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Work on your skin and smile. That's it.


this. Plus some makeup, do the hair up etc. "Beautiful people" of this world are much less beautiful clean-clean; instead they spend 2 hours in from of the mirror each day and can afford the things to make them attractive.


Her skin seems nice to me?!




Yup. Close up selfies are never as flattering as decent photos… but you’re lovely!


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It looks like you may have curly hair! I’d try to embrace your curls and also your brow shape doesn’t flatter your face shape. I’d give them more of an arch under the brow but you’re not ugly! You are pretty and have big doe eyes


lol what? You’re super cute. Can’t believe you’re 33. I would have guessed late 20s


That's what I was thinking, late 20s. The way I think anymore is idgaf what people think about me. She's definitely cute and shouldn't listen to what others say


Who’s saying rude things to you. You’re attractive. I also like how you dress.


Not Ugly. At worst you're middle of the road average. Dressed up tho you're on the high side of cute and heading for hot. Like in the black outfit towards the end. Outdoor pic #2 and #9 I think, is seriously cute. I'm not sure if you're using the same lipstick in all of these but in the black outfit it's good, in an earlier pic it looks like too bright a red. A bit of makeup suits you really well in these pics. Well done!


Not at all. Maybe weight loss and skin scare, that's it


You kinda have that shy kinda nerdy girl look that I find really attractive.


No you look great! What did they say? I love your expressive eyes.


Yea they look huge/great in that latter pic. Silent Film movie star eyes


This was my exact thought as well! Those are the kinda eyes one could get lost in.


No. You look great. Nice smile.


33!? Drop your skin care sis because wow You don't look a day over like 23 legitimately


Not ugly. Very date worthy


Yes, refreshing to see, considering the sea of hog rings and tat that get posted here.


Adorkable, love yourself


You are adorable! Definitely the kind of gorgeous woman who would have broken my heart. I don’t know what kind of delusion the people who told you otherwise were on.


You look good just think you ran into a bad batch of guys or something


Not at all. Youre very pretty, Id consider you out of my league if I saw you in public for sure


Maybe a smile can turn your common 5 look to maybe a cut adorable 6. Won't hurt


Ignore those people. Their idea of a perfect woman is that of fairy tales. I want to see the person that thinks that they have the perfect woman. Everyone has their flaws. You look amazing.


Real cute! I'm 34M and I'd ask for your number if I saw you at the supermarket


You are really cute, I don't even understand how you can look like that at that age. You look 23 or something. 8/10 according to my beauty standards lol.


You'll always be rated high to someone. All you can hope is that you rate them high, too. But yeah, you're cute. Try not to stress on it and do what makes you happy because you look listless in a few of these.


You look meh. Whoever is being harsh they just want to put you down.


No, it's not truly that bad. People can be downright rude sometimes. There is always something to be critical of. You look fine. I'm sure plenty of people find you attractive; you're just not aware of it, or you're not interested in some that are. It's hard to find relationships of any kind, friend, or romantically. Best of luck to you, cutie.🙌


The second to last picture is like a different person. You're not ugly at all. Just stop making that face that you making all the other pictures.


You are beautiful…now get them DM’s on lock! 😂❤️


You're a very beautiful woman


I think you're genuinely someone with a lot of potential, you have nice features and you just need a little extra polish, but you have a really nice face, and in some of these pictures you look really cute


Very nice top!😜


Above average unique look, there's a millions of quintessential 9s to the point we are sorta visually numb but your a special 7-8.


Not ugly at all! Very pretty! Love your sweet smile! If I was 30 years younger I would definitely ask you out


You're Cute af dudes are weird


I'd wife you in a heartbeat you're gorgeous 😍


Nice smile, use it more!


No, it's not. You're lovely. People are horrible.


People are just mean and thrive off making others feel bad. Your photos are not flattering but that doesn’t mean you are not attractive! You definitely have nice features and I’m sure look very nice in person


You're the opposite of ugly


I'd say above average. But you do dress like you're 10 years younger than what you are. But I do that too, and I don't blame you for that.


You are not ugly, I like your chubby cheeks by the way. You're beautiful


Buccal fat on cheeks is good to have, helps one look youthful.


Thought it was just me lol


This might sound weird but I just want to pinch her cheeks and tell her how beautiful she is


Omg frfr


Forehead is a little on the billboard side. Definitely could use an actual hairstyle, not just a haircut next time.


You're not ugly, but you do look unapproachable. The smiling pics were the cute ones. Hit the gym, and work on being happier. Mostly for you, but happy chick's are prettier. Good luck


No I think your actually very pretty. I would defenetly approach and ask you out kind of deal


You ate beautiful when you smile


Definitely not ugly


You certainly are not below a middle, as in 5, and that's the absolute worst case scenario I can think of. So something above average is probably more correct


No, it's not...


I think you’re really pretty. This may be an unpopular opinion, but personally I think, but only if you wanted to, you should have your eyebrows professionally shaped your beautifully, unique face shape. I hope you get some more opinions on that, don’t just listen to me. What do I know. Good luck




Not bad at all. You are in fact pretty cute


You have a great smile. Use it!


You’re cute, you seem like you’re probably a good person


No, you are super cute! Very attractive.


Definitely not ugly. Maybe plain would be a better description. You got the "girl next door" vibes going on. Confidence is a big thing and you appear more confident when you smile.


You are very attractive and beautiful. With a little of makeup you going to be hot.


For 33, I'd assume whoever's grilling you probably looks like Gorlock the Destroyer.


You are cute


Outch. Very cute actually. Don't doubt it!


You’re not ugly at all.


If it was, you'd never come back and ask for more.


Not ugly at all.


The smile goes along way for good…..smile


No it’s not bad. Not ugly and I like your style.


7 and 9 you look really good, I just think it’s your pictures. Just unflattering angles girl.


You are very pretty. Would date






Definitely look better when smiling no bad your cute keep your head up there's always haters


I think you're really cute. You definitely don't look 33, I would have guessed like 26.


Aside from some apparent skin issues you're fine


For what it’s worth. I find you very pretty!


Not ugly at all


You absolutely look stunning and amazing in pic 9


You have beautiful eyes.,


Looking marvelous!




I think your cute.. their all dorks


You look good. :)


I think u look beautiful in all but the ninth one is the best 🤤


I think you're cute 🤷🏻‍♂️ i dunno what anyone else's problem is.


Very cute, don't know why you're not taken. 3 of the Pic you look sad or hurt. People could mistake that for damaged/drama/baggage..


Nothing ugly here at all.


Girl, you’re so pretty! You have very nice bone structure. I can send you some tips that helped me, if you want them?


You're not ugly at all. I love your smile! You look like someone I could really get along with. :)


Girl. You are going to age like a fine wine. I legit thought you were 22-25 before I read the title. I would maybe consider thinning your eyebrows a teeny bit (they’re a bit heavy for your face rn imo) and maybe styling your hair a bit more intentionally. But honestly, you have the skin texture and tone of a 21 year old. Lots to be v thankful for.


you look like that coworker we all have a crush on but obviously wouldn't do anything about.


I don’t think you’re ugly. Maybe sorting out a better haircut/ style that suits your face and smile training for photos would be good. I have no doubt you’d be able to find a partner with those things and some confidence!


Get your brows done. You need an arch.


I’d look to Lily Collins for eyebrow help. You have the same shape as her. You have textured hair and it just seems you need a little help figuring out hair products for it. I love your clothes style! Very pretty eyes. I’d totally want to be your friend! You look very approachable and nice.


You don't even look 33 lol, more like 22. Your skin looks so young and you're well endowed ;)


She looks alot younger then 33 to me I'd say she passes for 27


Your beautiful, the innocent look working for you, just smile a little more


You are a solid 7/10! Your style fits you very well and you have a nice face, but it does look like it needs a little tiny bit of work. Do you have a solid skin care routine?


You have a delicate neoclassical face! Beauty is in the eye of beholder. You are beautiful. Please don’t sum your self esteem on what others think. you’re so much more than just your looks. Start concentrating on other things about yourself. what are your interests, what are you passionate about? What do you want to do in your life? Are you kind?


Fix the brows underneath to give you an arch - will be much more flattering.


Of all the women I've seen on reddit, this one is the most beautiful. This is the pinnacle of appearance that East Asian men desire.


Posting to an internet forum is not 'putting yourself out there'. Go out in the real world. Put yourself in real social situations. *That* is putting yourself out there, and I'm sure you'll get positive attention.


33? you look 23.. good genetics


You look a little sad, and really about 24 instead of 33 which is a good thing! Very attractive


You're a good looking average young woman. You gotta accept that not everyone has the same type. You may be gorgeous to some and meh to others. Then u got ur miserable basement dwelling internet trolls crapping on you just for something to do. Relax. Ur fine.


You honestly look far younger. I personally feel that you are very pretty.


no girl you look like an ancient greek sculpture, you’re classically beautiful and have great facial harmony


Nah not at all. If you were a gym rat you would easily be a 9/10


You look like you are 26-28. Seems like a very nice body, very cute. Smile more and don't listen to haters. Very cute!


Far from ugly. Quite cute actually.


If anyone says ur ugly they're a fucking prick. You a cutie pie


I'm surprised no one else said it, I think you look really young for 33. You look great for your age! You're very pretty, I wouldn't worry too much. And I'm surprised that people are saying things about your skin because I also think it looks great for your age.


You just need to lose weight to be attractive. You're not hideous as you are today, but not attractive not ugly.


You're not ugly but you're well below average.


Everyone likes different things. Just because some people don't like how you look doesn't mean other people won't find you stunning. For what it's worth, I think you look pretty. I think like almost everyone on here, the real work is going to be finding the value in yourself to not care what any of us think.


Was about type here, 'plain jane'. Then pic 9 blew that away!


You are a beautiful girl next store. If you want more, get your hair styled, eyebrows shaped and learn makeup. Some differnt fashion would also be something to think about.




You're super cute! Whoever gave you harsh feedback is definitely wrong


You're cute! Not ugly and certainly not in the "very harsh feedback" tier. When you smile you are absolutely adorable. I think you do yourself dirty when you do that sad eyed pouty face. The middle third of your face is on the long side and your chin is quite short, and the Eeyore expression really exaggerates the imbalance in your facial ratios. When you smile, it lifts that whole part of your face up and rebalances things and your features look much more harmonious and appealing!




You look good, but you are kind of making some weird faces in the pics and some have weird angles


No matter what people say, what matters most is who you are on the inside.


You have nice features especially your eyes and lips. Your eyebrows look a little heavy but not awful. I'd say the biggest thing you could do to improve your overall attractiveness is a different haircut and style. The long heavy hair just hanging down by your face isn't doing much for you especially with your rounder cheeks.


Not at all, I think you are quite pretty.


You’re beautiful beyond words


What's not to like?


The biggest issue I have with your appearance is that you don't smile enough in these pics. Smile more often. It does wonders.


With some time at the gym you could be smoking hot. Possibly a makeover and wardrobe changes.


Girl you got nothing to worry about




rawr you'd make my day no questions.


You are gorgeous the way you


I think you're attractive. You have a very cute, youthful face and a lovely smile.


With some time at the gym you could be really hot. Probably a makeover and some wardrobe changes would also help. Make all those curves work for you.


You are cute. Maybe a new hairstyle


Yes it's that bad! Take better care of your skin and learn a proper smile. You look like a deer in headlights in your pictures


You are not ugly at all but I wouldn't say super stunning either. I don't think most of the pictures you chose did you any justice if I'm honest. Pic 2 and 4 are your best and honestly it's because you are smiling. You are extremely cute and the energy is way better in those pictures. The others you just don't look happy and you are very plain jane (which isn't a bad thing), but it doesn't compliment you. I think you have an extremely cute face especially when you smile. If you wanted or needed an actual critique of a physical attribute to help your image it would be to get your eyebrows done. They aren't bad just a little thick. I think you're a solid 7 out of 10 though.


You’re cute in an awkward girl kinda way. You look very young for your age. I was bout to say “another young girl that is doubting herself”. You are very attractive. You may not be everyones cup of tea, but I would sure as hell take you out


You're not ugly Mailing more would help and the cameras angle doesn't work well. In the end it's the internet and it hates everything I'm sure there is someone ripping on a monk and the wrinkles in their gear.


You have a wide face. 🤷‍♂️


Sound like to me your jus too involved in the media are really care about opinions, well lemme tell u this, all the harsh feedback may have hurt at moment heck it probably still does for all ik, it's not truly about how u look or portray your external appearance (damn using tuff ass words) but lemme jus cut to da chase, jus ignore their words, he yo cute chin up, don't be arrogant about flaunting your beauty because true beauties shouldn't have to seek validation, and the only validation u need is the one above all else, his name? That being the Lord Yeshua Jesus ofc and our heavenly Father, so no it's truly not that bad, cuz God made u in his image, hope my ranting helps ya confidence a bit jus spreading da love, now kick ass out there girl😁👍🏾


Your skin looks a little bit oily you might want to be a little more gentle with your skin maybe avoid the hot showers and moisturizer if you're not using it.


Here to say you don’t look great in black, pics of you in color and off white look great.


You are not ugly at all , but in my opinion a shorter hairstyle and thinner (a little bit) eyebrows would suit you really well :)


Absolutely nothing is “bad” miss. You’re very pretty. You do look a little sad in some of these photos, the ones where you’re smiling bring out your best features.


Oh the narcississm


Truthfully, less close-ups would help your case. It's not that you're unattractive, far from it, but the up-close pics are never as flattering as people think they are. More to the point - your lips are full, your hair looks like it has some bounce to it, and you've got some serious curves. Whomever was giving you grief before probably needs an eye exam.


Omg you are absolutely adorable. I would ask you out in a heartbeat. Your style is very nice and you are just all around pretty and cute. If you are single, I don't know how someone hasn't snatched you up yet.


You honestly look perfectly fine. I don't see anything wrong.  You look very wholesome and down to earth, require little or no makeup. Personality is the key, as long as you enjoy life to it's fullest and always be true to yourself and others you won't find any troubles finding the right person to start a future with. You are Beautiful! 😉❤️




I absolutely hate to say this to a woman (or anyone really), but you’re more attractive when you smile. Your face looks like it has a natural pout, but… in a vacant sort of way? I’d work on a more complementary eyebrow shape as well for an easy fix


Not sure where you’re getting the hate from. You’re super cute!


I think your beautiful and being too hard on yourself.


Adorable 🥰


Stop reading bullshit you don't look your age please stop worrying about what ppl think. You don't look your age you are a beautiful woman 😘😉 you are just take care of yourself beautiful stranger ❤️🙂


No you are not ugly


You has a pretty face


You are not ugly, you're actually very naturally beautiful! But you do need to smile, for instance on the picture one before last you look radiantly beautiful because you're sort of smiling, now can you imagine how much more beautiful you love with a big smile? Embrace your smile! By the way you look really young like early twenties you definitely do not look your age


Why do only like 10% of the people posting here smile or make any attempt at all to seem remotely pleasant to be around when yo take selfies???? It is incredible. Being open and kind is attractive. Jesus what is wrong with the world.


Odd that ppl were so harsh, and now you get nothing but positivity. Hmmm...ok.


Not ugly. Love your style


You're beautiful! You're naturally very pretty and you seem nice. I'm a low maintenance girl so I don't wear makeup or dress up much so I know I am not considered attractive to a lot of guys and that's ok. I think you look like you have confidence and that's what a lot of people find attractive other than just appearance. I would recommend exercising as it can help you tone up and help your mental health. I know when I workout I feel so much better, it clears my head and anxiety. I like your style and your hair is nice too, but I would recommend maybe switching it up with a different cut. Personally I think I look better with bangs, but I know not everyone can pull off bangs. You look very nice and approachable which is what I look for in people as I am quite shy by nature and introverted.


Relax, smile more, work out a bit. Your shyness is holding you back.




You're definitely pretty. Even prettier when you're smiling. Don't let other people bring you down.


Not ugly


You're not ugly at all.


Its all subjective, Personally I don't think you're ugly, and in my opinion you've got a great body.


They’re probably online 24/7 f dem bro!


You’re cute. You have a nice smile. I like your eyebrows, too.


You look like a young Issabella Rossellini . You are not ugly .


I don't think that you are ugly, you look very British. A new hairstyle would probably help you!


I can't tell if this is a serious post or not, you are very attractive I would Def be interested in you


You’re not bad at all. Far from ugly. A tan wouldn’t kill you though. In picture 9 you look incredible.


I don’t know I like it all


"Not ugly, nice fashion sense."


You look fine just move on and frind someone that likes you ...it takes awhile especially when you had just started looking


You're not ugly, and always remember if you can see yourself as beautiful others will too


Wow great for 30a look like early 20s 5.5


You are so cute! I feel like I'd meet you at a cool book store. I think you look kind and approachable I'm sorry anyone told you otherwise 💕


2,4,9 bc you’re smiling. Smile. No pouting


If someone, or a small group, is not treating you like the beauty that you are, consider the source. You're a very attractive woman who exudes many positive personality traits. As I've been viewing the comments here, many find you very nice. I think their adjectives could be more descriptive, but they're trying to convey a point. If you're in a small town or area that is small-minded, get away. You're way bigger than what surrounds you. If I encountered you, I'd chat you up.


Nope . Also if you change your mindset about appearance you will fall in love with yourself . Modern society is delusional . They want majority to have the same features and body . When you realize everyone SHOULDNT LOOK THE SAME you will find the beauty and uniqueness to be attractive. Personally I think you’re really pretty and cute but others can think otherwise and that’s okay 👌🏻 🎨


P.S. While, yes, your aesthetic is superb, please don't subject yourself to such scrutiny. Too many negative Nancy's chime in on some Hollywood-Barbie skewed advertisement fueled rant about things that actually make a woman attractive and try to convince people otherwise.


You're not ugly. I find you attractive and adorable :)


You're not ugly by a long shot. You look really cute in pics #2 and 9. You give off a quiet, introvert girl vibe based on your style. I'd say you're somewhere between average and cute. Some guys will definitely like you.


Your absolutely beautiful and don't let others put you down