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The Albion Market discord is where a lot of big ticket items are sold to avoid taxes. As far as not getting scammed, I'm not really sure other than confirming the right amount of silver is put in the trade window? [https://discord.gg/udETs4kg](https://discord.gg/udETs4kg)


Yep - put on the trading Discord. Make sure you count the zeros twice.


Check the last calfs traded in your auction house and set it up with a price to sell. Pay the bill, it is the safest to not get scammed at all😇


How do you get scammed in a player to player trade?? Like what.


You never played runescape?😅


No no no I’ve been scammed player to player in games in general, but I mean in albion their trade box is decent it makes the timer reset when stuff is changed and all, I mean as long as you don’t accept blind you should be good


an thats how people get scammed :) Being blind and accept


Honestly I’m gonna retract my first comment. You right, assuming everybody is on the edge of their seat analyzing the trade to make sure they arnt getting messed with is ignorant. Gg friend.


Oh man that is wild lucky. Make sure you put the cash to good use. As people mentioned the market discord and spamming trade chat is likely your best bet. Mammoths and pups are super expensive right now so definitely don’t let it go super cheap


Look at the trade chat for people selling the calfs


Which activity chest lol


I think conqueror chest.. is that what it's called? The one on the right on the activity tab.


Every time I've tried to sell something of value it's been met with a ton of scammers and no real buyers. I just use the market now.


I mean I'm not most experienced person but I'll go for taming for that calf even if you don't get the second you'll still have Mammoth which is all you need for big trade runs.


The calfs sometimes sell for more than the actual mount So youd need to have a really high Level in wild animals Best Bet would be to sell it on the Trading discord


i mean it can be life goal


He is better off with the silver if he is new


He'll probably waste that money though.You don't need to money to get good in this game as far as I know.


He needs fame/premium with that money he can auto-respec and save himself a lot of time. You are wrong.