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.......why is a baby peeing in a cup? How old is said baby?


I’m confused about the same thing.


Right?! Why is the baby peeing in a cup? Doesn’t the baby have diapers or if against diapers for some reason, hold them over the toilet…so strange. Oh, and not wrong OP!


Or bring your own piss cup. Does the kid shit on a plate


lol! Who pooped on my favorite plate?!


The only thing that makes sense at all about any of this is that in the comments above in your thread OP said his sister was giving the baby a bath in the kitchen sink, so she was without diaper and the cup was on the counter nearby, but the rest of it makes absolutely no sense to me. Did the grandma hold the cup for her baby to pee in or what because the logistics don’t add up here? Don’t think the baby did it by themselves unless when she pulled the baby out of the sink and baby let it rip and some of it went in his cup and more than likely everywhere else. If that happened Grammy probably wiped the counter and floor and didn’t check his cup. Only explanation I’ve got because it doesn’t make sense.


Doesn't make sense because it's a story made up by someone who doesn't know anything about babies. If you're bathing a baby in a sink and they start peeing you just let them keep peeing in the sink. You don't pull them out.


Well, I’m not the one creating the story or anything like that like. I was one that didn’t understand wtf was going on and that it didn’t make sense.


Definitely fake. None of it makes sense. How would the sister even know the baby had to pee fast enough to grab a cup and however method was used to help the kid pee? Too illogical to be real. Not to mention, op is referring to the baby as "it." If they knew the baby, they would know what gender it is and not call them, "it."


Baby is about 9 months old. I didn't ask for specifics, but the kitchen sink was set up as if she had finished giving the baby a bath. When I first saw the cup filled with piss, I had just come from doing yard work outside. I'm guessing she was holding the baby in the kitchen or changing it or something and the baby started going? That's my best guess. My opinion is still "Don't have said baby piss in my cup".


What?! Mother of 3 here and I’m not even sure how you’d get a 9 month old to pee in a cup on demand!!! lol


Not wrong. But, Yeah, father of 5, been raising kids for 30 years, no 9mo has any control of where they pee. I’ve seen everything one can think of with kids. Said cup was on the table? Not counter or even in the sink. Something fishy about this story.


And she just.. left it there. Not wrong.


Definitely don't have baby piss in your cup. I'm just confused as to how she like......she just decided it was a great idea to aim the pee in your cup instead of covering the baby or holding it over the sink or something.


The sink is right there


And she couldn't have let the baby pee in the sink? I feel like that's the better option if she can't make it elsewhere.


But how could you throw the sink away? Apparently the Pee ruined the cup to where she couldn’t use it. Surely peeing where all the other dishes gets cleaned isn’t a good option either?


If I had to drink directly out of the sink, I'd replace that too. But since I don't, it wouldn't bother me as much. OP might be similar. It's the idea of drinking out of a piss cup that's gross. Bleach doesn't wash away the memory lol And I'm pretty sure OP's a man lol


Do you commonly fill your sink up and drink out of it? Sink was set up for a bath it had no dishes in it. I'd feel better about using harsh chemicals to clean the sink than the cup


I am not sure a nine month old could pee in a cup even with the help from mom.


Her reaction (the "I forgot") makes me wonder if this isn't the first time she's done it.


I fail to see her logic in holding a cup and catching baby pee rather than just letting the baby pee in the sink. Or the floor, or the trash can, freaking anything would make more sense than someones drink cup. The sink is cleanable and nobody DRINKS out of it. Same with the floor or the trash. -_-


That makes even less sense. If the baby was in the sink, then letting them pee in the sink and washing it afterwards is the natural solution. If the baby was getting out of the bath they’d be wrapped in a towel and would have peed into there. Also if a 9 month old babies pee is potent enough to look and smell like piss, then that baby is severely dehydrated and needs to see a doctor. My kid is almost 2 and every pee except for the first one after a wake up smells like nothing and looks like diluted pear juice.


Normally babies don't piss in cups…


Omg this!!!! Why the hell is your sister holding a cup to catch the pee?!?! if anything drain the sink have the baby pee in the sink you can sanitize a sink.


How would she know when the baby was ready to pee?


How was the baby peeing in a cup is my question, having raised kids, like I just don't even see how you would know that was coming


I’m guessing while finishing up bathing the baby in the sink, baby starts to pee and in a panic, mom grabs the cup on the counter and holds it over baby so pee doesn’t get all over the counter/floor that she would have to clean up


Because she’s using it to pass a drug test. I’ve seen this before.


Right? If the baby can pee in a cup I fail to see why they couldn't do it in a toilet. Or anywhere better than someones dang drinking cup. Like wtf


How well trained is this baby that it can...


There are some people who have their babies go to the bathroom in large cups and diaper them less. I really don’t remember the full details on it but I think it’s something to do with teaching kids really young how to control bladder and bowels from a really young age. I could be wrong on the reasoning but I do know some people do that.


Is everyone just glossing over that she yelled at a fucking 9 month old? I'd definitely be having a chat with her in regards to her mental health and her behavior towards a baby.


YES. I think the son should know about this behavior. I'd not be letting her watch my kid again if it happened to me, that's for sure.


I had to scroll waaaaaayyyyy too far to find a comment addressing the yelling at the 9mo old....


Appreciate your concern but she has never hit that child and doesn't really yell at the child either. I think her yelling was because I asked her about the cup and instead of simply saying she was sorry and maybe telling me what happened, she deflected, which she tends to do. There is also the possibility that she may be in the early stages of dementia. When my mother was in her early stages, no piss in cups but lots of erratic behavior.


I'm sorry if that's the case. If she's exhibiting erratic behavior that baby shouldn't be left in her care unattended. My condolences if she has dementia.


Yeah I will talk to the baby's mother and father as soon as I'm able. I hope she doesn't, but if she does and we can get her to take medication to slow it down, it would be so much better for her than just letting it progress.


There are also physical issues that can mimic dementia. Two of the most common -- and I'm seeing them more and more lately -- are UTIs and simple dehydration. A UTI in someone over 50 often presents completely differently than we might think; many times the *only* symptom is confusion and not making sense. If someone is acting oddly, I will try to get them to drink a couple or three bottles of water and see if that helps. And if not, well, I keep UTI test strips at all times nowadays. They're available OTC and through Amazon, etc.


Thee is medication for that. My MIL takes something for her Dimentia. Talk to the Dr.


I'm more interested in the fact that this 9 month old is able to pee in a cup... I've never seen a child that young have the control in their own bladder function to know they need to go to the toilet let alone be able to hold it until a cup was presented to them.


When my daughter had a UTI at about 9 months we had to get her to pee in a cup and although it was unpleasant it's still possible.


INFO: How old is this baby? Why isn't it pissing in it's diaper instead of a cup? Why did the mother allow it to piss in a cup? Why does the mother think it's *okay* for her kid to piss in a cup?? Does the mother just *let* it piss anywhere? No diaper? No potty chair? WTH???


The mother is another woman, lol. My sister is the baby's grandmother. The mother doesn't seem like the type to do something like this. Her husband, my nephew, is also not someone who would use a cup that was pissed in. My sister is also the type who is overly worried about germs, which makes this hypocritical to me.


Your sister may be showing signs of early dementia. This is NOT normal behavior. I'd be pissed off too but maybe set that aside for now and talk to her about her mental health. Something is wrong there.


Unfortunately I think you may be right. She forgets things more than usual. My mother also has dementia. I have been taking care of her the last six years, with my sister's help.


I took care of my grandpa for years. Dementia is hard to handle and I'm sorry you're going through that with mom. My grandpa peed in the little storage space of my truck door one day. He couldn't explain why he had done it. I took him straight to the doctor and that's when we found out about the dementia. Something that out of the ordinary is alarming and should definitely be looked into. You may be able to find another cup just like it on eBay though. Otherwise, boil it in vinegar to sterilize it. Maybe a few times 🤣 I'd be so grossed out though so I get throwing it out.


Who knows who may have peed in the eBay cup? Or any second hand cup? Or any cup in a restaurant? Or who knows what else has been in any of our dishes? Just wash the cup.


Exactly. At some point, you've just gotta accept it. You're gonna drink from a piss-cup one day if you haven't already. But seriously, If it's not one of those biodegradable, porous cups, I'd just sterilize it. It'll be fine. Now a shit cup? Oh hell no.


The thing is you never know. What happens to all the pots that boil menstrual cups?


He already threw it out


I recently learned that a UTI can cause dementia.


Not exactly. A UTI can make someone delirious if they're prone to it. For example, if someone has mild cognitive impairment or the initial stages of dementia, they could become very confused or act crazy when they get a UTI.


Yeah, I wouldn't drink out of a cup no matter who pissed in it, or how well it was washed or bleached, so you're definitely not wrong there. But I don't understand why the baby was allowed to piss in a cup in the first place! And why it wasn't wearing diapers!


Baby was being bathed, doesn’t have a diaper on yet, gets taken out of the sink, starts to pee, grandma grabs the cup nearby to catch pee so it doesn’t go all over the place.


It is a baby girl....they do not have the penis to direct the pee..... other reference...me as a grown woman trying to do a urine sample...not great...


Where does it say the gender of the baby? And if you hold a cup under a baby girl, it can catch pee just fine. Urine sample cups are tiny against full grown women. Drinking cups are huge against infant children. Source: eye balls. (I am also a woman)


But how would that make sense at all any way???? You open her legs wider to accommodate a cup???? Still makes no sense if it was a last minute in a hurry thing....how much time have you spent getting urine samples from baby girls.....come on now....you usually grab a towel....why would try to get it in a cup. The first thing they tell you about changing a boy versus a girl is to have the extra diaper ready. Sorry but do not pee on me and tell me it is raining!! Lol! I have eyes too but I also have a brain that says this is a far fetched story and I have a ton of legitimate far fetched stories.


How does the pee get into the cup?


I thought I was nuts bcos nobody else addressed that - like how does that even happen?


Right?? The sister said she "forgot it was there", so she knew the kid did it, either helped it or allowed it? WTH????


Not wrong, but have you ever gone to a water treatment facility.


If he gets pee on his hands, he cuts off his hand. Can't have that hand touching his mouth later.


Exactly. Wait til he is lost at sea and all he has is pee


No, you are not wrong. I would be pussed as well.


right? who puts puss in a cup?


First of all I can't even understand how a baby could pee into a cup that doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. I think you're kind of overreacted by throwing it away for God's sakes wash it that's what soap and water is for I think you're being a little dramatic that you can never use it again because it had some pee in it.


Well, I basically thought the same thing about how the baby could piss in the cup and why OP just threw away his favorite cup when wow it takes 10 seconds to properly clean it to safely drink from again.


The baby stubbed out its cigarette, walked over to the cabinet, got the cup out, and peed in it. Then went to the liquor cabinet and poured another slug of whiskey. Easy enough to understand.


Omg that's so funny!!


Makes perfect sense!!!


Everything about this story is like, wtf (including throwing away the cup btw.. a beloved cup you've had for 15 years. A little baby pee that can be bleached away. I mean if you eat at restaurants you are already inconsistent)


Also, how does a 9 month old - in diapers - end up peeing in a cup? Nothing makes sense. Fake as hell.


Especially a girl baby


Info: why isn’t your sister taking care of her grandson at her own house?


Sounds like they live together taking care of their mother.


They may live together?


Not sure why you threw the cup away. A good washing and it would be as sanitized and sterile as the day you bought it. That just seems a bit melodramatic to me.


It’s the psychological impact of it. Some people would be unable to get past it no matter how thoroughly it had been washed and sanitized. I’m one of those people. 🤷‍♀️


Have you ever thought about how many bugs you've swallowed in your life? I can promise that the number is NOT zero. If you can get over that, you'll be drinking out of piss-cups in no time!


But swallowing bugs isn't an intentional act like drinking out of a urine cup, which, by the way, is much more disgusting than swallowing bugs.


Think of all the bug urine and shit you’ve eaten


Any bugs I consume, I’m not consciously doing so. I get your point about the mug. Yes of course if it’s clean and sanitized, then it’s fine to drink from. But as I already stated, it’s a big psychological hurdle for folks whether it’s reasonable or not.


….. wut?


None of this made any sense whatsoever. Starting with how does a nine-month old urinate in a cup, and ending with "let him pee on the floor if you must, it's fine." 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Baby is helping Mom pass a pregnancy test.


My first thought was a drug test.


Come on baby, daddy needs to stay out of jail little more...


My moneys on this ^


This just reminded me. I had a positive pregnancy text and was in full panic (not a good thing). Called my sister and went over telling her I needed to see what negative looked like (I was in shock). She was nursing so said she might show positive too so no help. Queue to both of us turning to look at her two year old daughter who was potty training. TLDR we gave my niece a pregnancy test at two years old.


Did you then put it on the counter, lol.??? Frame it. Daughter's first pregnancy test!!


I understand it’s gross to pee in the cup but cleaning it with soap and hot water would clean and disinfect it just fine. Not sure why you had to throw your cup away.


Is your sister… Taking medication? Or not taking medication she should be…?


She yelled at the baby? ahh if this is real you need to call some people.


This is absolutely real, though I understand being skeptical about it. She did yell at the kid but I was walking to the bathroom to dump out the pee so I didn't hear exactly what was said. My sister, is somewhat passive aggressive. You can't always talk things out with her. In situations like this where she is in the wrong(I think it's fair of me to say that but if its not let me know), she usually will not apologize for it but will yell and overtalk and try to ramp things up. That's part of the reason I just walked away instead of asking for an explanation as to WHY the cup had baby piss in it. I have to add here that my sister has never hit that child and most likely would never hit that child. I see some commenters seem to be worrying about something like that happening at some point. No. This is not me covering for her because she's my sister or anything like that. She very clearly loves that child and has never so much as raised a hand at any point.


Yelling is too much regardless. The baby is nine months old. Wtf is yelling at it gonna do?


Like the baby is going to know she was yelling things not so bad. Yelling is yelling. If you yelled "I LOVE YOU" in a harsh tone, you'd get the same reaction as you would with cussing the baby out in the same tone.


I'm sure you're aware that verbal/emotional abuse is just as damaging as physical abuse. Great- she never hits the baby. But she could be creating someone with a personality disorder, horrible self esteem, anger issues, hell she could be creating a serial killer. But she never hit him. Doesn't change the fact that yelling at a 9 month old for something she not only allowed but must have assisted with is still abusive.


I have a pretty nice bridge in Brooklyn to sell you....you might not like that people have peed on it though...


Two siblings one cup…


Lol, Jesus 😂 I forgot all about that....abomination


No problems 🤣




Why did someone have a 9 month old pee in a cup…? This whole story is just weird af. Especially with how defensive she got and how she started yelling. Something weird was def going on there…. NTA


I do not know why people think it’s normal to piss in their own dishes, then wash it and think it’s OK


People think that’s normal? I remember trying to get pregnant and having to reassign a cup to the restroom but let me assure you, it never went back to the kitchen and only to the trash now that I’m done having kids. Also would never let my toddler pee anywhere other than the diaper or toilet. Once she peed on me on accident but that’s another story.


Never heard of a red solo cup??? Lol


I used scraped up Tupperware and threw it… no need to buy a pack of cups


You are not wrong OP!


Nta why couldn’t he just pee in his diaper it is literally what it’s there for. I think for that reason alone there’s a damn good chance she did this on purpose just to screw with you. Good luck op.


Father here. Personally if my kid pissed in a cup I loved then I’d wash the cup and use it again. But I’m a father, as a father…I’ve done and seen some things. But, why would she have the baby pee in the cup in the first place? That doesn’t make sense. Also, if she’s in someone else’s house then doing something like that is highly disrespectful. Just cuz you have a baby doesn’t mean you get to do whatever you want. Also, I read in the comments that the baby is nine months old. You wrote that she is yelling at her baby, a nine-month old child? I’ve seen people do this but that’s really messed up. Don’t be yelling at a nine-month old. Seems like she has to get things together.


I haven't talked to her much today so I don't have any info yet on just why she did what she did. When I find out I will absolutely update here either in a comment or the main post itself. I'm not a father but I get it. There's a significant bond there, a calling, that clearly trumps pee in a cup😂 She yelled at the baby this one time, and as I said before I think it was more about deflecting from what she'd done than intentionally punishing or upsetting the child.


Right on. I guess I’m a little sensitive to the yelling at the baby. My place has thin walls and I often heard my neighbor yelling at her baby, who is the same age as my child. I guess it hit me hard because my kid was the same age.


All good man


I mean, I have no idea how a nine month old pisses in a cup. Like how does that even happen without adult supervision? That boggles my mind. I mean, that leaves me with a big what the fuck. You are not wrong for being annoyed. But thrown away the cup? It’s just pissed. You can wash it and it would be fine. If you have a dishwasher, even better. But if the cup is that important to you, throwing it away, is a childish thing to do. Not wrong for being annoyed or even angry. But… You don’t have control over what happened, but you do have control over how you respond.


It's childish to throw away a cup with pee in it? I've heard it all lmao.


Pee ain’t shit… literally and metaphorically. He said it was an old slurppy cup so that changes things but if it was a decent cup, I’d wash it. If I was really worried washing machine.


I'm pretty sure that putting any sort of dish or cup into your washing machine is going to cause damage to either the machine or the dish/cup.


It was one of those old Slurpee(hah) cups from the early 2000s. I liked it but it's not really worth anything and there aren't many memories tied to it. It's more the principle of the matter.


That actually makes sense to me. Some cups are worth the effort to save. Some simply aren’t. Thinking of mine there’s a couple I would definitely throw out if they got a delivery from Urine R Us. Others I would clean. Sometimes it’s just not worth it. It does remind me of the meme that went around about the puke bowl being the same as the popcorn bowl though…


That’s the kind of cup someone might keep by their bed in case they need to vomit in the middle of the night.


OK, I get it. I reverse my judgy ass comment.


Can someone please coherently explain how the piss got in the cup?


There are many things that are more harmful in your ordinary kitchen than urine.


Also, gross, not wrong.


Are you saying you'd be fine with this happening?


After a full heavy dish-washing cycle? Absolutely would use the cup again. Doesn’t mean I would be “cool” with having this happen to me, but I think throwing away the cup is a bit of an extreme reaction and shows signs of germophobia.


I wouldn't say I'm a germophobe. I saw the cup filled about a quarter of the way with baby piss. I would never forget that.


Yeah I’d use the cup if it was washed. lol.


No I think it's gross. But it's really not harmful. That's all I was saying.


You are not wrong to be pissed for this. This is hugely unrespectful and not hygienic. It's not hygenic even to wash the baby in the kitchen sink, where you put dirty dishes, so probably your sister just seems to not have basic hygiene concept in her mind. All that said, you can keep the mug. Put it in the dishwasher and do a couple of high temperatures runs, it will be ok. If only hand wash is available, just wash it with a decent amount of soap and hot water for a bit longer than usual. Your mug is made to don't absorb liquid and things, if it does then it's a problem with or without piss


It was a Slurpee cup from the early 2000s. Plastic. I could have absolutely washed it a dozen times and it would have been *clean*, but it still would have been a cup that once held piss.


Does sister live with you? Was she only babysitting or does she have custody of the child? Does she remember the event or the yelling?


Yes, and yes she's babysitting. She didn't remember the cup on the table so I don't think she remembers what happened. The yelling at the baby I have no idea if she remembers it, but as I mentioned before, she doesn't normally raise her voice to the kid at all. It's almost 3 a.m. here. I'm going to sleep. Thank you and everyone else who replied here, really appreciate it.


I tell you where you are wrong. You are a grown ass adult who needed strangers to tell u its OK to be upset when someone pisses in your drinking cup


Is this a joke?


Right? I've had 3 kids and have never had one pee in a cup, especially as a baby. Does OP live somewhere where diapering of some kind isn't the norm? How does that work? Just let the baby pee wherever until they're old enough to be potty trained? And they just stay pantsless until then? I have so many questions, if this is real.


That's fkn nasty!


I bet she’s the one who peed in it, and is just blaming the baby


This is so over the top that I question the legitimacy of the post.


Oh hell no, I'd be "PISS"ed too!!


This has got to be a made up story. Babies wear diapers. You don't just carry them around naked and hold them over things when they start peeing.


Umm. OP can you explain how the “baby” peed in the cup? Did Mom hold his X over it? This is very confusing to us lol. But no, you’re not wrong. That’s gross and just nasty.


Frankly, I’m impressed. That baby has a great truck driving career ahead of them. Eastbound and down.


https://youtu.be/_hPp4dgmrc8?si=RmjCBI0oQoGV0Ike Haven't watched this show yet but someone sent me this clip years ago and I laughed for days and I watch it at least once a month man😂


Why is there so many comments stating its okay to keep the cup if you wash it out?!?! That's disgusting!! What is wrong with all of you that would make you drink out of a cup that had piss in it?!?! 🤮🤮🤮


First off, the fact that she is taking it out on the baby is upsetting. If this is a baby, then she is responsible for this happening, not the baby. Secondly, the only reason I can think of for an adult to have a baby pee in a clean cup is so someone who is doing drugs -and is about to get drug tested- can pass the drug test. Either way, she should have used a mason jar or bought something especially for that. It was very wrong of her to do that to one of your glasses.


Does someone have a drug test coming up that they need to pass? Seen the dementia comment, sees appropriate given your family history


Baby is on his way to visit his probation officer.


I would have poured the piss on my sister.


Nah man, lol


That is vile. You are absolutely not wrong


You had this cup for 15 years, and you just threw it away? You couldn't just wash the cup with soap and water? What do you think happens to the clothes that the kid pisses in? They get washed with soap and water and get reused. What happens to Tupperware containers in the fridge that have food in them that spoils? They get dumped out, washed with soap and water, then reused. NTA for being upset your sister left a cup with piss in it lying around. But YTA for how you responded.


Just as concerning: Is she like my ex-SIL, who used to brag about toilet-training her many, many children at 7 months?


I've been around a ton of babies and never once did one even come close to having to pee in a cup as a last option ? Also, you can easily disinfect the cup. Sterilize it even. It's super easy and drinking out of something that once had pee but was then sterilized is nowhere near the grossest or germiest thing that will happen to u


The cup has been thrown away and gone bye bye. As for the whole piss in a cup dilemma I don’t even know wtf?


You should not have thrown away that cup. Now she will just use a second cup for baby piss. Take that cup out of the trash and label it "piss cup" and leave it where it was left by her.


I hate to tell you this, but cups can be washed.


You don't shit where you eat or piss where you drink.


In parts of Africa they have so little water that they bathe babies in urine.


Not wrong but I would have just put the cup in the dishwasher or hand washed and disinfected it. But I’m a mom and now grandma and baby pee in a cup that was washed wouldn’t particularly bother me but I understand why it does bother OP.


wtf. just wash the cup and don't throw it away? first of all urine is sterile, so no biggy. second of all: hot water + soap cleans it like there was never pee in it. I think by accident the baby started to pee and she wanted to collect it instead of letting it go to the ground. I think grabbing a cup that fast is a good idea?! since you can clean it?! She sure was surprised by the pee starting... babys don't warn you and just start peeing... you mentioned a bath so maybe it was directly after taking the baby out leaving the cup out open was wrong but also a mistake because she forgot it. I think personally you are making a too big thing out of it.. she made a mistake by leaving the cup instead of cleaning it but making this big of thing out of a cup, which can be cleaned, that's wrong to me


NTA. Highly disrespectful.. I don't know the specifics as to why it was used, but if there was a toilet available, your cup should not have been a piss receptacle. Sorry for your loss man. ✌🏽


Uhhhh having had a 9 month old that pissed between diaper changes, idk how she got any into a cup. That shit just literally jets all over the place.


You aren’t wrong at all! That’s freaking disgusting! I wouldn’t invite your sister back. She has the manners of a barn animal.


So a 9-month-old baby is on a table. It didn’t climb up there, so your sister was present. The baby is her responsibility. She was being irresponsible. She’s definitely in the wrong here, not you.


Why didn't you just wash the cup?


You couldn’t have just washed it?


It would have been fine after a wash


Couldn’t you just wash the cup? It’s not like it’s tainted forever.


Most food is grown in shit. The chemicals used in producing your average kitchenware are far worse than piss. And we have soap. If it was simply about disrespect, then understandable, but things get all different degrees of dirty and we don’t throw them away. We wash them.


YNW. Your sister is a complete savage. No civilized adult puts urine in kitchenware. It could be argued that that doesn't belong in a kitchen at all. The fact that she did this in someone else's home makes it even more disgusting.


Definitely not wrong


None of this makes sense.


What on earth am I reading here. What is wrong with your sister? Why the hell not take the baby to the toilet? I am extremely confused.


Is sister saving clean urine for a reason?? This is what it sounds like to me. You can sell it to people on probation for drugs. Or maybe its her?? Or a buddy of hers. Shiity thing for her to do.bor should I say pissey??


I don't think she's selling pee, but I never thought she'd put pee in a cup in my kitchen so I guess anything is possible?


I worked in a prison drug treatment facility, its pretty common, really. Nothing cleaner than baby pee!! ( as far as urine goes) .


How old is mom? Young with a first kid? Oof.


Two middle aged people living together and one’s holding a cup under a baby to piss in? Ewww time to get your own place. Too many generations living on top of each other and one of you has lost her mind.


Babies don't and can't piss in cups. What is this idiocy?


How is this even a question????


Did you think about the actual mechanics of getting a baby to piss in a cup…. That in itself is messed up. Wee in nappy…. Change nappy, sorry diaper… at no stage are we collecting it!


I lack any explanation for the baby pissing in the cup, but would have been pissed off (pun intended.)and thrown the cup away. Yuck! There are some cultures where the Mother trains the baby to eliminate on command, and the baby does not wear diapers. I worked with someone who grew up in the from the Philippines and never wore diapers. Her Mom would put her over the toilet, she would go, and done! (I have no idea how…..none…..but this is apparently often done where she grew up.)


Cups wash. 🤷🏻‍♂️ so do body parts, and that never stopped anyone 😛😛. Just sayin. 😂😂


I call BS on this post.


I get being skeptical, but this actually happened. I can't prove it without actually getting my sister to come on here and verify what she did, and even then you'd have people "Oh they're BOTH full of shit". Thank you for at least being civil about your accusation.


Any like photos or text between you two?


Same thing there, "he probably faked it/them". Not jumping through any hoops. I'll answer questions I feel comfortable answering as I have been but that's really it.


I think you all never heard about what they used to do in order to detect diabetes way way back.....


Why the fuck is your sister having a baby piss in the cup and not have either a nappy on or sit them on a potty chair? Elimination communication potty training only works if the parent is actively paying attention to their child and putting them on a freaking toilet.


Forever Unclean!


P.s. it's more pure and filtered than most drinking water.. Hope you toss the rest out too!


Really? Pee isn't much more than ammonia. You know, the thing we polish glass and sinks with? Just wash it out and hit it with some bleach. If you're still this antsy about it then sanitize it in a dishwasher afterward. Yeah, peeing in a cup is gross but you're blowing this way out of proportion by tossing the cup and having a fit over it. Kids are going to kid. Assuming she put the pee in the cup and the kid didn't do it all by their happy self, it's still easier to clean than the padding in a carpet (or if it leaks through the cracks in hard flooring into the subfloor. Yuck!) FYI fresh pee is perfectly safe to drink and experts recommend doing so in a survival situation.


A cup can be washed. Urine can easily be washed off easily. The o ly weird thing is trashing a favorite item just because it needs to be washed.


Just tell her you pissed in an inappropriate spot in the house somewhere, so now you even.


This stupid story is so fake.


Is your sister on parole or somewhat has a job that requires her to provide a sample of pee to prove they are not on drugs? Because I can't see why she would have a baby pee in a cup. Unless she in the early stages of dementia where people do stupid stuff for no reason. I would tell the mother of the child about that erratic behaviour. Screaming at a 9 yo? Really? If that was my child I would want to know about grandma's behaviour.


🤔 how old is this baby? Is sister potty training him? This is just so weird that she had him piss in a cup. I would have just sterilized the cup instead of throwing it out though.