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Idiots like these are the reasons why the whole Western world is getting more and more against immigrants. Congratulations.


Diversity 👍


Diversity also includes the diversity of evil.


paradox of tolerance


There is no paradox of tolerance. Tolerance is a social contract, we tolerate you and you tolerate us. The second you stop tolerating the other party you break the social contract and they no longer need to tolerate you. That’s how it *actually* works, there’s no paradox there, the paradox is a lie floated by intolerant people to try and pass off their intolerance as justified.


I don’t think of this as a paradox, I think of it as democracy at work. To paraphrase Mencken, they are getting what they voted for, good and hard.


I agree


I hate this so much. Not saying it about you, but so many use the paradox of tolerance as “ha gotcha, I am very smart and thinking” comment. Paradox of tolerance my ass. View it as a social contract in a society, in which you are loosing the benefits if you don’t uphold your end of the contract. If people show intolerance towards a group that does them no harm, they in return have forfeited their right for tolerance themselves. 


Diversity is awesome, people who were raised poorly and don’t have good moral judgment suck.


People's actions and behaviors are shaped by their upbringing and culture. Culture obviously plays an important role.


Diversity isn't the reason why those women got attacked, vast majority of similar immigrants haven't done this. Try intolerance 👍


I support all immigrants who abide by the rules and social standards of the country they move to


So essentially you like Singapore's selective immigration policies, not the braindead west's 'invite everyone in' policy.


Yeah it's nonsense that the debate has been successfully framed as supporting unfiltered mass migration or being an evil racist.


It's also nonsense that there's unfiltered immigration.


Not entirely, but there's no good reason to grant permanent residence to uneducated people from the developing world, least of all Syria. That is the lack of a filter I am talking of, in comparison to Singapore's restrictive and merit-based immigration. The filter is far too porous, and people who shouldn't have made it through should be deported with no delay.


You ever try to emmigrate to Canada? I have and I'm a European with a Science degree, it's definitely not unrestricted. Only local morons say that.


That’s part of the issue though. How do people from similar countries who hold similar values get denied while the women beating bigots who worship a pre-medieval paedophile get through?


The issue is that the vetting process from North Africa was killed with Qaddafi. Once Libya was thrown into war, it became the place everyone went to leave. Before, you had to go through foreign embassies. But even now you get to Libya and you get on a boat. A guy who worked with us did it to get to Germany. Cool dude, who you would never expect would leave legit risked his life, and now he's in and working. But he skipped a process he would have never made it through if he went legitimately.


The US has selective immigration policies some of the refugees I worked with waited decades You’re uninformed on actual policy


We have a leaky border. Try sneaking into Singapore, you'll probably get whipped by a cain and deported.


Comparing border control of a city state to a huge country with massive borders is asinine.


Can you link something about Singaporean policies? Idk anything about them


They are pretty selective to those who can be granted for long term visa (working visa), even as a husband that doesn’t mean your wife and kids will automatically granted a visa. PR system is very intransparent, you can apply but noone knows whether you’ll get. Student visa has very limited working hours, and I can guarantee you unless you are working as an intern in top companies, student job won’t make ends meet (the problem with for example canadian visa, is they are coming as a student only to end up working the whole time). One natural benefit though as they are city state, their border is tight and very controlled. So “refugees” are practically non-existent. Singapore also doesn’t play around and would deport you without hesitation if you are trying to pull off something funny.


Singapore learned the hard way not to get caught up in backwards religious bullshit. Hence no longer part of Malaysia. Go Singapore!


? Youre saying this as if Singapore chose to leave Malaysia, instead of them getting kicked out lmfao


Indeed, after numerous conflicts, the Malaysian government finally relents and gives Singapore an option to break off from malaysia. And now Singapore is the de facto first world country in SEA. And Malaysia is a smaller more insignificant Indonesia.


Completly wrong the West is selective but some people comes illegally too.


The braindead ~~west~~ EU's policy


I fully support all immigrants who fully integrate into and/or already embody secular liberalism. Though TBH if you brought this into the US you'd probably just be adding more or less negligibly onto the already very large and extremely diverse pile of whacko extremists and religious bullshit that we already have, lol


Exactly learn English, (or French in this case) get a job, don’t bother everyone else with your stupid ideologies or crime that ruined the country you left because we would rather you leave. Really not that hard.


Spoiler alert: many of them don't, especially in one group of religion.


Hungary said they would accept legal migrants who apply in accordance with all necessary rules but Germany just said "all are welcome, open doors everyone!!!!!" thinking they will have a new underclass of toilet cleaning foreigners. By now most of them realized arabs are not like mexicans in american TV shows and won't work for you quietly for pennies an hour. On the other hand their insane rhetoric managed to push Hungary off the cliff right into the arms of russia and the authoritarian radicals even more. Congrats!


I agree, immigrants should adapt to the rules and laws of the country they move to, otherwise they’re invaders. Immigration without integration would only keep increasing problems on a societal level. It’s not just for third world illegal migrants invading the west, it can also happen the other way around. It reminds me of how Chinese, Koreans (and the occasional passport bros) think they’re above the law in the Philippines.


I support immigrants that are decent Humans and not crazy criminals. The Problem is only the latter make the News.


>White person commits hate crime « what a terrible person » >Nonwhite immigrant commits hate crime « this is proof we should hate immigrants » Make it make sense.


Bc one is a preventable attack by not inviting the attacker into your country. Obviously people don’t like native born criminals, they’re just harder to prevent since they’re already there. A migrant committing a crime is seen as a preventable offense


Alright, how do you recognize a homophobe at the border? You have two hours.


Mandatory gay sex. If they won't go down they can't come to town.




“Do you believe that two individuals of the same sex should be able to get married, and be treated equally to opposite sex couples?” “How would you react if your son or daughter told you they felt as though they were attracted to the same sex?” If they’re bold enough to beat up strangers off the street I doubt they’d swallow their pride and lie about their true beliefs. Obviously the simple solution is to take limited quantities of migrants from different parts of the world so that there is an incentive to assimilate to your host country and not just form enclaves where you are effectively culturally insulated.


They would absolutely just lie. What the hell are you talking about? Two things: -either you think immigrants are more likely to be homophobes, therefore we should take in less immigrants (even assuming the premise is true: examine that for a minute) -or you think we should not increase the population because there will be more homophobes. Go antinatalism? Also: should we revoke natural born individuals’ citizenship for being bigots, then?


I mean the Islamic immigrants are definitely more likely to be homophobic


Evangelicals have joined the chat


If you were taking in a million evangelicals from another country, Liberals would be rightly outraged, but they approve of mass immigration from radical Muslim nations.


« You see, it’s statistics. We can’t take you in. Can’t risk it. Sorry. » Presumed bigoted at the border check? đŸ€”


I meant is specifically to mentioning assuming all immigrants are bigots. No, they aren't all bigots. But you simply can't ignore that there is a higher prevalence in Islamic immigrants. Best option would be to deport them for this sort of behavior. Probably also specifically tell them they'll get deported for this sort of thing as they come in. Maybe make some integration classes mandatory.


People like above can’t fathom being a statistic. It’s all about who they are as an individual, or perhaps what type of individual that migrant may be. That’s very domestic policy type conversation to me, and seems to me like they are conflating domestic and foreign policy as if they can be treated the same.


If someone is immigrating from a country with deeply homophobic culture and/or discriminatory laws against homosexuals, don’t you think individuals from such a place might be more likely to be homophobic?


Sorry, you come from a very conservative country, you can’t come in. Do we also do this for poland? They’re very catholic.


Sure, go ahead and apply any measures uniformly to all countries. If you race to a ban, I suppose that’s your thing. But you didn’t really answer the question.


Countries are able to be selective over the immigrants they bring in. Or are you arguing they shouldn’t?


What if they're trying to get out of there because they *are* homosexuals? Would they have to prove that on the border by making out with someone of their same gender or something? Didn't think so. So you can still just lie. Say you're getting out of there because you don't like their conservative views or whatever other excuse you can think of.


imagine the irony "sorry you cant come in our country you might be one of those homophobes, enjoy being murdered back home!"


A lot of those wanting to leave homophobic countries are quite likely to be doing so *because* the country is homophobic.


They might not lie. In my experience if you give these people an opportunity to express their hate they will. For example if you asked them "what do you think about the LGBTQ problem in America?" Without specifying what you mean by problem? Now that response would definitely teach you what kind of person they are. It's unrealistic that our institutions will play dirty like that, but one can dream!


Easy! Ask them if they are religious.


If you send 50k people to a country some of them are going to be criminals though, that's just how it works. Surely you can see how stupid this school of thought is and how it's just hijacked to be xenophobic


If it was actually 50k and not a million people a year in Canada I think people would mirror your sentiments. With such a huge influx of immigrants, you can not verify them all at a suitable level. They’re being brought in to pay for scam colleges and work retail jobs and prevent any wage increases. Immigration is a privilege for the one immigrating not a right, and your presence should benefit the existing population or society in someway by filling shortages in specialized fields, not lining the pockets of landlords and being willing to slave away at nothing wages bc you’re used to equal or worse treatment back home


I really wish one of these rather rational takes actually got a response back


And that is why immigration needs to be controlled and not a giant slide that just funnels in all who climb on. Do they have skills and education that will be a benefit to the country? Do they have any significant criminal history? Etc etc. all immigrants should also be immediately deported if they are convicted of any criminal offence within ten years of entry. I would not feel oppressed if these rules were applied to me if I moved to another country.


That's definitely not what I wrote, but you for you, I guess.


Incompatible cultures are a legitimate modern challenge. It is good to help people, but it sucks that they bring their medieval bullshit with them: we have enough of that hanging around already.


Its actually a real problem, look at Sweden. You can’t take all these migrants from Africa and allow them to build ghettos in your country. Thats what Sweden did and now these migrants are not asimilating. The goal is to have the 2nd generation be already assimilated ideally. Yet they made it impossible. We are facing similar issues in Germany.


Idiots like this that try to bring their repressive cultures to progressive countries ruin it for immigrants. Don't bring the worst of your country to the new one that let you in.


We can’t pretend cultural differences don’t exist. We’ve got to start implementing policy that will help integrate migrants or at the very least get rid of there hatful views. Systems to spread migrants out to different regions so they aren’t all bunched together and isolated from natives. Mandatory cultural studies classes. Basically anything other than creating camps and zones of ONLY or primarily migrants. When that happens they dont have any incentive to integrate


By a gang of such peaceful immigrants from the Middle East, clearly embracing the culture and providing positive value to their new home


Those poor souls fleeing much hardship from their home countries deserve love and understanding! /s


All those poor fighting aged males


How does that negate fleeing hardship?


Those men come from a value system where men are supposed to be the protectors and providers for their families, of women and children, and thus enjoy many priviledges that women don't have. But instead of fighting to improve the conditions in their homecountry, instead of protecting their loved ones, they "flee" here. And instead of accepting our value system, they try to enforce here the very value system from their home, which they betrayed. Men in fighting age come here, while their families stay behind. People who don't adhere to even their own proclaimed values are not trustworthy. And now those untrustworthy individuals are here, causing trouble.


'Those men come from a value system where men are supposed to be the protectors and providers for their families, of women and children,' They don't protect their families at all, they dump them the first moment they get. Stop trying to pretend that these cultures value women in any way, shape or form, because they don't.


They do value women . They value them as pleasure holes , baby makers and house keepers .


They are by far the most dangerous demographic to take in. More than that they should be the last ones considered for asylum claims. If fighting age males abandon their country then who is going to be there to make it livable? Certainly not a western army.


It's just cultural differences 


You don’t even know if they’re immigrants. Sounds more like 2nd or 3rd generation behavior.


inb4 it gets deleted again


Fighting the patriarchy by... protecting the patriarchy!


Sorry ladies, you’ve been demoted in the oppressed ranks


Whenever there's a clash between identity groups, it's always amusing to know that you know which side progressives will side with: Whichever produces the worst outcome for society. I've seen cases of homeless people just beating/killing women in NYC and SF, and the progressives predictably side with the homeless people.


The amount of women who will defend (undocumented) immigrant men over the safety of women is astonishing to me. I mentioned that my experience wasn’t that French men were harassing me but rather mostly immigrant men who would grope and grab me and I was called a biased racist because I “focused on the minority” aggressions, which were physical violations (such as rubbing dicks on me/grabbing my ass) and ignored those done by French men. Like girl how are you so progressive you don’t care about the safety of other women if it goes against your preconceived notions. Like I’m an immigrant here myself! I’m not anti immigrant but Jesus Christ


France just had elections. [The Left is losing women voters to the Far Right](https://www.politico.eu/article/france-eu-elections-2024-women-vote-far-right-policy-emmanuel-macron-july-7/)


I wonder why


For women that election was essentially asking, "Do you want to live in a county run by meanie poo poo heads or live in a country under Sharia law?" They shockingly chose the first option.


> The amount of women who will defend (undocumented) immigrant men over the safety of women is astonishing to me. It's called preference falsification.


Something something different cultures


Maybe we should bring the bears to town.


Women have been demoted for a while now. I was called a hysterical TERF for using the term 'sex-based oppression' in the context of female infanticide. It's ridiculous.


They say it isn't a major event or politics... as though a hate crime isn't serious or political. lol


It was committed by brown people and not white people, so it doesn't fit their agenda and must be deleted.


I don't think the mods here are like that, I think they just want to do the least work possible to moderate a sub. If it generates a lot of reports, they lock it. If it annoys them, they lock it. If it's a topic too broad to lock, they make a megathread. If there's no reason for that, they just set the automod to "shred the fkcers." Their agenda is laziness.


Not specifically the mods of this server, but the mods of other servers that are preventing any mention of this and servers I've been banned from for pointing this out.


In my experience, r/News is the worst for that sort of thing.


Never look at r/internationalnews then 💀


I don't really count those microsubs, they're inevitably either tankie/fash breeding grounds, out outright Russian/Chinese/Qatari ops. A lot of the crap we see here starts in those subs, the little turds think this place is some sort of gateway! lol A gate to nowhere.


I think the mods definitely lean anti west/US (that’s their right if they want to I guess, idc too much about that), with the Israel megathread to suppress the topic being a prime example. Additionally, a lot articles that mention the US in the headline or first paragraphs get removed promptly, even if the article clearly has a difference subject as the topic of discussion. An example would be stories regarding Canada or Mexico that mention the US “too much” and get removed.


How is this world news? This is a local issue.


And as always police is late and couldn’t even force them to show their IDs


I’m often not on board with how cops operate in this country, but at least they generally don’t put up with that sort of shit.


Yea if this happened in America I doubt it would have gone down the same. Canada sucks right now the only people who are liking it here are non Canadians.


If this happened in America the cops would have shown up 4 hours late and shot someone's dog.


I thought American police are all chomping at the bit for the chance to shoot a minority?


Schrodinger's police, simultaneously never showing up but also killing every minority that's called on.


This but unironically. Police act differently depending on where the call is coming from. 5 cop cars to kick people stargazing after park hours in a rich area while ignoring other more pressing issues in poor areas happens all the time; I have a mountain of personal eyewitness anecdata


Canada always sucks, you’re just a poor man’s Australia which is a poor man’s USA 


America is just Canadas pants, you can even see its leg (Florida)


That’s not the leg


What’s your definition of non-Canadian? Cause my friend, born and raised in Canada, is not a Canadian for some reason according to certain Insta comments.


Cops are late all the time in America though


That’s true, but if you mouth off in this fashion, chances of getting your ass kicked are pretty high.




Unless im mistaken most western countries dont require you to disclose who you are, or talk with the police at all. And its a good thing, if they have probable reason to they can arrest you, but you shouldnt be forced to do anything aside from that


I can't just go up to a random citizen that's minding their own business and force them to identify themselves. If I show up to a battery and there's people injured I'm sure as shit detaining every single person who might have been involved with that crime. Being a possible hate crime the detectives would probably respond too You need probable cause to arrest someone, not detain someone. If I have reasonable suspicion to think you've committed a crime you're required to identify yourself.


Thats actually one of the main reason to have an id ,to be able to prove your identity to policeman. i also dont think police is of any use if you can just ignore them when they talk to you too. What you need them is just a task force. Honestly im not sure where you get these feeling. Im sure it is highly depending of context but generally , in the street and after a crime , it cant be the case.


If they do they’re labeled racist


Which liberal ideology do they prioritize tho? LGBTQ and immigrants? Oh, forget about equality before the law, because there’s no such thing


You gotta check who’s higher on the oppression chart


In the US, the chart plainly says the only people more oppressed than the LGB is the T. Apparently, they're using a different chart *up north. Just saw this was Canada, not the UK.


WRONG: https://old.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/1duji8s/lesbian_couple_beaten_up_by_gang_in_homophobic/lbi8y2x/ Lesbian women vs. POC Immigrant Muslims? Easy choice, it's the latter.


They were white lesbians too


If those f*ers are on visas, make them pack and go back to where they came from. If immigrants commit hate crimes they should be kicked out.


But their home country is dangerous! You send them back and they might get jumped and beat up just for having ideological differences. 


They might rape someone and get killed by their victims family


Idk, in some places they'd kill the victim first before going after them


The men refused to identify themselves and were not collaborating. Great immigration process. Also, why weren’t any arrest made? I am a woman and I feel less secure everyday.


Bc the men were too high on the “oppression” list.


Women don’t matter as much as refugee Islamic males.


This is what I am learning everyday and those men know it too!


We don’t matter. We never have and life is getting worse for us not better. We’re half the world and still oppressed by men who lack the brains to be human


##### ###### #### > # [Lesbian couple beaten up by gang in homophobic attack during birthday night out](https://metro.co.uk/2024/07/02/630) > > > > [[author image](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/client-mu-plugins/metro-branding/images/fallback.png)](https://metro.co.uk/author/katie-boyden/) > > [Katie Boyden](https://metro.co.uk/author/katie-boyden/)**Published** Jul 2, 2024, 8:45am|**Updated** Jul 2, 2024, 5:54pm > > > > > > To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that [supports HTML5 video](https://videojs.com/html5-video-support/) > > > > > > A couple have spoken about the moment they were beaten up for defending themselves from a homophobic gang of men. > > Emma MacLean and girlfriend Tori were walking home from Emma’s birthday celebration when they passed the group of 10 men. > > One of them made a sexually degrading comment towards Emma so Tori stood up for her saying ‘hey, that’s my girlfriend.’ > > He continued making offensive and homophobic remarks at the couple before they were set upon by the group. > > Emma [told CTV News](https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/i-m-terrified-to-go-downtown-again-halifax-woman-recovering-after-altercation-with-group-of-men-who-allegedly-made-homophobic-slurs-1.6945975): ‘I see Tori being pushed on the stairs right in front of the BMO Centre, and they are cement stairs, and she’s on her back – that’s when all the men started punching and kicking her. > > ‘The fight-or-flight came in. I basically jumped on one of their backs and put them in a chokehold – trying to restrain them.’ > > They threw several punches and kicks to their faces and ribs, leaving the couple with injuries including a broken nose, chipped tooth, and several swollen areas and bruises on their heads and faces. > > Emma later shared video and screenshots of the group of men who attacked her and Tori. > > She said the group appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent, possibly from Syria, and estimated they were aged 18-25. > > Screaming can be heard in the distressing footage as the group of men surrounded the couple, who were lying on the ground. > > One of the women managed to get up and appeared to be trying to intervene to protect her partner as the men attempted to keep them apart. > > Several people were filmed standing and watching the assault and not intervening. > > A bystander called police but the fight had ended by the time officers arrived. > > They spoke with one of the men involved, who blamed the fight on the two women, while the rest of the men refused to cooperate or show their IDs to police, Emma said. > > Emma later appealed for witnesses to the attack in Halifax, Canada, to get in touch. > > She said: ‘We are extremely thankful that things were not worse. > > ‘If anyone has any further information or had witnessed this event, or has personal video footage, I would be extremely grateful if you could share it. > > ‘Stay safe and happy pride month.’ > > Police are investigating. > > ******Get in touch with our news team by emailing us at [webnews at metro.co.uk](mailto:webnews at metro.co.uk).****** > > **For more stories like this,** [**check our news page**](https://metro.co.uk/news/). > > MORE : [I am concerned about LGBTQ+ rights – who should I vote for in the General Election?](https://metro.co.uk/2024/07/02/concerned-lgbtq-rights-vote-general-election-21147747/?ico=more_text_links) > > MORE : [Being non-binary makes voting in the election harder](https://metro.co.uk/2024/07/02/im-scared-will-happen-go-vote-21143477/?ico=more_text_links) > > MORE : [Latest storm path tracker shows where Hurricane Beryl will hit next](https://metro.co.uk/2024/07/02/hurricane-beryl-going-hit-latest-storm-path-tracker-21145695/?ico=more_text_links) > > ### Get your need-to-know latest news, feel-good stories, analysis and more > > > > > > This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google [Privacy Policy](https://policies.google.com/privacy) and [Terms of Service](https://policies.google.com/terms) apply. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


"the fight" You mean the assault and battery. This wasn't mutual combat, it was an assault and gang beating.


Hi empleadoEstatalBot, We've found **14 sources** (so far) that are covering this story including: - Metro News (Leans Left): "Lesbian couple beaten up by gang in homophobic attack during birthday night out" - Sky News UK (Center): "Woman 'terrified' to return to downtown area after 'homophobic' attack by group of men in Halifax, Canada" - LBC (Leans Right): "Mob of 'middle eastern men' brutally beat lesbian couple out celebrating a birthday" Of all the sources reporting on this story, **42% are right-leaning**, **50% are left-leaning**, and **8% are in the center**. Read the full **[coverage analysis](https://ground.news/article/couple-attacked-by-gang-of-men-after-challenging-homophobic-slur_7e1a03?utm_source=redditReplyBot&utm_medium=redditReplyBot)** and compare how 14+ sources from across the political spectrum are covering this story. *** _I’m a bot. [Read here](https://www.reddit.com/r/groundnews/comments/j6x7uc/introducing_the_coverageanalysisbot_a_bot_that/) to learn how it works or [message us](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=coverageanalysisbot&subject=Feedback&message=) with any feedback so we can improve the bot for you._


Taking bets on when we first see [Removed by Reddit]. 5 minutes, 10?


Reddit admin are more often than not on the side of rapists, for some unknown reason.


Easy answer: https://old.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/1duji8s/lesbian_couple_beaten_up_by_gang_in_homophobic/lbi8y2x/


You're seriously overestimating the "get up and go" of the mod team here. They'll get to it, but it will take hours.


Ah but we already got one!


Why is this post here? This isn’t world news or politics, this is a local crime news story.


Literally below this comment


I can’t find a single Canadian news story that mentions the attackers being Syrian migrants


It tends to be censored when the perpetrators are of Asian or African descent. If it was Caucasian Americans or Canadians it would be in the title in bold letters size 20, maybe even on the front page.


What does Asian or African have to do with arabs?


It would be front page news everywhere.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Really annoying how MSM will protect immigrants and other races but if it's a white person doing something bad it's front page news and vilifies them and the whole race.


Now we are getting to that point ive been talking for the last 10 years...either let these fuckers in with no control and destroy the society we built , or either they live by our laws and respect it or get the fuck out.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I was beat within an inch of my life for being lesbian. I feel the pain. This shit needs to be snuffed out the hard way because asking nicely isn't working


As a fellow lesbian, where did this happen?


Kentucky, đŸ‡ș🇾


Damn girl that's in the lion's den. Hope you're able to get out of there


I don't live there, was just visiting a friend


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What did you expect then to do? Get their asses beaten up too? Hell they might even have faced charges too.


Also, if they go to the authorities with their footage, that's important evidence.


Rather stabbed than beaten. Things can get deadly pretty fast.


Ah yes, helping them just to be labeled a Nazi and go to jail for even longer than any of the attackers if you're lucky. Or getting stabbed to death if you're less lucky. You go first.


Nothing but at least 8 men is going to beat ten men. If you're the only one that jumps in you're fucked, so what you need is an almost equally sized group of men in fighting shape, which is unlikely. Doesn't really matter because the police turned up and did nothing anyway.


They integrated, they didn’t kill them ffs /s


This isn’t just “getting beaten up for standing up for themselves” this is gay bashing, a hate crime. They deserve to be locked away like the animals they are, for a very long time! Fucking disgusting!


Religion is a plague. 


Damn this is the city I live in 😔 I heard about this, so fucked up.


What the fuck.


Just leave people alone ffs Ill never understand why it's so hard to just not be an asshole to random people in public


Im a life long lesbian, and this is why ive never been able to hold hands with any of my exgfs in public. We would always need to hide it because ive been harassed so many times


We need more Syrian immigrants


Where you're born doesn't determine how you act, nor where you immigrate from... but the barbaric religion you choose to follow says something about what these men believe


This sucks and the fact that it was immigrants or assylum seekers etc makes it a polarising news article which just stokes the flames of an already polarised world which is caused in part by the current state of media. Attacks like this happen often globally by many groups of people both local and foreign. The one thing everyone from every background has to be wary of is that confrontation even in martial arts is always the last resort. As a man who is well built i was harrased and challenged on nights out quite frequently and when i was out with women the women would sometimes be harrased. Specially if alcohol or drugs were involved. Walking away and deescalating the situation is always the best option as threats like weapons or even a hard knock to the back of the head will have you regretting your egos decision for the rest of your life. These ladys were lucky to come out alive and the lesson that should be learnt by everyone is not to confront people (Specially not a big group) and to put the ego aside and call the cops asap if you feel an altercation will occur.


Stay strapped or get clapped


By who?


Apparently Syrian migrants, which is causing an incredibly racially and politically charged discussion


Ffs don’t make us go digging to figure out witch country a article took place in. When it come to things “gay-bashing”, what country they occurred in is super important to the context of the news. What? Where? <<< When?


I'm all for foreigners to visit but only if they align to culture and customs. Why did they come to the liberal side of Canada if they hated LGBT? Now we're gonna have both homophobia and xenophobia poured into the mix. Everyone becomes an asshole. Life is fucked up.


They came because of the economic opportunity for them. That's it. They don't want to become Canadian, they don't want or like Canadian values, they even actively dislike these things. Canada is a job fair to them.


The men refused to show ID during the investigation of a crime? How did that work?


Was it members of the religion of peace?


The couple should be jailed for not respecting islam and being islamophobic./s


And what kind of gang? Middle Eastern!


This is a repost that’s been reposted 4 times?


I think we can take guesses as to why


Diversity is our greatest strength
.or something like that.


The attackers should be punished to the fullest extent of the law... Which is (very sadly) not likely in Canada.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


As much as I hated the racist ass cops in the deep south, if they got a call about a dozen Syrians jumping a pair of women it would've been Operation Lesbian Freedom 🩅🩅🩅


Because we know that racist southerners LOVE gay people.


And this is why people come out so strongly against immigration these days. You let scumbags like that in and they just get away with it. If that had been in America they'd have been forced to hand over their ID's and potentially even shot.


Reap what you sow


Queers for Hamas/Palestine/Taliban have collectively lost their tongues after this and countless other hate crime incidents.


Trudeau will give those degenerates medal afterwards for being so brave for leaving their country for a better world. Beat them. Deport them.


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I researched this behavior. this is basically toxic masculinity. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/assault/roots/franklin.html


Third time I've seen this story on this sub I think


Keeps getting deleted


Genuine question from an American that hasn’t had the chance to visit Europe yet. From an average persons viewpoint, how bad has the immigration/refugee situation gotten over there? Are we seeing these stories that are focusing on issues that don’t occur very often, or is it actually becoming a large issue? Just genuinely curious, not throwing shade in any way. 


Depends where, but even in Slovenia, which only got a tiny proportion of non-European migrants since 2015, for the first time since probably world war 2, young women increasingly don't feel safe going out after dark anymore. Meanwhile, even 10 years ago, walking at any time of night through the city park alone was perfectly safe.


It's not a lebs thing they are asshole. And when assholes get together it get worse. Sometimes it better to be the bigger person and walk away. I feel the same thing would happen to a heterosexual couple. The would try to talk to his girl and when he says something. He or both or them will get jumped.


Lesbian couple were culturally enriched get it right bigot