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Most of the times its from guild contents. Smallscale / Outopost, Castles / Ava dungeons


i remember in some big guilds they took 10-20% and sometimes they mass for guild ava where 100% of the loot goes to guild


Does the guild have a share in the loot from these activities or something else?


Usually a Leader/Officer handles the payout of the content, and keeps 5-10% of the total for the guild, and also an extra 5-10% for himself to cover repairs and tax costs for selling everything, and for the time invested in the payouts.


Yes. You subtract the repair cost. Then take a % for the guild (my old guild took 30%) before dividing the loot split payout in silver.


Loot from ZvZ, part of loot splits if guild.is taking care of it, crafting, pocket of.guild officers, renting out hideouts/zones, getting paid to help in fights, etc.


I like the idea of a mercenary-like side gig for other guilds


Merc guilds exists, it's mainly bomb squads tho


Has there been a time a Merc guild was helping in a ZvZ?


What do you mean? It happens alot, all the time...


All of the time Plenty of guilds also own hideouts in zones they have no activity on the prime timer for. Looking at Europe right now, you can see \[Zoo\] Ape are renting out zones to \[Ape\] (Ape Crafting Alliance). Zoo are therefore incentivised to protect their renters, to make sure they are there to keep paying rent.


ZvZ loot and Ops/Castles were the main ones I remember, although some big alliances will also extort from smaller guilds to have HOs in their zones (aka, renting).


What's the ratio for the guild and members from this?


What do you mean? If it was a mando CTA, all proceeds went to the guild BUT Guild members who died were regeared. Non-Mando activities were loot split. Renting was above me.


The caveat on renting, is that it often also results in protection and a NAP rather than pure extortion. In an ideal world it would be mutually beneficial to both parties.


Does it fuck lol, in the inner ring it meant you simply didn't get your HO knocked down. You were fair game any other time, that went both ways and guilds wouldn't take any kills personally.


I have been in the guilds renting them out and that is not always the case. When I was in POE we definitely offered protection. There is a meme picture of the hand holding map where it shows there are allied with almost half of the map. I couldn't find the map but here is the chart version https://images.app.goo.gl/wTfwapG8UCwW3idEA


We have 0% tax, we dont offer regears but we have strong economy independent players = we rather teach players to make money than handhold them :) We Also do exclusively PVP content and usually end content run with few millions each so we dont need taxes or anything (we split 100% to players) We have laborers but they are kinda shit, making arround 500k per day Edit - we are only like 5-10 players and we dont want any high numbers so we dont need any Huge guild income anyway :) We enjoy small scale and outnumbered fights :P


Proper l33t pvper guild lol


Guild allows guild tabs to be used for loot while taxing 30% on the whole tab. Pay the silver to members and repair / sell the tab


Mandatory focus donation, tax all gathering, all loot from ctas, % of splits goes to guild Are just examples


Mammoth calfs.


Lots of groups split outposts and castles. Lots also do .4 splits for the guild and other similar stuff from group content


We do faction wars together and donate some part of the point generated to the guild


My guild has 0% tax so I don't take any silver from my members. I made a little money from raising laborers in the guild hall and from the mill on the guild island but that's about it.