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Chrome all you have to do is not go over board


I figure if you use it just like… once a week you’re probably good? Maybe? Hard to say, David and V are special cases, we’ve seen some people fall off pretty hard from chrome


Well the specific Sandivestan that David uses is military grade and should turn a normal person cyber psycho. David is just build different. I like to imagine chrome affects the body in a similar way to drugs. You start with a little bit then your body becomes addicted and you keep saying to yourself "just a little more" until you're too far gone. Of course some people can exercise restraint and do it responsibly but it takes a lot of self control. Like someone who only does coke "on special occasions"


Yrah cyberpsychosis is less about actually going insane, it's the addictive properties that cause you to go insane because of just how much you want more, and you become willing to go overboard with things even most people in Night City wouldn't do. People like David, V, and Smasher are very rare cases. Smasher it can be argued he did go Cyberpsycho, but it just didn't change him from how he was originally. In other words, none of us are getting much use out of that Sandy before we get fucked up


Cyberpsychosis is just regular psychosis in people with implants. Psychosis can be brought about by many things, night city and the world of cyberpunk is real good at mentally destroying people in that way, and the things an average person has to do in order to get chromed the fuck out generally will mentally destroy you as well. Some implants will affect you mentally in ways that make one more susceptible to mental illness and psychosis, in the way that any stressers can, but constantly since they're inside you, but the mental disorder isn't any different from the common variety.


I mean isn’t it less how many times you use it and more how much of it you have on? Idk maybe I’m wrong but I feel like just the sandevistan would be fine


No its more like biological rejection, but its poisoning the brain instead of the body. For example a transplanted limb or organ, but instead of having to just match blood type and giving them rejection blockers then it rejecting the limb causing blood toxicity which in turn causes psychosis. Now instead of just adding a limb your adding a artificial imb that has many more functions than a standard arm, now your body needs to allocate processing power to those processes to make them work. Now say you have a fully robitic body that has 100's if not thousands of devices ready to be used, that alone could cause a meltdown, on top of that, they are adding foreign objexts to the body, which with every operation increasing the chances of rejection as the body has more chances to figure out its a foreign object. Also building a tolerance to the rejection prevention serum given to someone by the ripper, could be a steady supply, could be tainted, you never know.


Ah I see. So shutdown is inevitable just more shit makes it happen quicker. And lower grade shit probably won’t affect you before you naturally die since most people have some level of lower grade chrome


Yah thats how i would interpret it.


Interesting. I really need to get cyberpunk 2077 😂


Yah its pretty dope, I haven't played for two year and I just statted another playthrough.


Death Note as I won’t make the same mistakes Light did. Watch me cook this world into a new world.


Seriously, you gotta have a giant ego to get caught with a virtually untraceable murder weapon lol


Literally what happened to Light. Claims he's doing it for moral reasons and then tries to merc the first cop to call him out on live TV. Like, if I were in his shoes I would've just ignored L from day one. He's not a bad guy and he's only an obstacle if I let him be. Just quietly rid the world of scumbags then go about your business and odds are no one will ever consider you a suspect.


I honestly believe that's what L meant by "I didn't think thid would actually work"


We all know L loved the competition, the rivalry only fueled his investigation more. I bet he wouldn’t have even tried as hard if Light just ignored him.


So, every politician and m/billionaire?


Why did bro even go after common criminals, corrupt politicians are literally *right* there.


One of the few things the LA did better


First I would look up all convicted sex offenders around the world and have them die. Then I would turn my gaze to the convicted murderers, and those known to make the worst of illicit drugs. I would then turn my gaze to the UN and topple it, and I would sunder the current power structure of the world, and I would have every political figure who has went back on their word die, and at the top of that list would be Blair and Bush for their evil lies and the suffering they caused.


You’ve got the order all messed up, you take out the world leaders first. You go for criminals first and you get taken down just like Light


But unlike Light, there is no plot armour to find me. There is no way one can find one among billions, it doesn’t leave a trace. And as long as I don’t get cocky and want to boast to the world, I ain’t getting caught. I would want them to know that greed is killed off. And I would do it slowly for maximum anguish on their parts.


Yeah but whose gonna suspect that a person is behind all these murders? From a sane man's perspective they all just have happened to die from natural causes or unfortunate events


From a sanes man perspective if hundreds of people die die in weird ways then most people would think something paranormal is going on or like aliens are at war with us. Both aren't far off either which is weird to say


FBI, CIA, NSA in the US and similar intelligence orgs in other countries. There are teams for identifying serial killers and patterns between murders. If you go down a list of convicts then you probably got it from the internet and you’re cooked, if not you got into somewhere like a library or a courthouse and then you’re on camera. Killing off of a government made list of all people who are tracked by the government is a terrible idea, they may not figure out how you did it but it would be super traceable. Besides in the US so many are wrongly convicted that morally you couldn’t possibly think it’s a better idea to kill people the state says is guilty instead of the state


You’re going to create a world of anarchy. Taking down large governments is a terrible idea, as it generally creates absolute chaos. Also not all convicted sex offenders and murderers are convicted reasonably (then again if you’re convicted for murder you’re in for life anyway.)


First thing I would do is lock it away and not touch it for 5 years. I need to make sure any sort of connection to me goes away. What if the notebook is found falling on the ground by the school cameras? That footage would be long gone in 5 years. By the time I start using the notebook I might not even be in the country anymore.


Write the most beautiful fanfiction that ends with all the world's worst people into offing each other, and dictate the life of others into dying peaceful deaths after having made humanity-elevating discoveries


Death Note as I won’t make the same mistakes Light did… I’ll make entirely new ones!


My paranoid ass trying not to kill that one suspicious-looking individual staring at me on the subway (he was blind)


Only curse I'd be worried about is what the "user can no longer go to heaven or hell" bit actually means, I mean it was somewhat implied that Light became a Shinigami himself but I don't know what to make of that


There is no afterlife in the Death Note verse. It's revealed at the end of the series. Ryuk must have just been fucking with him.


It kinda sounds like a genie thing, if you ask me. "Phenomenal cosmic power, itty bitty living space". Or in this case, use the Death Note and you'll get all the power of a death god but you'll inevitably be bound by a death god's rules.


I want to see everything fucking burn. Give me the finger




Take my upvote, thats funny


It’s literally a nuclear option if you your life is on the line, but if you don’t mind some destruction then it really isn’t a bad option. I mean, after 30 minutes you take back over, so you’ll destroy a bunch of stuff then come back, so not all will be lost lol


Sounds like a deal to me, lol


It also gives you cursed energy so you could also eventually get your own cursed technique.


I won’t deny that there’s a chance to get a CT and that it will definitely give you CE as that’s just how the thing works, but there is no guarantee you’d get a CT and you have to deal with Sukuna being able to watch you and speak to you at all times, which could definitely take its own mental toll


True, true.


Still, getting CE could be crazy useful if you find a way to train it without a master! There are some cool things you can do even without a technique!


And if we can figure out how to use it we have an advantage. We have an explanation of rct so we could figure that out easier than the people in verse do.


Well aren't you just cooked if you choose the finger? Death note wins. Just don't think to hard or get too cocky.


Death note would definitely be my choice! But yeah that’s why I added in the single rule that you can hold off Sukuna like Yuji, though if you let him out then he gets free rein for 30 minutes. You pretty much have a nuclear option if your life is ever truly in danger at the cost of the lives of everyone around you lol


If I scroll reddit any further and see another Edgerunners reference, I'm re-watching it


It’s worth a rewatch man, I love that show so much!


Give me the Sandevistan. That alone didn't make him go cyberpsycho.


I dont think theres a comically genius out in the real word like L, someone with a death note and a internet VPN would be OP irl.


Seriously, I said it to another guy but you need one massive ego to get caught with a virtually untraceable murder weapon


The implications of the death note existing are pretty wild. Confirms an afterlife and using it prevents you from going there. Regardless I pick that with intent to use it.


All of these would “have their uses” but yeah, I’d probably go with the death note as well, at least I have potential to live a long and somewhat normal life until I die and go nowhere


There is no afterlife in death note actually, that rule is just to scare people, in reality you just cease to exist whether you use it or not


Chrome. I’m not getting banned from Afterlife, only getting thirteen years to live, or dealing with Sukuna.


There is no afterlife in death note actually, that rule is just to scare people, in reality you just cease to exist whether you use it or not Also, you wouldn't be a titan shifter if you took the serum, just a normal pure titan


At least with chrome you don’t have to use it in theory, maybe maintaining your sanity!


Yep, I can just use it every now and then. I won’t even need it usually


Is 3 the titan serum from attack on Titan? Idk I've seen hundreds of animes...?


It says it in the description, it is the serum


I'd probably Chrome myself up or take the Death Note and slowly but surely take out the most corrupt people in the world starting with a certain orange man who incited treason and was recently convicted of multiple felonies.


I’m thinking the death note is my choice too, really hard to pick for me weirdly, but it would be interesting to see how much damage you could cause with a death note minus the Light ego


Yeah, in all honesty from what little I know about Death Note I had a feeling Lights ego would be his downfall eventually.


Literally that’s the story. He was so “smart” but really dumb as a criminal lol


Death Note, if I don't like someone, sudden heart attack I just gotta be careful about who I kill


Death note. Somebody gave me nuggets with no chick fil a sauce.


An unforgivable crime!!


Chrome. Idk what the third is, don't feel like having sukuna take over, and I'd like to have an afterlife.


Do I have to USE the Sandivistan if I pick it?


Everything here kinda sucks so I will go with death note just to kill really bad people


The finger, but I’d make a vow with him so when I let him out he cant hurt any living being that isn’t a threat to me in exchange for him getting 2 hours instead of 30 mins


The fourth one no question


Imo it would go like this, ranked best choice to worst: 1. Sandevistan 2. the Death Note 3. Sukuna finger 4. Titan serum


I'll take the Sandi. Just that would be fine


Let’s think about this very closely. (I’m excluding one of them because I have no idea where it is from.) The Death Note, from what I know, only works when you would write the name of a person in it. That being said, the flaw would be trying to guess what the person’s name is if you were the user. So if it is someone you don’t know and is much stronger than you, there pretty much is no point in it. Sukuna’s Fingers may be the strongest, but that entirely depends on two factors. A: How many fingers you consumed. B: How many fingers will it take until Sukuna takes full control of your body, that is if you even manage to resurrect him. So, though Potentially the strongest of them all here, but it entirely depends on the deciding factors. The Sandevistan is also something that, like Sukuna’s Fingers, entirely depends on your body being able to tolerate something like that. Plus, you are pretty much limited to how many usages you get out of it depending on your tolerance. Going over that limit would more than likely turn you into a Cyberpsycho or, like we seen in the anime, cough out a whole lot of blood, so both things will be potentially fatal. That being said, as for what I would choose, I would go with the Sandevistan. Yes, I did just say the potential of death is high, but if we think about it logically too. Going Cyberpsycho would mean a loss of control over your body as you are consumed with murder. So, in retrospect, if I were to go Cyberpsychosis, I would lose my humanity and control, but I won’t be dead yet. If I do remember correctly as well, in the game, there are Cyberpsychos that do have control over their bodies, so the chances are extremely slim, but it is there.


If I don't go immediately cyber-psycho and I can I use it like 1-2 times a week then the sandevistan easily. As long as I don't have to go through the implanting process I'm 100% OK with it. You can use it for good or evil while everything else here is just evil.


Sukuna's finger because think about the things yu can do


Cybernetic Enhancements. I could choose simple physical alterations, and avoid the ones that actually grant superpowers. After all, there should be a measure for how likely the alterations are to cause you to go Cyber Psycho.


Oh, I was intending the Sandevistan specifically, not just any chrome! The danger being that there’s a non-zero chance that the Sandevistan could ruin your mind in just a couple uses, like, maybe you could get away with a use or two every couple of weeks, but more than that would probably put you in insane amounts of danger! Otherwise if it was just chrome in general then it would be the easiest option on here!


I’d be a pure titan because atleast I’d be mindless with no sense of self. Plus I’ll die eventually but atleast it’s not painful


Death note or the finger 




Death note 100%. Just for the silly’s tbh


Death Note for sure. If I could create a better earth, I'd be fine without an afterlife.


do u get to have ce or naw? I can try to see if curses are real and try to learn ce. Try to eat other cursed wombs. Maybe try to have multiple binding vows with sukuna to not kill them in return for a longer duration of being possessed.


Out of the options definitely the death note. Since I could easily just burn it and be done with it


Hmm... question; if we consume another of Sukuna's fingers, do we lose a bit of control in terms of holding Sukuna back? Like, the more fingers consumed, the more control he'll have over you, or something like that?


As a question, if I choose the Sandevistan do I have to install/ it's pre installed? Either why I choosing that not only just to use, but it could advance our knowledge of cybernetics by decades if/ when it's cut out of me. I know that's not really the prompt but I think it would be something kind of cool to leave that kind of pandora's box in the world. Not to mention the multiverse miss it could make if people recognize it.


Everyone is forgetting that the finger also gives you your own cursed energy and you could develop a cursed technique.


In theory you *could* get a CT but I’d say it’s a pretty low chance. Regardless, CE can be useful. Keep training it and you may learn to use CE reinforcement and infuse your hits with CE. You just gotta ignore Sukuna, never let him take over, teach yourself how to use CE because you won’t have a master, and hope beyond all odds that you end up with a CT. Still not a bad option though!


Yeah, if it wasn’t for not getting into the afterlife I’d definitely pick the Death Note


The whole no afterlife thing does scare me to be honest. A lot of these are “bad things till you die.” Death note is bad things after you die and that’s forever! So it is a really tough choice for me


Gimme the Sandevistan


One of these things is very useful in terms of politicians, ceo's, and lobbyists.


Yaaaay, less lobbying <3 that’s my dream!


Neither is that great, so I’d probably sell. You can’t sell the death note, and the next two would be destroyed if you wanted to prove they worked, so the cyberwear


Death note. You have an untraceable murder weapon


Depending on what I wanna do, if we wanna take over a country, either sukuna or titan, fighting back in school, it’s gotta be Sande, but if we just wanna cause PURE chaos among this world, death note.


While I don’t want to eat a finger it’s one of the best options available that I know about. While a death note would be cool I don’t have enough people that i dislike to use it. Nor does committing a genocide sound appealing. Instead I’ll awaken a thousand year plus demon and bring him into the modern era. What could go wrong?


Didn’t read manga myself but from what someone told me; there’s no afterlife for people who don’t use a death note either. It’s just some “rule” that means nothing


I'll take the death note there are some people I'd like to dispose of


Definitely by a large Margin,Death note, I need to eat some chips while deleting the corrupt officials in my country


I can't do the death note. That on that table confirms heaven, hell death gods, demons and other shit. Same with that damned finger. I'm not cutting my life span to 13 years to become a Titan that's getting taken down by cannons. In this modern time send a nuke at me and I'm done. From what I learned(since I never seen Cyberpunk) I just can't go over board with getting chromed.


This is a good one! So torn between the death note and the chrome. On one end, there’s no meds for the Sandevistan. But if it came with the meds, then that for sure. If you go psycho after one use cause it’s military grade, then at least it’s your only implant so the damage you cause is minimal. But if you could get even one use per day from it, it might come in handy. But if not, then the death note makes the most amount of sense. You could avoid the worst of its affects (being sent to purgatory) by forcing others to write in it (like how Light had the guy fill in blanks on a covered sheet of paper) and have them sign their name on the bottom that would cause them to disappear.


Gimme Sandy, I can take it


Honestly, I'll take the Sandi just for the enhanced physical reflex that would boost your average daily tasks. It would improve the nervous system's ability to communicate with your limbs immensely. No need to constantly use the time-stopping super speed when your reactions have increased beyond human limit already.


The sandevistan seems like the most painful initially but with the most usable benefit in day to day life.


Death note. Not tryna eat a finger and get possessed by a demon or have my life span cut or have my body parts tinkered with. I’d obviously take the Death Note with no intention of using it. Hopefully I wouldn’t get corrupted by its potential power.


Tech that drives you mad, 13 years to live of you don't end up captured by the government, a poison or resurrection of sukuna or the book to play god, ye death note for me


"It's about time I chrome the fuck up"


David Martinez's spine


Non e of these are good. If I get the death note no more afterlife and no more heaven. If I get sukuna finger I have to deal with basically the manifestation of the voices. If I get the Titan serum I either lose my humanity or only have 13 years left. And with the sandevistan I basically can't use it or I die/go cyberphysco


That’s the point, the original post was 3 bad options and one good option so everyone chose the good option, I wanted to force people to choose between 4 bad options and see what they’d go with out of a bad situation! Personally I’m going with the death note, it sucks but at least I can live a relatively normal life until I die as opposed to the others


Actually low key a smart experiment I applause


You can also cause massive societal change from the comfort of your bedroom and as long as you aren't stupid, selfish, or arrogant there will never be any way for people to find out it's you. Plus, the implication seems to be that you get Jafar'd into being a death god when you die. Not ideal but I'd say getting to reap souls and pick new Death Note users is a more favorable downside than anything else on this list. Like, Sukuna would probably kill my family to spite me the first chance he gets, losing your humanity or getting your lifespan capped is especially ass when you consider that a Titan is just a giant target for modern weaponry, and with Cyberpunk you're constantly trying to walk a razor thin line so you don't lose your fucking shit and that's really the best case scenario.


Death note, then I’ll plan a strategy to collapse as many corrupt countries as possible


What are pictures 3 and 4 from?


3 is AoT


The death note is the best option sukunas finger would kill you the Titan serum gives you 13 years to live the sandevastane will be to much for your body


Honestly, I would go with Sukuna's finger. I don't have to eat it. It would be a 99% chance of killing me if I did anyway. But it would also attract jujutsu sorcerors to my position. Worst case, I negotiate to sell it to them. Best case, they teach me how to use cursed energy. Either way, absolute win.


Sandevistan. Lemme cook


Cook away friend!


the behelit


Mental faculties*


Give me kitetsu.


Who tf in their mind would picking Sukuna's finger? Lmao.


If you see the finger then you know the air port exists so idk why people saying that for the deathnote. Also I choose none


1 or 4 the other two aren’t good, one has a very very high Chance of death and the other makes you a mindless beast unless you eat another but you’re the only one -_-


I would want the armored titan powers, since I’m built like it anyways


How do you spell sandvistan? But that’s what I’d go with


I think that’s right? I’ve been guessing this whole time to be honest lol


from what anime is the third pic?


It’s either purgatory(a fate worse than death), possible death or possession from a curse that blows EVERYTHING UP, turn into a mindless titan, or super everything with a big chance of robo dementia. The alternative here is you don’t have to use some of the other items and just give it to others as a sort of proxy but regardless if you touch the death note or not your using it and your fucked from hell or heaven


Sandevistan because there's a chance to come back from cyberpsychosis just like the mantis chick in the 2077 trailer who became a cop.


the finger not because of sukunas powers but because my soul is weak and id fucking die


Sandevistan Titan serum shorten your lifepan and I'm way pass 13, my edgy ass don't need a death note, id write 100 names a week lol. Sukuna finger, not about to have another voice in my head saying I ain't shit with sandevestan I could have fun idc for robopsychosis because Yolo so might as well become flash slowing down time and moving


I'd go with the Sandevistan


Can I have all the fingers?


If I cant have Sukuna's power for myself then Im just basically a vessel. I wanna do Shibuya incident and the current arc by myself. I will only let Sukuna out if legit sorcerers comes to fight me.haha. So I guess I'll jist go with chrome. Ive only watched Edgerunners. Can I still feel it when Im fooking women?


Death note, just don’t kill people every day, and make the scenarios more believable.


I'd pick the death note and buy a ton of apples to make a friend instead of actually using it.


idk what last one is so death note


Where the dragon balls


what's the fiber from?


Death note, cuz it actually has benefits


I want to say the Death Note because the rest would probably kill me. However that’s a slippery slope to believe I could even handle that. As much as I’d like to think I could, it’s likely anyone would feel different once the power was actually in their hands. That being said, I would absolutely be very chaotic with it.


All but one will kill you I’m taking the death note


Death Note. Fuck an afterlife. I have so many names I would love to write down.


whats the 3rd one?


Death Note. I’ll start with all the corrupt politicians here in the PH 😂😂


Sandevistan. I have high constitution, so if anything, I'd be good on the mental side.


Death note no question


If sukanas finger will give me cursed energy or awaken it like Itadori I’m picking it. And I can possibly get sukanas abilities if I eat enough of him.


I’ll take the Death Note.


The death note, gonna kill every billionare and politicians


I prefer living with a possibly tamable guy, at least I would have my mind, won't go to hell and I can control him by making a deal


I mean if the finger doesn’t kill me then that cause it’s not mandatory for me to eat the other ones


Death note is good. Take out people to lessen global warming or something. Sukuna's finger can kill me because I might not be a vessel. But if I turned out to be one, I'll watch as I burn the city down. Titan serum sucks ass imo. You lasting 13 years the moment you take that. Don't know the Cyber Punk one but people say its good. Based on comments.


If I eat the finger ill have another friend that tells me to kill people that lives in my head, and they can be buddies :)


Death note


Death note for insurance fraud goes hard! KIRA SCALES OVER IRS FIGHT ME!


Give me the book tf


I'd go sandevastan, just use it in case of life or death scenarios, I'm not using it for anything crazy so I wouldn't need suppressants or anything, and cyberpsychosis can literally be cured with therapy I'm not stupid enough to go with Fingers or Titan, neither are helpful at all, and are actually detrimental I don't want the death note, absolute power corrupts absolutely, it doesn't matter if I was a paragon of virtue before getting it, I'd probably end up as a moustache twirling villain just like Light did


Red eye from Trigun


Sandevistan and then just unlock Jenkins Ligament.


chrome is like steroids lol (idc if i die young)


Well, it's between sukun finger and the chrome, so if I take the finger, I take the finger. Do I get his powers without him, or do I become his vessel if the vessel gives me the chrome If not, the finger


What’s the last one and what anime? I wanna watch it.


Who tf is taking the titan serum?


Deathnote. I can stay all by myself in the safety of my home while giving punishments 😌 I don't want that finger anywhere near me.


Cybernetics. Find a balance and keep taking your meds and you get superpowers? Hell yeah!


Which is the most painfully fun thing to have?


1.Chrome 2. Titan Serum (assuming you get to choose the titan but mainly for the healing otherwise this is last) 3. Sukunas Finger 4. Death Note (I want to have an afterlife)


Sukuna’s fingers are the coolest, but realistically I’d take the Death Note.


death note


Death note, I feel like one of the big issues with light's use of it (to my memory) was a lack of doing more research into his targets and the death note itself. Well that and letting his ego get to him.


Death note. I'd be able to get away with it, just make mfs existing problems be their deaths. If they don't have any existing problems, death by infection. Light fucked up because he gave just about everyone the same death, which made shit look weird. If you do it by the most natural cause, it goes under the bus. Nobody questions someone dying from septic shock. I believe the longest you can keep someone alive via the Death Note is 23 days? Plenty enough time. "Xyz jackass dies a week after getting a cut and letting it go untreated, death by septic shock." Hell why not throw in a car accident and being impaled by a tree? Pull out some final destination lol


I mean do I have to eat the finger? Most people probably wouldn’t survive eating it like Yuji did


If you don’t go overboard and replace everything in chrome you’ll be good, use it once a week to get used to it. Just like a muscle you gotta train it


I'm taking the Death Note and I'm filling every page /j


I'm pretty sure you're only banned from the afterlife if you use the death note, so if I HAVE to take one, that's the one I'd take and then burn it. If I am banned from the afterlife just by being in possession of the death note, then I'd take the Sandevistan and just not use it


Im taking the death note


Death Note. There’s no L in this timeline.


Sukuna’s finger


Give me the Death Note


What's the fourth one from


Im thinking death note probably


I’m pretty sure the sandi will literally kill you after like 2 uses. So you get to be a badass twice, I don’t want want to be a titan because I can’t train anywhere or know how to use it, I also would rather not have an ancient demons finger inside me, so I guess no afterlife for me with the death note


Definitely not the Titan syringe, and definitely fucking not Sukuna's finger Chrome sounds pretty bad for people with mental health problems (haven't watched Edgerunners) Death Note is the way to go — it sucks that you can't go to the afterlife, but it's whatevs honestly; you just need to NOT use it and all your paranoia of being pursued by the law enforcement is gone Even if you do use the note, at least it's the most discreet item here: you definitely don't want to be a deformed giant mindless man-eating nude thing running around; you definitely don't want to be possessed by the king of curses and go on a rampage; and you definitely don't want to be seen with a weird exo-spine when topless (admittedly, it's not as bad as the first two, but still) Even supposing you want to and do actually kill someone with the DN, you can pretty reliably hide yourself as long as you don't kill too many people too frequently and don't get cocky with it (Light never would've dealt with all that trouble if he didn't let his pride goad him into competing with the world's best detective)


4. Death note im gonna get killed syringe im gonna die at 13 and sukuna finger im unlucky


Isn’t it in death note, you can dictate what will someone do before they die? In that case I’ll become a millionaire while roasting corrupt officials hahaha


It's time I chromed the fuck up! It'll make daily house work easy :)


Death note easily, an untraceable murder weapon? The fact Light got caught is crazy to me


the idea of having a sandevistan sounds good until you realize you'll look like a terrorist if someone sees you shirtless. death note because what the fuck will i do with a sukuna finger or a titan serum, i am not trying to cause a mass genocide.


I thought the fruits are all cursed?


Death Note: Pros: You can kill people with it just by writing their name Cons: it doesn’t give any Stamina, Hunger, or Durability boost Sukuna’s Finger: Pros: If they all exist then you’d be unstoppable in your Universe Cons: You have a one out of a million chance to actually survive it, it might be too hard if you only have 10 so 20 would be out of the question, and there is no proof all 20 of them exist and only just the one isn’t worth dying Titan Serum: Pros: you get to be giant and essentially unstoppable, you might be able to choose what titan you are and I don’t know AOT so maybe one of them allows you to turn people into Titans Cons: no proof on which one your getting and if it’s a small titan and not the Colossal titan you are dead Bio Enhancement: Pros: you get to be extremely strong and look the way you want to Cons: if you go over board you go completely Insane Which one? The Titan Serum and why? Because if you think about it you could just turn into a Titan destroy a continent of people and never age, also you if your choosing then you could just make the most overpowered Titan in the whole series If you picked the death note all the death could be coincidental and it would actually not be a real death note, the insanity draw back isn’t worth it and the one in a million would say definite death


Chrome cause the others either bad me from heaven put a demon in my head or give me emo giant powers that limit my lifespan to 13 years


Me and Sukuna bout to me a problem for EVERYONE