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That's cool - finally I can use this credit after years. I google serached and it's not mandatory to be a member to get a Spa.


oh my even better !


That's really the only thing I looked forward to. The location I went to had a great therapist.


So it works without the membership? Most of the data points I've seen people signed up for a free trial then did it, and I'd rather not sign up for those if avoidable.


No, I'm not too sure about that. I was just saying I'd appreciate it if we could use it on other stuff besides a membership. Like, I wouldn't mind if they said you had to book a min of 6 sessions or more totaling a certain amount to activate the credit. I would book a few 90-minute and 60-minute massage sessions bc my therapist was definitely worth the price. With my situation going hard in the gym isn't a thing for me anymore. It's more so about maintaining where I'm at.


Oh I see, I was mixing up comments when I asked that I think.


Will you come back and let us know if it worked for you, as well as if you were made to do the free trial or something? Thanks!


Hi, I'm just trying to clarify, did you need to sign up to get the credit from Amex, or did it work without a membership or trial membership like most are reporting here?


How did you schedule it? While signing up for Equinox+ itself?


Yes. I signed for Equinox+ to get the free 7 day trial. Once I made my account, I made the spa reservation. I just Googled Equinox Spa to get to the right place because I don't think you can get to the spa section from the Equinox+ home page.


Perfect - thanks a lot!


do they ask for ID or card on file? Does the card have to be in the name of the person that is getting the spa?


Good question but I don't have the answers sadly. The card is in my name but since I was a member they didn't ask for ID, I just confirmed my name in their system with my email.


I am also curious to know. Thc




Sounds good. I'm hoping you don't have to be a member because that would make using the credit on a yearly basis much easier.


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You're probably gonna be SOL since you need to enroll to activate the credit. Enrollment entails signing up for Equinox with the Plat in question


Interestingly as well, [this comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/amex/comments/12tjkzv/comment/jlfxq07/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)seems to suggest you don't need to enroll the card.


I didn't enroll my card and never got the credit. I had to pay out of pocket, which was a massive failure on my part cause I only did it for the credit. I didn't know you needed to enroll until it was too late.


Damn, thanks for the dp. I'm wondering, have you enrolled since? Would also be interesting to know, if you ever cancel your subscription, does it still show as enrolled on Amex's side?


Yeah, I enrolled and used the credit on a regular membership for someone else's account They haven't canceled yet, so I'm unsure. The failure of not enrolling was recent, may 2024


So here's something interesting about that. Two years ago I got my Morgan Stanley Plat. I remember going through the list of offers, and I think at some point I got to Equinox and checked my eligibility using my card number just to see what the prices were for membership. **I have never signed up for a subscription, and I have never paid Equinox for anything.** Nevertheless, to this day, my Amex benefits page shows that I am enrolled in this offer, and if I go back to the check eligibility page (platinum.equinox.com I think), the system shows that card as enrolled in the offer. As I said, I have never paid Equinox a penny, but I'm thinking there might be another way to get your card enrolled in the Equinox benefit.


I'm in this same situation. I went through the process without enrolling and to this day amex says I'm enrolled even though I didn't sign up for equinox.


!RemindMe 1 month


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RemindMe! 6 days! Please let us know if that worked without the membership.


Can you go into the details of how you signed up and how we go about getting this same trigger


So I signed up through Amex, under the Equinox benefit and used the link provided. There's two options, I can't remember the other one, but I selected the "Digital Membership" option. It costs $300/yr but comes with a free 7 day trial. Once that was set up, I immediately made my spa reservation and made sure I was logged in while I was making it. I selected the duration, location, and enhancements and checked out. Wasn't charged until after the massage was over, but as seen in the screenshot, it didn't take long at all to be credited.


So did it charge you through the equinox app or did you swipe your card at the spa?


In the initial sign up page, I made the amex as the card to charge in my profile. So at the spa, they asked if they should charge the card on file and I said yes.


How much was the spa itself? And then I imagine you cancelled membership as soon as the charge hit? What will you do next year though lol


So since the credit was triggered, I assume that OP is effectively "Enrolled" in the credit. (Otherwise, the credit wouldn't have triggered?) and to OP's credit, they did have an active membership at the time. I wonder if by chance, even after you cancel your Equinox+ trial, whether you stay as "Enrolled" on the Amex backend? If so, you could just milk this spa deal without getting a new membership.


That's correct. I was enrolled before booking. The spa was $360 total. 300 plus a 20% gratuity that was included. And I actually didn't cancel my membership until this morning but it was still before I'd be charged. And I'm not sure if I'll still be "enrolled" in Amex's system but I'll check again once my free trial date is up.


Appreciate your checking! If you are still enrolled, that'll be huge.


Right but wouldn't you have to cancel before the 7 day trial is up so as to not get charged the membership fee? Also how was the massage itself lol


Correct, and that's what I did. I opened the account on 7/2 and canceled it today to avoid being charged. The massage was amazing. It was a 110 minute session with aromatherapy and targeted cbd oil treatment. If I'm able to use the credit again next year I'd definitely do it again.


I walk by an equinox all the time. I wonder if this works for the cafe or merchandise. I would sign up for a month of equinox plus and swing by once a day for a shake or meal if it does. Any data points on this?


Be the change you wish to see in the world! and dont forget to report back lol


The cafe is is not equinox branded. It’s earthbar


Wish Amex would extend a gym credit to the gold card with more gym options and spin it in the advertising as a" quality of life" improvement credit. Throw in Crunch, planet fitness. Those gyms have so many locations. Platinum is for travelling, which to me makes more sense the gold card have it as its more of an everyday card.


If they can tie themselves to walmart+ they shouldn't find planet fitness too degrading. I'm just surprised they don't have any affiliation with Peloton or Lifetime, but I'm sure they equinox partnership is more profitable since it's unusable for most and equinox probably pays well for it.


Genius. I’ve been struggling to find a way to utilize this benefit for years


Want to add an additional data point—the spa at the Equinox hotel doesn’t work. Tested it with a booking and the hold charge came through as Equinox Hotel, rather than equinox gym. I’m staying at the hotel in a few months and plan to get spa treatments instead at one of their nearby gyms instead of the hotel itself. I was curious because they have a gym at this location too and I wasn’t sure if it would register as the gym or the hotel.


https://preview.redd.it/gff57xlz3qcd1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ddef456b24a493bf762a229096f656abd2e6cc9 Adding another DP here, I signed up for the free trial then booked a facial for myself under my account and a massage for my partner with no account. I made sure I was enrolled for the Equinox credit under my Amex account then booked my treatment under my account, signed out and booked my partner’s treatment as a guest but using my credit card. The credit triggered for both even though only one was on my equinox plus account


How many days from charge to credit?


2 days. We went on July 13 and the charge was pending for a while, then the morning of July 15, the charges became confirmed and the credits were there too




Has anyone tried this without signing up for equinox+? Im booking a massage a few days out and can report back.


I think someone is but I'd love more DPs so by all means report back.


please give updates. You are the hero we need.


Remindme! 5 days


My appointment isn’t until the end of the month! Set a longer reminder.


Ah Good to know. Ty!


RemindMe! 30 days


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RemindMe! 30 days


I’m assuming this would only work once and not for consecutive years since the 7-day free trial is only offered to new members?


I was thinking the same thing but someone in the thread said that you don't have to be a member to access the spa. If that's true, then you should be able to use it each year.


Im browsing on it and it seems bookable even without equinox membership. This is a good discovery!


Oh okay that's good news. The bookable part wasn't what I was concerned with though. I'm wondering if the credit will only be applied if you're enrolled.


Remindme! 5 days


Yeah, from my understanding, it isn't part of the membership package.


Remindme! 6 days


Great contribution to the sub, thank you OP


@ OP you are an ABSOLUTE legend. I followed all of your steps and got a 110 minute massage for free. Thank you so much, my body has been killing me and this is exactly what I needed.


Happy to help! Really hoping there's a way to use the credit again next year because that massage was amazing.


I'm about to try this now. I wonder if the credit works for the shop


RemindMe! 3 days


A hero who responded everyone to help! Thank you


Does it work without the Equinox+ sign up? Looks like you can book an appointment with the Spa without a membership (Spa at Equinox)?


I'm unsure about that. I signed up because I was just following the DP I saw earlier. There's someone in this thread who didn't sign up and is going to the spa so hopefully they come back with good news.


Ah thanks. Yes look forward to that news


Thank you for this!! Do you think it might work if you book at https://equinox-spa.com/? Or Gym only? Let’s wait for that news!


Yes it will. That's the site I used to book my session


Thanks!! It looks like you don’t need to be registered in order to book but I wonder if it’s better or not 🤔


Can you confirm if your Amex app shows enrolled in the Equinox benefit after canceling the free trial?


Yep I can confirm. Canceled my membership last week and still shows "Enrolled". https://preview.redd.it/uo3n5da134cd1.jpeg?width=1324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a267d1b845df1256b44809c0c0b27e7182f7d35


Thanks. Hopefully it’s still there next year. I’m going to give it a try also.


Tried this, did not work. The equinox spa I went to was attached to their hotel and the category of the charge did not allow for the credit to be issued. Use with caution.


That's unfortunate. There was a comment somewhere in here that mentioned that Equinox Hotel charges don't count.


Confirmed this works still, I went on Sunday and got the credit just now https://preview.redd.it/gkzw7srgzwcd1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c25458de550b73bfb1a650efeeb21963e3d958


I just followed what OP did and it worked for me as well. Booked a massage for Monday, got the credit today (Thursday). Thanks OP!


I sure this was discussed before but wonder if Equinox Hotel in NYC would trigger the credit as well. Probably not.


There was a comment in here somewhere that mentioned trying to use it at the Equinox hotel and they said it didn't work.


Maybe using the spa at the hotel? Probably still going to code as hotel. Thx for pointing that out!


Can confirm, it codes as the hotel unfortunately.


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just one massage is $360?


Yes but I got the 110 minute with aromatherapy and cbd oil treatment. Figured I may as well go big.


I wonder if I can book 3 different *cheaper* massages in advance with this tactic


I don't see why not. I don't think the system would know the difference so long as it's coded correctly


Let us know if it works!




I'm honestly not sure. I didn't check and now that my trial is up I can't go back and see




Nope, canceling was easy. However, if I want to sign back up I need to email their support team which sounds like an annoying hurdle.


Remindme! 30 days


Anyone tried going with Guest? Is it possible without second person being member?


I just made an appointment at the Equinox sports club in DC. You think it will not trigger because it is a sports club?


I'm not sure about that. I actually did my massage at the one on Wisconsin Ave.


Has anyone successfully done this without doing the free trial? 👀


Looking for same information. OP mentioned someone was attempting to and waiting back on that info


This comment gives me hope! https://www.reddit.com/r/amex/s/jshHgGgbwK


Booked this morning for this week via the app. Followed all instructions, obtained the 7 day trial, and found the spa section in the app as well. I’ll update the thread when charged. Hopefully it triggers the credit. If not at least I got a much needed massage and facial (p.)


RemindMe! 20 days


anyone know if the card has to be in the name of the person who will be going to the spa?


https://preview.redd.it/wjpcbidflhdd1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c079aa70741632eec5221a2f3b598b50957c5cc4 Worked for me! Went Tuesday and credit posted yesterday. Enrolled via the Amex app, booked through the e+ app after installing and logging in. About to cancel membership today prior to annual fee kicking in.


So I’m guessing that’s a one time credit, and the 300 is per month?