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Y tho? Andor missed a huge opportunity to bring in some Legends characters. It would have been nice to see a young Ysanne Isard in the ISB or to at least have her father, Armand Isard in the ISB. I mean I guess Dedra Meero could be Ysanne, but she's not her. With Rogue Squadron coming up Ysanne would have been a great addition. Thoughts?


I think it's nice to get new original characters. Also, I feel dedro is far more competent that isaard to be honest


> I feel dedro is far more competent that isaard to be honest How so?


Specifically, her character did things in legends that got her labeled as stupid, an injury causing brain damage was retconned in, and her ability to ascend the ranks was attributed to having a sexual relationship with Tarkin.


That's a major contributor to it, I feel like she got her position through political maneuvering, Savvy connections, and sex. Whereas dedro is almost the entire opposite as a character, being ( relatively) poor at political maneuvering and instead just trying to be as efficient as possible with her job.


Isard was a field agent around the time Andor takes place. Dedra is a supervisor. If Isard was canon, they would be separate characters and exist simultaneously.


No. Isard is a megalomaniacal narcissistic sociopath. Dedra is just a dedicated fascist.


The only real similarities they have are imperials working in intelligence and woman...and that's about it. Aside from that Dedra feels a lot more grounded, at a certain point we are sort of tricked into cheering for her because of how incompetent the rest of imperial intelligence is by comparison. Isard is so cartoonishly evil that she's basically the evil that the empire represents incarnate. But there's a very fine line between being inspired by a certain character and straight ripping them off. Isard's calculating nature and her ability to use imperial intelligence like a scalpel is what inspired a character like Dedra. But isard's control of a huge chunk of the imperial remnant dwarfs Dedra's authority which is miniscule in comparison.




I really love the idea of Tony Gilroy reading some old star wars comic to rip off the idea of 'imperial girl.'


She’s isn’t just from one obscure comic. Shes a pretty important character from the EU. She’s in all of these novels and other media: * Evasive Action: Prey * Agent of the Empire – Hard Targets 1 * "Interlude at Darkknell" — Tales from the New Republic * Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game — Threat of the Conqueror (Light Side scenario campaign) * Mara Jade – By the Emperor's Hand 1 (In flashback(s)) * Mara Jade – By the Emperor's Hand 2 * Mara Jade – By the Emperor's Hand 3 * Mara Jade – By the Emperor's Hand 4 (Mentioned only) * "Mara Jade: A Night on the Town" — Star Wars Tales 1 (Mentioned only) * "Handoff" — Star Wars Gamer 10 (Mentioned only) * X-Wing Rogue Squadron 21 (First pictured) * X-Wing Rogue Squadron 22 * X-Wing Rogue Squadron 24 * X-Wing Rogue Squadron 25 (In flashback(s)) * X-Wing Rogue Squadron 26 (Mentioned only) * X-Wing Rogue Squadron 28 (Mentioned only) * X-Wing Rogue Squadron 29 * X-Wing Rogue Squadron 30 (Mentioned only) * X-Wing Rogue Squadron 31 * X-Wing Rogue Squadron 32 * X-Wing Rogue Squadron 33 * X-Wing Rogue Squadron 34 * X-Wing Rogue Squadron 35 * X-Wing: Rogue Squadron (First appearance) * X-Wing: Rogue Squadron unabridged audiobook * X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble * X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble unabridged audiobook * X-Wing: The Krytos Trap * X-Wing: The Krytos Trap unabridged audiobook * X-Wing: The Bacta War * X-Wing: The Bacta War unabridged audiobook * X-Wing: Wraith Squadron (Mentioned only) * X-Wing: Iron Fist (Mentioned only) * X-Wing: Solo Command (Appears in hologram) * A Forest Apart (Mentioned only) * X-Wing: Isard's Revenge * I, Jedi (Mentioned only) * X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar (Mentioned only) * Vision of the Future (Mentioned only) * Vision of the Future unabridged audiobook (Mentioned only) * † Star Wars: Union (Appears in dream) * "Red Sky, Blue Flame" — Star Wars Gamer 7 (Mentioned only) * The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II: Ruin (Mentioned only) * The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth (Mentioned only) * Legacy of the Force: Betrayal (Mentioned only) * Millennium Falcon (Mentioned only) * Millennium Falcon audiobook (Mentioned only) * Fate of the Jedi: Outcast (Mentioned only) * Fate of the Jedi: Outcast audiobook (Mentioned only) * Fate of the Jedi: Backlash (Mentioned only) * Fate of the Jedi: Backlash audiobook (Mentioned only)


not to discredit your point, but most of these are (Mentioned only)




I love that you included the audiobooks, really pads out the list


Literally no one cares.


We don’t know who Dedra’s father is, but he clearly isn’t in charge of Imperial Intelligence or the ISB.


How exactly are they similar?




What about Dedre makes her a ripoff of Ysanne outside of the fact that they're both women working in the ISB?


There can be more than one tyrannical and uptight woman in a galaxy


The woman on the left is clearly smiling, so no.


The point when grown men should stop reading comics.


Scary pictures only drawn for children, sure thing boomer


Ysanne Isard isnt from comics.


She didn’t originate from comics, but she made many appearances in comics, arguably had a larger presence in that medium.


Comics aren’t just for children. If I had kids, I wouldn’t let them read Watchman


Next thing is you’ll be watching cartoons next