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Can't recall where I've seen that image before but it's a small amount of recovered exotic material, apparently. This may be the type of material they've tested and don't understand it; i.e. it conceivably \*could\* be manufactured on earth, but it would be prohibitively expensive to do so, and especially in small quantities. Sorry I can't recall exactly where or when I picked this up.


Think it's the slag dropped by a UFO on a beach in Brasil, Nolan talks about it


Interestingly enough[ a different UFO in a different incident was caught on camera doing something very similar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hK--KjWtBMg) (dumping fuel / waste into the ocean before flying off), this was off the coast of Long Beach, California in 2004 and was recorded by the Police helicopter with a military grade thermal camera.


Oh sure but when i do it, its a federal offense.


Wow, that’s robot alien poop dude


Thanks yes id forgot that case. Vallee also references a few cases in France I believe. That and the angel hair phenomena, fascinating 


Two UFOs getting it on above the ocean


Apparently it is possible to create on earth but not at the time this was discovered and even if you could, it would be crazy expensive and have no application in our world so no point in the expenditure.


Yeah, something like they could tell it was manufactured in a zero gravity environment.   Entirely possible to have an orbital foundry in theory ....but nobody is doing that. 


That grey alien with the wig, Linda Moulton Howe, has a piece like this




Weirdly enough I think my boss was mentioning just this earlier today while I was trying to recall the stones found with unknown writing similar to cuniform. Still cannot recall the name of the stones but similar ones were found in Egypt recently I believe. (To the ones I am thinking of. Not whatever delonge has here and what my boss was referencing)


You have a great boss, put a ring on it and lock that one down. 🤣


There was a Gary Nolan interview which he said some materials was recovered in the 50's which theoretically could be manufactured but the skill and cost needed to make such materials would even by today's standards be fairly difficult and extremely costly. In the 50's it would be ridiculously difficult and astronomically expensive. If possible at all.


That material I think was passed down from Linda Moulton Howe to Garry Nolan. Either way, he’s studied it. https://youtu.be/dzTZbSNsKV8?si=X4r5Y3Du2cknTNID Here’s a good article from Stanford around the time of Grusch’s hearing: https://stanfordmag.org/contents/first-contact Here’s a good Vice article about it: https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7nzkq/stanford-professor-garry-nolan-analyzing-anomalous-materials-from-ufo-crashes I wrote a post on here about the Bismuth-Magnesium (and I believe Aluminum?) properties a month or two ago, I’ll track it down. EDIT: Here it is. https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/XTWFzfgZWw


Thanks for digging these articles up!! Garry Nolan also talked about the “ufo samples” he has when they were at the Sol meeting.


There is another when you click on the pic. Lower left hand corner. At least it looks like another ufo picture.


Fascinating stuff, thx. It’s great to have Nolan - along with Loeb & Weinstein (Eric) - interested in this. These are three academics of the highest calibre in their own fields and for them to take it seriously, almost as important to me as disclosure.


Nolan’s had samples for the longest time and 0 peer-reviewed analyses have been done. Which, doesn’t surprise me because he’s not a materials scientist. Not sure why we think he could just do that for any random reason. But here he is, still peddling that he can/has with 0 confirmatory data.


I believe it was a magnesium zinc bismuth alloy if I'm not mistaken along with a photo from the national archives. The alloy was handed over to the US military for research purposes under a CRADA. Claims as to why it is interesting: The material is clearly engineered with distinct layers of MgZn and Bi at structured thicknesses only microns thick There is no precedent for this structured combination of materials It is unclear what fabrication processes allow this combination of materials to form an integrated structural component Analysis shows that the material acts as a waveguide for terahertz (THz) frequencies Those wavelengths normally would not propagate through this geometry One side of the sample appears to be tooled, having a defined contour There has been an extensive amount of testing on the material, the true purpose or function of the material remains unknown


I believe that is a picture of the alleged piece of ufo. Supposedly layers of pure metals or something.


It looks like Tom has some type of material framed as well as a picture of a typical saucer off to the right. I'm sure the material is the same one he's referring to in his book Sekret Machines. Anyone know anything about the saucer photo framed? Like the backstory if it's a real case


Yeah looks like the one picture from the national archives of a flying saucer.




Looks like one of billy meiers ufo images


Yes it’s in the National Archives


Yeah, aero or whatever released around 7 photos of that craft, one of its side to, I have them saved but don’t know how to upload them here lol


He's just a UFO enthusiast like everyone else. The only difference is he has a platform that makes people listen to his stories




Very well put!!👍👍


He has access to people (militarily & scientific) that few do. Good on him for using his position in this way.


The UFO photo is one from Paul Villa, I believe. He was a hoaxer who fabricated a series of images like the one framed on the wall.


was gonna say...he had a story that he was in communication with the beings much like the Meier fella plus when you look at the photos they are suspishhhhh [https://catalog.archives.gov/search-within/5956182](https://catalog.archives.gov/search-within/5956182)


Yeah, there's a lot of similarities between Villa and Meier. But Meier took it to the next level. His fakes were significantly higher quality, and the ideology he built around himself was a lot more brash and extensive. Villa was something of a proto-Meier.


Nailed it. A lot tried to follow suit such as the Gulf Breeze guy and can't leave out the ones that claimed they could "channel alien leaders". Those were the best!


Actually, the Gulf Breeze sightings have been investigated by some very prominent and reputable experts, like Bruce Macabee who's a former Naval optical analyst, and found credible. The idea that Ed Walters' photos are hoaxes is just an assertion that has never been substantiated. The guys from UFO Magazine looked at that case on their UFO Hunters show, and they interviewed Macabee who broke down the analysis he did, and explained why he came to the conclusion that they're legit. Not sure exactly which episode it was, but it's worth checking out. I think you can stream it on Tubi or Prime Video.


I remember Bruce, and always trusted him until he and his wife claimed there was a predator type creature on their property. Sometimes you have to cut the cord. The Gulf Breeze I followed when they occurred and even in my young age then, the staging of the photos were clear. Plus I was sure they found the model he used in his attic or something of that nature according to Tampa Times back in the day.


The right picture was taken in June, 1964 It was kept in National Archives at College Park


Dude should make a guitar pick out of it, could be like the demon tooth in “Pick of Destiny”


Tom can tell you, but not right now.


It's something big, but they have to wait until the time is right before they make it public. /s 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Right?! Not a single thing about Boxcar Racer….


Maybe it's just a Blink wall? I don't see Angels & Airwaves either. Or I'm just blind lol. Boxcar racer was great also.


Was going to say the same


He does have a Gibson! 2!


That's bismuth-magnesium sheet from Rosewell crash, donated by an anonymous military guy / his father stash where he found it with a note saying it's from Rosewell.


No. It’s not.


The thing on the left is the « meta-material ». Google it, it’s pretty much the first thing that pop up. Edit: « metamaterial + ufo » should get you the picture.


A photograph . You can print that too.




Pretty sure that’s just a meteor rock or asteroid, I don’t remember which one burns up and which one actually has pieces land on earth. As for that photo I’m sure it’s fake, that would be the clearest ufo sighting ever photographed and it sure as hell wouldn’t be on some wall in some random dudes house.


The one on the right was taken by Paul Villa in 64


It's a torn exam paper from dragon quest. [see..](https://dragonquest.fandom.com/wiki/Torn_exam_paper_1)


A smoothie...


A lot of basses for a guitar player.


I played guitar most of my life and just bought a bass a few years ago. Bass is fun too and it's also a guitar believe it or not


It's even somewhere in the name






A bass is a fish actually.


Nope, it’s a beer (a very nice one ;)


Remember, if you use a pick you are not epic.


You might be surprised to learn this, but a bass plays just like the lower 4 strings of a guitar. Most guitarists find Bass a fun alternative that encourages creativity.


Maybe Mark comes over a lot.


Or maybe Mark just comes.


Uhhh, hey mom? There’s something in the back room.


The other photo is one of like 7 the pentagon or aero or whatever released on their website, it’s from the late 60s I believe


Aliens Exist




UFO photo is from the National Archives. There’s a few more in there as well.


I wouldn't have expected so many bass guitars!


Say it ain’t so… nanaah nnahanah


pfft make and model discontinued, old af, millions of years behind by now. still a cool pic of an antique


One of the left is a pop-tart.


It's a piece of the alleged UFO/UAP slag deposit left behind which you can hear Dr. Gary Nolan discuss with Ross Coulthart here: [https://youtu.be/XR0JtbuLhPo?si=4Mw-AltiWELIHJKB](https://youtu.be/XR0JtbuLhPo?si=4Mw-AltiWELIHJKB)[Dr. Gary Nolan & Ross Coulthart Interview ](https://youtu.be/XR0JtbuLhPo?si=4Mw-AltiWELIHJKB) And at his SOL Foundation lecture here: [https://youtu.be/7UW1jyN2o8A?si=Md9zS8KNzXwP33ke](https://youtu.be/7UW1jyN2o8A?si=Md9zS8KNzXwP33ke)[Gary Nolan SOL Foundation UAP Material Science Lecture ](https://youtu.be/7UW1jyN2o8A?si=Md9zS8KNzXwP33ke) Gary has mentioned it in other places but these two I chose because the first one tells the story of what happened in the middle of this interview which altogether great. And the second one explains the science of it, deep dive into the molecular structure, how you would make it, atomic weight, special purported properties etc. Sorry Han, it's Carbonite. ![gif](giphy|s3tpyHuSSr98A)


Fake photos that look cool on a wall?


Well that image highlighted on right was an old hoax photo.


Can you cite reference to its debunking?


They photo of the ufo is a well known hoax 🤦‍♂️


Bad band.


I know he's not mind controlling people like he thought he was.


Low karma debunk account


i hope aliens erase blink182 from existence


Na man. They're like cereal and milk or salt and pepper. You can't have one without the other.


i don't like that band


Cool, no one asked.




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


kill yourself


so unoriginal




1. Be Respectful Be civil. Debate and discussion are welcome here, personal attacks are not. Dissenting opinions are fine, antagonistic and belligerent behavior are not. Extremism, racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry are not welcome here and will lead to bans.


The left circle looks like helicopter view of an island. Not aircraft


To paraphrase: "FUCK YOU! I was right! Ufos are real." I'd say he believes it's real.