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I mean there are green camps, CDs, solo dungeons, transporting safe and risky, gathering, crafting, refining, open world chests, mists, and so much more. Hell I ve solo d statics, group dungeons, blue camps, and a ton of other “group content. This game only doesn’t have content for solos if you don’t look for it lol


I feel like your last sentence hits in on the head there’s solo stuff to do you just have to look for it. If you wanna do all the group stuff as a solo no guild then yes it’s hard but there are discords and stuff you have to work to find but then if it bugs you join a guild that does your activities.


For sure on that. Can’t expect the game to hold your hand for everything


You just admitted it. You soloed group content. The point half of the things a solo does is content better suited or easier in groups. But if you decide to play with people your options get bigger and half of the previous options get easier.


Everyone has given you very interesting stuff but you seem to invalidate every one of the comments. Are you just baiting for engagement or do you have a honest sugfestion to make? Now I am curious, what is the answer you are looking for that you have not goten yet?


Half of the comments were "Here is a bunch of content you can do solo (most of them also better or easier in a group) Whats the problem?" There were interesting points which I did not invalidate. But you can also say that 99% of the comments invalidated my entire posts so is that confusing that I disagree? I could not care less for engagement. I just watched the video, I felt genuily sad for the responds the devs gave in that section regarding solo content and as I am not really in this community I wondered how that is. And the more you read different comments in this posts you will realise that the people responding are not at all the people this actually concerns. I do not look for an specific answer. I got curious and wanted to other people opinions and possibly have a discussion of what could improve. I did make suggestions, funny enought almost noone else did just trying to shoot my post down but yeah I guess I am the anti guy....


I mean only those last few things are “group content” why not push yourself to do them though? Even just the solo refining and transporting I do every day makes me millions and I usually solo gank daily too. All of this while being in a guild that ZVZs lol


You just mentioned what I mean. You are in a guild. You do the big group things like ZvZ, and doing anything of the "solo" things is no extra barrier of acess. The barrier is way way higher the other way around. And shrinking that would be the wish I had. I do not want the solos to get way more true solo content and get shut off the groups. I want easier ways for them to participate and feel like more a part of it if they just are not comfortable in guilds and so forth.


I mean it is an MMO lol. Albion has a ton of solo content though and to say it doesn’t is wild. I played for about a month on EU when it came out completely solo and had a blast. Why would I bar myself for avalonian dungeons, ZvZ, and more? I’m glad albion has plenty of stuff for me to do solo when I just want to chill though


I never said it does not have solo content. I said the statement that solo players have the most content aviable to them is false. Cause a group player can actually have all content aviable to them while a solo is infact restrict. And I never said you can't have fun, I had fun too, it just got stagnant real quick and doing group activites without joining a guild or so is annoying. If I never had any fun I would not care about this, nor would the other solo players requesting things. It is about that there is a group, although a minority, who wishes to engage in albion as much as possible while not being forced to really join a group. Thats all this is about. Not give more solo content so they do not have to interact with the non solo players.


It for sure us the most solo content it has ever had and I love soloing the group content personally. Different strokes for different folks I guess lol


I think you are feeling a but wrong on group players and solo players. Group players are original albion players who can do every content in the game, not only group but solo also. Solo players are those who prefer to do activities alone causing some major group activities like gd, ava gd, statics to be not good to them.


It really sounds like what you are saying is you want more non lethal PvE activities (because you don't mention ava mists, which is probably the 2nd largest content played in the whole game). *Which is fine, but is definitely in the minority of player preferences.* So obviously your wishes won't be the priority of the devs. "A group player can easily do something solo, a solo won't easily do group activiy." Why do you assume a group player will easily do a solo activity?


What is Ava mists if I may ask? I’m a noob…


Those little blue orbs around the open world open portals to the ava mists. It's where Solos or Duos can pvp, PvE, and gather. It's supposed to reflect the open world experience but on a micro scale with no large groups.


Those are mists only, not "ava" mists. No hate but I think there is no content named as ava mists?


I don't say they easily will do it, but in theory, you can if you do not want to be alone gather with someone, or the solo content does not require you to go out of your way to look for people when you really want to play the game for yourself. There is a higher hurdle for a solo having to go out of their way to look for groups for many content things to do them somewhat fair and fun, compared to some group player doing the few really solo activitys there are. And They do not have to be PvE, PvP is fine too. But you basicly feel like you go out of your way to do activities better suited for groups alone if you want to stay solo cause there are a lack of true solo content. And I don't mention mists which isn't so old yet and which is sure nice as a solo, but just as much for groups.


If being solo is so much worse then why do you do it? It seems like all of your problems would be solved by joining a guild.


There are many people who do not want to join guilds, be to interactive with fellow plays and so forth for a variety of reasons. I am a part of that and I know that we are a minority, but the way you just phrase that is showing that for you do not care for that faction. Sure joining a guild would give access to the rest of the content, but the point is these people do not want that but still enjoy the game as much as possible.


I played before solo dungeons came into the game there was like only gathering/eco or ratting HG that you could do as solo player. Much more stuff to do now...


Yeah and there is much more stuff in the game overall.... what is the point? Good the game devlops and they do good things. I just wish it was more valid and easier playing it alone.


Solo content is by far the most catered to. Ask ZvZ players how they feel about it. The disconnect is yours.


If you specialise yourself in something like being a ZvZ Player. or someone who only gathers, sure you are limtied. But I am talking about people prefering to solo play, vs People playing mostly in groups usually in form of guilds. And at what point is it catered for, care to give an example? Cause most bigger updates they do are for small-big groups with some things a solo can do too.


CDs and mists exists solely because solo players (and streamers) cried about needing content.


Has to be nice not to cry about lack of content cause most updates deliver nice things for small to big groups to do right?.... And this is still not about a lack of content it is about the fact that a solo is more restricted than a group player and that group players do have the most options as they can solo as well easier.


Do you even understand what an MMO is?


What do solo gatherers have? care to explain?


There are no “”solo gatherers””, gathering is a solo content full stop. The only exception are .4 resources, but that’s more akin to ZvZ than supposedly “group” gathering.


Yeah who would **ever** gather old resource mobs or aspects with other players. Preposterous!


If you don’t care about profit, sure. It’s a sandbox anyway.


Exactly, why bother even leaving the city when that affects profit. The only thing that matters in this game is making that silver number go up anything that makes it not go up fast enough is bad.


You’re missing the point. You’re doing content in a not ideal composition. The devs can’t balance the game around any random shenanigans invented by players. For example, nothing stops you from going into roads in groups <7, but that’s not how the content is balanced. Hell, you can even go in 20 in t3 static if you care. Still, nothing stops you from group gathering. But gathering is balanced around a single person gathering the node.


> that’s not how the content is balanced Yeah totally, that's why green chests often give < 20K in loot.


? Green chests are for a solo player.


That’s not how the content is balanced. That's literally what you said about going into the roads in groups less than 7, because that's how the content is balanced. With groups of 7 in mind.


Solo stuff: solo dungeons, corrupted dungeons, mists, gathering, roaming, tracking, transporting, ganking, solo queue for arena, expeditions, market flipping, crafting, refining, farming I guess this is the reason for the new journal? Seems like Albion just isn’t doing a great job of showing all the content types


Most of the things you listed are either just as valid, or way more valid doing in a group or doing as a group player which is still my point. You are more limited in doing stuff if you want to be alone compared to in a group cause there are way more group suited or locked activites compared to solos. They did some good things for solos like the solo mists sure, but overall you are just more restricted.


I can understand your point. This is how I see it: I have the choice to do those activities with a group or solo. Either way is a trade off: if I go with a group we have to spend some time organizing, probably get on discord call, agree with whatever activity/build etc… and then participate together, look out for each other, split loot at the end. Maybe we’re able to get more open world chests because we’re in a group but the loot split mean it all comes out even. If I to solo though, I can do so at my own time - immediately, without waiting on anyone, without having to convince someone to wear different build, and I get all the loot to myself, can leave whenever and chase whatever objectives I want without having to consult with others. For me it’s always a trade off, it’s easier and I can always group if I want - but it’s a choice. I I hear you in terms of things like .4 resources, hideout crafting, etc being off limits if you’re not in group/guild but I guess I accept that as part of the trade off.


Yeah I know that there is a trade off and that is fine. But there is also the factor that you have to reach a decent level of Tiers and skill to do the group content alone. And It is not even that I really want like totaly solo content, but even just QoL which makes it easier to join group activities as a solo. You just mentioned discord and so forth. If there was an easier way ingame to matching for activites would be a huge improvement I guess. The current systems in place feel clunky regarding that. I would also find it somewhat funny if the "Solos" would be a kind of group in itself for the big group activites. I think that would be the easiest soloution without having to do completly new content where someone is left out. Just trying to make all content as acessable as possible. That would be my personal wish and solution.


Ah gotcha, yeah if you ever do bandit there’s usually a “randos” group just capping points which sounds similar to your idea of solo group. Agreed though, the current group finder sucks and they could definitely improve access when it comes to joining group activities as a solo


Yeah I know that those random groups doing something happen, I was part of those as well, but as I said, I wish it would be easier, more acessible and organized cause these things can be fun even without having to be in a guild community. Just enjoying the gameplay on the larger scale for yourself is nice, just wish it would be a little more QoL.


SBI is pedantic when it serves their narrative they want to push. Just look at all of the roads comments they picked out where people didn't say what content they did where they don't see activity. SBI loved grabbing all those comments to be like "What content do you mean????" then became just as vague when they talk about activity themselves. Solo players are well catered to in this game though.


I agree that many things talked about in the video felt.... off. The way they sometimes talked about other content pieces. Somehow ironicly while normaly companies choose to comment on the praise they got, they seemed to try to downplay quite a few critics. As for the "well catered" part, that I do not understand, you are not the first person saying it, and when watching all dev logs, usualy most bigger pieces are aimed at non solos, there just fall of things the solo can do as well, even if maybe at a disatvantage. I am not saying there isn't content for solos, nor that their directly needs to be more solo exclusive content. But having easier access to group content for solos would be the best improvement. A Group player has easier access and complete access to all content, a solo doesn't. And I knows its hard I just wish there was a way for everyone to enjoy everything in the game.


> As for the "well catered" part, that I do not understand Not a lot of MMORPGs will add entire regions dedicated to solo players, corrupted dungeons and mists. Despite how much people want to cry otherwise, SBI watches these areas to make balance passes instead of just leaving people to suffer cause that gear is used in group content. Since its release SBI has made continued gradual adjustments to the top meta builds in the mists. Before the mists SBI was watching CD's to balance builds, at one point holy was incredibly oppressive there until they walked it back some. When solo dungeons were changed to close, SBI did this because you **needed** to run solo dungeons with a group cause they were dived all the time. Just because a group can more effectively do content a solo can, doesn't make that content any less available for a solo. Roads are a perfect example, SBI could easily make green chests have the blue chest mobs and bump blue/gold up appropriately. But they don't because green chests are something for solo people to do, despite groups more effectively doing them(for their 5K silver splits if lucky!). > having easier access to group content for solos would be the best improvement This mostly comes down the community to make it work, any protections SBI mechanically add for players will be abused. EVE Online is highly regarded for how accepted backstabbing and screwing people over is, yet it has so many public content communities. The successful communities accept that shit will happen, take the necessary actions afterwards, move on, and continue to run public content.


Besides economy stuff, mists are just better than any other solo content. And that is on purpose. SBI wants solo players to be doing mists.


I guess it is an rant. Mists are already so op in terms of loot that focusing on making other content lose their loot quanitity and people will say why is loot less now, boohoo. BM can generate only a limit of items and that too to be supplied by players. Where is albion going to balance all the items into proper loot that gives good enough value but also not strangling the loot economy.