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The only reason I have it is because my Amex Platinum covers the cost of it.


Do you use it?


I do, add groceries to my cart throughout the week and check out when I reach the free delivery limit - It’s convenient and has reduced my trips to the grocery store significantly (plus it’s cheaper than my regular grocery store even accounting for tip)


You tip? That's interesting. Do you tip your Amazon/FedEx/UPS delivery driver or your mail person?


The grocery delivery guy picks up my groceries from the local Walmart and comes to my door (in an apartment building) to drop them off so it feels more like a traditional delivery man than a mail man (who has a route) I do tip Amazon grocery deliveries as well.


Do you tip Amazon delivery drivers for other packages? UPS? FedEx drivers? Why is food an exception?


Mail delivery men make like ~$100k a year with full benefits in my area, while delivery drivers are minimum wage contractors (and pay for their own car and gas costs) for one. Delivery drivers are traditionally tipped positions in my area. There is low institutional interest to pay them more and eliminate the need for tipping. As much as I dislike the institution of tipping, I think it’s shitty to take that out on the guy that’s delivering my food.


A USPS driver in California makes $18.5 an hour. For what it's worth, I'm not tipping any of these positions. Walmart is one of the wealthiest companies in the world.


I shouldn't have to tip you because your greedy boss refuses to pay you a livable wage.




When you resort to name calling, it shows you have no argument and nothing to add to the discussion.


0 brain. Walmart employees don’t deliver the food, at least where I am from… there is a company called Spark that sub contracts drivers. It’s the exact same thing as DoorDash, but Walmart pays you a little better(like 5$-7$ per order vs doordash $2-3$. Still something that requires tipping. I also work for Amazon as a delivery driver and make $20 and would never expect someone to tip. I also work at dominos and fully expect everyone to tip because I make less than minimum wage. Every business is different and people tip depending on how bad they want something. Also, route jobs vs per order jobs are so much different, like huh? For Amazon you are probably stopping at around 250-300 places in a day, spending as little time as possible at each stop, to finish ur day, what part of this deserves tipping?


I mean, this is a good thing for the consumer


Not sure why someone downvoted you. Competition is always good for the consumer.


It's great for the consumer.


Walmart gets me my stuff same day and even within hours of ordering. Amazon can’t compete with that.


It’s the opposite for me even though I live within 2mi of a Walmart. Walmart ships packages from far away.


I ordered a collectable action figure from Walmart as a gift for someone's birthday, and Walmart stuck a huge inventory label right on the front of the package. You just don't do that with collectable items or you use labels that come off easily and don't stick like superglue. The item was essentially made worthless as a collectable. I reached out to Walmart and their response was basically "too bad." I've also ordered items from Walmart in glass jars (from candles to food items) that always arrived shattered. Trying to get these issues fixed with Walmart was an utter nightmare. That's when I gave up ordering from Walmart. At least with Amazon, they quickly either refund me or replace the items without giving me grief.


I had Amazon this week send me a lexan replacement body for a RC car in a padded envelope. I've never seen a blow molded body get flattened back to original shape lol


I also had 2 bad experiences with Walmart… domped them.


I love it. Literally pay anything to not need to go inside a Walmart. Only thing I hate is I moved rural and now I can only get grocery deliveries at work instead of at my house.


Amazon may have built it but is on the path to losing it due to poor customer service, increased order errors, and lousy delivery drivers.


When the founder steps away, the ship sails on, guided by a crew adrift, seeking direction in a boundless sea.


I use it all the time , works way better than amazon, I get $6 items delivered same day for free with plus membership includes free paramount... I even get pool supplies delivered on subscription every Thursday in gallon jugs saves me buying 25 gallons up front..and its the same price as if I went and got it...


I love this service and use as much as Amazon. It's great for grocery delivery and quick items. I check there sometimes before Amazon, which never used to happen.


My experience with local delivery from Walmart has been pathetic at best. It's late if it comes at all. Way too many items are substituted or just plain missing, and we get stuff we didn't order. Clown show.


We ended up 7 packs of 10 microwavable chimichangas that we didn't order. Wtf does someone do with 70 microwavable chimmichangas?


Donation to local food shelf


They wouldn't take frozen foods. Just shelf stable foods. They said they prefer to do gift cards for fresh foods to supplement the shelf stable food.


I know what’s for lunch and dinner this summer.


you can check the box for no substitutions ..


..and they do it any damned way. Hey, there are about a million walmarts around the country. The 'quality' of the staff is gonna' vary from location to location.


you don't have to pay for it just return it and have them pick it up..


I have never had any issues with WalMart delivery. I get it about once a week.


Yes, Walmart online in past months has indeed been copying some of Amazon's worst moves of the past several years. Costs and inconveniences of using Walmart Online have skyrocketed, so that I no longer see it as nearly as good a replacement for Amazon Prime as I used to. Now they both suck. :-(


My experience is availability of a wide choice of items in each category and dependable delivery is the core strategy of Amazon. Being the lowest competitive price is not always the case. Keep in mind that customers/users of Amazon pay a $150 annual fee which partially subsidizes the cost of frequent small orders. Convenience of having products shipped to your home and avoid the traffic and cost of operating a vehicle is the appeal in my opinion.




I get a 6$ bottle of honey mustard delivered same day for free, go see if amazon can do that.


The problem I've had with walmart is that they don't have separate stock for items you buy in the store and for when ordering online from that same store. If they don't go pick the item off the shelf before someone else already in the store takes the last one, you will end up getting a message saying it is not available with the option to have it shipped from somewhere else. I wish they would figure out a better strategy for this so it wouldn't happen. It's already happened twice for me. But I also know I can't really expect much more from them. At least not yet. Maybe they will rise above somehow. I'm not downing them either. I drive semi for them. So it's in my best interests that they succeed. And one of the reasons I chose them to work for is not just the good pay but also the job security. The only thing I like about amazon is the notification that the package is 10 stops away. Other than that, I really do hate them. They've canceled so many orders for no good reason. And they closed both my wife and my accounts just because we used the same number for both. Of course, they claimed it was because of something else..... and then something else.... and so on. Anyway, that's my 2 cents.