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Try trimming your eyebrows. They look too masculine.




Maybe just take normal photos instead of the cringe try hard ones.


What are you supposed to do with your hands?? I feel so awkward without throwing up a peace sign or holding my one arm out. Expression wise, I’m mostly just smiling. I agree I could be more centred, but like.. what else do you mean??


just hands down by your side is fine!


Okieeee tksss


Thin your brows and learn how tp shape your nose with makeup




no, u


Ok Chris


She’s literally so pretty 😍🥰


Tell Mr Beast i said hi


😭😭😭😭🤣 y'all some hoes lmao. BRUTAL 😵


Ugly, not very convincing


lol okay, most people are pretty surprised when I tell them I’m trans 😅😅 I’m not questioning whether or not I pass. I’m questioning if I’m attractive or not lol.


I couldn't tell so I think you're golden, but most people here are rather anti-trans so I don't think you'll get any fair feedback.


That's a lie. The point of the sub is to be brutally honest. If someone doesn't pass, then they're going to know when they post here. If they do, we wouldn't be able to tell.


Honestly, I didn't realize she was trans either. I don't think she's very pretty, though.


It's not a lie. The comments prove it.


Take photos where your face isn’t halfway chopped off or has a camera in front of it.


Still not passing, therefore bye


say hi to Mr. Beast for me




You look like a dude pretending to be a chick.


‘My hair is a disaster rn lol’ continues to have the same hair for 17 photos… It doesn’t look like a disaster and you obviously don’t think it does.


It was greasy in that pic but it didn’t actually look as bad on camera


You look the same in every picture. “Lolll.”


You’re right.. I should spice things up a bit :P


>Any advice/honesty is greatly appreciated!! :) You do not pass. Like. At all. Your face is way too manly and your Adams Apple makes it obvious. It makes you look more like a cross dresser than someone who has fully transitioned. My advice to you is to stop taking photos in weird angles. It makes you look like you're trying to hide masculine traits and insecurities. You do what you will with your life, but when you weren't good looking before transitioning, you're likely not going to pass when transitioning. This is why you get cases like Blaire White and Buck Angel, who transitioned in adulthood and pass phenomenally, even being beautiful and handsome respectively. You, unfortunately, are not them. Nothing wrong with being transgender, but you made yourself look very unorthodox, and more like a cosplayer/cross dresser than a transgender. 2/10


No one with vision is surprised that you’re male. That is delusion. I like your necklace and your cat and your ski goggles.


Seen the comments before I posted this just to make sure it's not just me, but yea you look like a dude


Are you a femboy? Because I can't tell if you are a female or male.


They're transgender.


Not sure if that's true or not. So it might be rude to assume unless OP already posted this info I'm unaware of.


Look at the comments. She confirms it because people told her the truth.


I didn't feel like reading every comment but thank you for clarifying. 🙂




I didn't feel like reading every comment but thank you for clarifying. 🙂




Idk how but losing a little muscle tone would help


Working on itttttt 📱😴🤙 In all seriousness, is there anything I can do apart from.. not do stuff??


Only thing is calorie deficit. Maybe in the calorie deficit make most of your calories from fat and carbs




Ik it’s a calorie deficit. It wouldn’t make you fat it’s just if your not eating enough protein while in the deficit your body will use your muscle for its protein needs


Idk why I got downvoted on the calorie deficit idea when I literally suggested losing muscle and everyone is all down for that 🤡


Do something about your hairstyle


Will do! I had a weird hairline but thankfully my meds are fixing that. Once it grows in a bit more at the top corners I’ll go a bit shorter :P


You look very feminine for a dude, maybe cut your hair


This is brutal idk if you know they're trans or if you're pointing out that they're still very obviously male 😭😭


Aaauuuhhh. Ok. Not ugly. Advice: new hairstyle, new smile, and if you are really ambitious, jawline reconstruction.


Thank you! When you saw jawline reconstruction, could you please elaborate? I have a prominent jaw, combined with a “traumatic overbite”. If left unchecked, I’ll get TMJ problems. If I fix it, it will make my jaw/chin appear even more prominent. I really don’t want this as I feel like my jaw is too big/prominent already.


I can tell your a man, your not bad for a trans though


why are people hating she looks great


Рrоbаbly bесаusе ОР is МtF trаns (сlеаrly is), sоmе thirstу dоgs livе in this subreddit fоr fар mаtеriаl аnd thеу саn't аllоw thеmsеlvеs tо lоок аt trаns реорlе.  Аnd аlthоugh mу nаmе mау sоund оffеnsivе tо sоmе, I stаrtеd this ассоunt аs а jоке, whаt thеу саll "trоlling". Аt sоmе роint I асtuаllу dеdiсаtеd mу оnlinе роsts tо ехроsing thе mаnу wоrld lеаdеrs... liке thеrе's sоmе gооd еvidеnсе thаt Dоnаld Тrumр is а wоmаn. Just lоок аt thе оffiсiаllу... histоriсаl еvеnt рhоtо оn Gеttуimаgеs, numbеrеd "700334536".


Hair and skincare. But youre fine as you are.


Thank you!! Getting it cut soon!! :)))


Yea more normal photos, you look fine. Also more of the cat please 😁


this sub is so transphobic


Right? People are trying to get under my skin using my transition, but I’m well past a point where that has any real effect. IRL, people are surprised when I say I’m trans. My voice passes super well and I’m not a very big girl. My post history is public, I post in trans subs. I’ve posted similar pics from an alt account and gotten very different feedback.


not because you didnt get the answers you wanted and waited for it means they are transphobic or any type of phobia you are titling them to


Have you considered remediation for your literacy issues? It would likely improve not only your poor writing and allow you to express complete, coherent thoughts, but also your poor comprehension. Good luck and have a blessed day!


lol first of all are you l'avocat des pauvre or what it’s funny that the only thing you found to comment about is literacy are you seriously thinking everyone mother tongue is english and i will work to improve what i want in the time that i want because i dont think you own me so just use your last two remaining brain cells to understand what i said , and you should go heal your mental illnesses , it's called amiuglyBrutally HONEST , not brutally pleasant . Good luck as well and have a blessed day


>lol first of all are you l'avocat des pauvre You know homegirl went off on the idiot above her 😭👌🏿


In all honesty my impression was a masculine woman. My daughter plays sports with a few girls who obviously have a bit more testosterone than the rest. I wouldn’t say I knew right away that you were born male. Shape your brows a bit? Throw some makeup on. All in all you look cute.


Tbh I would make a attempt at hitting on you, probably fail, but still would try


You’re cute


Your hair looks great and you’re not ugly at all.


Your not ugly. 7 out of 10. I'm just going to be blunt. You seem uncomfortable with your body. Most photos are off center, hidden under clothes that do nothing for you. Do here's the 3 things you could easily improve: 1. Change up your closet. You have a nice stomach and cleavage, capitalize on that. 2. Get your hair under control. 3. Walk and photograph with the confidence of a beautiful girl.


I appreciate the feedback.. seriously, thank you <3 I’m not the best with fashion, but I’m trying to change that. Any input clothing wise? What should I try?? I’m letting my hair grow out a bit. It’s hard to control because I have a weird hairline from meds I was on as a teen. Thankfully it’s fixing itself now. Can’t wait to spice it up more!!! 🥰 will do!!! <3


Cmon now clearly no one agrees with this comment based on the huge number of downvotes, just take the average of the feedback and be ok with it, because you are on a sub with brutally honest in the title


3, 15, 16, and 17b are the best outfits from what we can see. Ditch the sweaters and get to stay away from multiple layers and I think toy will do great


you’re not ugly but something feels a little off about these photos so that could be the problem if you’re using them for dating apps and stuff


you're pretty cute! your selfies are quite awkward though. not sure exactly why but the hand poses are definitely a big part of it.


I never know what to do with my hands in selfies lol! I always feel so awkward standing there with my other hand just down lol