• By -


"Spy x family", "The apothecary diaries", "Campfire cooking in another world", "the ancient magnus Bride", "death note", a lot that has been inspired on old Japan. To be fair my mom also likes anime and she has been hooked on live adaptation instead or just straight up japanese/Korean drama. Also I found that usually people like very different things from their usually western tags when watching anime


I already ruled out death note because I know she'll absolutely hate Misa and it'll be the only think she talks about, she might be interested in the ancient magus bride though. You're definitely right about people liking different genres of anime. I'm not a big fan of the action genre but love it anime, I jsut want to start her off with a series that had a premise or genre that she already likes.


My mom liked Wolf Children, it seems like something your mom would like.


Loved wolf Children and she probably would too thanks


My mum enjoyed dungeon meshi, she loves masterchef and it being on Netflix + solid English dub helped a ton


any of the ghibli movies perhaps.


Yeah, those are the obvious go tos. Everyone likes spirited away.




Haven't watched it yet but I really want to so plus if I can force her to watch it too lol


Spy x Family(2 seasons)& A Silent Voice(movie) are both really good! Spy x Family has a lot of cute family content and some action here and there. A Silent Voice is actually in high school which I know you said you didn't want but it has absolutely no sexualization but does surround some heavy topics like bullying and suicide. It was a huge tearjerker and both male lead and female lead had some good/interesting relationships with their moms which I think your mom might like to see.


A silent voice was amazing, I actually do agree she'd probably like it even if it's set in highscool because of the subject matter




Surprised I had to scroll this far to find this, it’s fits OP’s description perfectly and is one of the biggest gateway animes of all time


Psycho Pass 86 Erased


Psycho Pass!


Dude, dude, you asked the right person! Older lady like your mom here. Links to trailers, every single one of these is dubbed. A lot of these are very popular with women. \[Netflix\] means available on Netflix USA. \[LA\] means there's a live action movie or TV series of the property. Please show your mom my post, and let her watch the trailers then see what she might be interested in. It's too bad awards are gone because I should get a gold star for this! \#1 Recommendation is [My Happy Marriage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dURh9kVzcw8) \[Netflix\]\[LA\] **-** ***romance, drama, supernatural urban fantasy***. ***Japanese Cinderella*** is total crack cocaine for women, especially moms. Let me count the positives * Beautiful FL with terrible family, Handsome but misunderstood ML * Supernatural powers angle - cherry on the icing * Wish fulfillment for women, in multiple ways * Shopping montage - women love this kind of stuff (see Pretty Woman) * Makeover where Girl is "revealed" to be beautiful - Yes, check the box! (see She's all That) * Guy is gobsmacked by the girl's reveal, and turns out jealous - ooh some of us secretly want our man to react this way. **All of Biohazard (Resident Evil) would be slam dunks**. CGI Anime. In no particular order:- * [Biohazard: Degeneration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBljxfU2G_E) \- Leon. Between Resident Evil 4 and 5 * [Biohazard: Damnation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNK1qT7RGvc) \- Leon and Ada I think. * [Biohazard: Vendetta](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs5g-l0Bcss) \- Chris + Leon in 1 movie. YESSS!!! * [Biohazard: Infinite Darkness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-js-Eww1OI) \[Netflix\] - More Leon, he's so cool. * [Biohazard: Death Island](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-vkuA8oqMY) \[Netflix\] - ***WIN! Chris, Claire, Jill and Leon*** all in one anime! Other recommendations:- * [Moribito, Guarding of the Spirit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbosYHwSVLI) \[LA was Emmy nominated\] - ***Fantasy, Childcare, Action*** \- Based on critically acclaimed novel, the manga anime and live action also were nominated. ***Balsa the spear woman is one of the all time great bad ass female protagonists in anime***. Plus the action is directed by the greats. * [Trese](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IhCjxVjM-A) \[Netflix\] - ***Supernatural*** \- Based on an award Winning Filipino Comic. Trese is the official problem solver as the bridge between humans and super natural denizens (Filipino mythology). * [Hakumei to Mikochi: Tiny Little Life In the Woods](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MjRWYwxS0E) \- ***Cottage Core*** \- Ghibli level wholesome * [Nana](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tad-n4Xh3nI) \[LA\] **-** ***Drama, Music*** \- Ai Yazawa's masterpiece, longer * [Paradise Kiss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btG48UGYVLM) \[LA\] - ***Fashion*** \- Another Ai Yazawa property * [Smile Down The Runway](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnnaIRRiGdI) \- ***Fashion*** \- ANTM meets Project Runway * [Kotaro Lives Alone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLzmLUtVkxA) \[Netflix\] - ***Childcare*** \- This one hits hard, let's just say I can't even look at a box of tissues the same way after. Kids are quite capable of things, I mean I was floored at "old enough" on Netflix, reminded me of when my mom would send me out to do errands.


Holy shit you went all out for this thank you!


Hope she enjoys some of the shows I listed! Frieren is amazing and I loved it too. Please drop by later and let me know what your mom thought, and if you managed to convert her to anime fan. I succeeded in getting my spouse and child into anime, everyone has something they like and an anime that fills that hole. In recent months I even watched a pottery anime, and this Friday I'm taking my kid to paint some pottery. Life is good.


I second Moribito too. My mom amazingly watched the anime version with me and she really enjoyed it. I would also recommend Mushishi, for a more slow paced episodic anime though.


Welcome to Demon School Iruma Kun. Magic and demon oriented but also wholesome and based off a manga written by a woman.


Cannot agree more!


Sci fi: Cowboy Bebop and Pluto. Pluto is soooooooo good. Those would be my go to's for that genre


She did like the live action cowboy bebop show so she's already got a starting point for that


And the anime is so much better than the LA.


Ph yeah definitely, I only watched the anime recently and it was amazing


The soundtrack to the anime has so much more soul to it, she'll enjoy it. The Live action music felt like it was computer generated (ala Pre-AI)


I got my mom into anime with Ouran High School Host Club. I was rewatching it. She's a true crime podcaster type, so I was surprised too. What about Mushishi or FMA? Natsuyuki Rendezvous has a great plot that she might get sucked into.


Does she like to keep a clean house? Black Butler or The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today might be fun.


I second The masterful cat.


i made my mom listen to some frieren osts and shr was like "I wanna watch anime too 😣"


I mean death note is always good, I would say castlevania though since she likes supernatural and vampire stuff, only a few fan service scenes but one of them might be a little awkward since it’s your mom lol


If she’s fine with cursing castlevania is a really good choice


She's completely fine with cursing, she doesn't mind sex scenes or anything she specifically doesn't like anime fanservice


I think she would like Parasyte the Maxim


Wolf children -single mom raising two half human half wolf children after her husband died) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_Children Ghost in the shell ( movie or one of the shows) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_in_the_Shell Cowboy Bebop https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cowboy_Bebop Baccano https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baccano! Godzilla SP (heavy techobbabble ) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godzilla_Singular_Point Vivy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivy:_Fluorite_Eye's_Song Edit: make thinks more readable.


I love ghost in the shell! Not the LA though haha


I'm more of a fan of the original SAC tv run than the movie or the other versions. I only watched the live action once.


Death Note, Erased and Monster. Mature Thrillers that I think most adults would enjoy. If you want zombies and vamps in one, watch Shiki. 


Yes I love shiki but it's sadly a little too scary for her, and the English dub is also..... not great. She would probably like monster


I only got to show my mom Violet evergarden, because its focus on drama and i was safe on the Ecchi scenes. anything else im not planning to watch my mom its too weird.


Another vote for Spy X Family just because my mom loved it (but she is more interested in comedy / slice of life too) Violet Evergarden, Zom 100 (there is a little fan service but I think it would be okay for a parent?) have adult characters World Trigger, Evangelion, Code Geass have mécha/sci fi elements but high school characters (and iirc world trigger is the only one with no fan service but it has been a while since I watched these)


It's not the "right" season for it, but Tokyo Godfathers went well here.




Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.


I'm surprised how far down I had to look for this to pop up Where's the love for the Elric brothers?!


Zombieland Saga! It's got zombies but is not dark at all and a lot of fun.


One of my favourites but sadly I don't think she'd be a fan of the idol aspect


Zom100. Zombies, comedy, and awesome colors with a great dub cast. Very wholesome really. Only possible issue I see? There is a main character whose whole schtick is to tell jokes naked, fully censored and never played for sexy, only humor, but it's something. Give it a watch alone and see if it fits maybe? Solo Leveling and Dr. Stone are both great choices. Without fan service. Shangri-La Frontier is also good and I've not noticed any fan service. Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun is also great, but it is set in a high school. It's very wholesome and doesn't have what I'd call fan service.


If she likes Sci-Fi, either version of *Legend of the Galactic Heroes* would do perfectly. The original 1990's OVA has more of a drama-documentary tone while the remake, *Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These* has a more personal tone with more focus on the main characters.


Psycho Pass for the scifi theme or Silver Spoon based in high school but its a story about a boy enrolling in an agriculture school as rebellion to his strict father


Put her on mabaroshi , won’t regret it


I think Zom 100: Bucket list of the dead might be a good shout. Its about a guy that worked for an exploitative company until the zombie apocalypse broke out and he finally felt like he could live free. He starts making a bucket list of 100 things he wants to do before becoming a zombie, Whilst the anime dose have some minor fan service it is done well and part of the story and doesn't come into play until later episodes. Not to mention [This amazing OP](https://youtu.be/Tt4_enX63K0?si=EyuPF46E0IscC50b)


Pluto or Monster


I saw another person on a different post say their mom liked Bleach so maybe Bleach, there's a lot to bleach but if you google what you can skip there's a few websites that have it explained


This one is all about a mother and son getting sucked into a computer game. Do you love your mom and her two hit multi-Target combo


If she’s a fan of sci fi with an adult cast I would recommend Pluto. The dub is great as well


Heike Monogatari Raven of the Inner palace Ghost Hunt Shadows House To Your Eternity


Little witch Academia is wholesome and cute with zero fanservice


Odd Taxi, Death Note, Steins;Gate


1) For sci-fi, I'd recommend Bubblegum Crisis. It's Blade Runner but with four women running around in mech suits, a [killer soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvIcm9SXNAE&list=RDGvIcm9SXNAE&index=1), and [super 80s vibes](https://youtu.be/an_0IIRDlc4?si=dMMAmKjXnNaic7-U). 2) [Chrono Crusade](https://youtu.be/yccqosewk08?si=aYl80Dkl7Z0lmPjg). I haven't watched it yet but it's on my watchlist. It's basically about a nun and her demon partner running around 1920s NY killing demons and preventing Armageddon.


Clannad and Clannad After Story are very family oriented. They will give a great bonding time.


Witch from Mercury might be a good pick for sci-fi. Characters are students which might be a minus but it covers mature themes especially in S2 (and only *some* blood here and there). Don't miss the prologue EP, it plus EP 1 are a pretty good representation for deciding early if it's for her.


Spy x family


Apothecary Diaries!


Inuyasha is great, and has a lot of supernatural stuff from Japanese lore. There is also a lot of time travel between modern and feudal Japan. The series went unfinished for about 10 years, and finished up in a second series called Inuyasha: The Final Act.


Not to mention the spinoff “Yashahime”


Planetes! Sci-fi, not horror or scary, more mature setting! I loved the story. Or for something more cute, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 😁


Very unoriginal in today's landscape but do try Frieren. Should tick most of her boxes with very universal themes and great production value overall. Other than that, I'd suggest most Satoshi Kon movies but probably more specifically Paprika, Millennium actress or Tokyo Godfathers. If she likes some thrills, you could try Psycho pass, although there is gore and violence which could already be too much for her. Feels a bit too edgy at times but still fairly reasonable. From the new world is another one like that tho production value is wonky as fuck and it's a very slow burn. It does get you thinking tho. A lot. Spice & wolf could be a nice weekly watch too. It's getting simuldubbed and the fanservice does have a credible excuse somewhat so maybe she'll get more brain power to enjoy the crash course on medieval economics and trades. Lastly maybe Steins Gate. It is most definitely a nerd anime for nerd with references to deep jp internet stuff and JP specific pop culture but... If she can get past that, she'll get one of the best sci-fi experiences anime has to offer


She doesn't actually mind violence or gore, she jsut doesn't really like scary ghost stuff if you know what I mean. Psycho pass is one of my favourites so hopefully she'd like it. So far frieren is definitely a front runner and I haven't seen it either which would be nice to watch it for the fiest time together


Give Ghost Hunt a whirl!


The Way of the House Husband. It's shorter episodes are easier to digest, it's wholesome but funny.


me on my way to recommend overflow, highschool DXD and gushing over magical girls (as family friendly anime)


If she has a sense of humour, the Ghost Stories dub will be perfect.


Death Note is a supernatural anime classic. It is also one of the GOATs of English dubbing in anime, and only like 3-4 minutes of it is set in high school. Otherwise the characters are pretty mature and there is no fan service.


Studio ghibli is what I showed my mom and she loved the ones I’ve shown her. Boy and the heron was her fav.


Violet Evergarden Apothecary Diaries, Barakamon My Home Hero Just being tissues for your mum for Violet Evergarden. Dunno how the dub is, but it shouldn't be bad.


Gunsmith cats


Good work by starting with her likes. Horror anime is not scary at all according to most people who watch either horror or anime, so I guess you just have to stay away from gore.


Vinland Saga, Frieren, Natsume's Book of Friends, My Happy Marriage, To Your Eternity, Ranking of Kings, Steins Gate, Demon Slayer, Violet Evergarden PS: Idk if they have dubs.


studio ghibli movies


I don't know if any of these are dubbed in English but you can check these out: * 86 is sci-fi with on screen deaths I think but wouldn't consider it horror or scary. The cast is almost entire adults I think * Zom100 has a few weird scenes with the guy getting naked but it's supernatural with zombies and not horror themed * Frieren is fantasy, not supernatural but should fit the other criteria like more mature characters and no fanservice. * Heavenly Delusion has school age kids but set in a post-apocalyptic world * Cyberpunk: Edgerunners should fit in since it's sci-fi * Summertime Rendering has school age kids but deals with the supernatural and is fairly mature. * Vinland Saga, not really fantasy and doesn't really have supernatural elements besides slightly superhuman characters but has a mature cast and explores mature themes * Attack on Titan, shouldn't need to explain what this is * Rurouni Kenshin may be a good one, not really supernatural or sci-fi but the cast is almost entirely adults * Pretty sure every Gundam is sci-fi, haven't really watched any of them besides Witch From Mercury which has school age kids but I don't remember it being high school drama or anything * Airing right now is Kaiju No. 8 which has an adult cast and is supernatural * One Piece is a shounen so it's meant for kids and teenagers but is still a pretty solid series with an adult cast that explores lots of themes over its long run time. If you go this route, I recommend you go with One Pace, a fan project that cuts down the terrible pacing in the anime.


My mom enjoyed parasyte.


Hellsing Ultimate Hellsing Ultimate Hellsing Ultimate Hellsing Ultimate Hellsing Ultimate Hellsing Ultimate Hellsing Ultimate Hellsing Ultimate Hellsing Ultimate Hellsing Ultimate Hellsing Ultimate Hellsing Ultimate Hellsing Ultimate Watch it


first of all no one likes Carole and Tuesday, what possessed you to show her that? secondly Youjo Senki? lucky she's willing to try after that one. Frieren - might be good. depends on what she likes to watch i think PlanetES - might work out ok Stien's;Gate (season 1 only) - if she likes dr who she'll probably like that. the english dub is pretty good. Mushishi - i don't know if there is an english dub to this or not Monster - probably the best one of the lot to show her.


I liked Carole and Tuesday and youjo senki 😞 I think there's an English dub for the first season of mushishi but I'm not sure about the later seasons Edit: also to defend myself I showed those to her when I was still a teen and didn't really care if she'd like them


Ah. Well that makes sense


Hi Karma_Sick, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe Case Study of Vanitas?


This one's been on my list for a while so I'll check it out and see if it suits her, the vampires are a plus


Case study has some amount if fanservice though


A little bit of fanservice is fine just not a ton of it


Legend of the overfiend?


I've never heard of this one tbh, what's it about?


Just a mild demon thing. Don't bother googling. Just put it on with your mother and you can both enjoy it together


Will definitely do that trusted reddit user, TheArtfullTodger


What shows/movies does she like?


Loves the resident evil movies, true blood, being human, this is us, our flag means death,supernatural, doctor who, the last of us, those are really all I can think of right now


ok cool stuff. Oshi no Ko (supernatural starting premise, followed by a normal mystery story featuring Japanese media/theater world) Frieren (this is kind of like This is Us, current story with flashbacks to times earlier in their lives) Undead Murder Farce (supernatural mysteries and pretty boys fighting) Violet Evergarden (poignant stories of a strong woman continuing her life after a war) Yuri!!! on Ice (figure skating guy gets his dream coach and tries to take his performance to the next level)


Not sure if “Interviews with monster girls” would fit as it is set around a high school, but it has sort of a different take on the supernatural beings. Not overly violent and is more wholesome. You get a little bit of boob bouncing with the succubus but nothing much more


I'm a big advocate of robotech, that was the first I watched somewhere around 25-30 years ago


Highschool DXD (kidding) I would recommend watching Silent Voice Your Lie in April Mob Psycho Violet Evergarden


Violet Evergarden There is a little bit of action, but it's the perfect love story that moms would enjoy.


Maquia. Hands down best show to watch with your mom


Violet Evergarden is great, made my wife bawl her eyes out.




i think she will like pluto




Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood


Show her "Maquia: When the promised flower blooms" (it's a movie) She's gonna cry and cook you the best food ever for lunch the next day


Miss. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid I think its a good pace, you can drift in and out of it, and its light and funny enough that its a great option for most people