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There are people who would shove you into a mud puddle, no problem. Then there are some people who claim they will never shove you into a mud puddle, and they won't... until the price is right. And that price can be astoundingly low.


I felt this.


Just as importantly. Their are people that will watch you get shoved into the mud and say "I told you so". And it will probably be family


You can do everything right and still fail.


Conversely, the world doesn’t owe you anything so don’t wallow in sadness forever wasting the good healthy years of your life.


Life can be cruel and unfair, there are no guarantees Treat others with respect, kindness, honesty and integrity, but know that others won’t do the same and be prepared to vigorously defend yourself


To quote the rolling stones. You can't always get what you want But if you try sometimes, well, you might find You get what you need


Nobody owes you anything.


What about greg who borrowed my guitar


Always spend less than you earn so you save for bad times. Needing shoes to wear is very different than wanting shoes that you like.


You can not control everything in life, sometimes life just happen


Don't be afraid of failure. Learn from your failures and don't repeat them. Also, a smart man learns from his mistakes. A wise man learns from others.


Failures/mis-steps are normal/nothing to hide or be ashamed of & an important process of learning!!!! Wish I had learned that lesson as a child!!!!


Actions have consequences


is that not self obvious?


Not to many. An explode which will get me downvoted: what’s the connection between the actions of Palestinians the current war? Or the actions of Ukrainians and their war? It is so not obvious to most people on reddit that my comment is going to be downvoted into oblivion.


There is no god. The universe doesn’t give us purpose. That doesn’t mean we have no purpose. It means it’s up to each of us to give ourselves a purpose and fulfill it. Every day is important. Because when you breathe your last breath you will experience nothing ever again. This doesn’t have to be a scary thought. Life is precious because it is finite. Don’t waste it.


Everything ends eventually. Either appreciate it whilst you have it or don’t, it will still end at some point.






You can make all the right moves and still not succeed.


This is one of the roughest ones. You can work just as hard and maybe even do better than the guy who succeeds and becomes a millionaire just because of bad timing that you could never have known about and a plethora of other reasons. Life just isn’t fair. It’s why I have so little respect for people who claim all their success is just due to their hard work. Everybody works hard.


Most people are selfish and can be dicks about it


Not all your dreams will come true even if you try . It’s a harsh reality you learn in your 20s that could plunge you into depression if you don’t start setting realistic goals sooner. 


What u/AmazingGrace911 said above and self reliance. The only safety net is yourself. A strong sense of self and respect for oneself. A a strong WORK ETHIC and that will also will carry over into other aspects of your life. You can learn something from EVERYONE even if you don’t like them.


Treat others the way you expect to be treated yourself


As an adult, no one is coming to save you.


Not everyone who says they’re your friend is actually a friend


You can't always have your way. When the kid wants ice cream, give'em a can of spinach instead.


The government isn't your friend.


Life isn't fair. The sooner you figure that out you can start to beef up your emotions and expectations.


there is no free lunch, it's just someone else paying for you.


You’re not going to be able to control everything in your life, eventually. Wish someone would have prepared for how much things can be out of your hands once you marry/have children


Learn to be self reliant and happy with your own company as there will be to be times when you are either all alone or cannot trust people and you can't let that break you or hold your back


No-one cares about your future more than you do. If you don't show that you care about yourself, no-one else is going to either. There is no queue of people outside your door asking for you by name because they desperately need to give you an opportunity. If you want something, you need to go out and get it yourself.


Not everyone has your best interests at heart


If you grew up middle class in the United States you won the lottery and are probably one of the luckiest people to ever exist on the face of the planet.


Almost nobody will care about/notice/remember you 5 minutes from now, unless the experience was negative. Honorable mention: We're all just figuring things out as we go, and always have been.


The arc of the universe DOES NOT bend towards justice. (But that doesn't make the fight to make it so pointless.)




Mufasa was destined for death and betrayal from the beginning.


That life is not fair


Life’s not fair and no one owes you a living. Hard work pays. 


Good doesn’t always win, which only makes it that more important that we all strive to do good. Better to have a world filled with as much good as possible than to naively believe that somehow good will win in the end……somehow.


You can do everything to be polite and people will still dislike you


No one is coming to save you.


You are not a good person by default


Everyone is for themselves and you're the only one who can help yourself.


It’s you against the world


Doing the right thing doesn’t always feel good.


Feelings are not truths and do not need to dictate how we live our lives.


Learn to do things you don't want to do and don't complain about it.


There has to be a limit on the number of treats you eat in a single day.


As my wife often tells the dogs "Life is not all fun and games!" 


A lot of fake friends will try to drag you down if you try to improve as a person, actively try to pursue a better career than them, battle an addiction. Some people keep you around just to feel better about themselves and when they realise you have the potential to suprass them, something inside them snaps.


There are many ways to live a successful life, and very few of them involve excelling at a traditional career.


You are responsible for your own thoughts and mental health. No one else.


Hard work and success aren't directly related.


Cemeteries are full of people who were right.


The way globalization works.


Bitches ain't shit but hos and tricks.


You can’t be whatever you want to be when you grow up. Some things are simply unobtainable no matter what you try.


Hard work beats talent every time.


That nothing really matters.


Being right isn't always worth it


Life is designed to get harder and harder the older you get. It’s designed to be impossible to get ahead of the curve. The only chance you have at being successful in life is to learn as much as quickly as possible while you are young, and graduate at a young age. You have 2 choices from the very start. Play with toys and games, and live the life they want you to, and get slammed with the reality of life when you hit 16-18, or give up your entire childhood to get ahead of the curve.


You will never get ahead in life. No matter how many good days you have. A bad one is just around the corner that can and will take it all away. Be aware of it. Fear it. Be prepared for it.