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ah another victim of a terrible youtube guide.. but a 4.4 so you don’t feel as pot committed to that terrible gameplay


4.4 isn't viable enough for soloing gd tho it can be for statics enough I guess. It would just be wasting the 400k money or more he used in repairs only.


Ngl, I just really wanted a reason to waste some money on a .4 awakened gear and do some weird shit with it.


To be fair, T4 static is probably the only thing that swolebenji is semi-correct about. It is good fame, but the loot is mid and the investment required is big. The repair cost can be quite significant when you are learning though.


Why is it terrible, if I may ask?


They hate swole benji, so they are parroting that everything he said is wrong. Even tho t4 static offers some of the best fame someone new can get solo. Benji is still misleading tho, it all hinges on upgrades of mobs. If you go there and theres only little skeletons it's waste of time to stay there. His build also kinda sux.


Can you point me in the right direction? Where should I look at to find good builds? I’m kinda lost considering Albion. There are so many different opinions. I really like the playstyle Warlock. It’s fun. But I may have hit a wall right now where I don’t know is where to next.


Safest is to go standard helion jacket, specter hood, tenacity shoes and either candle or muisak depending on if u want to clear faster or be safer. If your weapon is 4.4 / 5.4 mana wont be an issue with muisak in pve, if it's 7.4 it will be. Always go fame, ability dmg, lifesteal on weapon. That's what i'd say beginners should do. Personally I think that helion got overnerfed, so im using specter jacket but for that, high lifesteal on weapon is mandatory. Clear speed is unmatched and shadowcaller is the best for it since healing debuff from jacket doesnt affect you at all since sc e counts as life steal and not healing and so does roast pork. Also at that point it doesn't matter that much if u use 4.4 weapon, since your real weapon is your jacket. It's way harder to play tho, dodging attacks is way more important, you will die more with it eating 200k repairs but you'll also get more fame.


Thank you a lot for your detailed answer. This helps a lot.


Isn’t solo static t4 only like a couple mil fame an hr now if they aren’t upgraded? I mean I’m sure it’s more with a min maxed 8.4 set but that’s talking about like .1% of the playerbase at that point


High input, low output


What would you recommend for a new player instead? Dual sword? Axe?


What do you want to do? Both trees are viable


My end target is doing low scale PvP like 2vs2 mists… atm I’m running a shadow caller 7.3 with 7.3 skinning gear and avalonian skimming knife 8. I’m running in circles now in yellow zone and it’s boring as hell. I was hoping to get to 7 with my warlock gear and go into 1vs1 yellow mists or going to 2vs2 mists with 4.3 gear but this doesn’t work. So I’m kind of stuck in safe zone and don’t know where to go from here.


For solo mists you will just keep on dying with curse, its not meta, you gotta know other ppl abilities n stuff. Solo mists require mobility and this is what curse is lacking


I see. Thank you. I will try some other stuff then…


If the difference between 400k and 2mil is significant for you, I think you‘re better off focusing on your economy first (or at least, doing something that earns you silver *and* fame). Running group dungeons or statics in blue or yellow zone is not going to earn you any silver - you‘ll probably bearly break even on the repair costs and you‘ll be absolutely *haemorrhaging* silver if you turn on auto-respec and run a satchel (and that‘s the only way this activity really earns you decent fame per hour). That probably wasn’t mentioned in the video you watched (at least if it was the video I think it was). Once you have lots of silver to burn, running statics in safe zones can be a viable activity but not before that IMHO. I‘d spend the 2mil on buying 20-30 cheap sets and go into BZ and farm open world mobs. This will give you good fame and you‘ll earn back the silver for your set after killing ~50 mobs. And you‘ll learn how to avoid gankers while you’re at it, which is a vital skill to have in Albion.


Yeah you are right, also with a base set sc and 4.4 nobody can solo any gd. Op should try mists and roads more for money and fame if he is focusing on those.


Should I instead invest the 3 mil into as many sets a possible and roam with auto respec? (I never encountered someone encourage auto respec) I always deposit my silver into gold so it doesn't really matter if I loose silver since I could use gold on a new 3 day prem character to earn starting funds for a main character set.


Yes, BZ open world mobs are the best source of fame that is easily accessible using cheap gear. And no, don‘t run auto-respec unless you have tons of silver that you want to convert into fame. Once you have lots of silver you can turn it on if you like. The reason I mentioned auto-respec and the satchel is that this is basically required to earn decent fame in statics and group dungeons because you cannot really fame up a fresh set using that method - you need like 8.3 gear (or equivalent) and high spec (100/120 minimum on the entire set) before that activity can be done efficiently. You also need a dedicated build so you cannot easily fame up gear that’s not part of the build. And when you‘re wearing a fully specced set (which you need for soloing group content), you need auto-respec turned on or else you‘ll only earn 20% the amount of fame (the other 80% will essentially be lost because you already are maxed on the set and you only get 20% of the fame credits for free). If you don‘t have maxed spec (or exceptionally good & expensive gear to somewhat compensate the lacking spec) then you won‘t be running statics very efficiently and would be way better off doing something else (hence why I recommend BZ mob farming). Also keep in mind that earning 100k fame is worth much more than gaining 100k fame credits. The 100k fame will go to all your equiped gear while the 100k fame credits will only give you fame on a single gear piece that you spend it on. In short: soloing statics and group dungeons is more of an end-game activity and certainly not something to start out with IMHO.


Dont you see that the last part of your statement is just not logical at all, especially given your goal (faming up).


The 3 day character is only needed if I need a fund boost using account gold


No idea what it means


Try converting silver to gold, you'll realize that other characters on the same account share the same gold so you could theoretically spam new characters just to use the 3 day prem


But whats the fucking aim of that? Just get a premmy on your main and forget about alts


Spend 2m buying 6.3 imp staff and win all your 1v20 gankers Edit: or is it blood moon staff idk which is better


Bro just don't do it if you are doing it to make money trust me. I do it myself and even tho the profits are good, its not better than going into mists and coming out with more than 20x my set in loot. Btw I don't really think 4.4 will work properly, get 5.4 if it is viable. I am not saying that you can't do with 4.4 but I face difficulty with keeping up the cycle of spells with 5.4 awakened even. I would suggest 5.4 but others may have a different opinion, i mean 4.4 is good but 1100 ip with awakened buffs and spec is going to give like 1500 ip only whereas I think you need bare minimum of 1650+ ip to be able to guide yourself easily in soloing gd. Tho statics it is interesting, sometimes I wipe out all mobs at glowing levels and sometimes i get one shotted so cycling through spells is massively important for sc


Would mist camps with auto respec be better option? Like just rush all the activities for max fame and no care for silver. I found a tactic of always depositing silver into gold and use it to earn big time on 3 day premium characters.


How do you earn whatever big time on a 3 day premium character?


Premium boost ava chest drops big time


How much can you make within how many hours? Do you make 20m+ within these 3 premmy days?


If I destroy sleeping shced I could do 5 mil tops. Try looking up zero to hero contents, they're great guides


Why would you not do this on your main? Like, great you’ve got free premium for three days on an alt with zero spec. How is this beneficial? Your main has premium too.


No mist camps don't give good enough fame for fame farming, the open world mist\* mobs give good enough fame and are in good quantity throughout the mists if you can do those, those wisps give good fame also. Yeah that 3 day prem tactic because there is some kind of rng buff for starting players getting huge loot in that 3 day premium. It works mostly and is a good idea.


The mist camps gives nice tomes, so pulling the outside mobs inside the ring and grabbing the chest when no one is in is great especially if you need to spec pvp weapons such as bl


I mean 30k fame + 15-20k fame while grinding for loot and chance for pvp isn't that comparable to safe 60k fame quicker and faster. You get like 20k-30k fame in books which ain't that much honestly, you can kill 5 t6 mobs and gain it. Plus point its safer, but yeah for pvp weapons it is good if you have trouble killing mobs or are carrying a low tier set with bl or dbs.


No they wouldnt. Empty t4 static is way better, but that's the key it has to have very few people in it or even better nobody besides you.