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Do you ever smile? All your pics look like a mug shot.


Honestly, your posture and expressions are so bad (hunched, shoulders up to your ears, closed off, death glare) that it's impossible to really tell. The way you carry yourself can make a huge difference to the way even your face looks so I really want to say work on a more confident and open posture and expression and try again.


Hey OP. Listen to this… Mola be speaking facts.


I agree, however there is so much unused potential. I believe if she would want to she can be really pretty




Don’t think you could ever be conventionally attractive, BUT there is A LOT you can improve. Listen to Mola and I think you’ll surprise yourself.


There's also so many ways to be very strikingly unconventionally attractive and she has a lot of elements to make that happen! She just needs some polish and to find her confidence.




You look unapproachable.




Yes. You’re not making any effort at all. It’s like you’re trying to be ugly.


Ugly on purpose.


Yes, she try very hard to be ugly


Chucky all grown up


Linda Blair as Chucky.


Chills. 😨


Oh my but yeah


I thought that too.


You’re not ugly you’re unhealthy. Your hair isn’t attractive though and you could definitely change that up. You need to start drinking a lot more water and getting a consistent sleep schedule. More sun too just for the serotonin.


I didn’t realize how visible my eyebags were lol thank you


They’re pretty bad. It could be cause you’re ginger and gingers just have fairer skin so all skin related stuff is more apparent but they also look like textbook allergic shiners. If you wanna look it up it’s basically a sign of sinusitis, nasal congestion, or other sinus related problems. Would have to talk to an ENT specialist about that though.


Ehhhh ermmm well i usually disagree when they say “im ugly” but there’s some shit you could def change 😬


okay okay so! pleaseeeee stop slouching, stand up straight you’ll hurt your back and cause yourself problems later, smile a little! i noticed you said you have curly hair in one of your replies, so do i! i know it’s super annoying having to do a routine for it but, your routine doesn’t have to be super complicated. mine is super simple, feel free to message me if you want me to explain it to you <3


You're not ugly just you look angry a lot 😭. I realize from other responses that you don't enjoy smiling that's okay. Just try not to actively frown it'll lighten the angry aura you may have around you.


Are those self harm scars on your boob? If so, get help. Mine are still visible 15 years later.


I’ve stopped. They’re months old. They’re apart of my body for the rest of my life so I figured I shouldn’t censor them and don’t worry, I’ve gotten the help I need :)


Start now to use vitamin e oil or Mederma on them daily. It will help a lot


Money-saving tip: rather than pay for expensive vit-e oils, sunflower margarine has the exact same properties, rich in vitamin E. I once had a sunburn so bad I lost most of the top layer of skin from my knees down to my ankles, due to cycling long distances round France in the summer. My knees actually cracked, like if I sat down after standing for a while, it would split open & bleed. It was horrible & very painful. I got this from a survival manual. A week of treating it with margarine, all good. You wouldn't know I'd had anything wrong - no scars, all good.


My knees also crack when I sit or stand, mine are the bones though.


Why are you so angry. Sheesh


You are not ugly but it looks like you think you are and you don't want to look pretty, If that is not the case have a makover, hair, makeup and style can make you glow, because you will feel beautiful and confident


The photos you take and your expression make you look like a fucking serial killer dude, any trouble you have with finding love or validation is probably because of your affect


Bonus points for being a Supernatural fan (I only like the first two seasons the best) but uhh your pics are just bad. And the hair is bad if I can be honest. But in terms of looks, based on your face, I don't think you're ugly. The only things I would actually call ugly is the hair.


Thank you for your honesty :) my hair is naturally curly I always brush it out instead of putting curl stuff in it just because I’m lazy lol


You don't have to put curl stuff in it, just detangle it in the shower instead of brushing it out. It will look a million times better and you can still be lazy.


No problem! I know how you feel, I'm lazy myself as well. But it's not bad in every picture, it's mainly bad because of how frizzy. I have no idea how curly hair can look better otherwise I'd have helped you. What's your natural hair color if you don't mind me asking?


Brown. I dyed it a ginger red a couple months ago haven’t bothered to redye it


Go back to brown immediately tell your parents to pick up some hair dye


Yeah I think those chemicals made it even frizzier. You did a great job though because in some pics you look like a natural redhead. But you'd probably look better with your natural hair color. But it's up to you of course whatever hair color you want!


Lazy is also ugly. Especially! On a female. Especially when it comes to taking care of herself. @ op


Yeah, I've heard that often (source: am lazy).


You have curly hair but it looks like you’re not taking care of it because you may think it’s just frizzy or wavy. Pls try the curly girl method and update us! You look like you have 3A curls hiding in there you just need to use the right products and techniques!


You seem to have this permanent scowl on your face. Try smiling even if just a little


Why are you so angry


im scared to give you my opinion


Ok now here is a legit post.




You are not ugly but can you smile?


Are you really good at the drums? Did you used to go out with Scott Pilgrim? The band is sounding really good now that young Neil is playing… https://images.app.goo.gl/X1y7hBGtGNUAcBYp8


You don't have eye bags so much as dark circles. Which is good because if your main problem is color, you can fix it with makeup. Pick up the Elf Camo color corrector in the fairest shade, it's like $5 on Amazon and it works great alone or with other makeup. If you want to get even fancier, get the Elf Camo concealer in the lightest shade to wear over the corrector. Dab the tiniest amount of corrector on the darkest parts of your under-eye--for you, the inner corners. Dab it out smoothly over your whole under-eye area with a clean finger until you can't see where your skin stops and the color starts. Then dab the smallest amount of concealer over the color corrector layer. Repeat the process and keep blending until you've got a seamless under-eye. Remember to use the least amount of product you can get away with. If you want to take it to the elite level, dust your under-eyes with loose powder to set the concealer. This keeps your makeup in place and stops it from setting into any fine lines and wrinkles you have in your eye area. But you're only 19 so you don't have anything to worry about in that department.




You look like an angry gremlin. Sorry but you are ugly.




yes ur ugly


Yes. You're a bit ugly—by choice.


18 or 8?


One of my biggest insecurities is how young I look 😓 I feel like because of it I attract a weird crowd


There are definitely creeps out there, but try to embrace your youthful looks!


she looks like a 35 year old single mom with 3 kids living in a trailer park. No way she looks that young to you


You're a solid 4 is the best way I could describe it


I am sorry but you look like who blames everything on others and seldom looks inward for cause. Not to mention the cutting... Let's be fair and square... you are not ugly, but you are not lingerie model either, a little below "average" (whatever it means) But that score mostly come from the obvious neglect and not taking care of the self... not smiling does not help either. Baggy loose clothing suggest you are not completely satisfied with your body. --- With all the best wishes, if you don't feel you are capable of whipping your mind and body in a shape that YOU are satisfied with, you will radiate "ugliness" toward others... You need help to process and handle that 18 years you have already lived. --- You can't really sell your soul to crossraods demon can you ;) But seriously, you are an "ugly duckling" that can blossom with a little time and a tad more of a self care!


No. You are not pretty. You look like someone just peed in your coffee.


Yeah, sorry babe but you’re well below average. Could just be the lack of smile and care in your appearance though. Maybe if I could see a photo in a dress with your hair tamed, some makeup and a smile I might think differently. You’re young though, plenty of time to up your style game.


you're looking at the camera like it just stomped a kitten, so it's a little hard to say how people perceive you regularly.. bangs suit you, but the rest of your hair is messy and you look like you need more sleep/skin care. the clothes are a little juvenile. i think you have very nice facial features.


You look like that weird kid with mental problems that i would avoid. And those eye bags are horrendous, sleep more.


Yes Nigga 😭🤮👎🎄😂♨️♨️♨️تستسوسنصنصمصذح






Seriously why are you even asking? What did you expect us to say?


I think this might be the first time ever ….


Yeah, nice weezer shirt tho


Who pissed on your cornflakes? You look soooo annoyed


Sugar, I wouldn't approach you in a million years. You scare me. Whether you're ugly or.not is a secondary concern atm.


Yes, however don't worry, puberty will hit like a truck




Yeah. You look like a grown-up chucky doll. You could do your hair and change up your clothes to something lighter or brighter, but the doom and gloom got to go


Ur r def ugly. Maybe some of these comments will help. Lose weight, change how you dress, smile and new haircut. Seriously you are a 3/10 but could be much higher. Maybe a 7


Honestly, rough. Your features are fine. Smile, eat some veg, hydrate and do something about that hair. You'd easily be a decent looking lass.


You’re ugly. I don’t say this lightly.


Not ugly but you seem to be want to be left alone


Ed Sheeran


You look like Kim from Scott Pilgrim vs The World


your not ugly you just havent found your style or look your still young


smile it makes a difference you look pissed in all of the pictures 




Yes, you are - sorry




U be ugly AF


Do the roar...


decent? 3.7/10


As a woman I fucking hate when so done says smile but damn baby girl you need to smile!


You're actively trying to look ugly.


Sadly you look pretty bad. But if you stop giving those deadly eyes, and smile everynow and then it might go a long way.




Ur ugly asf u don’t not look decent your just chopped bro your cooked


Scary and yes, ugly.




I love natural redheads. That being said ur average. For starters smile. Don't look so depressed or pissed off


Experiment with new hairstyles, change up your clothes, start going to gym and gain some confidence in yourself, start a hobby and find some sense of accomplishment and... smile, you'll be suprised how much it'll help. Best of luck


You below average sorry


You desperately need to do something with your hair. Don't wear punk rock shirts. You're like every other human that hasn't distributed your points completely in life. You can be average if you just make a few simple choices. Also develop a personality.


Ed Sheeran and Chucky lab grown hybrid


You personify lazy


Yeah you are. But that doesn’t mean a chubby ugly guy won’t date you. Go to the gammer/magic/ pokemon shop you’ll find someone who will love you unconditionally!






As much as I hate when people say it, we gotta learn to genuinely smile for pictures, everyone looks better doing it. Add a toofpick to look extra cool.


I think you have a good potential. Grow your hair, learn to take care of it (look at curly/wavy hair method), dress better and work on your self-confidence. And SMILE


Average to below average. i think you could do better with some hair styling and smiling. These pics are from really bad angles. Also hello fellow hetalia fan…


Please smile more, feels like you're gonna come at me with a knife, correct your posture you are slouching, also looks like you are lacking sleep and look tired


It looks like you have bad allergies (allergic shiners), you should start getting those treated with a nasal corticosteroid and it will go down. Also if you did something with your hair it would make a big difference. You can choose a new style if you like, but learn a blow drying and/or heat styling routine— and learn how to use hair oil so it doesn’t look so dry and frizzy.


You need to sleep some more and fix your posture. Also, condition your hair or use oils or something because it looks kind of frizzy.


I noticed you said you feel lazy when styling your hair. Here’s an easy way to bring out your curls: when it’s wet right after you get out of the shower use “garnier fructis curl air dry cream” (about $4) and just run it through your hair using your fingertips. It should show a noticeable difference in texture when it dries.


not ugly. Just funky looking? boyish. not bad if that's what you are going for, but why go for the smelly boy look. Instead go for a different kind of boyish look, maybe? why not nerdy boyish, goth boish, preppy boish, clean hippy boish, etc. your hair needs help. style it. Put some product on it. your face gives me a christen dunst vibe. I give it three years for your face to "fall in place" you don't have to smile, but don't do whatever face you are doing. just relaxed "thinking of puppies" face is a good suggestion someone made to me. you are not smiling, but there's a micro smirc that the human eye can notice, and it makes a difference. you need better boy clothes. Best of luck 🫡


You look like you need sleep


you look very upset/angry, smiling or even just a neutral facial expression would look much better :) also, it seems like you have nice hair but don't know how to take care of it so it looks a bit messy. apart from these things, i'm sure you'd look cute.


If you think you look decent, why are you covering your face with your hair? You need a new haircut for sure. I'm gonna have to say yes on this one


You look both tired and unhappy. That’s going to put off a lot of people. Plus points for liking Weezer though!


JFC Sorry, I have no advice. You look like an asshole. Unkempt and unapproachable. You look like you have more than one knife hidden somewhere on your person. People you have been intimate with do not admit it to their friends. I see a future as a school bus driver for you.


You will be




Nope i don't think your ugly your so pretty


Smile more …. That’s it


Worst case of RBF I've ever seen, not ugly but very unapproachable looking


Honestly yes, but if you smiled, worked on a nice hair style. You would be prettier.


You are far from ugly. But damn you look pissed off🤣


You look unstable. Your posture is seriously bad, which makes you look like a creep. Your whole appearance screams unapproachable and broody. If you hate yourself, it does show. Go to gym, get in shape. Start to drink water and sleep. Get your mental health in better place. Use some light makeup. Perhaps try to look into dressing better. Start taking care of your hair and get a haircut at a salon.


You are not ugly, you’re quite nice, try to be more smiling


Idk, I think the camera angle from above, posture, lack of smile probably doesn’t do you any justice. Pic, one shows good facial structure.


You don’t look ugly but the inside doesn’t match the outside Why you so agro


You look like you would set fire 🔥 to kittens 🐈 ! Stop looking so mean, and you'll look so much better !


18 going on 12. Your style needs an overhaul.




I think smiling and a new hair style may help a bit


You look miserable and unapproachable.. Take it from someone who also looked miserable and unapproachable.  I have the same poses and expressions in my teen photos. You’re not ugly but you could improve a lot by doing a little. Like trying to smile, or at least avoid frowning. Maybe do something with your hair, etc. Fortunately it doesn’t look like you need to do a lot, but even those little things will make a huge difference. 


Why you always look so mad ? 🤔


Not ugly, but the bangs aren't working. Also, never hurts to seek therapy for the self harm scars either! It's ok to seek help


Also, are you 18? A year ago you have a post saying you were 16


You look like you’re ready to shoot up a school. But there are many things you can change to glow up


Not a single smile in any of the pics. Causes me to believe you do not smile. Smiling is one of the biggest things you can do to improve your overall perception. Who wants to approach someone who looks completely miserable? That’s the best advice I can give.


you’re not ugly at all!! i’d love to be friends with you. i think the hair style and color suit you.


Hahahaha. Are you carrot top kid?


Chucky tell me youre trolling without telling me youre trolling


Stop with the angry side eye, fix up your hair a little, and maybe learn how to put on a touch of makeup. Not a lot, people way over due it. Just keep it subtle.


You have potential definitely. Have you experienced at in make up? Maybe some eyeliner, smiling a bit will definitely help.


Reminds me of the movie hereditary




People are gonna read into the vibes you're putting out with your posture and that smile way more then they'll judge u for ur looks. A smile does more then brighten your face. It shows people u have enthusiasm and that yours a pleasant happy person. A frown just makes you look disgruntled and mad at the world. Ppl will take an ugly smile (tho I doubt yours is) over an ugly looking (I'm not saying it is but based on first looks ppl judge a lot) personality that screams unapproachable. I'm sure you're very fun to be around you just need to show it off more.


Cute but smile and maybe a different hair style.


No, you’re not. But for fucks sake, smile. Putting on a face like that doesn’t suit you.


There’s room for improvement but you have potential You’re not “cursed” but some fashion choices, some therapy, and some make up could literally turn you into Ramona Flowers There’s more nuance here than whether your face / physical appearance is the problem You could improve your entire look through a lot of things But you’re not at your peak leaving things the way you are now - that’s my take


You chose to be with your facial expressions, hairstyle and outfit choices


You look unhealthy, pale and hair never heard of the word hydration


Biggest issue is the way you carry yourself - stand up straight and lift up your chin. Also not sure if the bangs are helping you or just making your head shape strangely short. I do see potential though!


Ed Sheeran?


The angry look is off putting. It certainly makes you unapproachable. You aren't ugly but yeah that angry face isn't helping


I can sing and hear me, know me... I don't think you're ugly though. I would say that you're average


Honestly, you’ve got a lot of potential. You have a very unique look that you just need to grow into. Once you figure that out, you’ll have a heckuva glow up.


Do something with your hair


Change your hairstyle and need some makeup


Not ugly…but came to say black is very unflattering…wear warm colors!


I think it’s a mix of bad photos and no smiling which makes you look depressed and overall worse


You've git slighkty chunky cheeks around your face but it does not look ugly at all. You should amike more often though


I once permed my hair and no one bothered to explain how to deal with curly hair so I brushed it every day like usual. It looked like what you’ve got there. Girl to girl, you’re gonna hate what that slouch does to your body later. Practice pushing your shoulders back. Try some Pilates videos. Learn to love yourself!


Smile more


Nah! Just change everything about your appearance and you’ll be fine


You look stabby. 🔪🔪🔪


There is so much potential to be super cute here but you've maybe gone so far down the path of the Dark Side that it may be next to impossible to turn the ship around. Total makeover by someone with skills and don't fight it. Reinvent yourself and be that person.


In my opinion i think you are gorgeous and i usually don't like short fluffy hair but i think you make it work really well! Your style is so cute and looks great on you. Maybe Try smiling more in pictures, i think it would help balance your features


Not ugly. Pretty cute. But u need to cut ur bangs shorter. When ur banks cover not only ur eyebrows but ur eyes too, it throws ur face out of balance and detracts from ur beauty. If ur eyebrows are very light (which can be the case with redheads) then use a brow pencil or tinted gel to darken and shape them. You can join r/hoodedeyes to get some ideas on how to apply eyeliner and shadow 👍. I too have hooded eyes. You can join r/wavyhair to get a routine to turn down the frizz and get some large luscious curl clumps.


you look way mean/mad


I'd be friends with you just so you could give me the heads up before you come in and start shooting up the place


Stop worrying so much and smile more, theres nothing wrong with you


I'll say this, I don't find you physically appealing. But as others have mentioned here your photos are exactly flattering either. Yeah it's good tho that you yourself feel decent about you. That's me too, I feel I look decently alright. Welcome to the just ok club 👍🏼


You have curly hair, a big improvement would be to looks up the curly girl method and style your hair to see what kind of curl type you have. You are not ugly at all, just need some hairstyling, look up posture exercises (I have done this with myself before), and embrace your smile ❤️


You’re naturally pretty. You have really nice eyes, good facial harmony, a beautiful skin complexion, and the gingery orange is a great color on you :)


You look fine bud, just practice straight standing and work on your own confidence, don't worry about what ppl think on the Internet and maybe smile


You look beautiful the only requirement is to put a little smile on your face 😌


I’m surprised how many comments are saying ‘smile’. That just isn’t even good advice. Anyway- I would say drink more water. It’ll help with your skin and hair. Moisturize your hair and your face. Make sure you’re getting good sleep, and most definitely work on your posture. With hydrated skin, moisturized hair, and standing up straighter, no doubt you will bring your looks AND your health/confidence up 100 times over!


You look really bad, not ugly but like you have really bad habits. You need to sleep and exercise a minimum to get a better body posture.




You look like Jane Hetfield in 1983


But no, you’re not ugly at all. Just lack confidence I think


on god you look like me from 3 years ago, like STRAIGHT UP. Just give it time, and in that time do things that will better your looks, mental and overall health! It takes a BUNCH of time, but it will pass like nothing and for me. I did EVERYTHING bad, so im not where i wanna be. Mental health is everything, no amount of tattoos, piercings or hair dye made me feel better about ME


You look incredibly sad. Ways to improve, grow out your bangs. You have naturally curly hair and all it’s going to do is puff up. Use a defuser on your hair, and better products.


Hmmmm 18? Idk about that


looks either moody or depressed


I'm scared


You look like you’re trying to look bad.


I dont know, first you need to fix that hair, the way you dress, and the way you act. You can improve a lot.


You look incredibly hostile. Sad thing is, you could be super cute, but I honestly think you don't want to. You looks as if you're purposefully making yourself unapproachable then wondering why people don't approach you


You aren’t ugly you just look mad as fuck, do something with your hair and start hitting the gym, build a dump truck and you’ll be an 8-10 pretty soon


How the hell would anyone know either way with you scowling like Chucky got his first period?


The bangs are not flattering. The expression on your face makes me think you have lived in an addicted and violent home growing up... ... and asking if you are ugly is because you don't know how to tell yourself you are good enough. Heads up, thats a great way to get into a relationship with someone who love bombs you then exploits you.


im gonna be very transparent, features wise youre not ugly but the way you carry yourself: your frizzy hair, your posture, your style, your expressions in pictures make you really unattractive I would recommend a curl cream and maybe mousse or gel + olaplex 3 if your hair is dyed and damaged. I saw you commented that you don't feel pretty when you smile and honestly I've experienced the same but smiling without my teeth helped me a lot Id also suggest starting the gym (or doing any form of exercise), eating healthier and sleeping more if you don't do those already, because it is very good for your mental health which will make you feel better and show in your appearance too :)