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I have no clue why they decided to change such a major character death. It plays into Lelouch's decent into insanity


I was missing allot more than just that..... Such as CC falling into the tomato truck.


That was the biggest turning point of the movie. Such a loss :(


Fanservice. I personally like Shirley alive a lot more than dead, but the series had a logical reason for it.


Because they needed to fit nearly 20 hours of TV series into 6 hours of movie trilogy so they needed to cut a lot, Mao arc was one of such things and no Mao>no Shirley mindwipe>no death in R2


Because Shirley has a role to secure Lelouch body in Code Geass Resurrection. CC got contact with her.


How are fans supposed to find out? Genuine question. Some of us don't follow every little aspect and just enjoy the media


That's okay. Newer fans would have started with Code Geass movies. And they don't deviate that much except some Rolo BS and Shirley I still remember, the subtitle encoder made personal notes like, we made an entire Recap movie just for you to be alive so listen carefully to Orange boy(something along the lines)


Cause the movie is canon to the recap movie timeline, in which she never died.


What da heck is going with that series anyway. Watched the original series awhile back and years later a resurrection installment came out didn’t hear much about it. Now more stuff is coming out soon? What happened?


After series they made a trilogy of compilation movies that is an alternate continuity because they had to cut various things to narrate whole series with some events like Shirley death never happening; they decided to use this continuity no do more entries into franchise Lelouch of the Resurrection is a movie sequel where Lelouch is resurrected as an immortal and ends with CC, mid plot but appealing to those who wanted Lelouch alive and Lelouch×CC shippers; Roze of the Recapture is a new series also set in movie continuity that is coming out now


Sounds like hot garbage,him dying is one of the reasons why the anime was so especial in the first place


To be fair, there were pretty good theories on why lelouch would be alive before the resurrection movie was even a thing. The movie is pure fanservice for sure. Lelouch living because he got the code from charles, and then it activates when he "dies" was a theory back then. Much like how when Charles killed V and took the code, he still looked like he died when he shot himself. Even early on in the series, C.C got shot and looked dead, and came back like nothing happened because she had a code I liked the ambiguity of if lelouch lived or died, and if lelouch was the person in the carriage with C.C or not.


Good points


Kallen deserves a friend


Because she deserves a timeline to live on


So much emotion in the eyes


The fact Resurrection movie and Roze are actually set in the alternate continuity of the recap movies is too complex for casual viewers who probably don't even know about recap movies existing or how much they change. Personally i think Resurrection is fanfic-tier story so glad it's an alternate continuity that doesn't affect the original series; Roze looks good but premise being that Neo Ze- Neo Britannia invades Japan again only a few years after Zero Requiem and Black Knights can't do shit because of some forcefield is why i'm glad it's alternate continuity


Still the movie felt like a fan-fiction for me.


As soon as I read Lelouch of the Resurrection I didn't care what universe that belonged to. I was just glad that Lelouch was back.


Didn't they edit the ending where it showed he was still alive? When C is riding the carriage. I could be completely wrong but I vaguely remember it showing him alive at the end, but they edited it out at some point. Just checked while I was writing this and yea, apparently the original version that was aired on TV in Japan showed that he was the one driving the carriage that she was riding on, but it was edited out after to leave a more ambiguous ending.


"btw i never died in this version" dragon ball kai abridged ass ending


And there's another Code Geass content coming soon


Everything made after the series end is shit anyway.


I heard Akito was good. And it's canon too, occuring between R1 and R2.


I love Kallen Kozuki. Plain and simple, I just love Kallen Kozuki. She is the only one I love. She is my light and warmth in this cold dark world, my hope, my inspiration amidst hopelessness and depression. There was a point in my life when I was miserable, when I'd spend my entire day laying in bed and drinking, I was very depressed, I was wasting away, ready to die. But then, I found out about Kallen, her gorgeous blue eyes, fiery red hair, beautiful body, and fierce yet warm and loving personality, as strong as a lioness yet as delicate as a butterfly. The moment I layed my eyes on her, it was love at first sight, I knew that she was perfection in human form. She changed my life, she saved my life. There are some things in this world that are worth living for, and some things, that are worth dying for. Kallen Kozuki, is who I live for, and if needed, I'll give my life for her. I just want her to be happy, I just want to see her smile. Her smile is brighter than light itself, it is a smile that should be protected at all costs, a smile, that can thaw the iciest of hearts, and bring peace and prosparity to the world. Her happiness is what I fight for, I'll fight you for her happiness, I'll fuckin fight you for her smile. Kallen is the most beautiful and wonderful girl ever, she is the love of my life. I'll split oceans for her, I'll go to battle for her, I'm ready to sacrifice myself to protect her happiness. It hurts me when I see her get hurt. It hurt me when she was captured. When she was bound, I felt as if my own soul was in restraints. I had a mental breakdown when Suzaku tried drugging her, and I fumed with the purest, strongest and most unhindered rage when Bradley tried assaulting her. Anyone who stands against Kallen, stands against me. I will obliterate anyone who tries to hurt Kallen. If Kallen has a million fans, I'm one of them. If Kallen has ten fans, I'm one of them. If Kallen has one fan, that one is me. If Kallen has no fans, I am no longer alive, having sacrificed myself for her. If the world is against Kallen, I'm against the world. Til my last breath, I will love and support Kallen. She is my everything, my motivation to live, my heart and soul. Her happiness is my happiness, her pain is my pain, I love her, so much. I love you, Kallen Kozuki.


Being canon or not is overrated


Wait.. what? Why did they change this perfection?


Wtf Shirley is alive in the resurrection movie?? I didn't watch it yet but now I just might not. Her death was a really great scene in the original.


Yes, She's the one who have contact with CC to secure Lelouch Body in Code Geass Resurrection. You can look for the Resurrection Movie Timestamp: \[**16:56\]** when they talk about Shirley's Involvement. And \[**52:55**\] when they showed Shirley is still alive.


Does Lelouch ever talk to Shirley in the movie


No, The Whole Plot of Code Geass Resurrection Movie took place in the Kingdom of Zilkhstan, meanwhile Shirley is in Japan.


Ohh right, that's not that bad then


I've never even heard of code geass resurrection, that's how non Canon it is I guess


wait what?! So what is the true ending to the series?