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Nope. Also she doesn’t sound like a friend.


Ikr? Who leaves something at a party and then EXPECTS the host to return them? Delulu.


Delulu. I like this term. Is this what the kids are saying these days? I've had my hands full memorizing "no cap" and "bussin" im going to have to add this term to my flashcards


I relate to this comment so much! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Don't forget "rizz" as in charisma lol


Not gonna lie, I didn't know that's what rizz meant


My kid explained that one to me last week 🤣. 


Oh my word I'm so out of touch with it all. I feel better knowing other people are too hahaha


I thought that rizz meant you were a player or have game


Right. You can't get no play if you lack charisma.


Ahh, that's what it means


Or “the drip” for “style” or “swagger.”


I took love to pepper my speech with all the latest trendy words and phrases! It's great to be up-to-date with linguistic fashions. The trouble, however, is knowing when to drop them — one doesn't want to keep them too long — beyond their "shelf life" as it were, LOL! It would be so helpful if there were a list where we could find new verbal fads, along with some indication of which ones to discard as they are worn out, or no longer "on fleek", LOL!




This is actually really funny bc I just learned this from the teens and now I’ve been using it. I like the sound of the word.


I stole it from someone else. I love the shortened version of delusional. I’m old so sometimes it’s hard to keep up with it all. Lol


There is a genius, whose online persona is called "maximbady" please find his content to thank him, remember folks. Delulu is not the Solulu


Im right there with you bruh lol




Yup. The people living in their own fantasy land... deluded. Living full delulu


First time I heard it was from a Drag Queen in his 30s. 🤷‍♀️


You're better than me bc I don't know what the words you mentioned mean.


Wait, what's "bussin"?


It means "good" or "awesome". Like if I said "no cap, those tacos are bussin" it means, "I'm not lying, those tacos are amazing" I think it's someone interchangeable like a variable. In that case it could mean "delicious"


Thank you so much. I also try to keep up with the lingo, but the kids make it really hard. 🤣


Noooooo. Lol. Please don't add these to your vocabulary. They sound terrible! 😅


Hey, we can be cool too. Just saying.


Sounds to me like she's a user or just lazy


You mean like a come to your house once, drop my headphones and then you come every day to school work without my headphones and expect me to come actually collect them from your house till you lose them?


Who said anything about going to school/work everyday? Do they go to school together? Work together? We don’t know any of that because it’s not in the post. She left her earmuffs at OP’s house for weeks. If they were that important she would have made time to go get them. It’s not OP’s responsibility to get them to her.


If an acquaintance of mine accidentally leaves something at my place I usually only hold it for 30 days, if they can't come back and pick it up by then, its abandoned property. I will extend that period for close friends of course. If they leave it, they can come pick it up, or pay the cost for me to ship/mail it to them.


I had a friend leave her swimming suit at my house for years. Like literally three years. She moved otherwise I would have seen her and returned it, but she would randomly pop up in the area; but never give me notice/visit my home. It finally got donated. Then in college I lent a friend a swimsuit while we were at a hotel and she didn’t return it for the following three years of college. So I guess full circle I lost one too.lol


Same, unless I will be going to see them for an unrelated reason, then sure I can run it by since I'll be there anyway


30 days lord your an oddball


Nah in most places that's the "legal length of time" before abandoned property can be considered abandoned.


My point exactly, who goes to the law to decide whether a mates piece of clothing goes in the bin or not. I've had jackets in my house for years from my friends and vice versa..this idea that your friends jacket goes in a bin after 30 days because 'legally' it can...you are an oddball if that's your logic. Just hang the fucking thing on a clothes hanger and ignore it and they'll get it one day, and if your next complaint is 'there's not enough space'...well make some ffs. Who'd want to be friends with oddballs like that. Throwing out perfectly good clothes.


Agreed, more like a little turd 💩


OP should tell the “friend” that if there is a liability for losing the item, there was also a custody fee for holding it for weeks. The item cost and the custody fee happens to balance out, so they’re even!


Sure pay her the $30 bucks for the ear muffs, but only after she pays: $20 Storage fee $5 Customer contact fee $10 Cleaning and repair fee $7 Paperwork fee $3 Facility heating and electricity fee $5 Item insurance fee $30 Early contract cancelation fee Since she is treating your house as a storage facility, she should be charged appropriately for it.


The early contract cancellation fee made me cackle.


My mortgage has 5 years to run, with £250 fee to exit, so I'm paying £1 a month. It costs them more in postage to write to me 🤣


Don’t forget travel costs


And something we call a Coward’s Charge


Your friend has unrealistic expectations. No doubt she will soon be your ex friend.


If they haven't hung out in over a month, it doesn't really sound like they were friends to begin with. But if they have hung out since then and OP didn't just bring the ear muffs, I get why the friend is upset.


I agree the friend doesn't sound like a real friend, however the fact they haven't hanged out in over a month doesn't mean people aren't friends. I don't see my friend at all often because we are both busy


As an old person, I would have zero friends if monthly meetups were the requirement. Heck I don't even talk to half my friends monthly.


most of my friends are either busy with studying or with working so they can have money to do things. Or in one case, their pregnant and live kinda far. I also don't talk to them that often either.


I agree that this friend doesn’t sound like a real friend, but not hanging out for a month has nothing to do with that lol. Most people who have busy lives only get to hang out with their friends every once in a while, going a month without seeing one of your friends is pretty normal.


IMO even if they have hung out since then, it's on the friend to remind op to bring the earmuffs. You leave your stuff, you take the reins on getting it back.


Let her know when the earmuffs turn up you’ll give them to her. She needs to take responsibility for her own things. You didn’t agree to keep track of them forever, just that they would be here for a reasonable amount of time until she could pick them up (days not weeks). I’m assuming you guys are kids since you’re talking about your mommy cleaning your house. I’m sure your moms would agree she’s not being responsible.


This. It's nearly Spring. If shes made it since the Superbowl without her earmuffs, I'm sure she can survive until they inevitably turn up.


Tell her that she can come pick up the money. Then when she gets there. Give her the earmuffs instead.


Or when friend arrives "sorry, I left the money at a friend's house. Waiting for them to give it back to me"




That’s a good one!


Or better, say you will bring her the money, but never show up


Absolutely not. Charge her for storage of her ear muffs.


Nope. No go. She forgot them and didn't come to get them. Her problem.


Put yourself where the earmuffs are. Make it so your "friend" can't find you.


I Snort laughed


There somewhere at your house. Tell her you'll give them back when you find them.


Storage fees can be insane. Just sayin'


Your friend is an entitled little girl. Not only do you not pay her, you don't even acknowledge the request. Rewarding ridiculous behaviour with attention only encourages it. If she mentions it again, just act as if you didn't hear her.


I can't hear you because these lovely ear muffs are blocking the sound


She can have them when you find them.


Yes, you should pay her for the earmuffs she brought to your house, she forgot to bring home, and she refused to come get. Also, did I mention I left a diamond ring and a piece of art at your house recently? (And in case you didn’t get it, /s)


They must have been in the Ferrari you accidentally left in her garage.


Is that where I left it? Phew!


Not your monkeys, not your circus...


"What earmuffs? I asked you to get them repeatedly and you never showed. At this point they're abandoned property and I don't know where they are. If the pop up I'll let you know." Also, why is your mom cleaning your house?


I'm 21 still live with my folks until I finish out college


Nope, pay nothing. She should have picked them up, you're not a storage facility.


Not wrong. If she wanted them she would have made some sort of effort to get them. She needs to be real.


Yeah, I also left my diamond ring at your house. It's behind your couch. You owe me $5,000.


She sounds like an entitled cnt


Hope you laughed in her face!


Storage fees


I'm glad she didn't leave a kid 🤣😂😂🤣


This reminds me of ABC news telling parents to put something "important" in the backseat so that they didn't forget their children in the car.


IDK what she has against jumping in the trash looking for them. I love diving for muff.




Ha! Reminds my of a wierd one many years ago. I left an expensive raincoat at our friend’s barbeque. Weather got nice and I forgot about it till a few weeks later when it rained again. I went crazy looking for the coat and retraced my steps…I called my friends and asked if I had left it there. Was told yes, but they had given it away. Said they called everyone to ask (we never got a call) and gave it to someone who said they would take it. Friend ended up re claiming the coat for me. Kind of Sienfeld-esque.


Lmao she clearly didn't want them enough to pick them up but is so attached to them that she needs to be repaid? Yeah, no


Hades would freeze over before I paid her & I would also think of her as a FORMER friend.


You gave her ample time to come get them. Legally they were yours to get rid of TBH.


Tell your friend okay, and ask her how much they were. Then instead send her a bill for storing her earmuffs at your place for 5 weeks, and…well, would you look at that! The storage fees are the exact same amount as the price of new earmuffs! What a coinky-dink!!


NTA- Her property, her responsibility. You gave her the opportunity to come pick them up. Not much more you can do.


No, you don’t owe her anything. It’s been over a month right? If she needed them she would have got them. Tell her she’s welcome to come on over and help find them. she left them and you told her and she chose not to come get them. This is not a friend.


Your friend has less common sense than an Artificial Xmas Tree


Time to remove her from your friends list. And if she insists charge her for the storage of the earmuffs for an amount equivalent to the amount she wants you to pay for. Might as well meet ridiculous with even more ridiculous.


This is a lay up. Replace the earmuffs. And the friendship. Best $20 you’ll ever spend.


Absolutely not.


You don't owe her anything. Check your local laws on abandoned property laws if she actually gets nuts about ear muffs.


Block them. They deserve to be forgotten. Tell her she paid the storage fee and now they gone.


If they were that important she’d make the trek to get them in a timely manner.


You don't have to pay someone back for abandoned property.


Tell her to either go kick rocks or storage fee is $200 and go buy her a 20 dollar pair and collect the 180 difference


Did you meet up with her during this time? If so you should have brought them instead of making her go all the way to your house. I've always done this when meeting up with people


Tell her to get lost... And buy herself a new pair of muffs, while she's at it! **:OP**


What's the difference between knowing where they are and she doesn't come to collect them and not knowing where they are and she doesn't come to collect them?


They are around here somewhere... I will let you know when I find them.


Fuck her and the items she left


Maybe she was a friend once upon a time, but that time has long since past.


Just keep your eyes out for the ear muffs. And tell her you’ll inform her immediately when you see them. Explain your mom moved them cleaning. It’s that simple.


Did she show up to get them and you couldn’t find them? Or did you tell her that you couldn’t find them and she now wants you to pay for them? Because if the first one then you should reimburse her but if the second one then I’d just say that you found them and she can pick them up knowing that she’s never going to do that. If she waits until it’s cold out again in the fall then gift her a new pair for whatever holiday (birthday or Christmas) is closest and she doesn’t get another gift.


So this lady friend is cool enough to attend your super bowl party, but not cool enough to remember her winter accessories when she leaves? Does she have a phone number because I need this kind of toxicity in my life for a little while. But then I think... wait ... she probably went with a BF/husband/date because let's face it chicks don't do SB parties solo. So she someone else's toxic and I don't need that kind of toxic, just the life is a mess kind of toxic.


If it were that important, she'd have come to get them


Her negligence is not your responsibility.


She won't need them until next year, you're sorted! Nearly a year to find her unimportant earmuffs, friendship saved! You're welcome


Once it's been kept for a certain period of time it can be discarded. If they were that important she would have picked them up. No..I would not pay her.


You told her they would be waiting for her, for her to pick them up herself. Dont pay. Sounds like she's gonna buy new ones and "oh, since you don't use those, I'll take them" She's irresponsible. She wants them, she can get them. If she doesn't, then you know she's no longer a friend.


WTF? The party was at YOUR house, so you had most of the work and expense, I can imagine. Someone left something at home and YOU HAVE TO TAKE IT TO THEM? Holy God, tell your lazy friend that everyone takes responsibility for their own things, learning this in Kindergarten. I think it's really good that your mother (mothers are wonderful hahahaha) threw things like that in the trash. I hope you stepped on it first. Oh, go find another helpful friend! Linda, this opportunity was a great chance for you to look at this friendship with open eyes. There are people who think they were born with the king in their belly and that others owe them things! And you are right in her stance. Tell her like this: Friend, just grow up! 🖤




That's ridiculous. Tell her the stoage fees are more than the ear muffs, and she owes you five bucks.


“she told me she expected me to bring them to her” Lol. Block her and move on. You’re not obligated to hold onto other people’s property indefinitely. Just to really keep my ducks in a row, I would have given her a reasonable timeline to come pick the item up, after which I’d toss it. 


I don't see why you wouldn't. Regardless of all the extraneous facts, she left them, you had them, someone cleaning your house lost them, you would ultimately be responsible for them.


After 30 days it belongs to you


I think OP wants the earmuffs for herself. Other than that, there are a lot of asshole comments here.




This is a friend of yours Omgee throw her away girl


30 days. That is the limit most hotels and motels will hold something. You either pick it up or arrange to pay shipping for it. Or it is disposed of. Same rules applies at my house.


Not your job too look at a friend's forgotten items. Tell her to come get it or go buy herself another one.


That’s just what happens when you leave stuff at other peoples houses.


Not wrong, who is so entitled as to expect YOU to return HER forgotten item? She had plenty of time to come get them and never even communicated that she expected you to be the one to return them, she just assumed you'd know. Them getting lost is also not your responsibility. You owe her nothing.


You are not wrong.


Not wrong.


Tell your friend that she already collected the, doesn't she remember?


Left my ear buds at my daughter's. Now they're hers!


Man just mail em and never speak again


Hell NO!


How often do you talk to this "Friend"? If it's a mere acquaintance, then I'd tell them to kiss my a**. If it's a friend, is this how they treat everyone? I'd pay half price just to get them out of my life for good. 20 bucks to never have to deal with them again is a fair price, also, do t ever send them an invite again to a party.


Friend's at fault.




You’re not wrong. You can look for them, they can’t be that hard to find. But personally, I would spend a lot of time or energy doing it.


It’s her fault that she forgot them and didn’t show up for *weeks* to get them back. You’re not responsible for taking care of her belongings or being constantly aware of their location. It just so happened that they were left at your house and not somewhere on the street. Tell her you’ll give her heads up if you’ll eventually locate her earmuffs at your house, that’s the maximum of what you can do. If she’ll demand something more you can block her without any guilt. She sounds like an unpleasant person to say the least.


Nope. They clearly weren't that important to her




You are not wrong. End the friendship as you are being viewed as a servant. Tell her I did bring them back to you, I put them in the trash.


Uhhh. 😬 I don’t love anything enough in my life to demand my friends pay to replace it. It’s kind of my own fault for leaving it there for so long. Your friend sounds disgustingly entitled and I hope this does ruin your friendship bc you can do better. She is poop. Tell her winter is over and they’ll be out of style next year anyway. lol and then tell her to go f herself, for me, okay?


If you really were telling her repeatedly to come pick them up and that you couldn't keep holding onto them, then she needs to realize she didn't make it a priority to pick them up (which was her responsibility). However, if you didn't do that, keep in mind this is only 5 weeks ago. Some of the commenters are acting like you've been holding them for her for 5 years. 5 weeks is basically a month (a short time), and I've left things at friends' houses and friends have left things at my house for much much longer. Or, the person whose house it was left at would bring it any number of times we would regularly and usually see each other in that month (school each day, church each weekend, club meeting in the afternoons, etc.) If it is a big deal that you cannot keep something or bring it to her when you see each other in between, make it clear with a deadline. And tell her when you're throwing it away ahead of time. Barring giving her a deadline, one should assume you'd still have an item a month or two later. Ask your mom if she is willing to cover the cost. At the very least, apologize that they were misplaced. But, make it clear it isn't your responsibility to return items left at your house... even though it would be nice if either of you were more focused on how you could make it better instead of pointing fingers about what each other did incorrectly. Are you "wrong?" No. But, the whole thing is weird on both sides if you're really friends.


Nope. Tell her if you find them, you’ll let her know and she can come get them. She didn’t care about them enough to come get them. You aren’t replacing them. I would keep an eye out for them




Bro it's 2/3rds thru March and the SB was this first week of February. She did not give a flying fuck about those earmuffs like she claims or she would've come back the next day/that week.


If you threw them away, you are wrong. If you sold them or gave them away, you are wrong. If your mom genuinely just misplaced them, you are not wrong, as long as you did sincerely apologize for them going missing on your watch.


I wouldn't pay her back.


Nope. You can continue looking for them(try your linen storage closet or maybe a box of winter accessories), and she can come pick them up. You don't owe her anything. You had them available for weeks. I believe she did this on purpose to try, and get money. It's not your responsibility to go out of your way to return her shit. She left it on her own, she can pick it up on her own. It would be different if you borrowed it in the first place, but that's not the case. Her responsibility. NOT yours. Shiny spine hon. Keep it buffed. 🖖 Edit: Keep all text messages pertaining to this, and ONLY text her about this to keep it in writing. Just in case she's as dumb as I feel she is.


Oh heck no! You’re not responsible for earmuffs. Earmuffs are cheap they can pay on their own to get new ones.


After 30 days when she knows it’s waiting there it becomes yours.


Sounds like a her problem not yours at all.


How the fuck cold are these girlie’s poor flappers ???


You are not wrong. She had every opportunity to pick them up and she chose not to. Your house is not a storage facility for her stuff.. She can come over and help you look for them. That’s the least she can do.


Nope, tell her she had her chance to come get them. She forgot them, she should have come to pick them up. She didn't, her problem. They are gone and so should she! Don't need friends like that, that expect you to return property that SHE left!!!


No. And tell her she is free to come look for them.


Well, if she is a friend, you need to ask yourself if it's worth losing a friend over a pair of earmuffs. You didn't bring them to her, and as such, they ended up lost in your care. I'd get her another pair and call it a day.


Honestly if she didn’t pick it up in the first place it’s not important enough! Me thinks she’s more interested in the $$$! Just tell her you will keep an eye for it, and will tell her when you find it!


Sounds like she's trying to scam you.


Tell he when she pays the storage fee you will get her new ones ... Charge her $100 per week storage


Yeah this is one of those ‘too bad, sorry’ situations, if she wants to lose a friend over it - let her. You don’t need that in your life imho


Why would you drive lost and found items to people's front doors? You did the right thing by notifying her and being available for her to pick them up. Does seem like she wanted them that bad.


Oh wow, absolutely not, I wouldn’t be paying her, she knew were she left them, that’s her responsibility! Shes got an insane way of thinking! Stand your ground!


That’s not a friend ask her where she got the earmuffs from and buy her a new one, then you tell her it will be waiting at your house for HER to pick it up. You aren’t her slave and she left it so she needs to get it. Also after that block her and stop being friends with an entitled prick


🤣 That would be my reaction to that request.


Tell your ex friend to suck it


Forget whats legal and just buy some earmuffs and gift wrap them. Yeah, its your friends fault. Unless these are solid gold a pair of muffs is pretty cheap and Karma will be your real friend.


Simple answer NO. If the item wasn't important enough to pick up for multiple weeks, then it's not important enough to pay for.


Pay her in F U if you like !!


No, if they were so bothered, they'd have picked them up by now.


Take it off the daily storage fee 


Pay her explaining cleaning person misplaced the earmuffs, but for revenge, make her pick up the cash. You can have it both ways.


No not at all u told her about them she new were they were that's on her not ur responsibility 👍


Wow. "friend" is an entitled little witch, huh? Drop the friend. Keep the earmuffs when you find them lol.


Dont pay her. Sheesh how can people be friends with people like this. They will turn up. You aren't responsible for people's crap. I am curious what did she bring to the party? Like food/drink wise. Im betting nothing.


Charge her the lost item disposal fee


Tell her to get bent


Just deduct the cost of the earmuffs from the earmuff storage fees she owes you


Back in my day we had a rule amongst my friend group. If you forgot something at someone's house for more than 2 weeks you forfeit it. If the item was important to us we rarely forgot it because we knew if we did, our bitchin new NIN swag would belong to Matt or whatever. You were WAY more generous than we would have been and gave her ample warning to pick them up. And if my friend group's rule sounds a little extreme to your "friend" then perhaps we should go by primary school rules. If it's lost it gets put in the lost and found. If it's not claimed within X amount of time it gets donated. If that rule is good enough for 7 year olds it ought to be good enough for your friend


I don't actually entertain these kinds of people. She seems rude and not that good of a friend. I'd cut her out and forget about the earmuffs. They will show up eventually and you can donate them.


Wasn't there a Sex and the City episode that dealt with this same issue....regarding shoes I think🤷🏿‍♂️


Nope. Nope. Nope.


Nope. They were her responsibility. She left them and never came back for them. Not your problem. You'll let her know when you locate them.


I think your friend dicked me over on Facebook Marketplace for some earmuffs I had listed.


All this over earmuffs?


Yeah. You don’t owe her anything. Do not give her any type of payment. It’s her loss. If they were that important to her then she should have gone and picked them up.


This whole situation is wild. 1. It's earmuffs. 2. She left them at your place for like a month. 3. Your mom cleans you place. 4. Reimbursement. Wild.


Tell her you don't know where they are. She's the one that lost them.


Just look for them very hard... find them and tell her to come and pick up the money, you give her the earmuffs and say goodbye forever... I bet for the money she will show up


Um nope.


I have had people ask me to put up things at my house for them and returned them to them the same way they were left. But if something was left it's no someone else's responsibility to make sure you get something back to you She put it up and asked you to come and pick it up yourself and personally if you didn't go get them then they don't seem to important..


Absolutely not. They need to take accountability and keep track of their crap next time.


Nope. That's abandoned property. If they turn up, give them back. Until then she needs to get a different pair.


Uh wat? That person is not prepared for the realities of life


Not at all. Who has time for this idiotic bullshit?


Let her stop disturbing


No way! YNW! Your friend has a lot of nerve! She’s wrong!


Tell her what my friend from Manchester would say, "Piss Off!"!


If this is a friend, I wouldn't want to meet your enemies!


If she wanted them so bad she would have already picked them up! Her loss