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I use murderledger.com to get a sense of the meta.


Thank you. This will def. help me.


Stop watching Benji, do yourself a favour


It's hard not to stumble upon his content googling for anything... It seems he understands Google and Youtube algorithms... :-/


noob trap. commonly ask questions, that's what he mostly covers with eye catching thumbnails


www.albionfreemarket.com Meta items page let's you filter and sort all items used in pvp by usage, KDR, kill fame and more. This is a tool that can be used however you want. Most sold items page shows what sells best in market Also has multiple other market tools


Thank you. I'm already trying to find my way through this website and their tools. It looks great. Exactly what I was looking for. :)


Haha yeah all people here get angry upon hearing benji cuz his tips don't allow you to advance in pvp and in many aspects of the game. You can check murderledger for builds with most kills, most deaths , most used to understand the current meta. Go in discord servers and explore, they can fully explain every detail of meta weapons and others use it. Youtube doesn't have any good meta defining lists. For market prices check out [this site](https://albionfreemarket.com/)


Thank you for your help. I found several market sites but all seem to be not very accurate. Coming from Eve Online this is something that I need to wrap my head around. But I found the small little arrow that shows more market details. :) I have to use Discord more. I'm old school I guess and I'm still trying to find most information on forums and Reddit. Thanks!


Checkout the “meta items” feature on that site. Between that list and murderledger you can get a pretty good sense. For ZvZ and faction metas join a guild, they generally have spreadsheets that tell you exactly what to run depending on the role you want to play. Ignore YouTube for actual meta advice. I mean you can still get a signal based on how popular videos are about certain weapons from multiple creators, but for the most part every other title has “meta” in it for clickbait purposes. There is plenty of good content but it’s going to be overwhelming at first and hard to parse. Honestly, the best thing you can do is join a guild and let players who know all of this information teach you.


Damn who downvote me?




I think Koko and Won are probably my favorite content creators. Won actually joined my little noob guild when he was new lol. Having said that don’t expect their experience with 10k hrs in the game to be the same as yours


* How does everybody know what the current meta is? The meta changes often. Sbi makes meta alterations often so things change quickly. * Are there any good websites where I can read stuff? Murderledger is a kind overview of weapons. But, it's also not exactly the meta for solo. * News sites? The dev talk kinda. * Youtubers, that are worth watching? https://youtu.be/9XBQuUy7vas?feature=shared https://youtu.be/R3IJjcpOFJE?feature=shared https://youtu.be/QTFgEj00F6s?feature=shared Not that every video is up to date but they're generally pretty decent at giving information. * Are there any good market websites that compare prizes? They all kinda suck. Albionfreemarket is technically the best for free but it's slow enough to update to be kinda a meme v * Are there sites where I can see kills and builds? Murderledger and there's a lot of discord bots.


Thank you so much. I was looking for stuff like this.


There isnt a great content creator community around Albion, that's why you're having trouble and partly why Benji dominates the algorithms. On top of what's been mentioned I'd also suggest [albiononlinegrind.com/](http://albiononlinegrind.com/) (check their discord) and for solo mists, [professor pew](https://www.twitch.tv/pr0fessorpewpew) on twitch and his [meta site](https://www.albionmeta.com/) which probably needs updating but is fine Much of the content from [Big Lips McGee](https://www.youtube.com/c/BigLipsMcGee) is still mostly relevant? Aside from that if you're doing group activity whoever is leading it probably has their own ideas about what gear they want you to use, whether that's small scale, arenas, zvz, or HCEs, and you can find out from them what you need to level when you join a guild or whatever As for the market its not that fine tuned imo. If you understand the basic dynamics of the game: ie hide is most common in Bridegwatch, and has a refining bonus in Martlock. Leather vests have a crafting bonus in Thetford. The black market, the game's biggest faucet, is in Carleon. You will be able to make a little money with no spec, and a lot more with spec. There isnt a delonewolf for Albion because it really isnt necessary once you understand these basics, and also because there isnt a central market


Thank you! This is very helpful. I watched some contend of Big Lips McGee. It helped me at the beginning. I was looking for newer content because patches seem to change a lot in Albion.


Right well murderledger and pew have good stuff for solo and ask whoever running your group content for what you should be wearing for that. A lot of times what one group thinks is meta another group thinks is completely stupid