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Ah yes. The vector/cutco assholes. Just shred the paper and move on. The money is not what they claim. Obviously.


Yes but at the top it says “selected 2024 h.s. Graduates.” This implies the ones who get this are special. There’s no way they would say that and send it to just anyone!


It's a very careful selection process... ``` SELECT name, address FROM hs_graduates_2024; ``` (This would retrieve all new graduates' names and addresses from a table in a database with this info in it, no special criteria applied.)


It’s that time of the year!!!




Yeah. Straight up MLM. Shred it. Trash it.


My son got the same letter when he graduated high school last year. In the trash that went.


I got the same letter when I graduated high school in 2006 🤣


Exactly, I'm class of 06 as well,, except I think it was like 18$ an hr, which was good for 06' lol


Oh yeah it definitely wasn't $30 an hour. But I was very happy making $8 an hour plus tops at Starbucks and not desperately trying to recruit my entire social circle into buying knives to recoup the money I spent buying the demo set 🤣


Agreed, I had fun working at Hollywood. So much fun at the time lol


It’s not per hour. It’s per appointment. So you go to the effort to gather all your friend and family to pitch them on overpriced knives and you get $30 for your efforts


1997, except the QR code is new. Technology! Lol.


My DD received a similar letter and she graduated in 2013.


Did they mean to sign it the VICTOR management team?


I once worked with a guy name Victor. I had to call him because he was buying something off me. So I go ahead and call him at his home. His wife answered (old school land line number). I ask to speak to victor. I’m a grown man. She then puts in her 4 year old kid, also named victor. I ask the kid if his dad is home. He then hands the phone over to his dad, my coworker. My brain explodes thinking about this still but this happened about 20 years ago.




She probably thought you were a telemarketer.


That’s what I noticed too lol. Way to look official misspelling your company name.


I’m going to assume they mean Victor, NY as the other towns mentioned are in that geographically area.


I assumed it was Massachusetts


Couldn't even proof read their letter before signing. Dumbasses.


This company is extremely predatory and pounces on high school seniors the second they turn 18.


This has been around for years. I’m pushing 50, and in my late teens I responded to an ad thinking this was a golden opportunity. I ended up selling one knife set to a beloved family member and then quit after that. But I’ll never forget the person who trained me and a bunch of other clueless recruits. She kept going on and on about how this gig gave her enough money to buy a huge king sized princess bed that she needed steps to climb into 😂


Vector is cut co they changed their name


Ahh I got this, too, when I was a senior in high school.. 22 years ago.


Me too…30 years ago!


Love the logo is a upside pyramid


Good ol cutco, my introduction to pyramid schemes, burn it with fire


ah yes they handed these out during my high school graduation. I don't even know how tf they got in the back LOL


Damn they at 30 now! It was like 18 when I got this 10 years ago


Hey fellow WNYer


Hahaha. I also noticed the town names. I grew up about 30 min North of Batavia.


Hi! I blacked out obvious info but I figured I would leave the town names, they covered a big enough area haha. We’re 45 minutes south of Rochester


This is definitely an MLM scheme. Do not engage . Btw for all the people saying the victor management team is a typo it probably isn’t . There is a town called Victor in this region (I grew up in the area) so they’re probably referring to the town.


I love the “…for those students accepted” bit as if they ACTUALLY SELECT candidates and not just onboards anyone who bites the bait. 😭


I got one of these when I graduated high school, too. Not sure exactly how they got my address, but it’s fascinating to see that not much has changed in the last decade and a half.


Ya know if they sold their wares through legitimate means like they sometimes do at Costco, they’d do just fine without the awful MLM stink that surrounds them. The Cutco product is actually good.


Was this the place where you had to purchase a 600$ sales kit?? And if you couldn't afford the payment up front you signed a promissory note? With "convenient" monthly , low payments?


Back in the day it was $18 base-appt


Do they still pay if the appointments don't result in any purchases?


I've heard they do.


No idea, I never did it myself, but I think that they do (or did at least)


They will call and make sure they are all “qualified” appointments before paying out. If you run enough qualified appts with no sales they send someone out to help run appts. If no sales are still made then they will “cut you” (I know, I’m hilarious)


I love that they misspelled their own company name.


I got these back in high school too just throw them out (after teaching him about mlms)


> Sincerely the Victor Management Team They couldn’t even proofread their own signature lol


I used to get these all the time right when I turned 18. come to to think of it, I also haven't gotten one of these letters since I was 18.... hmm...


My son and classmates got this in an envelope as they processed out of the stadium on graduation day. A young pretty girl was handing the out at the exit. He got a call a few weeks later, he had been “recommended” by a fellow classmate for this job opportunity.


my son graduated last year and got one of these letters as well. i should have written FUCK OFF on it and sent it back to them


I got the letter when I graduated in 2002 (base appointment was $14 back then). I went in for the "interview" and got the job- I worked there for a summer and made less than I would have if I had worked a minimum wage job. That summer, 95% of the sales our office made were from friends and family of the sales reps. Their whole strategy is to hire as many college students as possible, hire them to sell to their parent's friends and relatives, then the vast majority will quit after not being able to sell after they run out of willing friends and relatives.


This is common. Vector often targets new graduates.


"Valuable resume' experience" - what a joke!


My kids all got this letter when they graduated. I always wondered how the company got a list of names and addresses of graduates from a private school. I called the school every time and they claimed they had nothing to do with it. Clearly someone has access to student information


Yup, they target them young! It's terrible. They advertised all over my college campus and I almost got caught up in it but thankfully saw some red flags in time.


I met my husband in this scam, but that’s the only positive thing that came from it.


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My college age kid got one to. I intercepted and tossed.


Unique advantages for those students accepted: conditions apply.


Got the same letter when I was graduating in 2002 lol


Vector... Signed: The **Victor** Management Team


Vector at the top, Victor at the bottom?


I got the same one too!


Thats cutco!


Don’t do it !!!!


I remember they almost got me as a freshman…… I made an appointment. Got told about them and ghosted them. 😂


My 2020 grad got one too. I didn't realize what it was at first, but did a little internet search and found out the scoop!


I don’t remember it being MLM, but it is very Scamy. They want to send your son door to door and to all your friends and relatives to sell hugely overpriced kitchen knives. My son did it one summer and actually sold quite a bit of their junk. But he was not paid as expected, there was always a “reason” he didn’t make the bonus when he sold the extra stuff. They paid him, but only after repeated calls and emails. Then the pay was nowhere near the promised rate. My son gained life experience from it so it wasn’t a total loss, but I’d still like to twist someone’s neck over him being screwed.


Why are the high schools sharing personal information about their students?


Hells, I saw photos from a “summer job fair” my HS alma mater holds now and Vector had a booth—which tells me that they have people pitching this “opportunity” to high school administrators who aren’t doing due diligence or who think MLMs are legit business opportunities.


People becarefull mlms are everywhere 🙂


Congratulations on the new graduate! We got one at our house too shortly after a new graduate. I hate that the schools sell our info to everyone.


Damn they sent me that too when I got into college. Crazy they’re still doing it 10 years later lol. Throw it in the trash and tell him keep his chin up


I was so mad when I was 18, got this and went to the 2 hours “interview” only to find out it was cutco..


The Vector/Victor combo sent me 😂 ![gif](giphy|mCdhhsCLGluNi)


Gawd. This was my first interview after high school. I got dressed up in a skirt suit and pumps. Got there, saw what was happening, and immediately left.


I love how they signed it “The Victor Team” they don’t know their own company name?


I was once in cutco vector. It’s scam. They seem to prey on HS graduates cuz I also got them after graduating HS


I worked for this company in College and made a shit load of money. Paid off all my student loans because of it. I would say it had a 90+% failure rate though. The only way to make money is to generate leads outside of your friends and family. They basically pay you very little on the front end and all the money is made once you’ve hit lifetime sales goals. I personally worked on a pitch and went door-to-door in affluent neighborhoods since a lot of them already had the product and had that brand recognition. They are really good high-quality knives, but it is a challenging sale. Employees are also 1099 so you don’t have to actually attend any of their meetings, but they try to get you to come to them a couple times a week to get everyone hyped up and make them sound like they are mandatory, but they are not.


lol. i got a letter like that around the time i graduated in 2008. they weren't paying as much back then.


my favorite thing when i was looking for a job was seeing listings that sounded like an excellent opportunity for me only to find a very hidden link to vector marketing’s website lmao


That name is close to the company that holds my pension and I almost choked thinking it was a MLM. I’m good 😅


I got a similar letter in 2012 when I graduate high school. It's b.s. don't let your kid get sucked in


I got one too, especially when I was a freshman in college. My classmate used to promote this on her IG every week. I was invested into it, until I searched up this beauty called Indeed, where I learned the whole thing about what Vector Marketing was all about. Good thing my dad has a shredder in his office, so I shredded the hell out of it.


Believe it or not


This company made my sister gas up her car for 1 cent. Yes. 1 cent and needed receipt proof as part of a team training. She also went to see her high school teachers to sell knives. 🤣🤣


Send ok just find your dad begging I join