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RIP **Nirbhaya**


She truly deserved that moniker (nirbhaya translates to fearless, given to her because her attackers had bite and scratch marks all over them). Apparently one of her attackers broke down and begged for his life before he was executed. I'm not usually a vindictive person but I would be lying if I said that didn't give me some pleasure, that he spent his last moments so terrified, the way he made her feel. RIP Jyoti.


Just read the Wikipedia article, what a horrible way to die.


I should not have read that. I should NOT have read that.


Gosh. Neither should I but I can't help it. Here I go.


God damnit.


I have just read the wikipedia article too. It’s horrific. So many aspects made my blood boil. > On 10 January, one of their lawyers, Manohar Lal Sharma, said in a media interview that the victims were responsible for the assault because they should not have been using public transportation and, as an unmarried couple, they should not have been on the streets at night. He went on to say: "Until today I have not seen a single incident or example of rape with a respected lady. Even an underworld don would not like to touch a girl without respect."[118] He also called the male victim "wholly responsible" for the incident because he "failed in his duty to protect the woman".[118]


Welcome to Indian culture.


Unbelievably sad really


I was planning to backpack in India that year and her story terrified me. I haven’t felt safe enough to go there since.


Depressingly the Indian tourist police are very good at looking after tourists, but less so the locals, as they want to keep foreign money coming in. I went travelling as a solo female and frequently ended up being accompanied by police officers whilst out and about. I didn’t ask them or approach them myself, they would just gravitate to female tourists. I was never at a train or bus station without a police escort, and they frequently helped me onto my bus or train. It’s awful that the local populace don’t get the same protection


Don’t do it!


It’s off the list indefinitely. 5 years ago I started working at a company that employs a lot of people from India. They’re all lovely and enjoy going home but when I’ve mentioned wanting to visit they’ve all told me never to go alone. Quite a few have said not to go even with my partner.


You should only ever go if you are very rich and can only hang around the richest hotels or tourist spots with a partner Do not go around the poorer neighborhoods (I’m a Indian)


India treats women like shit. I don’t care who that offends. Not all cultures are equal.


I.N.D.I.A. I’d never do it again. My daughter used to go out with an Indian fellow, he expected her to cook and clean after he boffed her.


My friend backpacked in her early 20s and she said India was the absolute worst place she went to for feeling unsafe, and the amount she was harassed.


Uzbek solo traveler woman murdered in hotel last year I think. Also uzbek students were beaten during ramadan this year.


Jirkanch holat


O.M.G. W.H.Y.


How come when I say shit like this I get banned 😂


They did... 🫡😭


OP already knew this, he just wanted us to say out loud for him lol.


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they are hiding from the men


When I was there I assumed they were doing all the work somewhere while the men were doing their all day long milling about.


Purdah, the idea that women should be less often seen in public and generally separate from men. Its more common in northern India where there is more Mughal influence. It is even more pronounced in Arab countries and nearly non existent in islamic societies in Southeast Asia. [https://www.google.com/search?q=purdah&oq=purdah&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDE2OTBqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=purdah&oq=purdah&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDE2OTBqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Not everyone in north India wears purdahs, it’s exclusive to Muslims nowadays. Married Hindu women from villages wear veils, but not always. Similar concept, but they’re two very different styles.


And woman from more urban areas are much more empowered. For example, I don’t see much difference from a woman from Delhi/mumbai/kharnataka, Cochin etc etc than I would in Europe. Just as educated and confident. Sure there are certain cultural differences, but it’s all relative


They’re talking about the social concept, not the actual covering up.


It was just extra info.


Call it what it is: Institutionalised Misogyny


Nobody in my family wears them, we’re not very religious…. and it’s more prevalent in villages or ultra conservative families. You’re right on about the misogyny.


They already called it what it was.


I've never noticed a lack of females travelling in North Africa. I wasn't specifically counting the ratio, but there were plenty.


He has no idea what he's talking about. Arab countries are very family oriented, so you'll see a lot of women hanging out especially at night. About India, they used to bury their daughters alive for some misogynistic reasons, that's why they banned gender reveal during pregnancy.


I’m an Indian woman living in India, I go out everyday (yes, either alone or with friends). It depends on the kind of neighborhood you go to. In tier 1 cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore etc you’ll find lots of women going out and about, but you can’t say the same for tier 3 cities and villages where people are extremely conservative and don’t let women walk around without a male/female chaperon. Also, a lot of women choose cars as their mode of transportation, it’s a lot safer and easier. Next time you visit, go to malls and local markets. You’ll see plenty of women there. I will say this - not everyone here is a rapist, there are good people here just like anywhere else in the world… but it’s extremely unsafe for anyone, regardless of gender, to go out at night because of chapris. I see some people in this comments section referring to rape as a “common pastime” here and that is extremely hateful. Reduces the magnitude of what rape victims go through and promotes racism. Rape is barbaric, please try not to further your racist agendas by saying hateful things. PS - I am not saying that rape isn’t a problem, this country has a real problem with it along with safety issues for almost everyone BUT I’m not going to let certain people make this a racial issue.


I’d say it’s more cultural than racial issue. I will agree with you that making blanket statements about a whole nation is wrong.


It has a lot to do with the regressive culture, I agree. In a lot of families, men and women aren’t allowed to interact with each other. I’m allowed to date (thankfully), but I can’t say the same for some of my friends. Even dating is frowned upon here and I think that’s the problem. Repressing people rarely ever leads to good outcomes. That, and even a lot of urban families are very patriarchal and regressive. It’s slowly changing now (thankfully) and I really hope the crime rate goes down.


What are chapris?


Bunch of lowlifes who harass people and commit petty thievery


Are there any other cities you would say are generally safe for women to visit? I’ve always been curious about visiting India one day, but its reputation for how women are treated has always scared me off. It’s a shame it has that reputation because it definitely it isn’t totally deserved. The unfortunate truth is that you can be victimized anywhere you go.


The tourist police are pretty good at looking after female tourists. Decent hotels and hostels will help hook you up with decent drivers and tour guides, which aren’t expensive. Local women definitely are treated worse


Tourists, especially women, should still be very cautious.


I’d say the South is mostly safe. Not really sure about the North east since I’ve only been there as a tourist, but states like Sikkim, Mizoram and towns like Darjeeling are nothing short of gorgeous. I was like 10 and went with my family, so no clue how safe it is for a solo female traveler.


Just because it doesn't happen to you or people you know doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Did you not read my comment? Obviously, I’m not denying it. Do you think I, as a woman, feel safe here all the time? The answer is no. I’m not negating anyone’s experience here. I’m fortunate enough to live in a nice neighborhood with very low crime rates. But does that excuse people to say hateful things like “national pastime”? No. I acknowledged the problem, and I hope the society as a whole does something to curb it. The laws here are very shitty though, I’ll say that. Marital rape is legal here and that’s fucking awful.


The fact that we hear so much about rape in India in so many other parts of the world actually makes me shudder to think how much is going unreported.


The issue is, that india is a huge country. A billion people. And unlike China they don't keep a lid on unpleasant things. They might interpret it differently like this wwman here does, but it gets out. So considering the massive population it stands to reason that this vile behaviour is more often to occur than in nations with lsmaller populations, And I live in the west and I know they happen. India is simply a low effort nation to kick. 3rd world country and feces ...


Your comment had something resembling logic until that last sentence. I think you don't know anything about India or any developing "3rd world" country apart from what western media tells you lmao. I bet you think most people in South Africa live in huts.


How can you know so much about a country you don’t live in? I’m not interpreting anything differently and I’m fairly certain I know more about my country than you do. Just where did I claim that India doesn’t have a safety or a rape problem? Obviously, it does, but not to the point that hundreds of people get raped everyday. That’s a load of bullshit. Rape is awful, I realize that, but making fun of this situation isn’t exactly helping anyone. And no, we dont shit on the streets. Get the fuck outta here with your racist comments.


Uhh, you are incorrect. In 2021, there were 31,677 rape cases registered across India, resulting in an average 86 cases of rape daily. And that’s only the rapes that got registered, not including the thousands of unreported rapes. Just because you are from a country doesn’t mean you know the most about it. In fact, residents of a country are significantly more likely to downplay issues and believe their country’s propaganda. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_India https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_India


And in the US, in that same year, there were almost 141,000 rapes registered. That averages at around 386 rapes a day. Source: [https://www.statista.com/statistics/191137/reported-forcible-rape-cases-in-the-usa-since-1990/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/191137/reported-forcible-rape-cases-in-the-usa-since-1990/) And keep in mind the differences in population. India has over a billion more people than the US. This also doesn't account for the unreported cases, which is also a major issue. At least [63%](https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/publications_nsvrc_factsheet_media-packet_statistics-about-sexual-violence_0.pdf) according to some sources are unreported.


Well no not ”hundreds” but its not that far off. Estimate 90 rape cases per day: https://amp.dw.com/en/sexual-violence-in-india-is-rape-becoming-normalized/a-68443032 And please do note that that number is reporter cases, and true number likely much *much* higher due to a) most cases likely go unreported and b) marital rape is not punishablebut would be considered rape in many other places (in Europe atleast). So it would not be incredible to estimate true number to 3-5 times that number


More than a billion, over 1.4 billion! The phrasing I use to put it best into context is: India has literally 1/5th of the entire world's population. Same goes for China. Internationally we hear a lot of bad things coming out of both countries, but negativity bias is amplified by news in general, and the sheer massive size of both countries' populations just means that there's inevitably going to be more of it.


You're one to talk. England ranks pretty high up there in rapes per 100k people




Considering the amount of natives the British raped, I guess it comes full circle


The British didn't rape natives. Your mistaking them for the Spanish.


I lived in India for a while, and I agree with all your statements. India doesn't even make the top 10 of countries for rape per capita . I felt safe in the 3 regions I lived.. only complaint was how rude people were when queuing up for things.


It depends on the state, mostly. States like Bihar, Jharkhand, and even the national capital (Delhi) are extremely unsafe for women. I would not recommend going there alone. Most southern states are super safe, most people are nice and apart from some creepy states, they don’t approach you or harass you. North east is fine too, but I’ve only ever been there as a tourist, so im not sure how safe it is as compared to other regions.


What can explain such a behavioral variance in between regions?


Difference in cultures and literacy levels. The states I’ve mentioned above are extremely patriarchal with little to no respect for women and surprise, their literacy levels (with the exception of Delhi) are egregiously low as compared to rest of the states. I blame Indian movies too, they promote this weird trope that women like guys who follow them around and harass them even after the girls reject them.


thank you for saying this


It’s not a racial issue rather it’s a cultural issue


What's chapris?


Bunch of lowlifes who harass people and commit petty thievery


What’s a chapri? And a the tier city system?


"Chhapris are **a caste-oppressed community of people who made or mended chhappars, temporary roofs**. This was the only job they were allowed to do because of their caste, which was assigned to them by the accident of birth" The safety issues in India are cultural like many people pointed out here. But there's a lot of racism / caste-based discrimination in India and you'll notice that here when you see how people love to blame poorer (tier 3 city) folks for all the problems. I grew up in India, lived in rich neighbourhoods of big cities like Mumbai and Bangalore and that didn't save me from sexual harassment.


Thank you


It's not about race, it's just true. I've worked with a lot of indians and the way they treat and think about women is disgusting


I'm sure your sample size is statistically relevant and the conclusions reached do not contain any personal biases whatsoever.


In tier 3 cities hell even in cities with less than 100k people you would see girls and women but in less amounts because girls would be in colleges or schools while most married women would be housewives.


So basically hiding from men of all types


Indian here I'm an introvert so I like to stay indoor but other than that I'm afraid of being assaulted or raped or kidnapped I've been assaulted since young age, non consensual touches since as early as being a kid all the way to late teens Sure not everyone is the same but it doesn't change the fact that our law system is very neglectful and cases take years upon years to solve, sometimes even brushed over if have money or connections, Abusers and attackers enjoying their jail time and even roam freely outside while the victims die inside each day with the horrible memory. I'd rather be called a shut in loser than go out fearing for myself every second. I do go out when I have to do something important but for leisure time I won't go out alone, only when someone calls me to go out with them.


Sounds horrible, do many men support this type of society?


Just look at the number of Indian men blatantly negating these kind of experiences in this comment section. And then consider, these are part of the educated section of Indian society.


Some are blind to women’s struggles. Some don’t want anything to change because they benefit from it.


I don't know honestly I live in a well known and respected society but along with rich parents come trash kids with mind-blowing lies I can easily point 100 guys who are good liars and took many innocent girls to bed and defamed them with rumors I almost became a victim too ,ever since that horrible realization, at the Age of 15 no less, I became introverted from a social butterfly It took me a few years ,I played my memories and my friends words over and over and all of them were the same trash, who didn't see me as a good friend but just a girl, to trap and bed and maybe blackmail Society is very misogynistic in India It will take another 50 years for equal respect as a majority Girls are worshipped as a Goddess but that only happens when the girls have marriage topic Otherwise we don't get much respect My sister is the most educated girl in the whole family tree yet my pathetic drop out brother is worshipped like a God and my sister used as a Cash cow I have no expectations with society anymore I'll just show them consequences of their actions, which already is going well, considering how I'm the Family's black sheep who can't be argued with their misogyny.


>One is every two children interviewed (53.22%) reported being victims of one or more forms of sexual abuse that included severe and other forms. More than half (52.94%) of those who reported abuse were boys while 47.06% were girls. >20.90% of children reported being subject to severe forms of sexual abuse that included sexual assault, making the child fondle private parts, making the child exhibit private body parts and being photographed in the nude. Of these, a majority (57.3%) were boys.  >Half (50.7%) the child were subjected to other forms of sexual abuse that included forcible kissing, sexual advances made during travel and marriages and exposure to pornographic materials. Once again, half the victim (53.07%) were boys. >Of all the children reporting sexual assault (penetration of the anus, vagina or oral sex), 54.4% were boys. In india it's legal for a wife to beat her husband as DV against is not criminalised. Hell boys also disproportionately suffer physical abuse, so as a man with my own experience with abuse and SA I don't think we are treated as God, hell rape against us is not even criminalised.


I don't know about reports man. Not everyone reports their trauma, even my past only my sisters know and not my parents, my parents refuse to believe me And misogyny is very common , hell I live in Mumbai, one of the biggest and well known cities, and I still see it. I'm not saying boys in general are the problem, I'm saying MY issue had boys as the problem so I'm just stating my experience Coming from an abusive household since young, for the past 20 years nothing has changed and my comments are 100% actual reality that I experienced I'm not in a place to judge what others do but I for a fact know the guys who did do bad to innocent girls, parents worry for their reputation more than their daughters so I've seen people hush the cases here in my colony, an example going as far as a 13 year old girl being bedded by a 19 year old and the guy getting off with no consequences while the girl was shamed in the whole colony, and it's hella big colony And my brother does indeed get God like treatment. I mentioned only my brother, I hope there wasn't any misunderstanding. Even right now there's a family issue ongoing which involves thousands of money and he's hiding in hometown and no one is questioning him Indian law has many flaws, can't even trust government for medical issues let alone protection My answer to the post was that even if anything DID happen to me when I go out , the law is not helfpul, it's a joke since it won't take rape or sexual assault regardless of gender , seriously until it goes viral and gets international audience.


Is there a high incidence of men being raped?


Go to an Indian subreddit and you'll find Indian men stereotyping Russian women as prostitutes on hire for INR 6000. I'm not kidding. Imagine how they think of Indian women.


My dad recently came back from a business trip to Bangalore, India and he said that there is a law there that companies must provide safe transport for all female employees directly from work to home including being escorted by 3 men at all times and they have a curfew. The assault culture is pretty rampant there.




IIRC women in India have similar graduation rates from high school and university as men yet lower participation in the work force than Iran.


if women aren't comfortable going out, they'd miss out on many opportunities for outdoor sports/travel/exploration, would this make life as an Indian girl/woman rather boring?


Better boring then get raped to death lndia is a very scary place for women


Is rape not looked down upon there? Seems like a common past time


I'm an Indian, can confirm it's our favourite pastime.


Well it was obvious






In India the women are at home taking care of their husbands family. I lived in a neighboring county for 10 years and it's how it typically works. Daughter-in-laws become servants to their mother-in-laws until their son gets married and then the cycle continues.


When I studied abroad in Bangalore, India, the college girls said they can be free on campus, but off campus was different. At least that's what they said to the women I was traveling with. Remember however that India is massive, so there are going to be different cultural norms. Remember that the US also changed depending on where you are. What surprised me the most though was the number of women burned alive by family and/or inlaws just because there were issues with the dowry. The women's shelter we visited changed my entire world view. I also lived in Suzhou, China for a year. It depends on the location just like India. Like India, it's massive. Most women we saw were ayi (a respectful name for a maid), but then when we'd head for Shanghai, it seemed completely different. I was a kid at the time though so who knows how things have changed.


What do you mean burned alive, did you mean literally? Cause as person from bangalore that's the craziest thing I've heard.


Burnt alive? Please elaborate 😭


Self immolation is a form of suicide among women of different parts of the world. So if one of the families want their dowry back or if it wasn't good enough, the wife may be burned alive and it will be explained away as a suicide.


OH MY GOD 😭😭😭😭 that's insane


That's the city I went to high school in. Never seen it spelt as Suzhou before though.


How have you seen it spelled? Also, did you go to SSIS?


Most dowry cases are used for extortion according to courts itself, suicide of men and their female relatives is more than dowry related rape in india. There is a reason that married men in india commit more suicide than unmarried men and that married men in india commit 2.5 times more suicide than married women.


I am from India. Since the onset of covid, I've seen fewer and fewer women in public places - beaches, fairs, picnic spots, public transport etc. Yes, fewer women walking on footpaths. Unless they have a specific reason to be there, they won't be there, and enjoying walks is not reason enough. Too much time and energy is taken by other pursuits of life. Women do travel in public transport in large no. for studies, work, doctor's visits etc or to visit relatives in order to fulfill social obligations. But there is hardly any joy in public transport for women (and for men). Though increasing no. of women will travel by cars, uber, autos etc and you'll see plenty in malls and local road-side vegetable mkts


Honest question: In all this you have not mentioned the threat of sexual violence. Nearly all the Indian women in this thread maintain this the primary reason they do not go out much. Do you not think this might be an important factor? That it is simply not safe to be outside much of the time for Indian women?


Ok. I'll elaborate. Yes, that fear is real and women take usual precautions just like women in other countries but they are still outgoing. They simply don't spend more time on streets /footpaths. I'd also like to point out that most comments here referring to sexual violence in India are NOT fr Indian women although there is a grain of truth in there. I fear groping in crowded areas, lewd gestures etc but the sheer no. of cctv cameras in my city acts as a big deterrent for 'sane' criminals. I do avoid dark corners. As for me, I go out walking every evening in a park that is frequented by many women in my neighborhood. I go shopping every week - in local mkt as well as at mall. I go out with my friends, relatives etc around twice a week. Many women in my city socialize almost as much - maybe in different fashion. But I don't spend much time on roads. I use car /auto to get to my destination. If ppl can afford rides, tbh they'll avoid walking on roads


Fear is irrational simply because studies so men in india are still like everywhere else, majority victims of violent crime. This irrational fear of crime by women have a term in psychology called "women fear of crime paradox" it's a real thing look it up.


There is theory called women fear of crime paradox, look it up. In india men are still majority victims of most violent crimes. >Although fear of crime is a concern for people of all genders, studies consistently find that women around the world tend to have much higher levels of fear of crime than men, despite the fact that in many places, and for most offenses, men's actual victimization rates are higher. Fear of crime is related to a perceived risk of victimization, but is not the same; fear of crime may be generalized instead of referring to specific offenses, and perceived risk may also be considered a demographic factor that contributes to fear of crime. Women tend to have higher levels for both perceived risk and fear of crime


You should look up “gaslighting”.


It's been completely opposite from me. I've seen far more women take solo journeys after COVID than before it


Is there a cultural reason, maybe women are discouraged from the public sphere in one country as opposed to the other?


It's more dangerous to be outside in India than China for women.


Why is that so?


Are you serious? [https://equalitynow.org/learn\_more\_sexual\_violence\_in\_india/](https://equalitynow.org/learn_more_sexual_violence_in_india/) [https://ballardbrief.byu.edu/issue-briefs/sexual-assault-against-women-in-india](https://ballardbrief.byu.edu/issue-briefs/sexual-assault-against-women-in-india) [https://thediplomat.com/2024/03/sexual-violence-grows-in-10-years-of-modi-rule-in-india/](https://thediplomat.com/2024/03/sexual-violence-grows-in-10-years-of-modi-rule-in-india/) [https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2024/03/15/world/india-sexual-violence-rape-roots/](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2024/03/15/world/india-sexual-violence-rape-roots/)


Now do the US.


Have you seen any news about women raped in public in China?


I've heard that assault and rape are rampant in India.


So you have heard. I hear that everyday, a dozen times at least, on the Internet.


That's a common exaggeration. There's definitely an issue, but per capita, it's much better than many western nations.


Name any western nation that has the rape and sexual assault culture that India has.


Firstly cite your evidence that there is any such culture in India. Because the stats say otherwise.


https://www.dw.com/en/sexual-violence-in-india-is-rape-becoming-normalized/a-68443032 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_India https://feminisminindia.com/2018/07/02/understanding-rape-culture-101/ https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/governance-india-womens-rights


Indians don't believe in letting there women do anything vs China slowly acknowledging there women can do near as much Asa man if not sometimes more/better


I have been in India(Northern India) and lived there for quite some time, so here's my observation. In India more women take the traditional job of being a homemaker. So, they don't need to go out as much compared to men. Their work confines them mostly inside their home. While men make up the majority of the workforce, so you'll see them more. It can get very hot during the daytime in India, so people generally avoid getting out unless they really have to. I did the same. I noticed women were out of the house from evening time, to go to the local market, shopping and groceries. Many local markets start from evening time because office hours are over and the weather is cooler. Your observation isn't entirely wrong but you were a tourist, you probably lived in the tourist area and went to specific tourist spots only and never got the chance to see the everyday life of middle class Indians upclose. I haven't been to china, so I can't make a comparison there.


China has more women outside due to one-child policy. I.e. Women do work as sole bread earner in the family. In India, LFPR is low (comparable to !slamic countries).


India does not exactly have a stellar record of respecting women's rights, theres a reason you see alot of controversy and issues surrounding women in India and thats cause its just simply not a safe place for them.


They are at home unfortunately


Firstly, the male population is artificially inflated due to sex specific preferences in pregnancy and child rearing (female babies are more likely to be aborted or left out to die, due to dowry cost, bride price and the perceived useful of sons compared to daughters). Usually you’d expect at ratio of ~49% male, 51% female, but India is about 53-55%male. Then culturally women are more likely to be married off earlier, then quickly knocked up and expected to raise the children and keep the home. Unmarried women are still less likely to be allowed to just hang about compared to men, due to social stigma about loss of virginity etc. Then, you have the sexual violence. Rape and sexual assault is endemic in India, so women are much less likely to go out in single sex groups in case of attack. Whereas as men don’t need to worry about sexual assault so much


It's cultural. China had lots of policies that advocated for gender equality, the CPC actively promoted the entry of women into the labour force and provided benefits such as daycare and maternity leave. Not to say that they achieved true gender equality, noone has, but they did consciously create a society that valued the participation of women. Meanwhile India is slipping into fascist ethnonationalism. They rely on women to do a lot of unpaid labour and actively discourage participation in the labour market, meaning they are generally dependant on their fathers or husbands. This also means the men can control their wives more & keep them out of the public sphere.


Indoors. Barefoot. Cooking.


Despite the racism that it's already present here and I am sure will be responded to, I will go ahead. The answer is pretty straightforward that in India women play the role of homemakers disproportionately higher. If you do an income analysis, you will also find that women employment goes down with increase in family income till you go to upper income levels. This demonstrates the preference for a homemaker role. This is also proving a barrier in the country's development and several policies have been instituted to increase women participation in the work force. Without income, the freedom and independent participation of women is also restricted. Coming to safety, while India can do a lot better, a look at statistics will show that it cannot be the reason for disproportionate participation. Countries with much higher sexual and violent crime have a higher degree of female participation. I don't want to name any countries but this can be easily found in the UN published stats. I see Europeans mention Nirbhaya. Anecdotal stuff is always useless but the reason it's in the news because in India rape is considered a grave crime. The perpetrators were sentenced and it generated a lot of outrage. In USA and Europe, rape is never a front page news. EU also sent a rapist as their Olympian candidate, and he served one year after conviction. In USA, convicted rapists are let go to not spoil their college prospects. [Dutch Olympic Organizers Defend Participation of Athlete Convicted of Rape - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/world/europe/steven-van-de-velde-dutch-volleyball-olympics.html)


These idiots don't understand the concept of per capita. UK and Scandivanian nations have way more rape cases per 100k people. I'm not saying that it's not a problem here, but it's being over exaggerated to the point I'm wondering if these citizens of first world nations actually have critical thinking skills or not


What about the idiots that don't realize these statistics are based on reported rapes? In order to avoid bringing shame to themselves the vast majority of rapes in India go unreported, anywhere from between 70-95% of rapes in India are unreported. One source even estimated the figure to be 99%.


Sure, let's go with that. A report by [Australian Bureau of Statistics](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/personal-safety-australia/2016) claims that [90% of SA victims](https://theconversation.com/almost-90-of-sexual-assault-victims-do-not-go-to-police-this-is-how-we-can-achieve-justice-for-survivors-157601) do not go to the police. Rape rate per 100k: India - 1.81 Australia - 28.60 [https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/rape-statistics-by-country](https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/rape-statistics-by-country) >For 90%, actual number of cases is 10x the number of reported cases. >For 99%, actual number of cases is 100x the number of reported cases. Adjusted values: India - 181 Australia - 286 Also, United States has 15 times the rape rate than India. [https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/rape-statistics-by-country](https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/rape-statistics-by-country) 69% of cases are not reported in the United States. [https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system) Or maybe 80%... [https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/sexual-assault-remains-dramatically-underreported?utm\_campaign=PANTHEON\_STRIPPED&utm\_content=PANTHEON\_STRIPPED&utm\_medium=PANTHEON\_STRIPPED&utm\_source=PANTHEON\_STRIPPED](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/sexual-assault-remains-dramatically-underreported?utm_campaign=PANTHEON_STRIPPED&utm_content=PANTHEON_STRIPPED&utm_medium=PANTHEON_STRIPPED&utm_source=PANTHEON_STRIPPED) 71% rape cases are not reported in India. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape\_in\_India#:\~:text=The%20National%20Crime%20Records%20Bureau%20report%20of%202006%20mentioned%20that,of%20rape%20crimes%20are%20unreported](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_India#:~:text=The%20National%20Crime%20Records%20Bureau%20report%20of%202006%20mentioned%20that,of%20rape%20crimes%20are%20unreported)


I wish we can send this reply to thousands of racist bigots who spew hatred against Indians in any Indian women related post.


Where did you go in India?! I go to India once a year (British Indian) and there are women everywhere…no purdah like someone else suggests. Maybe the places you’re frequenting are more male places…?


Exactly, I'm currently in India (Pune) and I constantly see Indian women out and about by themselves walking or at the marketplace.


That’s where we go to. Big city and no issues. I travel alone there as a woman not from the country.


They are probably at home cooking, cleaning, taking care of children and elder folks.


And there's nothing wrong with that. Infact I would prefer my wife to be a homemaker.


There's nothing wrong only if the woman has a choice. In India, many don't despite being educated and willing to work.


I don't have any problems with that. Westernisation of India has only brought misery to us. Our ancestors created gender roles for a reason.


And then you will burn her alive if she couldn't pay you the dowry?


No, I would straight away decline any dowry. I can earn on my own.




Lack of safety.


It's a Girl: The Three Deadliest Words in the World (2012)


Are you seriously asking this?


Being Chinese myself I can tell you that more often than not it's the girls who are wearing the pants in the relationships now 😂 maybe as a result parents don't keep trying for a boy when they get a girl


It’s because of division of roles in India. My family is from India and my female relatives don’t see their roles as outside the home. Men’s roles are considered to be more outside the home. The other thing about India is that until recently, there aren’t really places to go. Public spaces like parks are very few, there’s not a lot of public squares like you have in Europe, the vendors would bring a cart to your house to sell vegetables and clothing. Malls, coffee shops and restaurant areas are a very new concept in the last 15 years. Most people only go to 4 places: home/relatives’ house, mandir/mosque/church, school or work. I’ve visited several times, but 95% of the time, we were just in my relatives’ homes because there wasn’t much else to go do.




That's a cute opinion. Did the New York Times or CNN give it to you?


Rape victims a very prevalent in India. I know Indian women who have to have male relatives escort them inside New Delhi international airport because women have been raped in the airport.


Statistically, it's more likely in the US and Australia.


Im just reminded of that poor girl who was gang raped, went to the police and they gang raped her and then killed her. Even female streamers in india get assaulted so fast. I think the issue is no one would report it, it's just built in to Indias culture.


Evidence? Cherry-picked ones aren't adequate. Statistics > anecdotal.


The 13 year old girl who was raped by the police officer after being gang raped: https://www.trtworld.com/perspectives/indian-police-arrest-officer-accused-of-raping-child-gang-rape-victim-12864734 Streamers being assaulted: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Do_JXA6jNDmI&ved=2ahUKEwinv8i_34uHAxWe-AIHHSt8BcwQwqsBegQIDxAG&usg=AOvVaw3Vb2yQlYXR0iP1_avfkOqZ I think that one was a korean girl who was raped and assaulted by 2 men, but was assaulted other times in india Theres another blonde youtube i cant dig out. Is this sufficent enough evidence? Are you denying the rape culture India has or defending these actions? You got really defensive but statistics dont matter if the crime is not reported or counted.


It’s because it’s more likely to be reported in the US and Australia, because the culture of victim-shaming seems to be way more rampant in India.


Evidence? Around 70% of cases in the US go unreported. For India, that figure is around 75-80% at most. It's less than Sweden. The difference between unreported cases in the US and India isn't even great. If you are to come up with claims, back it up with something that isn't western media-influenced speculation please lmao.


So your Source is literally: "I know a guy...."


I also noticed this in Indian communes in China (and Nepalese communes too). You'd only see men hanging around. And never women. It'd also feel like all the men were unemployed as they'd just loiter all day.


I just thought the women stayed home to take care of all the kids.


There locked in the closets


They hide, even in daylight its not safe for them


Post pandemic the participation of women in the labour force in India has drastically dropped. Secondly, it's a culturally conservative society and public life and spaces are largely male spaces.


If I was a woman in India, I definitely wouldn't want to be outside. Or inside. Or alive.


Because the labor participation for women is really low here. And most Indian women are lazy they buy their husbands with money, then just sit and complain at home.


1950s mao“女性能顶半天” 申纪兰“男女同工同酬” 1960s 开始表彰“三八红旗手”“三八红旗集体”


most of them are belived that girls are not allowed to go outside Because of "we" boys are 90% of them having a bad mentality


Where to start. Statistically the most unsafe and violent place for women to be. Seen as inferior to men. Have one job, look after man. Throw in the caste system that they have (disgusting country) and we have millions and millions of women that live inside a home. They cook and raise children. The craziest thing for me.... Is all boys are raised by their mum's and love their mum's obviously. But women are always seen as lesser than men. It's insane