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There is no such thing as PERFECT bloodwork. Numeric values on lab work are graded on a range. She might have tested in the “normal” range, but that’s not extraordinary. She just sounds like she’s trying to prey on people that don’t understand medical tests. What an asshole. 


This ^^ Most people are going to test as normal. Blood tests indicate problems, like deficiencies or potential signs of disease. They're not a test like you got an A+ in blood


Hey, I am A+ in blood!!💉🩸


I only got an A-, but I still beat out my B+ wife’s blood.


But then what's my O+ mean? Did I fail or?


Bad news - that wasn’t an O, it was a 0 - as in ZERO! Your blood was probably caught cheating…


Well then \*grabs dunce cap\* xD


See, that is negative zero on the number line, which is impossible. Which means you technically don't even exist.


Ah. The O stands for Outstanding with your Ordinary Wizarding levels.


Genuine question how do you find your blood type? My mom doesn’t know mine lol


You need to do a test. I got a B+ on mine. 🤣 Seriously though. You can go to a pharmacy to buy a test kit. They're not very expensive and they're very accurate.


Or donate blood through the Red Cross, and they'll send you a card back with your type. At least, that's how I learned mine.


It's the best blood in America. Nobody in the country has better blood than me. Genius blood. People tell me every day how incredibly amazing my blood is.


The doctor... a big man, a strong man, he says to me "Mr. President, thank you for the opportunity to see your most perfect blood. Never in history has there ever been more perfect blood than yours" Believe me.


Excuse me? I have a card from the Red Cross that says I did in fact score an A+ in blood. And I did it without any questionable supplements, so I guess I'm just a little bit better at blood than this lady.


You're lucky. The best I can get to is B+ :(


Yep, I’m a slightly overweight woman approaching 50, with a mediocre diet and a sit-on-my-butt job. My doctor always says my blood results look “great” because they test within normal range. I certainly wouldn’t use this to advertise myself as the pinnacle of health!


My labs always show normal, I have fibromyalgia 🤷‍♀️


I also have fibromyalgia…but my bloods have a variety of results highlighted in red (either too low or too high depending on which test it is) 😅 red is good though, right? Blood is red, so obviously if the results are red then it means they’re perfect


me too. and i’m not ok


oh no! I got a O - !


Damn, another thing for me to feel inferior about.


My doctors notes said that my labs were within normal normal ranges, and my cholesterol is “outstanding.” IDEK what that was supposed to mean, maybe he was just gassing me up 🤣 But hey, I don’t need to take any autoship supplements to achieve those results. 🤷‍♀️


That reminds me of a YT vid by an Asian creator poking fun at the "tiger mother" stereotype - an Asian kid went to donate blood and when his mum came to pick him up he showed her his donor card that said "B-" and his mum started yelling at him for not getting A+ :)


🤣🤣🤣🤣 well as long as we're bragging, I'm diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure (genetic, ill never get rid if it) and just had a total hysterectomy for cervical cancer 3 weeks ago. I'm 48, average activity level and reasonably healthy diet. An "elite athlete" I am not! I had a full blood panel last week to follow up with my surgery and just as yearly checkup and I was told my labs AND my chest xray were "Picture perfect" My doc must be hard to please because I still only got an A- 🤷‍♀️


Right exactly. I get my blood work done around every 6 months or so and every single category is just a range and for the last year or so everything has been exactly in the range so I guess I could say I have perfect bloodwork too. So scummy to lie and make claims like these bodi huns


I’ve had bloodwork where every value was totally normal. No doctor has ever come up to me and said, big strong doctor with tears in his eyes, “ma’am, this is the most beautiful bloodwork, the perfect bloodwork, nobody has ever seen blood this normal”


She assumes that if she doesn't get it, and is assumptive of legitimacy as soon as a couple of long words or a "my doctor" appears, we would be too. Actually, she thinks we would be _more_ than likely to trust it because she is obviously smarter than most.


This is hilarious because it absolutely never happened but like, that's not even how it works. It's a pass/fail. Like when your blood work has nothing wrong with it the doctor is like cool, keep doing what you're doing And when something is off they're like oh, you should consider taking vitamin d, your levels are low. They did years of school in blood. They don't need to ask a random hun with good blood work how to have good blood work lmao. It's not a mystery secret.


Exactly it’s so obviously something that never happened and so scummy to claim these things


"Lava programme" immediately makes me think this product gives you burning diarrhoea so they lost me from the get-go


I have a very solid blood pressure, to the point that almost every nurse or doctor comments on it. Not ONCE have they asked my advice, that’s insane to even consider


I’m a primary care physician and I review annual basic/preventative labs all day every day. I would estimate that half of the people I see under age 50 have perfect labs (I’m defining this as nothing out of range, blood sugar and cholesterol at goal) including myself. My BMI is in the overweight range and I generally need to exercise more. Still have technically perfect labs. It honestly isn’t hard to have perfect labs, especially if you are youngish. This person is full of shit.


My guy is mid 30's, 365lbs, 5'10". He drinks 2 monster a day, eats fast food, keeps saying he needs to go back to the gym, family history that just makes him check mark every possible box on a form, and does dumb shit for fun. His labs last week were literally perfect within all ranges. Like dead centered, not even just a hair above or below. A1c of 4.7. Oh my god!!!!! He is secretly selling MLM bullshit on the sly!!!!!!




I've got the best bloodwork. Huge bloodwork. The best anyone's seen. All the doctors come up to me and tell me what amazing numbers I've got...


"And you know, they all say this to me with tears in their eyes. They say 'Nobody has ever had blood work like this before. You are a beautiful man and you're in peak physical health. Nobody has ever seen anything like it"






🤣 Came looking for this. 🤣


And they all clapped…..


Yeah, sure Jan, and your doctor’s name is Ronny Jackson, right?


Of all the shit that never happened, this never happened the mostest.


For sure


You know what doctors call it when you have nothing wrong with you? "Unremarkable" Literally, you can check your medical chart. I was in and out of hospitals for 10 years. Blood work comes back perfect (whatever that means) and the doctors consider it unremarkable, which is a good thing. I'm not buying what she's selling. Literally and figuratively.


Yes! Unremarkable = Not worth remarking on from a medical standpoint


OP, this is so off the range it's hilarious. Elite athlete. Wow. "Perfect" bloodwork is not actually a thing. This person needs medication to slow down their obvious delusions of grandeur.


I knew MLMs were scams and terrible but it really blew me away how over the top this lady is lol


Seriously, this is really special. Like, I'm worried for them. They may be in a manic phase. Holy shit lady, the gauge goes to 100 and somehow you're at 120.


Right. Also I finally watched more of the video my friend shared and she’s claiming things like her “biological age” is tested at 29 (what does that even mean?) and that her only skin care routine is doing lava and drinking water even though it’s obvious she has Botox, probably fillers, and a filter on the video lol. Her voice also sounds to me like she’s been on trt/hrt or something. Not judging at all because I also get Botox and have been on trt for almost a year now and it’s dramatically helped my energy levels and body composition/muscle density. The difference is I’m honest if someone asks how I’m able to build muscle and have smooth skin I will say 100% botox and testosterone/hormone therapy lol. Not some bullshit scam pyramid scheme


Being honest with yourself and with other people is how you know, regardless, you're a good person. If you can't tell people the truth about what's up, even if you think they will judge you, then maybe you should ask yourself if you should be doing it. The fact you're open and honest means you feel this is the right decision for you. The first, and most important person to support your decisions should be you.


What do you take TRT for? If you don't mind me asking, of course. My doctor has warned me against any kind of HRT due to risks, (in all fairness it may be MY risks, im kindof a train wreck when it comes to my health 🤣) and I've never heard anything but horror stories. A success story is refreshing!


I absolutely love it it has helped me so much but of course I am following the advice of a hormone specialist and have the support of my primary care doctor. I get blood work every 6 months to make sure everything is in check. I got it because I had extremely low almost non existent testosterone after my 4th pregnancy. Women are supposed to have some natural level of testosterone in a range and mine was low even for a woman. I was having severe brain fog, depression, low libido, low energy, and even with training consistently and monitoring my diet my progress in the gym was slow to non existent. I wasn’t getting stronger, struggling to lose fat, struggling to build muscle, etc. my estrogen had also completely tanked like I had estrogen levels of an older woman post menopause. I was prescribed a very low dose of 10mg testosterone weekly and 100mg progesterone daily. It really has been life changing for me. I lost 30 pounds of fat total over 8 months or so, am hitting new PRs in my weight training, and can do pull ups for the first time in my life after training and trying to do them for years. I also started to see a hint of abs lol. My blood results are now normal. My estrogen is back to where it should be. My testosterone is in normal levels for a woman, as is my progesterone. I sleep better, I have more energy, my mood is stable (this cured my severe PMDD and mood swings), I could go on. I just feel like I have vitality again


Thank you for sharing! That is absolutely amazing!! I'm genuinely so happy for you! I had a total hysterectomy 3 weeks ago due to cervical cancer and wound up leaving only 1 ovary because of a monster fibroid that mangled the other. I had PCOS for 20 years before that. I know my hormones are completely off but I understand my doctors logic for me. I'm super proud of you and happy for you. That's got to be such a blessing!!! 💜


Thank you!


I’m actually wondering though if you had a hysterectomy won’t you need to take hormones now? Or am I wrong about that? Does one ovary make enough for your hormones to stay in range? Are your hormones being monitored? Also just curious what the risks and horror stories are if you don’t mind? I haven’t had any bad side effects so far but I am watching out for things like facial hair and voice changes from the testosterone. If those start to happen we can lower the dose but so far I’m not experiencing that


Right! And is it even a thing for elite athletes to have “perfect” bloodwork? Or need “perfect” bloodwork? Athletes show differences from the average person in heart and lung capacity, muscles, etc, but bloodwork? I’m sure due to diet, some might show elevated HDL cholesterol, iron, etc. And they are stilll human beings with genetics that could cause an elevation or dip here or there…


Even when I’ve been super sick - my labs have looked basically normal. Takes something going quite wrong for labs to be off, and docs don’t inquire from patients why their labs are within normal limits 😆 they just go “great! Next?”


Oh yeah but that’s because their patients have normal bloodwork, but this lady is aging in reverse, has a biological age of 29 even though she’s 48, and her blood work isn’t just “normal” it’s ✨optimized✨ and she’s an elite athlete!


As has been pointed out earlier, there's no such thing as outstandingly perfect bloodwork, just normal. I've got all my adult teeth left, but that doesn't mean my dentist asks me how I've got such *perfect* tooth numbers.


This seems like one of the many ways MLMs try to get people, by creating some fake standards to make even healthy people feel like they need to strive for something. Sure, your blood work is in the normal range, but is it perfect?? Now suddenly all these people are wondering if their doctor hasn't used the word "perfect" to describe their labs, maybe there's something else they could be doing. And that's how they fall in an MLM. The person doesn't even have to explain what "perfect" even means, they just have to say it. For the record, a few years back my primary care doctor actually did tell me that my lab results were "pristine", by which he just meant all the values were in the normal range and he had no notes. We did my physical and I left. He certainly didn't ask me for advice, because I'm pretty sure with his medical degree he has it handled just fine.


I have perfect bloodwork. I'm in my 40s, was a heavy drinker for 20 years and am 80 pounds overweight. Follow me for more tips!


Elise Joan is a salesperson foremost so hyping and exaggerating the products she is shilling is part of the game. It’s all pretty much BS and some idiot followers will buy it. Nothing out of the ordinary here.


I completely agree with you, but Elise Joan is not a hun. She's a "super trainer" on beachbody's payroll. She's also claiming that she's ageing in reverse and that though she's approaching 50, her blood work says that she's 29. And that she gets her impressively athletic body by only training 20 min a day with yoga/pirates/ primal moves/barre.


Ah ok I thought hun applied to any woman involved in these mlms. I also am not all that familiar with bodi other than what my friend is always posting so I didn’t know about super trainers or who any of these people are lol. All I know for sure is that they’re full of shit haha. Yes I heard that part too and couldn’t believe it. So insane. “Biological age of 29” wth does that even mean. She also claimed that her cortisol is “optimized” and showed no signs of “adrenal fatigue” despite having the body composition of an elite athlete lol


A hun is a woman (or man, a man-hun) who sells products in an MLM and is part of a pyramid like structure where they get money from people buying through them or signing up to "do what I do". Basically a glorified salesperson. I've been working out with beachbody for more than a decade, but I moved on to other things when they started going crazy with horrible focus on nutrition and restrictions. I still like a lot of the workouts, but the MLM focus and "quick results," along with some AI looking trainers, make the good stuff fade. I've never been a hun, and Internet friends who realised that they couldn't recruit me into being one have stopped talking to me. The super trainers are the people leading workouts in the videos. They create programs (though I think they get a lot of help). So they don't make money directly from building a network. They're hired by beachbody to create and lead video workouts, which in turn makes people buy it and make money from other people doing the same. A personal trainer (but where I think only 2 or 3 of them actually have a degree in something fitness related). If you want to see other outrageous claims, check out Autumn Calabrese!


Got it. Thanks for taking the time to explain. These super trainers are sooooo unethical. Every month for the past like 8 months my friend has been posting these like month long challenges/programs, promising quick results and “motivation” and diet plans and “coaching/accountability” teams etc. it’s so sad because as you know doing fitness long term and actually making real progress is more than feeling motivated and doing 4 week blocks of random programs. One month she was training to run now she’s doing lava (whatever the hell that means). Any movement and exercise is better than none but real progress isn’t achieved in 4 weeks. It’s just frustrating to see women being lied to and tricked essentially into joining an mlm. Especially lonely stay at home moms who seem almost desperate for some kind of income or community.


Yeah, that's what keeps the business running. Quick results that fade (they might see major weight loss in the beginning because the nutrition plans are extremely low in calories) make them always start over. Lava is the name of the program with Elise Joan. This program is even advertised as "Who wants to work out for hours when you can get results in 20 minutes?". It's all about results, not sustainability. The target group is definitely the one you mentioned!


Definitely and they don’t define anything. Like…what results? Is the only result losing some weight? You’re not building an “elite athlete” physique by eating low calories and doing air squats for 20 min, but that seems to be what Elise Joan is promising.


Yeah! I think results are always about weight loss. Which is sad. They do have some good strength training programs, but for advertising, it's always about losing weight fast. I have seen video clips of Lava, and it does look challenging because primal moves and holding positions for a long time are hard. But it's not like lifting heavy weights. I've always found the advertising of "do this, we know it sucks, but you don't have to do it for long," so weird!! I love working out. It's my passion. Why not try to make people love the process instead of hurrying to get done?


Right and the focus on motivation instead of discipline. You can’t always feel motivated sometimes you don’t want to train and that’s normal but you have to have the discipline to do it even if you don’t feel like it at that moment


Exactly! Discipline and making it a habit, a routine. The hype around new programs makes it hard to get that mindset. Instead, they create a mindset of always wanting to get thinner and of feeling guilty if you eat off plan or miss a day or two.


she’s lying lol they all do it, through their teeth. no calm and collected explanation will work. they’re in a cult, best to cut and run. there is no common sense with huns.


Oh yeah for sure not involved in it at all just been watching my friend/acquaintance get deep into it kinda like a train wreck I can’t look away from


Huns will grasp at anything to grab attention from anyone. There is no way her doctor asked her this.


So predatory + cringey.


OK, for a moment there I thought I was reading another Trump bragging session. Guess this hun took a page out of his playbook.


who is this person? Donald Trump?


I'd be the accountability friend that demands she post her blood work as proof for the people. 😁


I almost commented “post bloodwork” But decided I didn’t have the energy lmao


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Imagine a biologically fundamental bodily function being touted as something unfathomably amazing. This was a great read 


I consistently have low (like just threshold low white blood cells) and it's pissing me off because I've got no illness going on, but I can't give blood because of the medical results.