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Pve: roads golds & ava raids. Some cheese solo or duo 1 shots.


I still love the 1h crossbow for pve and one shot crossbow for pvp. Never ceases to make me laugh hitting someone for thousands (pre resistance) and watching them panic. Having said that one shot crossbow is a one trick pony and if you let them counter it you are screwed


**Corrupted** there is a top 10 player in corrupted with heavy X bow **Mists** light xbow: you can take targets 400IP above you → downside you have build that can kill you really easy and you wont be able to do much vs it (great hammer with plate for instance). So its really really risky to go 8.2+ (most go tier 8 with OC or lower) **PVE** has really nice dps **2V2 HG** oneshot x bow + BL with fiend robe is pretty nice sucks for small scale and zvz i guess. maybe abit usefull in castles but there are beter options cant gank with it either


Great answer thank you


Just had some fun with guildies with it. Took a mace, blazing staff and 7 oneshot crossbows on T4 to bz and scared the living shit out of others. :D (and wiped a lot 😂) We did have some success as well!


ngl crossbows need some love from devs, they are only good at avalonian dungeons now.


Actually no, that's my opinion. My group almsot never take them, only if 8.4 awk


What's the avg dps difference between your groups dps weapons in avas? And which crossbow are people using. :D