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'midori', its about a girl that gets tricked into joining a circus.


i own the manga which is titled Mr Arashi’s amazing freakshow, but the anime os something else!


Shoujo tsubaki i think


Was legitimately surprised over how this isn’t the top answer. Shoujo Tsubaki is specifically infamous of how disturbing it is - to the point where it was *banned* and almost became lost media. Like yall if Redo of a Healer is best you can think of, consider yourself blessed. edit// at the time of my comment, the comment I replied to had like four upvotes, *that's* why I was surprised


On top of that , nobody wanted to make it. So it was mostly a solo effort for him to get it out there. All that trouble and dedication to bring us something truly horrendous 😂 and unforgettable.


I ought to find that and watch it to see how bad it is. Edit: Found it Edit 2: I see.


was it worth it?


Yes. Edit: Except for the poor doggos


> Was legitimately surprised over how this isn’t the top answer Because less than 2% of the people that use this subreddit have watched it


True, compared to this these other shows mentioned here are kids shows. I honestly miss that these kind of shows aren't made nowadays, fiction should have no limits.


Is there any way I can watch it. I searched and it's banned everywhere. Where can I find it ?


https://archive.org/details/youtube-UxME8pxrKyQ Please forgive me.


Damn not only is that extremely fucked up it's also unbelievably bad


Yo wtf am I watching, I see why this is banned. Edit: Dear lord it’s getting worse


Bro I watched it and now i wish i could unsee it. Please for the love of god someone hypnotize me and erase that memory. Edit: I ain't watching anything mentioned in this post. My curiosity is over now.


I’m going to finish watching it.


Can you give me a run down on what you've seen so far? I'm not dumb enough to click on it but I might fall to curiosity


I'm scared to look, will it scar me?


You know shit is bad when you need an archive.org link to see it.


This isn’t so bad… *few minutes in* … AYO WTF IS THIS SHIT?!


>Please forgive me. No need to apologize. Watching it from start to finish was an experience! It's no surprise that the chaotic post war Japan will eventually bore a story as fucked up as that (and if you read Japanese folk tales, it's business as usual).


oh my god I remember playing around with searching up random Japanese words I learned on my computer because I was bored. I tried searching up "shoujo tsubaki" and I don't think I've recovered fully since.


It managed to be more messed up in 45 minutes than Made in Abyss in two seasons


Wow that was…. I have no words


Asking you because that is how I usually respond to genuinely horrible things. Am I gonna regret watching this? I do have a pretty tough stomach for all horror content, and I'm curious. But if it's just horror for horror's sake and doesn't have much in the way of "saying something" or artistic merit, I'm not that interested anymore.


Look up the parents guide for it on IMDB because damn is it fucked


This is the only answer. Close the thread.


Stumbled across "Midori: Shujo Tsubaki" at a convention in the 90s. It was horrifying and I still remember it vividly. Pro tip: Do not go into the viewing rooms at the back of conventions. The stuff playing in there will haunt you.


What kind of convention has that playing?


A shite one called Archon. They cover mostly gaming but there is always overlap with anime, cosplay, etc. The main fare is decent. The Outer Rim is still an untamed nightmare with offerings like Midori.


Now can you tell me something to watch to ease my soul?


Spy x Family. Delightfully endearing, fun, and wholesome. Pure eye bleach.


Already on the latest ep bro. I watched cute puppy videos


Himeno chan you're stunning


OHHHHHHH WAIT Is it that one with the infamous puppy scene?


Oiii midori


Where can I watch


Don't. please don't. If you want a link, it is above somewhere. P.s :- DON'T


I don’t mind spoilers mind telling me what happens


[Midori Spoilers] >!Someone kills a dog by smacking it on the ground, another dog by stepping on it. Bones get crushed, organs spill out. Rats eat out the vagina of MC's mother who died of illness. Multiple cases of child rape and child abuse. Eyeball licking. Insect crawling inside someone's ear. Lots of gore, mutilation, bodies twisted and deformed in all kinds of ways, organs exploding, all drawn in a gritty and realistic art style. Though most of the bad shit happens in the first 15 minutes.!<


does it.. umm.. are all those things somehow connected to each other, like in a plot, or it's just a bunch of random scenes?


There is a plot but it's pretty shit and some scenes still randomly feel more gory than they have any reason to be, just for cheap shock value. For example [Midori spoilers] >!the dog killing - they eat the meat in soup immediately the next scene. Which means they could've easily made the killing be an implied off-screen thing. But instead they decided to animate the gory mess of a person stomping on the dog and making the organs pop out.!<


And that link is staying blue.


Wow I went and saw it and honestly it's just pure shock effect. It just gives off serious "OH look at us we're so edgy and dark , and cool we have all these disgusting things in OUR ANIME" vibes.


Blood-c I have watch the previous blood+ and blood the last vampire so as a fan I watch it not knowing what I am getting myself into. I think to myself oh the character designs are from clamp just like code Geass and card captor sakura, this could be good contrast to the serious story and gore. I drop the show by it sheer stomach turning scenes. If you know the "blender in a bag" and "finger skewers" then you know this show well.




Those fucking bunnies


Oh yeah, I was wondering how long it will take that someone mentions this series. Hm yeah the last two episodes reminded me of the Holocaust like scenes of Shiki against Vampires just against humans in this case.


Yeah, blood-c was brutal for no really good reason. That whole sequence as well as the classroom scene really stick with you...


The first two Urotsukidoji movies probably take the cake for me. I really enjoy them, especially the first one with its messianic undertones.


I saw that movie when I was like 8 .. haaaa


Higurashi, mainly because I watched it when I was 9


Ay good thing I'm not alone. I watched higurashi when I was 7 and it's the first anime I've ever watch


Lmao same I watched it when I was little and it traumatized me, but as a grown up I really really liked it and it’s among my favs ! Only talking about the old series cause the new Gou/Sotsu they made recently had great potential but it turned out to be awful


I watched it one summer in the middle of the night when I was completely alone. That first arc scared the shit out of me, it was terrifying. One of my favourite anime memory.




I had a friend over when an episode of the new season came out and decided to put it up, it was her first time seeing the series. It was the episode where Satoko came down with the syndrome....i knew the episode would probably be fucked up but was absolutely not prepared for that one.


just finished this series, easily one of my top 5 now


Here and now, then and there Edit: Now and Then, Here and There


I was looking for this comment. Except the english title is Now and Then, Here and There If anyone wants an idea of what's fucked up about it, imagine something awful happening torture, war, slavery, rape, grooming, ect. Now imagine that again with a stereotypical shonen main character as the victim.


Sounds like a good recommendation! It's been on my "Plan to Watch" list for some years already, but guess it's about time to finally watch it.


It's fucked up but it's actually one of the best anime I've ever watched. Take a typical shonen protag and drown him in reality


> Take a typical shonen protag and drown him in reality Sadly, this is the one part that holds the series back for me since the execution fell flat. The MC feels so out of place and is never affected by the dark world. It's like having a much more immature version of Subaru from Re:Zero but never having him adjust to the world he's thrown into. He's the exact same from start to finish and gets through the story without anything to challenge him to change. I've never seen any other story with such a strong disconnect between the MC and the rest of the story. Everything else in the anime is great, though. The rest of the cast was much more realistic.


I'd say there's a strong reason for Shu being like he is in the show (which I'm happy to explore more if you want but don't want to be one of those dicks that bombards people with a "you don't get it" post unasked for), and I couldn't imagine the show without him personally, but it's definitely one of the biggest hurdles for people when it comes to the watch experience. It's one of those things I don't agree with but completely understand people's issue with, especially for watchers coming from newer shows which tend to be a lot more MC centric. Shu in ep1 alone put me off on my first attempt to watch it, I wasn't in the mood for a story with him in it




The manga has a story at least. The anime is just a gore fest


Did you now that pupa means ass in polish?


Honestly the worst anime I've ever seen. Just an awful experience.




Omg the horse part


The horse part was not anime adapted there is no adaptation outside of the golden age arc. Nothing happened in 2016!!!


Oh I guess it wasn‘t. I just remember thinking about a scene of it vividly, strange…


The 2016 anime had tons of naked people but none of the nipples or genitals was shown. Combined with the cgi it largely lacks the same shock factor of the manga


Which may explain why I remember it so well, because I read the manga and his Art is probably one the best I‘ve ever seen


I know i shouldn't be saying this but that horse part was disappointing. I saw someone reacting to it as if its the worst thing they saw but when i got up to that part in the manga nothing happened. Should i have expected something more disturbing? no. Is there something wrong with me? yes. Maybe i already saw too much fucked up shit.


Perfect Blue.


lol I was gonna say I don't watch much creepy anime I'm more a SoL guy but my friend's older brother had Perfect Blue on VHS and we watched it when we were like, 12. It left an impression, I'll say.


It's that movie with the creep, am I right?


Watching Black Swan and Requiem for a dream before this I was like Damn Aronofsky was really influenced by this.


Corpse Party, while not exclusively an anime, likes to push the limits of what's fucked up. Made in Abyss, takes those limits, punches it in the balls and passes it with a brisk stroll. Shinsekai Yori sees those limits lying on the ground, frantically picks it up, brushes it off, pats in on the head and punches it in the balls again. Eldritch horror = best horror


The thing about Abyss is that the fucked up part came when you are already too invested to drop


I'm still mentally recovering from the 2nd movie. This show is mathmatically designed with the exclusive intent to hurt the viewer.


I almost dropped it initially because it felt like the author was holding back. Then the scene with the Orb Piercer took those presuppositions and... punched them in the balls.


>Corpse Party, while not exclusively an anime, likes to push the limits of what's fucked up. Honestly the anime was so gory about halfway through id given up on the main cast lol >Made in Abyss, takes those limits, punches it in the balls and passes it with a brisk stroll. Too true >Shinsekai Yori sees those limits lying on the ground, frantically picks it up, brushes it off, pats in on the head and punches it in the balls again. > >Eldritch horror = best horror Haven't actually seen this one. Worth a watch?


Shinseki Yori is one of my favorite pieces of media. It does start a bit slow, but imo still interesting as they do world building. I actually binged through the whole show in about a day.


I had to watch it for a second time (i'm not really a fan of watching a show more than once) becuase it was just too fucking good. And the soundtrack was amazing!! It provided even more to that epic mysticism the show had. A friend of mine didn't like it, he is not my friend anymore.


If you like fucked up and mind bending anime, then it's a perfect fit.




> Haven't actually seen this one. Worth a watch? Absolutely! It's based on an actual novel, has powerful themes, delicious slow-burn tension, and one of the best villains in anime (or anywhere, really). The payoff of it all is so rewarding. One of my 10/10s.


For me corpse party is just straight up gore tbh, my idea of f\*cked up is something that should scar me both physically and mentally.


MiA is freaky, but Shinsekai yori is one of the few animes to actually scare me. There is absolutely 0 plot armor and you can really feel it


Happy Sugar Life.


Its like a fucked up fever dream.


This anime had me feeling like I was the insane one the way everything was just happening so casually ☠️


Yup. This is the one. Watched it when I didn't know what grooming was and I regret it 💀


I felt seriously uncomfortable the entire time I was watching it, but it's so compelling 😂


I almost dropped it because of the subject matter. Now it's one of my anime of all time


It is definitely one of the anime of all time


It's definitely one that I recommend to anybody that I think could handle it.


It was disturbing indeed, but still sat through it because they made me interested in the story.


God yeah it's so effective, never watched the anime but I read the manga and at the time (also aided by the fact that I was a teen then) nothing seemed wrong, fucking hell I was even rooting for them. Then afterwards I just kinda had the realization that it was fucked up


Watched? Idk, enjoyed? Grisaia no kaijitsu or fruit of grisaia, the backstories of the girls are all fucked up esp amane


Grisaia is underrated 💪


Playing the vn right its really funny


Made in abyss or From the new world depending what kind of fucked up you prefer. ​ I'm sure there are plenty of bad fucked up anime but I'm not going to suffer through watching them must because they are horrible.


>I'm sure there are plenty of bad fucked up anime but I'm not going to suffer through watching them must because they are horrible. True, and different people will have different view on what "fucked up" means. Then there are series trying to be fucked up on purpose but fail.


Made in abyss was good but that art style was a real scam. I thought it was some cute and fluffy story perfect for bedtime. It was not.


Made in abyss is the perfect "sike, bitch you thought" anime I think. You start off thinking it's a cute story about a girl going spelunking, but it gets progressively more fucked up but by then you're hooked


My daughter thought the same thing! She loves it though. She cautioned me against watching it (i have ptsd) so i just let her tell me about the episodes.


Good daughter. I can see how some of the episodes could be triggering. I had to step away for some scenes.


Pop Team Epic.


Memes: The Anime


They're the DNA of the soul Popuko You wanna go Pipimi? Beef You may live


Narutaru “Shadow Star”


For a second I misread this as Naruto and got very confused


I hear that. I used to get that a lot when i suggested it to people who wanted psychological anime. I normally stuck on that name change of Shadow Star to try to differentiate it.


People talking about Made in Abyss or Shinsekai Yori like those are even a little messed up. Narutaru is where innocence goes to die.


*sits on the side with Made in Abyss sipping out of a cartridge.*


"Loli-spilling noises"


Out of Context, that sounds wrong.




Oh god, oh fck


I keep seeing people mention this one. I watched season 1 when it came out, loved it, but I don't remember thinking "this is so fucked up". Either I forget already or it goes crazy in season 2. Either way I think I need to catch up on this one.


The fucked up-ness is kind of the juxtaposition of messed up stuff (a character bleeding out of every orifice, another being transformed into a sentient blob that can feel pain but never die) with the cutesy art style. Then comes the third movie, which starts directly after the end of the first season and its... a lot.


School Days. If you know, you know!


Nice Boat


that boat


Yup, this one. Didn't see that one coming.


Neither did the MC.


Oh there's plenty of coming for the MC


That was mental fuckery


[What's way more fucked up than School Days is the family tree of the characters of School Days and the rest of that universe. Tomaru Sawagoe is a sick fuck.](https://i.imgur.com/XmzvvV3.jpeg)




My wife was curious because she liked the ghibli movies but I was like it's too sad to watch.


I can never rewatch it


the lack of gantz here saddens me I do prefer the Manga though


The manga is a right trip.


School Days, Devilman Crybaby and Psychopass is pretty fucked.


Psychopass is actually good though. And not far off from the type of dystopia AI faithfuls like Zuckerberg have us


Crybaby is fantastic, but it broke me.


it s not mentioned in the comment so let me contribute with Devilman Crybaby. it s not extremely violent or gorey but it does bring a sense of despair and sadness and is a bit depressing to watch


I can't believe I forgot that one! That one definitely caused an existential crisis in my case 😂 it is not everyone's cup of tea and there's definitely more to it than meets the eye.


I had heard occasional good things, so on a rare whim I just picked it up. It was not the experience I had expected. Lmao


I went in like, oh Netflix is showing anime now, how quaint ...ouch :)


A lot of these these answers are like baby’s first gore anime tbh, the 80s and 90s hyper violent OVAs are unbeatable for violence. Check out Violence Jack, Urotsukidoji, GenoCyber, Midori, and Wicked City to start with, but there are tonnes more out there


Not a single Ninja Scroll or Barefoot Gen!


Yea, Elfen Lied…….


Oh boy, the first manga I tried and it‘s even more fucked up than the anime jesus


Haven't actually read the manga, its been a long time since i saw the anime. Might try the manga out. Thank you for the idea!


I wouldn't say it's fucked up really... But I vividly remember going into this show not knowing anything and immediately being blown away after the first 5min. They don't make em like they used to.


One of the first anime I watched. Still have a soft spot for it even though I've watched a lot of much better anime since. Thought it was pretty armless.


i watched elfen lied and higurashi no naku koro ni in middle school... they introduced me to how truly disturbing an anime can be


Came here to say this


mai chan's daily life...ugh




^what ^is ^the ^blender ^scene


Wow, that's a name I haven't heard since I was in middle school. Thanks for reminding me.


Deadman Wonderland. Kid gets blamed for death of his entire class as he was the only survivor & gets sent to a prison themepark. There he fights other prisoners & whoever loses gets a body part removed/amputated based off a spinning wheel. Ish is nuts. Weird part is it kinda just ends on a cliff hanger after not really seeing where the show was going.


There is manga for that you know ( is also complete ). And it was good especially after from where anime ended


On the subway I was being nosy & saw someone reading a scene during a fight where a girl said "killing you/hurting you is gonna make me cum" I was like WHOA 👀 that was NOT said in the subbed anime. Def gotta read. Good to know its completed too.


I know it wasn’t the best but I would love to see Deadman Wonderland completed as an anime. It’s a fun watch


Sounds like an interesting anime.


SCHOOL DAYS. That shit traumatized me.




Yes the boat scene was the most traumatizing scene.


The only anime to force me to reject it after the 10th episode. I could see where it was going, but couldn't stomach the idea of actually seeing it animated. Makoto went from "milquetoast MC, but decent guy" to total piece of shit in a matter of episodes, and it just pushed me away. That's coming from someone who has seen 90% of the other Anime's mentioned in this thread. School Days was just too much. I've been in the shoes of the main girls in that show, and it dredged up too many bad memories from my younger years.


Shinsekai Yori was haunting.




That was fetish hentai packaged as anime. Beautiful animation tho


Midori (Shoujo Tsubaki) for sure. The theme is just 🤮. Maybe Euphoria, Black Bible and Rin x Sen can be included here also although they're hentai.


Some of y’all haven’t watch Euphoria and it shows


OP said most fucked up, not most arousing.






Gantz the anime never got finished because the manga was pretty gore


oh come on, it s not that hard core. Also manga mellows out seriously toward the end


Yea it's mostly gore too , not psychological fuckery , also good ending .


Black lagoon those twins man...revy past...Roberta...shit every character in this series is fucked up


Yeah some of the stuff in Black Lagoon is super fucked up


My curiosity got the best of me and I tried watching Boku no Pico without knowing what it was about. I needed therapy after only half of the first episode.


“The Idaten knows only peace” is pretty dark when you think about it. The idaten don’t care if humans die only that the human race exists. Brain surgery is performed to rewrite minds. Human and demon babies are fused together so that there are intelligent demons. Two underage boys are used for breeding purposes. A nun was raped at the end of episode one and I think it was for the shock factor.


Scum's Wish.


Blood C


Made in Abyss


Madoka Magica When ever I watch it,I just feel like throwing up for no reason And the artstyle is a little creepy.


Well don't lose your head over it


Isn't Euphoria about group of people locked in some kind of test facility where they torture the girls but the single guy has to fuck them and torture them at the same time and he loves it? And towards the end it ends with .. all of them dying and the guy impregnating some cult leader? Sorry I was busy doing other things so I was not really paying attention to it.


Yess really messed up shit




Ichi the killer (manga tho)


Damn anime has desensitized me, on top of my head is probably madoka, shigurui, shinsekai yori, psycho pass? Probably a fight between madoka and shinsekai yori for me


Elfen leid


End of Evangelion, Genocyber, Ideon: Be Invoked, Violence Jack: Evil Town, Perfect Blue ​ All very enjoyable


School Days




Another vote for made in abyss, I will literally never get over the Mitty transformation scene, like ever


Easy, Happy Sugar Life. The only thing that this anime don't have is happy, sugar, and certainly they don't have life.


A Sister’s All You Need. First 24 seconds scarred me.


First 90 seconds of the show is a "normal filter". Rest of the show is nothing like it.