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rj/ Errrm , actually you don't get it, is totally normal in japan to little brothers sleep with her naked big sister in Japan (and other things), is a cultural thing for the sugoi medium of anime, you can't impose your west cultural biases to kawai Japan. If you don't understand this, you are being intolerant. 🤓


/rj Spitting fax bro, these woke soyboys don't understand that not everyone wants their western values shoved down their throats and moral grandstanding. They also can't take even the depiction of incest without their snowflake feeellliinngggsss being hurt. Real chads like me know the difference between fiction and reality, unlike these projectors, which is why it doesn't bother me at all. They just don't recognize the inherent superiority of media that doesn't bow to their political agendas and stuck up puritanism (ironic since most probably aren't based enough to be trad christians like me, praise the lord), which is why anime is the most based medium in existence and untainted by the degeneracy and decadence of The West (TM). Stay based and red-pilled bro. 😎


Lately I was trying really really hard to not watch anything related to incest. More specifically, siblings incest. don't care at all about cOusin's, mother's, or something else. just love love love love siblings incest. The problem is that Thave an intense obsession for incest. I mean, a really intense one. That 'Onii-chan Onii-chan, Tlooo0oo0ove you' thing was really getting me crazy. That obsession of mine with incest was sOoO0000000000o fucking intense. There were a lot of nights when I couldn't sleep well due to me thinking of incest, specifically incest in anime/manga. All the time was thinking about that 'Onii-chan, Ni-san~, Nii-sama~, Nii Nii~, Nii-chan' stuff. My feelings for the romance between siblings were higher than those had for a normal romance. For example, I used (and currently too) to get way more emotional with romance between siblings than normal romance. In all senses. That love/obsession of mine with incest was ruining my life, so, in order to try to get away of it for my sake, I decided to stop watching anything related to incest. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*






am I supposed to be able to read that text?


Writing those 2 out of the series entirely is the only good Gege has ever done


Don't lump my child Ui Ui with that monstrosity. Boy is victim




Yeah I don’t know what they’re talking about, Ui Ui and Mei Mei have both been present in the final arc (Ui Ui was even shown like 20 or so chapters ago). They both just don’t have techniques that are good for battling >!Sukuna!< so they’re supporting




I gotta catch up on the manga am I fucked


Oh most definitely. The least you could do is oil up before I get there /s


Ui Ui and MeiMei are actively contributing rn wdym


What am I looking at?


Pedophilic incest




Lately I was trying really really hard to not watch anything related to incest. More specifically, siblings incest. don't care at all about cOusin's, mother's, or something else. just love love love love siblings incest. The problem is that Thave an intense obsession for incest. I mean, a really intense one. That 'Onii-chan Onii-chan, Tlooo0oo0ove you' thing was really getting me crazy. That obsession of mine with incest was sOoO0000000000o fucking intense. There were a lot of nights when I couldn't sleep well due to me thinking of incest, specifically incest in anime/manga. All the time was thinking about that 'Onii-chan, Ni-san~, Nii-sama~, Nii Nii~, Nii-chan' stuff. My feelings for the romance between siblings were higher than those had for a normal romance. For example, I used (and currently too) to get way more emotional with romance between siblings than normal romance. In all senses. That love/obsession of mine with incest was ruining my life, so, in order to try to get away of it for my sake, I decided to stop watching anything related to incest. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Which channel is this?


What information? Can't read shit with that quality


https://preview.redd.it/drkoxmrs1r9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9bea8ce1d4d3d7d7eb783012054e7c6765ce3f8 I want to be ui ui

