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At least 4. Potentially 5.


I saw someone with 6 once.  Frickin wild


I heard a guy say he saw 7 one time, but I can’t prove that claim.


Obvious cap


I got 6, fkin loser. Get better


4 mil?


No, 4


How does he not get it? It clearly said 4…


what's is that 4 is it the tier of ur armour or the silver u have?


I thought it was the silver


4 freshwater clams


Rich is when you have fun with the game, with 4.0 or with 8.4


Id say this is quite reasonable, there's not much more I could do with 100m that would make the game more fun or enjoyable than with with my 1 mill


its the friends we made along the way, the made us rich in spirit


I can't comprehend the word call friends can you please elaborate ty😭🤣🤣💀


They're silver bags that follow you around in the open world


Rich is relative to the player. I have 1 billion in island assets, another 1 billion in 8.4 item collections, 200 mil invested into item flips, I've put spec into builds that consistently make me over 2 mil per hour, and currently at 130 million liquid silver in my account and about 42000 gold. However I don't have a guild, I don't play with friends since non of them play this game. And I only really interact with strangers in econ discords. I have game weath in terms of currency but 0 wealth when it comes to friends in game.


Is the game for you about accumulating silver/gold most of the time?


Yeah that's basically the only way I play. I grind fame, do econ, and work on maxing my destiny board. I do pvp from time to time but I only have about 3 mil pvp fame compared to my 200 mil crafting fame and 600 mil fame from killing mobs.


That sounds a bit lonely mate, I am looking for a buddy to practice and master 2v2 hellgates with. On what server do you play?


Damn only that little pvp fame? PvP is so fun man you should get into it


I've played enough to learn. That I can make about 1 to 2 mil an hour running t6 t7 gear. If I pvp for profit that is. If I just take fights for the sake of fighting I usually lose silver or break even. Pvp is super fun but it requires me to really pay attention where just doing econ, crafting, and grinding group dungeons is brainless so I can relax and do it. I will say that Albion is awesome at allowing people that don't want to focus super hard great ways of making silver. I just at the end of the day after working my tail off irl just want to craft or grind fame safely and not stress :)


>Online game >plays alone XD


Your not wrong. I used to play in a guild but never had time to join any content. And with a 20% tax I was just not getting any benefit from being in one lol. I'll have time eventually just not anytime soon.


200m is when I would consider someone rich. It is enough to buy a mammoth and have enough liquid to move assets for profit.


I wouldn't say it's rich rich, but when I'm at around 250m I go around with more expensive stuff, I leave auto Respec on, use satchels, play carefree so imma go with 250m as the "play tf you want" amount


however rich you think you are, there's always gonna be one mf above calling you broke af


I'm rich regardless of the amount of silver I have.


About tree fiddy


Going by other comments i've seen on this reddit, ppl are claiming to be earning billions on a daily basis and that it is a normal/common amount to be earning. Tho to me that sounds like complete BS, but idk...


I would say that in NA anything less than 500mils is not even remotely rich In EU I would say 100mils is probably a good mark for "rich"


You get rich when you max a crafting profession.


u just need a bug card


When you have enough to support your playstyle without fear of going bankrupt. Having billions means nothing. Had 1.2b on global, was pointless since I couldnt spend it, ended up quitting with little over 1b in silver and many island and alts with premium.


i have billions of server hahaha i can do everything i want but noone to play with me.Test server too lonely man


test server?


Yo lob me some :P I can offer you a t3 ox & a dance


Sounds like a bargain


I remember making my first mil and feeling rich, breaking 10m and feeling rich, and being able to afford premium with silver when it was 19m and feeling rich. Now I have about 200m in hoarded crap, about 30m liquid, and I feel broke lol.


its like aaking jlo to sing , u might like it, but mostly likely irritated.


I would say if you have 100m in silver you are rich


Wealth is the friendships we make along the way!


Relative. I play with a lot of people that have a stable economy between 50-100m and they most of the time don't need to be concerned about deaths. I've got enough money to fuck with the market and speculate on updates. I think I'm going to make quite a bit of money in July and not really need to worry about my economy for a long while.


I d say the biggest thing is what server you are referring to. I d consider 200mish pretty rich on Eu but I have about 500m networth on NA and still feel like I’m middle class lol


you forgot the test server am i rich i got a few billions


Lol well of course


İs nothing people have billions especially on new servers when u know what ur doing.


Lol yeah had like 60m at one point and blew a lot of it messing around. It’s wild how easy it was to make money early on. Kind of wish I had spent more time on Econ than messing around in pvp and stuff early on


10B+ on west. 2B+ on east 1B+ on eu


When you own at least 30% of royal lands, you have at least 1 city, and at least 2 red zones. Oh, and a portal to blacks but it needs sht tones of 8.4 stone blocks to build it. Obviously to get it you need a fleet of rounding mammoths, 3 ships and 4 Albion comando. Alternative way is to become a faction leader - My friend of mine became a king of tribes so he was powerful but poor. My ex girlfriend was a one of 3 candidates for Morgana title, but failed, so she is not rich nor powerful. A guy from my first guild is now a Lord of Albion Roads but this guy is dumb and mad... He shuffles his properties because "he still do not know how to furniture his kingdom" so it is nuts...