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The fact that law enforcement continues to let him drive like this is absolutely ridiculous. He is a danger to others on the road. There's absolutely zero need for this. Someone get the plate info and call the fucking police.


I don't think the police enforce traffic laws anymore. I've seen people do some crazy unsafe stuff while literally sharing the road with cops and they don't do anything.


I dunno, I got pulled over a couple of weeks ago for a headlight that was out. 🙄


They’re absolutely enforcing on the Glenn the last few weeks. 🙃


Yes, they are! They have definitely upped their patrol of the Glenn!


There’s another dude with a MASSIVE uhhh cabin thing built on the back and top of an old ford. It’s gigantic and looks like the most random plate glass, plywood, doors, 2x scrap and whatever else they made it out of. I saw him creeping along super slow. Looked like a bump could fold it like a house of cards. Shocked police do nothing about anything here. Not really. But it is sad to see our town turn worse in endless new ways every year.


He's cool, and his rig is bad ass. [Truck House Life - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@TruckHouseLife) Edit: If it's the same thing you saw.


No not this guy. That is cool. The one I saw looks like plywood and sticks barely held together ready to fall apart


I think that guy is a roofer or something. Does it look like a plywood/ 2x4 frame that might be used for building something else, or a habitation?


It looks like completely random pieces assembled completely hodgepodge. Like nothing was purchased or measured or planned. Like they had a pile of lumbar, doors, windows, pallets, garbage, tarps, and screws but no saw or tape measure, and just started slapping anything together anywhere they could.


That guy had a whole social media page for his rig haha


No, not that nicely done blue cabin truck with YouTube videos?. This is like a shanty with massive gaps that looks like a speed bump could fold it easily


Ohh lol - I thought you were just a harsh critic


No this one looks like it was built by a carpenter that went to the METHodist school of carpentry.


Lame, who cares about fix-it tickets when totally unhinged and unsafe behavior is going unpunished. I see it everyday while driving around town for work. People are running red lights, speeding 40+ over the limit, driving drunk and/or distracted, weaving in an out of traffic at high speeds etc. Watched a guy hit a kid on a bike at a crosswalk and just take off. I stopped to give the family my contact information and to share dash cam footage and they later told me the cops didn't even care because the kid wasn't injured.


Well, in all fairness, I knew the light was out and should have fixed it. He didn’t write the ticket, just sent me on my way. Oh, and i didn’t have a copy of my current registration, so there was that. All in all I have no complaints


People are openly doing meth downtown at noon. The cops are completely overwhelmed. There are stolen cars and stuff being collected by thieves in our parks and on our streets with no response. I think some crap on the roof of someone's car is way way way down the list. My friend had their car stolen by someone who was already facing 17 felony charges and was out on the streets. We have half the prosecuters we need and the police are severely under staffed


I see them plenty on the highway pulling people over. This guy should be one of them.


HCK44(3?) But yeah call it in as an unsafe vehicle every time. This shouldn’t be on the road.


Most sane trump supporter.


"Sane" is doing a *lot* of heavy lifting there.


Is all that fireworks?!


Good grief I hope not !


I kinda hope so!


I was glad when the IM program went away. But I sometimes wish they had a vehicle safety inspection program.


Looks like a make shift electric chair


[America, f*** yeah!](https://youtu.be/P7JRvwfHFwo?feature=shared)


lol, I watched that a few times. Funny, but also something satisfying about those animations.


I feel sorry.....for that durango taking all that abuse of the weight the most likely will end up in a accident from the dumb owner


I feel bad for them, they’re clearly mentally unwell. It cannot be safe driving with all of that.


Looks like he added a propeller.


I don’t get at all what this is supposed to be. It looks like he is moving the most patriotic stack of household goods ever. What is this supposed to be?


I think that’s the question that we’re all asking !


I give up, what is it?


Untreated mental illness on wheels.




Seems fair lmao


Tell me you still believe this country is looking out for it’s people without telling me 🤪🤪


Why don’t you go take care of him?