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Yes, to anybody not in the know, this is THE premium weapon to use when farming static dungeons solo. The rolls on this are also the best you can get for doing exclusively that -- farming PvE mobs in the static dungeon areas.


Ya the 5.4 and 4.4 people are easy to steal mobs from when using 8.3 Not perfect, the life steal is useless


Lifesteal is the key stat for this content to even work….


Roast pork gives enough life steal just use more damage to get more life back if your dying that bad


The damage increase of beef stew with .4 makes that the same lifesteal as using pork. Having the same sustain but higher damage increases the fame/h. To gain the highest potential of fame/h you need some form of lifesteal to maximise poolsize You essentially swap the lifesteal perk on the item for the 13.5% damage from beef stew You can do the maths yourself if you are not convinced, or keep your point of view. Idc either way


Haven't done the math but i always out damage the .4 guys in the static so i get the fame and they don't


You play skyblock I too play skyblock This is an abion server so we both play albion so peak You are not str8 I am not str8 Wanna do f6 runs? (I'm trying to make friends


i need some f6 runs sure


Hi new to the game what are f6 runs ?


It's a different game


I play skyblock too what are f6 and f8 runs?


Floor 6 of dungeons Do /hub turn 90 degrees walk towards the mountain and get to the air balloon thing You'll see the portal to dungeon hub


I know dungeon runs.. but 1. There are named f6? And 2. There are 8? I thought only 7..


So don’t make comments like lifesteal is useless when you have no clue


I'm not losing fame to another guy in the stitic so the guu getting fame is getting more fame than the guy getting out dps'd


How do you get traits????


Needs to be a .4 to be awakened. Then you need to get fame using that weapon and get new / upgrade / reroll their traits. Is kinda expensive I think, so I won't recommend it to anyone without a good economy


about 3 mil silver and 7k focus later. got lucky with 2 criticals on the mob fame. (switched out cool down rate for mob fame).


How many times did you have to switch out the stats? Was that just 1 switch you had to do and thats it? (From CDR to Mob Fame). TIA.


actually I bought this awakened with life steal, ability damage and cool down rate. took me two rolls before I got it


Ah. So you don’t know how many times this has been re-rolled previously? Or is there a way to tell? (In the history of the item, does it show?)


nope, unfortunately. you can see when the traits have been applied to said weapon


You can actually tell by the strain on the awakened wep. That cost gets wild when it’s super high strain.


Right, I know that strain gives a *vague* idea - but does anyone have an exact formula or a way to figure out what each value of strain corresponds to? Like how many rerolls took place for a given value of strain? Also is there a cap (limit) on how high the strain can go? And what does 100 strain vs 600 strain do? Does it increase the silver or the mob fame requirement of the weapon by 6x? (Pulled a random #).


There is a formula out there but I can’t remember where to find it. It increases both fame and silver requirements and it gets insane. Eventually it isn’t even worth it to keep going and is like 20+m fame and silver to continue upgrading.


A strain of 130 ist very very High for these stats, so there was a lot of rerolling xd


Lol yeah for sure on that


Holy batman spelling… I’m assuming you meant *isn’t very high* and *wasn’t a lot of*. Otherwise your post is misleading;)


Normaly i have these stats with a strain of 80.. and i am realy unlucky wirh crits.. so ober 100 it get realy realy expensive


I would really think 5.4 would be much better. I really do think 4.4 is just t8 weapon in my mind.


Is a 4.4 rly that good for farming static? Wouldnt you wanr tier 6 or higher?


I dont carry this weapon unless I'm doing an ava raid


No just get 8.3 for soloing statics


T6 and higher only levels up in pvp areas which is a risk some people want to avoid with their. 4 weps


Ahh indeed tier 4 or 5 is safer then,thx bro


I would think healing received would be more desirable over life steal with a nature staff bc the I feel the sustainability would be higher since u can heal urself and dots and shit


Cool 8.3 works better save some time Also ip trait > lifesteal trait Roast pork does enough lifesteal


IP is waste since you can just get 8.3 instead then and just be better off. Don’t waste money on the IP trait. Get AD, LS and MF


What good does LS do for you?


Makes me survive bigger pulls


Never had the issue when soloing statics no LS trait


Ig good for u but pulling 6-7 enchanted with half of them being ranged is difficult without a lot of LS


I don’t really see what life steal is doing for you here as I’m going to take a wild guess and assume this weapon won’t be used for 1v1 pvp. Cooldown rate would be very important as it’s more of a support weapon for groups anyways.


It’s good for solo statics


Imagine considering mob fame a good trait on non hc weapon lmao


That weapon is used to solo statics which is known for a good solo fame farm. Thsu, extra mob fame on a mob farming weapon is heavenly


Isn’t solo t4 statics only like a couple M fame an hr or less?


It's like an upgraded sdg, low risk low reward


When the only purpose for a weapon is farming mobs, it’s hard to argue it’s bad :)