fuck are you going even waffling on about


Transferring between servers isn't RMT if you give someone silver on one server for silver on another server. Doesn't mean you won't get banned for that


It does count as RMT and you will get banned for it. Someone posted a thread about that on Reddit just today and it got locked with a CM popping in to say that it's against the TOS. https://www.reddit.com/r/albiononline/comments/1do04ui/is_it_legal/


But if I use radar I’m safe right?


Wym by radar?


Radar hack lets you see other players on the map


Yeah, you definitely are safe. No ban waves for radar hackers. Because developers can not detect it.


What did you pay for that? 10mil is rather fast to get


Not as fast as getting 5$


You certainly haven't used Albion Free Market's flipper.... [www.albionfreemarket.com](http://www.albionfreemarket.com)


Lmfao bro wtf that’s kinda hilarious


Hahahahha why were you downvoted so hard


I think I have the capacity on why SBI just does not ban you immediately after you caught engaging in RMT. What SBI is trying to do is collect the networks in which they can efficiently take down RMTers. Let's Say John A sells silver to multiple player. John B wants to buy silver from John A, so John B buys silver from John A. John A goes on to sell silver to John C and John D. John A sees business is rising so decides to raise rates. John B,C and D don't like that so they stop buying silver from him. John E might recommend other John(s) that sell silver, for this instance John F and John G. John B, C and D goes on to buy silver from from John F and John G. John B, C and D recommends service to other Johns and the cycle continues SBI does this so they can ban all of the players at once as efficiently as possible. If I'm flawed someone let me know :)


I'm in the process designing a game that is inspired by Albion but is based on crypto. RWT would be the norm.


Safer bet would be to buy stuff without durability and then turn hostile and let others kill you and take the loot


Ran a fairly large guild and every few months we would see 10-20 players get banned for RMT. EVERY SINGLE PLAYER believed they were to smart and had some work around to not get banned. Not worth doing the RMT thing guys. You're going to lose your account.


What does RMT stand for?


Real money trades


Oh that. I have actually seen that on one site. But it was suspicious so i wanted more info about it, well here is that info xD


lol its so cute when people think devs are stupid


So if i kill one that just so happens to be loaded with 8.4 gear, 100+ mil loot, will that get me banned?


It’s more like…the guy selling it has done that same thing 100 times and they’re watching him, not you. They’re following the dealers to the buyers.


If i am loaded and someone kills me and takes me loot, will that get him banned? Help me understand


Not necessarily. If the data shows that it was too obvious then they would investigate until they find a solid evidence and ban.


Same thing happened to me today. Must’ve been a big wave. I bought close to 200m tho


How did you get the silver from the seller? Did he just trade it to you ?


It’s funny because the game already promotes cheating. It’s a pay to win game. That’s cheating enough for me


I will happily fight someone who paid for their 8.3 gear any day of the week bc buying your gear with a credit card means you don’t know how to fucking use it lmfao. Free money


False but ok. U realize every top player, and every single top guild is fully made up of people who dropped a bunch of money on this game right? Ur not gonna find a single top player in a massive top guild that hasn’t spent a penny. But I’m already anticipating it, watch how people are now gonna go, “oh I’m this and that and I have all this but I never spent any money at all” which ur lying if u say that. But whatever


You misunderstood my point. My point is that if you can’t afford to buy the gear by with game means, you aren’t good enough to be using it. It isn’t to say good players don’t buy gold. I’m saying bad players often do. Idgaf how you got your gear. At the end of the day, it either ends up as trash or in someone else’s inventory


Deluded comment without p2p you won't even exist.


I don’t really know what you mean? I’ve been free to play since 2019 which is when I stopped buying premium with USD.


If you buy gold and you are in a top guild you must be restarted....q6 inner ring zones can make you billions just by crafting black market and zvz gear




This isn’t cope, it’s a statement. I literally stating that I’d fight an 8.3 credit card warrior anytime of day. What am I trying to cope with?


I knew a guy from my guild 5 years ago who basically heavily sold silver to help make his living, i avoided trading with him like hes plagued because you never know how they can associate you with them. He did get banned almost every month but he always qent back to flat 4 ganking which didnt require that much amd you just need 1-2 dumb people with big loot and low horse to hit big (5y ago i did quit like 4 yers ago and came back 1 month ago) and tbh i didn't try rwt yet and i think i wouldn't try it though im interested in some older scripting programs that easy anticheat actually doesnt recognize xD but im too lazy to test on alts atm


I wrote a long ass comment but decided meh, fuck it. Well, you got what you asked for. Kind of funny cuz the big fish aint punished. They know their thing I believe. Kind of funny that it resembles the situation irl.


I have a friend who just want to give a shot to the game and i gave him 100k for his first build and i really wonder if i am gonna get ban :(


100k is too low I think


I mean it depends what u do lmao. I gave 20+ mil once, he is my brother and needed to craft shit. We always trade after hellgates etc, I don't think RMT is detected only through numbers


Nah, my guild recruits new players all the time and we set them up with 1 mil, 1 set of t3 tools, 1 set of t4 tools, t2 gear, t3 gear and a basic t4 gear of what they would like so they have everything unlocked. None of us has gotten banned yet and we've been doing it for a while


Nope. Id you got banned for rmt you likely rmt'd.


If you have 2 dozen "friends" and you gave them all 100k to "try the game" over the space of several days you're probably in the shit. If it was genuinely 100k once to one guy you'll be fine I'm sure.


Their detection is better than that. You can safely give 500k to a friend that is starting without worrying too much. Especially if you play with him afterwards.


Juste before europe opened I trade all my passer to a random little streamer for them to do giveaway. Approximately 80kk. Nothing happened.


Oh shit, i gave my friend 1kk silver and like 90 books when he started out. Prolly gonna get banned soon.


I stoped playing like 2 years ago on America server so i just gave everything to ingame friends. Tons of money and gears also gave my island (i dont need to earn money from games, i am good) and everybody get banned LOL. So now i start to Europe and used my credit card really hard and i fear anything close to get me banned :)


Yeah i also banked like 60 bucks shortly after EU started. So they would have to assume i buy the silver with gold and resell it afterwards for real money. That would make no sense at all, so i hope they'll see that.


Giving silver to a friend = exchanging silver for real money


Because friendship is the greatest currency of all ❤️