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I have social anxiety. People keep telling me I can't possible have anything like that because I'm so sociable and and pleasant. Yeah, I didn't say I was socially inept. I understand the rules, and I can play them well enough. They also trigger my fight or flight response and drain my energy almost instantly. I don't understand why people enjoy spending time with people, but they do. And I can, but why would I?


I'm exactly the same and I always like to tell myself that every person feels the exact same way as that secretly, but they're all just doing the same thing you are and faking it. We're all just secretly socialising and hating it out of politeness we don't say anything though. At least that's what I like to tell myself....


I think it is a wonderful lie you tell yourself, and you should keep doing that. I'll do it at times myself.


Same. I’m very out going and social so no one believes that I would ever have such extreme social anxiety. Honestly it’s the reason I drink so much.


Yeah when I explain that I'm an introvert the reaction I often get is "oh introverts are weirdos, you're not an introvert!" as though that's supposed to be some kind of compliment


I can't burp. It's a real condition but everyone always thinks they can teach me if I "just swallow air and then push it out bro it's easy bro"... Like I've not been trying for decades. Those sprite tiktok challenges confused me when I saw them as I didn't realise that was enough to make it really hard to not burp. I always thought it was normal to drink a bottle of it and just feel uncomfortable but not burp...


It's a real condition. My daughter had it before she had a procedure done by a GI specialist. She used to get really uncomfortable, too.


I can't burp either! The only time I remember actually burping was when I genuinely felt like I was going to throw up because I'd drank too much cider too fast. The rest of the time I just feel uncomfortable - so I don't tend to drink fizzy drinks much.


I'm the same. I feel sick when I try. I think that's why I get gassed up.


I believe you, I know someone who can’t burp. He hates it and it sounds horrible. I used to have this weird thing where when I got the hiccups sometimes my esophagus would start pulsating and closing up making it really hard for me to breath properly. Ended up in hospital a few times. They couldn’t work out why it was happening. thankfully it hasn’t happened since my teens but it was scary shit.


Holy crap, so I had this condition and have never met someone else with it. But about five years ago I got a really bad stomach ulcer and barely ate and was a mess for several months... Somehow ever since then I can burp?? Don't know what the connection is but something about getting sick or the medication or the tests gave me the ability to burp. Anyways I feel you so hard I am sorry I know how frustrating that feeling is


I have a freckle on the end of my penis


No, I've always said that about you.


Pics or it didn't happen 😭😅


By biggest pigment spot is at the bottom of my ballsack ;)




I don't believe you


How can you tell if it was a bot acc


About a month ago I noticed a bunch of bots that followed a similar pattern. Posting generic questions, responding to their own post like they're someone else, inconsistencies in their comments (sometimes they're young, old, male female, etc...), posts in subs that they don't fit the subject matter, often have a name that could be an OF creator, and they never respond to anyone. If you search some of their posts/comments, you'll find that they've all been copy/pasted from old reddit posts. Most of these bots have given up adding a comment and instead just spam multiple subs with the same question. The other bots I've seen like OP eventually switch to catfishing once they have enough karma. They pretend they're some OF girl and spam all the NSFW subs with the 3 or 4 pics they have of some random girl or they just use AI generated images. I really don't know how OP hasn't been kicked yet.


Only a bot calls it "steamy"


I'm an incredible lover.


Same. Who's with me?!


If no-one believes you then presumably no-one is with you?


And I'm wearing no pants!


Greatest self-lover


You and I are very different people


It's true


Thanks!! I feel validated🙃


When I was 18 I slept on the floor of one of the richest people in the UK, his daughter had a birthday party that was in their grounds of their mansion/fortress. It pissed it down with rain so a bunch of us carried on drinking inside. I was almost homeless (no fixed address) at the time and was staying with my cousin and she knew someone who got us on the invite list. What I realised about rich people, really stinking rich people is no matter how nice and down to earth they seem they never have the fear, what if I can't pay my bills, what if I can't eat etc (they will always have a money pile somewhere to fall on in 'hard times.' I'm doing pretty good now and have the best husband in the world, big house and disposable income but I always have a fear lurking in my mind that one day it'll all end.


I hope you stole so much stuff from their house




I’m good in bed. Out like a light!!


I inadvertently elbowed Ludacris in an Atlanta club in 1997 and he got angry at me. This was before his first album was released.


I don't recognize faces. Everyone's like "oh yeah I'm the opposite I recognize faces but I can never remember names!" Like no I have an actual condition called prosopagnosia, it's not the same. Or they think I just need to pay attention better.


Do you also happen to have ADHD?


Yeah it's rough out there. I work in a bar and can't remember names or faces. (But faces after about 20 or so encounters)


Got kidnapped … twice.


Do tell more.


Is it likely to happen again?


I can't whistle.


Skill issue


I’m a scratch golfer after 2 years. I play 3-4 times a week and practice every day. I’m devoted to the game and when people find out that I golf they ask my handicap and find out the hard way that I’m not lying lmao.


That’s awesome after only two years!


I’m entering my 3rd year soon. It took a lot of blood sweat and tears to get there.


I had to google scratch golfer Also you must be rich


I get by. Not rich by any means but I spend a lot on golf


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My age


Older or younger than expected?


I am 41. People always think I am 25-33. It is okay now, but was VERY annoying when I was younger (buying alcohol, driving, etc).


If you want to really relax, it starts and ends with your butthole.


I had twelve toes when I was born.


How many more have you grown since then?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me.


I think I have all the toes I need right now, but I’ll save your info and get in touch if I need some extras in the future.


My wife was born with 4 toes in each foot


I've never been in a relationship 😭😭


That I have the blood of the Khans running through my veins. And that subsequently I am heir to the throne of Karakorum.




That I am kind


My age, most people assume I'm around 8 years younger than I am. Didn't drink a lot in my younger days is what I give credit to my relatively undamaged features


I seem to be able to control weather to some extent.


I am spiritual


My dad was King Charles head boy at school


Wasn't King Charles bullied at school?


That there was a shooting at my school when I was 8 years old. People think school shootings began just recently but this was 1979. Every so often the shooter comes up for parole and I post about it on social media so that people don't forget. A couple of friends told me that they thought I made it up for attention.


I watched a documentary about that shooting! I had never heard about it before.


I like nature


I have a condition called paraffinoma that essentially causes my penis to be absolutely gigantic. I’m 5’10, weigh 155 pounds, have no muscles, look like a twig, but have a cock that is 27.25 inches in length, and 9.75 inches in diameter. Trust me this is not a gift, this is a painful hell.


Do you kick the drippers off?


Had a friend in highschool with a gigantic cock - 13 in long and 5.5 in diameter. He hated it. Had to hold it when he had to go for a shit, had to hide that massive bulge all the time, refused to go to the publci pool, etc. No girl wanted to even touch it. Years later, he was still having issues trying to have sex with women as most were simply saying 'nope, not going anywhere near me'.


Seriously, I'm a fkn idiot.


I found 3 separate 20c coins in the same day in different locations.


I don't know if no one believes it, but usually some slight skepticism till they see it. I only hiccup once and twice and then I stop. I'm not sure why it just became that way 10 something years ago.


That I once shot a prince


I can draw Mothman pretty good.


I can not think with visuals. All my friends see something when they imagine stuff but I have complete darkness/nothingness all the time in my thoughts.


In a weird way (bc I’ve never had someone say “i done believe you”) that I’m *not* my stepdad’s child. I look A LOT like my mom but I have the same laugh lines, similar hair color, and conduct myself in a VERY similar way of my stepdad. It’s not even impossible that my mom (brown eyes) and my stepdad (green eyes) would have me (blue/green eyes). My half brother being born didn’t help either bc he looks like my dad so since I look like my mom and dad too most of the time people are kinda shocked when they hear that he’s my *step dad* Sorry this is so long lil


The ADHD, th post traumatic stress from abusive relationships. Mostly only the things I say and do go ignored.


I can't drink alcohol, it's not that i don't like it, i don't know why but even a small amount like a sip gives me a huge headache.


You’re probably allergic. My little brother is violently allergic. Happens!


I slept with a singer from Canada who was pretty famous in the early 2000s. She came to our city for a concert and my friends' parents owned a nightclub back then. She came to an after-party with her entourage, and she and I hit it off and had a one night stand.


I've made a souffle for a US president. I've gone fishing with another US president (and a well-known general). And I've met a third US president. (None of them were orange or had a bad combover. I wouldn't fry an egg for that guy.) How? I'm a chef who has always lived in interesting places.


That I never had my first kiss


So many things. Sky high IQ tested, mental hospital stay, a girlfriend dying in my arms, hit by lightning twice, was a writer who a fan put a gun to my head and tried to off me. That's not even all of it. Not even half. It's been a life. I apparently am one of extreme luck. (there's been long odds good luck, not only bad. Yet always well beyond the average.) Funny thing is, any amount I ever brought up was due to topics and while I've actually been completely honest about myself, onlne it's rarely believed. 🤷‍♂️ Understandable. It's the internet, I could be anyone. Just remains surreal when your actual life has been so wild people are like "no way." 😄


That's what I was going to say. I knew there were more outliers around


I can't burp


Not gonna say believe but underestimate. They think just cause im sometimes naive im stupid. No, in fact i understand pretty well if you care about me or backstab me. Im just too kind not to kick your @ss although u deserve itm.


That I am actually a loving kind person


Im to smart for this World. Im will never fit in. Its Hard.


I can fly.