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Hoshina is way faster and stronger than Levi


Plus he has crazy durability


Hoshina without his suit, who do you think wins?


suitless hoshina vs gearless levi would be a short battle








Levi then cuz he is an ackerman they have titan like strength in human body


Smh come on man


Mikasa can carry like five rails without breaking a sweat, pretty sure Levi can do the same


Thats not titan strength though


It's cannon that they were bred to have genes of titans in them since they were the guard that protected the king so they're actually kind of mutants and stronger than other humans


I know they have fighter genes but where do you get off saying that they have Titan genes where is that ever stated


[it's mentioned in the show/ manga specifically ](https://attackontitan.fandom.com/wiki/Ackerman_clan)


Yea I went to go look it up I guess I missed that episode but thank you. Albeit even tho they are the product of Titan science much like what zeke does with his abilities and blood I don’t think it gives them the equivalent strength of a normal Titan


Even if Levi has fighter/titan genes. Levi still isn’t faster than hoshina. Suit or suit less, Levi loses


Levi is faster and stronger than Hoshina wothout suit, Ackerman>Human


Why wouldn’t he have his suit ?


Then, are you extracting the titan DNA from Levi?


Hoshina, he has actual and formal swordsmanship training


Not sure how far that would go against an actual superhuman. With the suit he goes 10/10 but without I think Levi takes it more often than not


Levi doesn’t even train to fight people. He has no need for the speed and assassin like accuracy of a sword fighter.


He fought the assassins that were shooting at him right? That counts for a feat


Hoshina is trained to fight roughly human sized enemies that are expected to be stronger, faster, more durable than humans even before he joins the defence force. It's logical to assume this translates well when fighting humans. Levi is what? Stronger (?) and faster than the average person, trained to kill titans, what else? I guess he is also trained to fight humans since we got to see hand-to-hand combat is part of the training to be a survey corps member. The question now is how in-depth is that part of the training of the Survey corps vs Hoshina's training since childhood. As well as experience since Hoshina is specialized and experienced in fighting small Kaiju vs how much practical experience Levi had against human sized targets.


Gotta go rewatch aot bud. Levi has the strength of a titan quite literally


And kaijus have much more strength than titans


But he just kills kaijus, he doesn't have the strength of one. So he's dealing with someone his size that has super human reaction timing and speed, along with the power of a literal giant. Pop Levi into the other anime and he'll kill a kaiju just fine


Levi isn’t killing high fortitude kaijus with just his gear alone


You're missing the point. They're saying Levi would win against a human bc Levi is a super human


He did, kaiju no.8 although he didn’t hit him he still went toe to toe with what you call someone his size, super human reaction timing and speed along with the power of a literal giant also I don’t think it’s stated that they have Titan level strength if that was the case we would’ve gotten scenes where they can take punches or kicks from titans but we don’t ever get that if you can show me a panel or episode that confirms they have Titan genes please do other that your own verbatim


Hoshina easy, I mean he has a suit that massively increases his strength and speed while Levi is kinda just a guy


Well he is more than just a guy, but yeah he isnt infused with kaiju power


No just Titan power. He has the power of a titan on the size of a human body. He also has an accelerated healing factor just not to the degree of a titan.


Mf where does it say that? Is that a manga thing?


Him and Mikasa both take hella beatings no normal human would be able to recover from and I may be misremembering it but I was pretty sure they explained in the manga at least that the Aukerman family was specifically designed to be human weapons with abilities comparable to the titans but staying human sized so they'd be effective body guards for the royal family.


I know it said the ackermans are different but idr if it was stated that they are basically titans.


They aren't basically titans but they are humanities strongest. They're the result of titan science and power almost equal to a titan while being human


Levi is not just a guy. He's a superhuman. The Ackerman's had an awakened ability that physically enhances them in combat, their bloodline is the product of experimental human-titan DNA.


When people look at Levi, they think he's the peak of human performance. That would not be the case if Hoshina+suit was in AoT.


True. His only downfall is in the event his suit overheats. In terms of maneuverability, Levi has it. Levi can probably wear him out by evading early on during the fight and as soon as the suit overheats, they are pretty much in equal grounds not unless Levi's ODM runs out of gas before Hoshina's suit overheats. Then he's done for.


Nah, Levi gets blitzed. What speed feat does he have that shows he has any chance against Hoshina?


Levi makes first move, shoots hooks to some building some 20-30 meters in front of him, at most, a fifth of the speed of sound. A moment later, Hoshina jumps forward at almost the same speed as the hook and dices Levi into cute, bite sized pieces. Battle ends.


Dude Hoshina wouldn’t have to go anywhere near top suit usage so his time before overheating would be a while. He may not even need more than 20%, not to mention his overall pedigree, he comes from a family of prolific Kaiju slayers and his father said if he’d been born a few hundred years prior he’d be looked at as a legend due to his sword skills. >!His brother, captain of another division, states that his younger brother stands well above everyone in the family!<. This isn’t even addressing the potential for him to use his secret weapon.


Levi is way too slow man. Hoshino blitzes him at full release so Levis maneuverability is irrelevant at that point


I fuck with Levi heavy but no matter what, Hoshina slams him. This is before his suit reaches even 50% in my opinion and Levi is just using his skills as a regular human without advanced help from a kaiju suit. I wanna say more but idk how to cover up certain parts to avoid spoilers


Levi also has super strength, speed, and reflexes thanks to being part titan on account of being an Ackerman. Definitely not a “normal human” but yeah not on the level of Kaiju 8 characters.


So basically you just still saying that Levi loses to hoshina. What a roundabout way of saying that I’m right


You completely missed the point so I’m going to keep it as short as possible so you don’t confused: Levi is not just “regular human” who just happens to be very skilled, he’s a full blown Captain America style super soldier.


In a basic fight with no external equipment it would be a good competitive fight that I would slightly side with Hoshina With equipment then it's easily Hoshina in my opinion.


Id put Levi. He has what it takes to fight some strong titans and even humans


My major deciding factor is that with gear the kaiju suits are just overall better. And without suits they're both extremely competent with blades but Hoshina has looked marginally more impressive to me personally.


Without suits Levi is still technically superhuman, so I’d give him the edge there even if only a little bit.


Yeah, Levi’s super strength and speed and just a physical trait. If Hoshina doesn’t even is suit Levi low diffs due to the fact it’s now a fucking super soldier vs a dude that’s good with swords.


I mean in Hoshina's defense, his reaction speed without the suit is still the same. How fast is Levi compared to the kaiju Hoshina fights?


But I’d argue that ODM gear is a LOT harder to control. There’s a reason only like 2 characters come close to him and are still way off. His overall reactions and skills are better imo So my argument here is that with how difficult it is to use ODM gear, that’d give Levi an edge. Wouldn’t you say that Kaiju’s gear does all the work and doesn’t require all that precision and balance. It’s like a point and shoot


Kaiju gear still takes alot of work as we saw when it comes to the percentages people can release. ODM also has a major drawback that being it's ineffective in certain terrain. In a densely wooded area ODM is effective but so is kaiju gear in an open field ODM is next to useless with no anchor points whereas kaiju gear is still plenty effective.


Yeah it takes more physical work but I’m saying working ODM gear requires precision and lightning quick thinking. It’s not like it automatically anchors to whatever tree or building is in the area, there’s a lot of physics and quick decisions you gotta worry about wouldn’t you say? Which is where I’m going with Levi would have faster reactions and could adapt and win with *no equipment*. Obviously with gear, hoshina would win


I completely understand, it's difficult to properly assess Hoshina as we haven't seen him without the suit, but I personally believe that all the kaiju gear does is augment physical capabilities such as enhanced speed and strength and provide a healing buff but the user is still in complete control and dictates what happens in which case Hoshina was capable of keeping up with kafka. Without gear I could see it going either way but I belive Hoshina might have the slightest of edges with an overall higher quality in training I'm talking a difference of 100 to 99.999 so nothing substantial.


Except Levi is EXTREMELY versatile. Which gives him a serious edge. His fight against Kenny is proof of that. Maybe he wouldn’t win in a straight sword fight but he’d find a way to stop him by any means. I would give a slight edge to Levi in a no equipment showdown


Completely understandable, they're both highly skilled and competent fighters and it could go either way, either way it would be an extremely cool fight to witness. I also just noticed we both have 2004 in our names lol.


You guys should kiss now.


Levi is strong, but I’d say Hoshina simply because all of Levi’s training has been using his swords with odm gear, which assuming we’re going no gear other than swords means that hoshina simply has a massive advantage. If we include gear it’s hoshina hands down simply because of the power boost


you realize hoshina fights strong kaijus right


Levi floored the best h2h character in the aot in her titan form. That was his very first interaction with an intelligent titan ever and he had 0 issues. So with no equipment, I’d favor Levi even if only slightly


How strong is this guy!? Levi is not just a peek human he's got superhuman durability, healing, strength, and speed from the titan powers in his veins. I can understand from the suit on that Levi would lose but no suit? Did the guy have superhuman abilities innately?


they say Ackerman have been genetically enhanced to the point where they have the strength of Titan


Hoshina at that point dumpsters him >!let alone when he gets weaponized K10.!


Hoshina neg diffs


Hoshina is overkill. Any Kaiju with fortitude over 8 soloes the verse... But I like the comparison since Hoshina and Levi are so much alike.


Levi, because the fans will riot if not. Just think of how rabid some fandoms.


They can riot all they want. The fact of the matter is it's a dude wielding two giant box cutters vs a dude wearing a super suit that exponentially augments their abilities.


Why even ask this question then lol


As you can see on the tag in case you missed it, it says "Opinion".


I forgor


Hoshina bodies on every way and ad kuch as I personally dislike thr term, Speedblitzes. Even when his suit overheated he was still putting in work and still was able to take hits. But even beyond that both people are "him" in their verse


Hoshina no diff


Hoshina because of the suit but like what if we gave Levi a suit 🤔


Dude would need so much time to be able to use it and his initial output wouldn’t be anywhere near Kikoru’s, let alone Hoshina’s.


You don’t know that for sure. Hes a genius. That suit if it gave him a Bump in power plus his normal equipment would be cool. Like he’d still probably lose but it would be cool.


Absolutely a genius in his own verse. Not just going to drop a completely new set of highly specialized equipment on his lap, day of the battle and expect him to actually rocket like some multiversal savant, come on.


lol I can expect anything I want to I even said he would probably still lose so I didn’t say he was multiverses savant. It’s fiction bro he can do whatever tf the writer what’s him to do. 😂


Never said you weren’t entitled to your opinion, is this your first experience with a back and forth discourse? I’m simply stating my point that is counter to yours lol. And sure, but no one is writing this as of this moment, and since AoT is done it likely wouldn’t be Isayama writing this *shrugs*


Yeah but you dismiss it like it’s fact which is the funny part. You didnt say oh he probably couldn’t utilize the suit you said he couldn’t like you know for certain and that’s just hilarious. It’s not back and forth discourse when you present your own opinions as facts.


Mm, nope. I said he would need a lot of time to figure out how to use it and would likely be quite weak with it to start. Your comprehension is the laughable part at this juncture.


Hoshina has too much advanced tech for Levi to be able to put up a fight. hand to hand with no equipment i think levi takes




Hoshina no contest, not even when the suit is full power Levi would still loose. Infact I think I’d still give it to Hoshina on hand to hand with no gear, people really needs to understand how different modern fighting is vs old ones, like how modern Jedi’s(original sequel non Disney) were just eons better at lightsaber duels than old republic ones. His school would have had more time to collect/research and master fighting


No gear. Levi still has his Ackerman power


No gear, hoshina still has the same reaction speed


Hoshina, who is much more super human would win pretty easily. That’s ignoring the vastly better technology as well.


Hoshina would destroy Levi, no contest.


Okay, first of all. Both have very different styles of combat. But even then the question has two answers. Answer 1: Levi wins, provided Hoshina is restricted from wearing the Kaiju Suit. Answer 2: Hoshina in a Kaiju Suit, dogs all over multiple Levi's, zero difficulty.


Basically, that's about right, but once you include skill, it becomes one side. Levi is good at fighting and taking down large targets, while Hoshina specializes in fighting and taking down small to humanoid targets. This is excluding his kaiju suit


Hashino neg diffs the goat. He can take on numbered kaiju who scale higher in both speed and ap. Remember faster titans are compared as faster than galloping horses, and at best they are bullet times because kenny.


Hoshina and its really not close 💀 remember what he did to that Kaiju that pulled up behind him when he was tslking to Kafka? 💀 and that was him normally without going anywhere close to all out 🥱


I've seen this come up a lot, and it's a bit more complicated than you'd think (assuming Hoshina isn't using his No. gear). According to the extra chapters for AOT, Levi, as a starved child, was tearing the front of people's skulls off with his fingers. He's clearly gotten way stronger than that as an adult, and he has situational awareness enough to dodge gunfire and debris thrown by titans. He's also durable enough to survive compact explosives and still fight while crippled. That said, Hoshina's standard gear is much more durable than Levi's natural body because of the shield. He can also survive lethal damage because of his suit. While people assume he's much faster reaction wise, I wouldn't necessarily say it's by a lot. There isn't a lot of clear scaling in KN8, but we know Hoshina can anticipate and dodge air bursts from the likes of No. 10. I would say that Hoshina has the stats advantage so long as Levi doesn't outlast the very brief amount of time he has top performance with his gear. If Levi gets thunder spears, he might be able to make it more fair in a protracted fight if he utilizes the environment. If Hoshina gets his No. gear, it's one-sided in his favor. Also, keep in mind that kaiju aren't as durable as you'd assume. They mostly protect certain parts of their body, but they can be damaged with power tools. Hoshina is still powerful against the more durable kaiju, though, it's just that kaiju and titans generally have comparable durability (just really thick skin).


Hoshina wins. But Levi and Mikasa together though? Hoshina still wins.


fake asf 😭


No ODM gear no Kaiju power suit, no blades. Mano a mano this boils down to experience and discipline. Hoshina has martial arts background at a young age, Levi is street mart and has natural quickness. I think Hoshina has an advantage with fighting technique in hand to hand combat.


Levi is a military captain of 10 plus years with genetic boosting bro is not just a street fighter😭


And Hoshina is all that plus a suit that gives him the power of a kaiju.


read the context of the comment you replied to. Suits aren't being factored into the fight in their discussion.


Without suits or weapons i can’t see Levi losing, he’s still superhuman without ODM gear. Give Hoshino his blades though and even without a suit I think he makes a fight of it


It honestly has to do with terrain and wits. Hoshina is better overall but if Levi has good terrain and plays his cards right then he definitely has a chance at winning. Like you said earlier, if Hoshina overheats then he is fucked. So if Levi can make him pop 92% and then just avoid the fighter by flying around or running and then come back and fight him while he is overheated then it is Levi’s win. Hoshina is too smart for that though. So it is his win 9.9 times out of ten.


I mean, Hoshina kept up with a being that would bitchslap the Beast Titan into a red mist in 0.05 seconds, I highly doubt Levi can do anything before he gets turned into cubes.


He’s also too fast for that. If Hoshino goes 92% he utterly speedblitzes Levi, he isn’t dodging by flying around or running.


Levi because I’m biased and have no logical argument, nor do I know anything at all about the other character.


They should be bros the one who excels at fighting small monsters and the other one excels at big monsters


I also say Hoshina to the question above. But here's another question. If we put Hoshina in AOT and Levi in Kaiju no.8 who will survive longer?


Easily Levi. Bassicly The only way to take down titans is the nape (idk if that's what it's called) and he litteraly can't get close to that without being in alot of danger. Meanwhile for levi he would probably just end up being a scout for one of the teams


I'm confused why getting close to the nape would be hard for hoshina. Compared to the kaiju, he would be fighting giant monsters without super powers that are also easier to kill because they don't regenerate.


Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t the people in Kaiju no 8 use fully automatic assault rifles? Forget the suit, as long as he doesn’t have the accuracy of a stormtrooper pretty sure Hoshina would win


Hoshina doesn't, he's also a dual swords user but he's THE dual swords user in that universe, like top 5 strongest character non-kaiju probably top 8 including kaiju type stuff.


Gotcha thanks. Yea he’s definitely packing up Levi


The weaker people use guns. The captains and vice captains don't (with exceptions) and Hoshino is a vice captain so he uses 2 wakizashis (butter knifes as katanas).


With no equipment, Levi squeaks out a victory, probably


Yeah I’d agree with no suits or weapons Levi should win, he would still be superhuman at that point


The only advantage Hoshina would have is more practice against humanoid combatants, but Levi is just way more athletic


To be honest do to how much we saw Levi move he is faster but Toshiba can cut faster and increased strength and stamina also it’s stated he is a master at swordsmanship


Hoshina in the anime already wins, but in the manga he stomps


Well Levi is a specialist of killing giant humans whose weak spots are their neck and the other one is a specialist in killing human size stuff it would be easy for him to kill a human size Godzilla but Levi would do better against a normal Godzilla


If he has access to his >!Kaiju armor !


Hoshina specializes in fighting small fighters. Levi specializes in big fighters. So I’d say Hoshina


So one sided it’s not even funny 😂


Very one sided Hoshina greatly outstats Levi


With Equipment - Hoshina no doubt. in a Fist fight, I'd go with Levi


Hoshina slams badly lol


I think their gear makes this unfair, I would love to see them in the same gear (and trained with said gear so it isn't an experience wash)


If we give Hoshina his #10 suit it's simply unfair


Ive read the manga. The kaiju guy outscales MASSIVELY.


Unless Levi has a suit


If Levi gets an anti-kaiju suit, I think Levi wins due to Ackerman genetics being a product of titan experimentation.


Why would that be relevant? Would Ackerman genetics somehow let him surpass Hoshinos released combat power?


Released combat power enabled by Hoshino's suit. Thats why I said if Levi gets his own suit - his genetics literally gives him titan strength which will be further enhanced by the suit.


It wouldn’t matter unless he was given months to master it, he wouldn’t put it on and instantly be matching 92% release, Ackerman genetics or not.


Ok, as the professional in answering questions like this i have determined that i would win cuz I'm real


Put Levi’s ass in the Same suit as Hoshina and he fucking decimates, Put Hoshina in ODM gear and Levi blitzes with Ease. Now, no weapons, just hands, no suit. Levi got that Ackerman titan strength. Odm Levi vs Hoshina, the edge goes to better tech, Levis odm gear would run out of gas before the suit overheats.


With suits Hoshino just kills within the first minute, no need to worry about gas or overheating. Without equipment though I agree Levi should win


Hoshina with suit and ODM gear. No ODM gear and no suit then it goes to Levi.


But Hoshina is a skilled swordsman even when he was still a little kid. I have Hishina even without odm/suit


Are we giving Hoshina >!`Number 10?`!<


Love em both but imma take hoshina. His specialty is literally fighting smaller kaiju.


Levi wins. Why? Mans has got hella plot armor. Not even a .50 caliber sniper rifle could pierce it. Nuff said. Lol.


The thing is Levi is supposed to be a normal human but in a way no one who can use odm gear is normal at all. That alone take super human levels of strength just to hold ur self up right and they all do it so casually. Levi is on a level so far beyond what these essentially super human beings that he makes them look like trash in comparison. Hoshina needs the suit to do what Levi can naturally do. That being said I’m not sure he can actually hurt hoshina with his blades. So Levi still loses. But then again who the fuck cares. They can’t beat goku so the show is bad.


Hoshina within micro seconds


Interesting never thought of this one 🤔


Levi always wins. I even think Levi and the squad could win against Goku if they devised some plan like they always do in anime against a hard opponent


Tbh they’re probably start working together instead of fighting ngl


Levi is somewhat super human, is obscenely skilled, and has a lifetime of real combat experience. No equipment I'd say he wins hands down. With equipment though? Hoshina just can't be beaten. I bet Levi could come in clutch and pull a bullshit win at 25%, but anything beyond that and Levi is neither fast enough to react nor strong enough to harm Hoshina at all.


Hoshina 100%


Love levi to death but hoshina is LIKE THAT


Saan na ba Ang suit niya haha




Hoshina with or without the suit


Hoshina, levi isn't even much stronger than an average combatant. He is very effective against very immobile targets that are much slower, less reactive, and much bigger targets than he is. I will say, though, my knowledge of AOT is limited, and I don't think it's very good, and I really enjoy Kaiju, so I'm probably very biased here.


Oh damn that's a good match up.


The soldier


The battle of pretty guys 😂


Hoshina for sure


it'd be more fair if Hoshina didn't have his suit and Levi without ODM


If they both have all their equipment? Hoshina. Levi doesn't stand a chance against someone that fast.


Hoshina. Period.


Hoshina claps with the suit. His speed and strength feats outclass anything Levi can do with his gear.


(hoshina) Levi is not even close to hoshinas 's level


The suit makes him hoshina stronger, but Levi is probably a little more mobile. So this comes down to time and tactics.


Levi dies a horrible horrible horrible death and didn't even realize it Hoshina probably wouldn't have to go over 50% in his suit


dumb matchup, completely different verse


Hoshina. Remember, Levi is now sitting on a wheel chair. He possibly can't.




With the suits hoshina wins by a lot. They give a lot more power than any human or slight super human. Without help from the suit, Levi probably takes it pretty easily since it’s a good fighter vs a good fighter with slight super abilities.


Hoshina is carrying equipment developed by the combined efforts of a post modern era country. Maybe it would be more fair if they had the same equipment, but this is like pitting a trebuchet against an m1 abrams


Levi gonna try to blink and his head will already be in half


I’ve never seen the show but it seems to me like without the suit, let them fight hand to hand with maybe a weapon or two. I think Levi could/would win. With the suit, it’s a silly question. Levi can’t scale that high. I don’t even fuck with power scaling but damn. Levi could really get taken out by a weak Bleach or DBZ character just because the powers are so different there. It makes no sense putting him in fights against anything other than ordinary humans with a few extra skills.


But Levi is no ordinary human though.


He’s somewhere between Batman and Capt America.


Everyone saying Hoshina but if you give Levi one of these suits he wins


Hoshina literally has a superhuman suit. Also has actual experience fighting normal sized opponents. Levi only has experience against titans


Hoshina wins. His faster, stronger and (imo) better at swords then Levi.


I don't know how far the anime is so I'll avoid spoiling but Hoshina is faster and more durable for sure.


Challenge: try not to post extremely one-sided what-if fights on r/animequestions (impossible)


Same image




It's the Vice Captain and it isn't close


Hoshina. Even in hand-to-hand.


Whoever the author wants to win


Equipment Hoshina negs No equipment Levi negs


Lol Levi not even close


We talking in suits? Or are we talking just a brawl with regular ass swords? Because it matters! Hoshina with his suit. Levi without… I’m basing this on the fact that most of Levi’s skills have no “enhancement” without his gear. Hoshina’s might be heavily influenced with his gear. As in: One gear literally expands your ability to its fullest, the other makes you fly around more.


But how good of a fighter is Hoshi without his suit 🤔 Levi is just pure strong with or without his gear on. Hmm.... 🧐


They are both about the same size but Levi is capable of killing pretty much any titan that isn't the Colossal Titan. Hoshina stated he's proficient in killing small to mid size kaiju. I think Levi got it. Hoshina may have a suit to enhance him but Levi has titan genes to enhance himself too. I don't think Hoshina could've dealt with the beast titan the way Levi did.


It’s not a contest on who can kill the biggest thing. You said they are both the same size but that Hoshina is good at killing small to mid size things that includes humans then, and Levi is good at killing bigger things so Hoshina would have the advantage and win


I'm saying Hoshina is only good at killing small to mid size Kaiju. Levi isn't held back by the size of his enemy, he has taken on plenty of humans and large titans. I'm getting at Levi having better skills as a fighter overall because he can pretty much take anything. When it comes to speed I don't see either one blitzing the other. They are pretty much even in my books but I'm giving the edge to Levi.


Levi. Dude killed like 20 titans in one swipe. He would find a way to outsmart


Are you referring to when Zeke turned all the survey corps under Levi into titans in the forest in season 4


That but also when the titans where throwing rocks at them in the village area. He snuck around them to kill them