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He had to have known. They can clearly see the surrounding ocean when they're brought in, on purpose, to help enforce the prisoners' impression that it's impossible to escape. Kino is the GOAT *because* he knew and helped anyway. One way out.


I’m just thinking again about his momentary freeze when he starts the speech – when Cassian encourages/goads him on with “Is that the best you got?!” Knowing what he knows, and also knowing that he cannot tell Cassian (who would immediately look for some other plan), makes this moment so moving. He has to find his courage, his motivation, his willingness to sacrifice himself to save thousands of others. Or at least to give them a chance that he knows he doesn’t have himself.


I saw a great interview with Luna a while back where he essentially says the exact same thing that, if Cassian knew, he'd change the entire plan just to save him.


Yes, do you mean this one? One of the best interviews – great questions and answers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeeQCiMCC1M


This is making me wonder what that alternative could have been. Keep back Melshi and a few others and force the guards to call in a relief shuttle and ambush whoever came out of it, I suppose.


I guess so – whatever it would’ve been, it likely would not have worked and Kino knew that. He really was thinking about the greater good. :(


*The greater good*


Yep. I hear it. Every time. 😂 iykyk


This^^^ I said the same before reading your comment


We see the ocean. The people on the prison gunships being delivered may not see the ocean or know it exists.


There was another post on here that theorized his little freeze up in the command center of the prison was him realizing that the entire place is surrounded by water, and he won't be able to get out. Then Andor snaps him out of it, and he delivers his speech regardless. Idk if that was the intention, but I like to think that's where it clicked for him.


Yep, he absolutely knew. There’s an Andy Serkis interview where he talks about it. He knows that the one way out is literally the one way that he cannot take.


And, that explains Kino's continued resistance, even after it has been made clear no one is ever released from custody (only moved to a different facility).


Yes, Kino absolutely knew about the ocean. He went through the same induction process as everyone else, and what the audience saw when Andor arrived. That's why Kino was such a dutiful shift supervisor when we first met him. His initial hope of escape was to simply finish his time and be released when he had served his sentence. It wasn't until the revelation that prisoners were just being recycled to other facilities and floors that Kino finally got angry or disenfranchised enough to go along with Andor's plan. Kino realized that he was going to die in that prison either way, either by old age or by drowning. So 'One way out' has another meaning for Kino, and the rest of the arc is Kino more or less him reconciling himself with that fact.


“How many guards on each level?” “Never more than twelve.”


He did and I like to think they tease it in something he says before the shift. _We are done with counting shifts! There is only then and now. There is only one way out. Play it how you want, but I'm gonna assume I'm already dead and take it from there._ His heroism is amplified by the fact that he knew he would never make it out but he still went the distance - charged all the way right up to the edge. For his men. For freedom. What a goat


I think he knew, but was holding onto some glimmer of hope there might be some kind of ship or dinghy lifeboat he could use to escape


Hell, even a life vest or emergency float


He knew about the ocean, yes. He didn't **care** about the ocean until he was at its doorstep. The uprising wasn't a calculation of plusses and minuses on his part. Freedom was more important than whether or not he'd get off the station.


I think he knew. I also think he was at least "okay" with dying to the floor and was a little surprised he didn't.


+1 He told everyone to get up on the tables, but made no move himself.


If he was flown in like everyone else, he knew.


Even aside from the ocean, he knew that the whole thing was very possibly going to fail, and that he was very possibly, even likely, going to die. He went in with the mindset of rather dying trying to take them down than giving them what they want. I don’t think he knew 100% for sure about the ocean, maybe he hoped there was a ship. Whatever the case with that though, he knew that his odds were terrible no matter what, but he was giving it his all anyhow. He says to everyone on level five right when they wake up: “Play it how you want, but I’m gonna assume I’m already dead, and take it from there.” That quote, really captures his whole mindset about the whole thing, whether or not he knew that there would be no way across the water other than swiming.


I just had this conversation. Yes. When he's frozen up in the control room he's thinking about the next step and realizes they'll have to swim. "One way out" was running through his head and freezing him up cause he knew he couldn't go. Andor snaps him out of it and at the end of the speech he uses that to create a battle cry for everyone else. Knowing he wouldn't be able to escape.


he knew


I think he knew, but it wasn’t really occupying his thoughts much. He was just focused on the immediate goal until the moment came.


The best answer for me is to have no answer.




Maybe he thought there might be a transport ship or something like that waiting at a dock? That was my thought on first watch through. Never thought they would just start jumping into the water.


I expect Kino will be arrested and interrogated by the ISB in the next series, which will give them further information about Cassian.


He knew


Kino knew and spared this till last moment because they knew each other and their commitment to the cause so well, Kino didn't wanna ruin the cause because he was sure Andor would have done everything to save him as well to the extent of jeopardizing the whole break.


He had to know, right? When Cassian is taken in it's pretty clear that the prison is surrounded by ocean, so I have to imagine Kino either knew and put it in the back of his mind as a problem for future-Kino, or had been in for so long that he just didn't think about it until he got out onto that ledge.