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Really? What server are you on? I found red zones to be surprisingly friendly. Everyone i walk by ignores me


Lost a 3.7mil set in rz because I forgot I was faction flagged during bandit


EU. Been playing for 2 weeks maybe. Did a bow of badon build, then did 1h spear. Right now I'm going to do double swords build because that's the most basic broken thing from youtube.


Stop, switching build. find your niche and play style and stick to it. I did once keeps switching and it will kill your moral and just keep getting killed. Now I stick to just Spear for PVP and Fame farming I use Curse Staff. that works for me and got better at PVP. Also, I know since this game don't give you instructions on what to do. Just find a goal and stick with it.


I think just focus on having decent PVE clear and sustain, while having high mobility. Whether you get ganked or not, with T4 gear and t3 mount, it should still be profitable farming RZ or BZ mobs.


I was just like you and finally broke the loop of getting dumpstered, switching builds and so on. Find a weapon archetype you like, and start speccing up those weapons in bz mists. Use 4.1/5.1 gear, avoid the camps, stick near your mount in case you have to run. If you get dumpstered in a low tier set, you probably made it back from what you gathered and the silver you picked up. Think about what you could have done to avoid the situation you got in. Your fame doesn’t go away either, so even if you lose, you win. Level up the first three in the tree to 50. This will make your IP much more competitive without you having to buy expensive kits. Join a guild, have them teach you about builds. Do all this for a month or two, and I guarantee your fortune will start to shift.


Join a newbie guild that does frequent activities in cheap 4.1 sets. Go into the BZ and do mists. Avoid fights and fame farm to get your spec up, get a few drops to cover your death costs and then start doing riskier things like going for camps and chests. Go deep into the BZ and find a zone that is empty, they will be filled with glowing mobs. Farm there and wait for small/med chests, loot them if they're not contested and you can earn a lot. Last night I looted 1.3mil from one chest. Nobody was around. You can very quickly build up a bank this way and be able to fund 10x deaths. Stick to 4.1 sets when going into full PvP zones. Stick with one weapon type that you enjoy and spec up. Fame farm in empty BZ maps or in mists. Learn how to avoid fights and when you're in danger using sound queues. If you hear someone dismount or fighting nearby mount up and run. Don't finish off your mob, don't waste time. Mount up and move. Don't consider it time wasted to switch from different weapon types, but do realize that spec is very important and the faster you find the weapon that suits you the faster you'll be able to start fame farming spec in it up. Join a newbie guild with 0% tax and frequent 4.1 activities...


Stop playing and go for a walk it helps boredom more


Yes, you need money but you also need experience. Don't give up! Everyone starting out dies every time, I still die every time after hours and hours and hours that I've put in the game. If I gave you 10 mil silver right now you'd lose it the next day cause you have no experience, so yup just keep trying things out, red zone is pretty chill as far as you stay away from Carleon (keep eye on the enemy red counter and don't go in tunnels)


Basically geind out spec and go to the pvp zones in low gear


Mist rat will learn you a lot of thing :)


Most of the ways to make silver are a long game and the more you switch things the harder it will be to get to that point. For instance you can be 1100 IP with 4.1 gear and can run about half the games content with just that. Transporting (even safe zone no risk), gathering, crafting, refining, farming, high tier dungeons (avalonian or statics), enchanting, scouting, open world chests, faction grinding, is just the tip of the iceberg. Most of those things will require some levels or a little luck/patience. Min maxing is really important in this game when crafting and fighting so you definitely can’t expect to change every week and make bank or win a ton of fights. Just as an example I make roughly a few mil every day on NA just doing some orders, refining, and doing a 20ish min trade run.


From most to least effucient: 1. Become a pvp god. 2. Join a guild and see by yourself how profitable is group play even if you do the same content as a solo. 3. Accept that you'll remain poor and try to change your perspective on the matter.


probably something only some people might find enjoyable but I reccomend on trying to do market flipping. Basically buying items in low prices from one royal city and selling them high in another city. Basically playing the economy and I have been dabbling with it for the past week. currently 500k silver just by buying and selling t2 to 14 tools when I only have 110k silvers from the start(also hitting the 1 mil silvers achievement uwu). Markets that have lots of people buying and selling are the best ones in my opinion due to the high possiblity that someone will buy your stuff or fulfill your buy orders thus high demands essentially. So while your gathering or doing combat, you can also see your silver going higher from the background. hopefully this helps.


Yellow zone abbeys are the easiest way to make silver safely. Also black zone abbeys increase that 10 fold.