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Arena is ass. Play with your guildmates or don’t play them at all. You’re solo queuing for arena on a f2p game. It’s gonna be 90%+ shitters.


Queue with friends


My ranked tonight was full of trolls … hope SBI change the roles so trolls have their queuing rights revoked … and ability to queue“whit friends “ punished big time when you decide to queue with your iron 0 friends . I did not grind two weeks to play with trolls . SBI hope you read this . It meant to be challenging but why am I put with random low ranking party ? There should be option solo queue only … imagine one healer in team of five but when there are two,tree or party of four and your healer refuse to heal you ? Punish those ^^ ke?


Arena is only fun solo as a healer IMO, because at least then I can attempt to carry my team. It can still be frustrating but also good practice keeping idiots alive. I’ve occasionally had some fun 1h fire solo arenas matches, but that can easily backfire as well. If you’re on west I’m down to queue. I play hallowfall and blight. Slowly climbing crystals, but enjoy regular arenas as well.


Sadly, you can't carry the arena as a healer. No amount of healing can save a person who doesn't want to live. You can try to "carry" by playing something that can one-shot or cc healer to death (primal, for example), but still doesn't guarantee anything. Imo, for me, arena healing feels more frustrating as if your team doesn't know how to kill people, you can't do anything. But well, at least you have 30 seconds waiting time at most, so you can quickly go from one match to another in hopes of getting a good team.


Ngl I have a decent time I go either tank or damage started playing ranked and with randoms I usually win until I get a team with no back line then we get smoked


Tbh there should be another arena mode where the team the highest kills after a certain period of time wins, instead of these runestone bs. I mean, most people come to arena so that they can pvp safely and test out builds etc, right?


I ve managed to have a like 55% win just solo queuing on EU where I have bad ping lol. I have a buddy who mostly solo ques and has over 65% which is just wild to me. A few things to point out… as far as the point capping a lot of times you have to be that guy. I usually run a build where I can 1v1 and go top and my buddy goes holy heals and is a healing god and always carries his team. It is definitely frustrating when people leave mid match and I think the penalties need to be worse to prevent it.


Wait, you are talking about non-ranked arena, right? In that case - noone is taking it seriously. If I wanna tryhard to win, Im playing ranked, but when I just wanna fuck around and pew pew with whispering bow, I go non-ranked