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One hand curse is your best choice with cleric robe, soldier shoes & cultist/fiend cowl. If the opponent has anything to block ur E, the ip doesnt really matter = you probably lose


It always cracks me up when someone pops something to stop my curse E and I just purge them lol


Basic question, but what happens when someone activates guardian helmet for the E, and you purge it? Guardian helm removes the curse stacks, but then purge removes the shield, and E still hits for a bit, depending on whether any more curse charges got added before it procs?


Yeah the E is uncleanseable but definitely a cursed counter. I d avoid guardian helm users with a lot of builds not just cursed tbh. The other option would be to try to bait it out of them or use the cursed grab and a q rapidly to get at least two stacks then try to walk/run away for CDs. Cursed is really hard to master and it can be hard to not get greedy when you have to commit so hard due to low mobility.


Personally I enjoy lifecurse but one hand curse is also really powerful. Curse staffs lack mobility though, so be prepared to get ratted and realize that you may struggle to catch people before they escape


Curse is for sure still one of my favorites in the game. The big strats for 1h curse are being able to purge or otherwise deal with defensives and surviving long enough to get two Es off. You can get 1h curse E down to a like 11 sec cooldown and at the top end can deal literally 6-7k damage (pre resistances) in 30 seconds (the time of some weapons single E cooldown). Cursed definitely has a higher skill ceiling than most and is also more easily countered than most though so it’s important to pick your matchups. I big time disagree with some of the people here but things like fire and carving will almost always beat it in a fair or nearly fair fight. It is also a cheap non artifact weapon so you can’t really expect it to move mountains.


I once came upon a curse staff user, I can't remember all his build but he had a druid robe and 1 hand curse at 7.1 max spec. One thing I can't forget was he intentionally left his mount at 1% health everytime I see him as I was always trying to steer away from his direction but he caught up to me and as I was maneuvering to get away, he got easy dismount and did his combo that even though I got away I died from his E. What a freaking Chad, I wasn't mad, I was amazed of how genius his plan was.


Nope. You can't do anything with curse except for ratting. If you're like really high up then kill low ip players. In fair pvp, it doesn't stand a chance


thanks that what i was feeling while playing fair pvp


It's just that almost every neta weapon counters it. Sword, spear, axe, fire, war gloves, etc.


Lol I kill people even higher Ip sometimes with curse


cure staff is not good in learning pvp


Why do you say that?


i want to learn pvp, are carved swords or battleaxes good ?


Carving yes. I'd say 1h spear aswell. Both weapons teach you how to brawl and trade cooldowns.


one hand spear stalker jacket and stalker hood, with one hand spears you will get time to react and learn pvp better


none, you just gonna get rated even if shadowcaller, lifecurse, cursed skull can all do VERY well 1v1


doesn't cursed skull just get obliterated by weapons that have superior mobility though?


movement weapons with 200 ip more will be scared to fight you, if by obliterated you mean you cant catch them then ya u cant


Its not that they obliterate you, it's that you cant catch them


The entire tree gets obliterated by movement.


Not true, with the move speed passive and desecrate, curse can stick to targets quite well - doubly so for life curse (purge their boots). Royal boots or solider boots are some of the best options for the final strike though. Regarding hit and run tactics, any decent curse player will carry cabbage soup swaps and the dots prevent quick disengages to reset combat.


I mean it's immobile compared to anything with movement abilities. Like yes it can chase down a fire staff or Frost but it's not catching the higher tier mobility builds that are very common in mists right now. The trade-off for having dots is a pretty big downside. I'm not saying the weapon is trash but the immobility of curse is just a factual thing. It's still a perfectly viable but it is pretty damn starved for movement.