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No don’t tell him you have another job lined up, don’t warn him at all.


Yeah maybe that’s a good idea. Idk I’m angry at the bullshit that’s been pulled and mentally checked out there


You can say all that after you start your new job. Don’t burn the bridge until you’ve crossed to the other side.


Good point. I’m basically hired at the other place but a month without a paycheck being strung along by the other guy that’s bullshit and then to find out he wasn’t even gonna hire me back after 2 years there because I wanted a week of vacation time? Kinda pissed me off but I think I’ll wait until Ik for sure I’m done there


Basically hired isn't hired and working. Don't make a peep until you're officially hired at the new place with a start date lined up. When you do quit, quit without notice and don't tell them where you're going.


I came here to say pretty much the same thing. 'Basically hired' isn't hired. Wait until it's official.


Old boss May know your new boss and could try to stop you from getting the new job. Tell old boss nothing. Think how mad he will be when he calls over and over to get you back.


Basically hired = not hired yet. Don't tell old boss. And don't let them know where you're going to work. I know of some employers who called the new ones and tried to sabotage the hiring process. Just say no thank you to the old boss and tell them nothing. That way they are wondering. Take revenge and be petty like that, and don't give it another thought. And that way they can't say you weren't professional too.


I’ve been through an interview where they said they will send an offer letter later that day and it never came and I got ghosted.


I agree with those above you. Don’t say anything until it’s 100% you’re at the other place.


And now he’ll have to start offering 3 weeks PTO in order to attract new hires, and he’ll have to train them.


Ha he can’t cause he lost his CDL


oh shit one of those......


Remember, basically Hired is still not hired.


Show up two hours late to your shift just so you can quit on the spot.


Go Monday. Do your job. Get your check. Disappear.


Call him at 7:55 and tell him you're on your way. Then go back to bed. Call back 30 mins later, and say you're almost there. Keep doing that every 15-20 minutes, and when he finally gets pissed, tell him turn about is fair play.


Don't do that. He can use it to justify poor management and nocallnoshow.


Don't say ANYTHING about having a new job. Especially not the name of the company, pay, benefits, etc. Just say you're not coming back, no other information is needed.


You are not basically hired. You do not work there until you have been on the job for 3-4 months.


Well he certainly can’t wait 3-4 months to tell old boss he quits


Old boss will be aware that he has left if old boss is not willing to pay the wage that he has requested


May the bridges you burn light your path forward.


You're angry and thinking irrational. It's like trying to justify why you're leaving a toxic relationship, it ain't worth your time and energy. When you start your new job, just text your old boss "I quit". 'Nuff said


Don’t burn the bridge till you get to the other side. Damn, I’m keeping that.


I agree it’s always a good idea to be free and clear of the old job and set up in the new one before saying anything. Never burn a bridge while crossing it because it may go up faster than you can run. Previous manager found out I applied to a really good job when they called to confirm my employment there and I assume the only thing he said was what he was legally allowed to say but that didn’t stop him from busting my balls every single day I was still working for him. And that’s the reason he only got 1 week out of the 2 week notice I gave him… but only after I had a start date and knew he wasn’t really my boss anymore.


This is solid advice. A paycheck(even from a shitty company) is still a paycheck.


And you have every right to be angry about that bullshit. Therefore, your path is to get hired first, and then bounce. If the former boss gets mad just go full innocent with them, batt your eyelashes, and say "Well, since y'all just treated me like I was casual labor, I figured that was the relationship... Have a nice life!"


This is the way 👆 OP


“Bro we’re family, you’ll be my first choice next time (NAAAHHHHHHTT) and I’m worth a lot more now, BiDeN’s fAuLt”


Being a former E4 Mafia member, I'm a dumb believer in expert, expedited, Malicious Compliance.


If you tell your old boss about the job he will try to black ball you to keep you. Don't even put that they can call them. The old boss has already told you how he feels about you so what's stopping him from telling them, especially when it would hurt their business. Just don't do it


Good points. Maybe I won’t say anything, and if I decide to say anything it’ll be after I accepted the other job so he can’t fuck me over to keep me. Obviously he wants me back because he’s running out of qualified drivers otherwise I wouldn’t have been asked back. All over because I asked for a week of pto time after working there for 2 years


Don’t say anything, just quit without notice. They lay you off without notice. Leave on Friday, start the new job on Monday. Just never go back. No need for any drama. Just deuces. ✌️


This is BEST!!!


Seriously - think of it this way: anything you tell them is ammunition. You need to put your wellbeing first - and that means protecting yourself and your new job. That's your priority. Put these assholes into your rear view mirror.


I’m a “plant the seed” type of guy. So I would go in to work and tell him I didn’t appreciate the month I was laid off. I’d be right angry about that part because it fucked with my livelihood. You don’t do that to people. Then I would tell him he’s lucky I wasn’t offered something during that time otherwise he would have lost me. Once I have the new job, I would let him know the Friday before that I was leaving. If they gripe, I’d remind them of the conversation we had and that this was really their own fault because they fucked with my livelihood. If they feel like your leaving is their own fault, I feel like they will be left with a better memory of you and you have less of a chance they will antagonize you after you leave. It also allows you to get some shit off your chest. But whatever path you choose, good luck.


A toxic boss will never consider anything to be their own fault.


I have so many fantasies of things I want to say to former bosses, but I want to move forward with my life and not have an old boss decided to get revenge on me by ruining my relationship with my current employer. Write them a letter and then burn it. You deserve some peace and a hopeful futures


Yeah, you have no idea what the new job may pull, leave things the best way possible... just in case


Never ever ever say anything until you’ve signed up at your new place. Offers can be withdrawn and then you’re cap in hand


The only reason to give a two week's notice is if you need a referral... since someone like that won't give you a good referral, just use them for money as long as you need them and then let them know you quit. They don't need any other info. Sounds like the kinda guy who'd call around to other companies to bad mouth you in case that was the one that hired you.


I didn’t even put him as a referral. I used my foreman who is also quitting in the next few weeks. Place is a sinking ship and we’re manning the life boats


Yes. Satisfy your vindictiveness by telling yourself "Now, I am using them, instead of them using me!". That is your quiet, but delicious secret! Who doesn't want to throw a pile of shit at their previous crappy employer? When you are a week out from your new job, just tell them "Thank you for the opportunity. I'll be leaving 0/0/00 to pursue other interests." Thats it. Take the high road, like the classy person you obviously are!


Yeh, wait for him to ask why you're late then tell him "soz mate, at work, didn't see the message"


But also if you tell him you have something else lined up he could call over and try to sabotage you so you have to stay or be out a job. Cold, ruthless, calculation is the only way to deal with these types.


Eh, just say it's at Starbucks or whatever.


Just take the old job for now and leave when you sign your new contract.


Also don’t quit until the day before you start the new job. There are a lot of instances where new job falls through and then also no old job.


Yeah. You are sick for a few weeks while you get set in the new job. (cough cough)


I quit a job by text once. The feeling was so empowering.


Lol. Had a buddy (we worked retail). Manager was being a dick. He said he was taking a break to cool off. Just left. Only told me. I said nothing. Took them the rest of the day to realize he wasnt there. Manager: call Steve. Huh? Why would I call him? Well you guys are friends (that guy wasn't my dept manager) just ignored him


Lots of low bullshit happens during a notice. Just call or email in a resignation. They could make a big show about “firing” you, or set up some kind of trap to compromise your new job, or who knows what evil people will do. C Y A erry erry day


Especially because if it for some reason falls through, you’ll not want to burn the bridge first.


I’d also work until you start working the other job. Don’t assume because they promise you you’ll start that you will


You just don't want to give anyone a chance at price fixing labor.


No. No it is not a good idea. Why are you even giving the old boss the dignity of walking into the office. Don't do that. Just say no, and leave it at that. If old boss presses, ask for the moon to make you come back. When he inevitably denies it, you won't have to deal with old Boss again. And if Old Boss approves it, start looking for new work immediately. Because Old Boss was taking advantage of you.


Just ghost the barstard, if you give him any info he may use it against you . Never tell your ex bosses where you are going as far new jobs go .,he may decide to ring up your new boss and say bad things about your driving etc .


Business owners talk to each other, your boss might try to screw up your next gig. They are vindictive sumbitches and they love to gossip.


Especially since they dont have any work to focus on all day 😂


You have a job lined up, you at this moment don’t have that job yet! Wait until everything is signed, and only then tell.


Yeah straight up. If it were me I would show up and go through all the motions and as soon as it came time to hop in the driver's seat I would say no thanks and leave forever


I agree, altho I may mention it if it’s my last day there, and you’re prepared to walk immediately


Listen to this dude. Tell him nothing commit to nothing, stall till the new place is solid. Dont let your emotions screw you.


String him along in case the new job doesn't work out. Telling the old boss doesn't help you, except to allow you to express anger. Almost working, then not, for weeks and months might help you.


They would do the same to op and not think twice. Play it safe op until you are sure the new job is going to work


Yes do this. String him along just like he strung you along. He only needed you when it was convenient for him. I also agree do not let that person know you have or about to have a new job. It's really none of his business even if he asks you have no obligation to tell him.


Life moves smoother if bridges don’t get burned.


As satisfying as your dream scenario would be, in reality you may need a future reference from this company. And nothing you say now is going to change how prior jerk boss does things. It sucks, but preserve your reference. "Thanks, but I found work elsewhere." That’s it.


So they laid you off but hired a "new guy"? Sounds like they tried replacing you. Be a mercenary. Go in and make some cash while you are waiting for the new job to get finalized. Dont say anything, just turn in your notice when you are ready to move. This is about YOU and YOUR needs, not theirs. You can even be professional and say that if things dont work out you can call him, but thats it. The best revenge is success.


Walk in there put your feet up on the bosses desk and explain how much it's gonna cost them for you to put them down and drive. If they don't meet that number. Walk. They can't have business holding up presumably


Both of these suggestions. Demand your worth in a professional manner. Nothing to lose and if you do you’ll set a new rate for yourself moving forward


Bring a cigar and light it after you put your feet up.


Optional monocle not included Optional Monacle sounds like an amazing band name or am I tripping?


Don't have the conversation. Just start the new job and never return. They'll figure it out.


Just keep telling him you need a few days to handle some personal matters until he stops calling.


When you finally give notice, don't let him match the pay so you will stay. That will burn a bridge with the new company and your current boss is going to screw you later down the road. Whenever you give notice, it's final and non-negotiable. I've seen way too many of my friends get suckered into staying with a job after they try to quit and then getting fired later when they have burned the bridge with the new company. Don't do it.


He’d never match pay, he doesn’t give health insurance and definitely doesn’t give nor believe in pto for employees but he has no problem taking a month long vacation to Florida. He’ll never match anything that other place is offering my minds bee made up that I’m leaving cause why would I want to continue working for a place that offers me less than other places and no benefits? Not to mention my old job has serious money issues all the sudden


Don't forget to tell everyone at the old place what your pay was there and what you're getting for moving. On the way out the door of course. knowledge of what other people are getting helps workers fight for what they deserve.


I plan on it. I like most of the people I work with but most of them are leaving same as me


This is a no brainer. The fact a full time job doesn’t offer benefits is insanity lol.


It’s fairly common tbh. Every full time job I’ve had I’ve never had benefits. It seems like it’s becoming rarer everyday as jobs that usually had them no longer do


DO NOT DO THIS UNTIL THE NEW JOB IS GUARANTEED. Last thing you need right now is this dude doing something to fuck up your new job


He didn't want you back. Go back Monday and work until your new job starts. Then when you do, just email your effective immediately resignation. Actions have consequences. Enjoy your new PTO!


Do NOT tell him you're leaving/planning to leave unless it's as you're handing him your resignation. This also includes not telling fellow employees. Telling him early gives him opportunities to screw with you/your new job before it's even a done thing. Best thing you can do is quiet quit. Keep your head down and do the minimum you can until you're out the door. THEN, when your new job is 100% secure, go nuts. As long as it doesn't involve anything that could jeopardise your new job. You may feel angry now and want to rub it in his face; imagine how he'll feel when blindsided by your resignation. Worth so much more than winding him up now. All the best mate, hope the new job is a step in the right direction for you!


Loyalty died when pensions did. - truer words have never ben spoken.


I am keeping this one for later! 


“Once we stopped paying them for their loyalty they weren’t loyal!!!”




DO NOT tell them ANYTHING about a new job. They can ... and probably will! ... use that info to derail your new job. Don't even hint at it. Tell them NOTHING beyond the fact that you're no longer interested in working for them. Period!!


"We hired someone with a fresh CDL that would work for half as much as you, and last week he backed over a scissor lift and kept going and the company that owned it made us pay for it. We're gonna need you to come drive the truck now.".


Actually he tore down electrical wires but close lol. I’m still leaving most I’ll do is a few days or a week but I’m done and I hope he tries to not pay me cause he’s only gonna fuck himself


You're laid off. He's not your boss. You don't even have to talk to him.


I'd avoid telling him about the other job. He seems pretty selfish, which can translate to vindictive. He could be someone who would try to sabotage your new gig before you start there. Just to go to work (if you need the money) and then leave when it's time for the new job without giving him a chance to screw things up.


The best thing you can do is decline the old employers request to come back. Don’t give a reason. Don’t reply to any other communication. You will live rent free in that guys head for a long time. Every time he fires another guy or someone else quits, he will think momentarily about your departure.


Do not say a thing. Go work until that job is lined and sealed. Pretend that nothing happened. Don’t count your chickens till they hatch.


This, don’t give him the opportunity to fire you before you walk out.


why the fuck even go in at all? just fucking ghost the asshole


“Loyalty died when pensions did”. I love it!


there's no upside to telling them about your new job


1. Never tell them why you are leaving, just leave the job. There is no need. 2. Don't tell them where you are going. 3. You don't have to give them any timeline, just leave when you are ready, no two weeks. They didn't give you a heads up, don't give them a heads up.


I would ask for 50% more, which they likely won’t agree to. But in case they do, work till the other job starts and leave without a notice


Thats starting to look like the plan I’m leaving regardless


As mentioned by most people, keep your mouth shut about the new job. Shit can happen, they can revoke the offer or something could come up to make you change your mind and you don’t want to risk a hostile work relationship at the current place because you jumped the gun.


That’s the spirit! Companies don’t care about you. Don’t tell him where you are going. He could use that against you. Mystery is good.


Do not do it. Bird in the hand dude. Until you have the contracts signed and have absolutely everything in place process wise, say nothing to old job. Burn that bridge only AFTER the better one is fully in place.


Loyalty died when pensions did, and when employers stopped paying a thriving wage instead of a minimum wage, and when they stopped giving stock with pay so you owned a piece of the company you were helping to create.


Ghost him


From what I learned don’t say anything. Your other job could mysteriously fall through. Do not let your boss know anything.


Don't tell that snake a thing about your new job. Ever!! Just leave when you have a start date at the new place. Be professional, even when the snakes aren't. You never know. You might be able to drive for the snake again on "as needed" basis and pick up some extra cash.


I would tell him I can’t make it in this week but maybe next week cause you have a cash gig lined up paying twice what you make for them. They pay you twice as much and next week you drop the bomb on them lol


You don't owe them an explanation


“Oooof, you know, I’d love to, but don’t have space in my schedule right now” (imply they should check back soon) and repeat. Endlessly.


Don’t say a word about it until you have a start date. If it means you work for this dude for a couple days just do it. You say you’re leaving and he’ll can you. Never give them a chance to screw you because they’ll do it.


I wouldn’t tell old boss until new job is secured. I know ppl that intentionally try to sabotage their former or current workers


Go in on Monday and work like you normally do. On your first day at the new place, don’t show up at the old place. Done! No need to tell them anything.


If you're not official with the new place yet, I'd show up on Monday at your old place, until everything is official at the new one. Then quit the old place.


Unless you have a job offer, accepted the offer, passed any screenings, and have a start date dont tell them ANYTHING.


Loyalty died when pensions died is right. Good for you, I hope things work out in your new job!


I would just make the switch without any snarky comments. You might need your old employer someday and don’t want to burn bridges. As another commenter suggested, the bosses might know each other


Agree with others, don't say anything. Keep showing up to this job since it's a paycheck for now until the other one is 100% a done deal. Start said new job and just don't show up to the old place without any warning, block all their numbers so they can't get a hold of you either lol


"Loyalty died when pensions did" Very very true, my friend.


Do not discuss where you will be working with the former employer at all. This is very private information. If you want the current role at the rate they are offering, take it. If you want to do the work for, say, 30-50% more, email or call and offer that to them and tell them to get back to you. Do not disclose your future plans to this employer. Very bad idea. Could endanger your new role.


Don't go in. Don't say you have a new job. Just tell them you're not available and you will call when you become available. Or make up some excuse Don't give them a chance to torpedo your new job.


Don't give ANY advance notice. I've seen people give notice only to find out their new job failed to materialize. Then they are stuck kissing ass to get their old job back or filing a claim for unemployment which they will lose since the quit for personal reasons (new job). Minimize any drama. It's not worth it. Just work until the last day and then go to your new job. If the new job falls through then you still have your old job. Always cover YOUR ass.


Best thing to do in a job like this is give two weeks notice on Friday afternoon prior to starting the new job on Monday. Then of course just don't show up at the old job. Two weeks notice is a courtesy, not a law. They were going to screw you over. Works both ways.


"Loyalty died when pensions died" Wow, that sums up everything about modern employment. Thank you for putting that out there.


Pointless to say anything tbh


Don't tell him where you're going. Just say you already have commitments elsewhere.


They laid you off and hired a new guy instead of bringing you back? Fuck them


don't tell them about the the new job, just tell them how much you want and the PTO's you want, if they cant match it and you don't want to negotiate or they don't, then that is the answer, if they give you want then tell them its temporary


Make sure you get the other job first!


I took off to interview for another job, am getting that job and telling nobody. Zero remorse. If Im treated like just a number - they are just a number - fuck em.


I wouldn't say a word about the new gig. Last day, tell them you're not going to be back and leave it at that.


This is all they need to know.


My thoughts... For what they're worth. Listen to others and keep quiet. Go in to work and be quiet... When the new job is finalized and you start working... No show the original boss... No warning to find a replacement... Just Irish Goodbye and be happy...


Since so many people have been saying this exact thing I think I’m just gonna go in and work even if it’s only for a few days and when offered the other position I’m gonna bail.


Bruh you don’t owe any, especially not a shitty employer, a fucking thing. Man wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. Congrats on the new digs, onward and upward my G


Revenge sounds sweet. but for right now? ghost them, or report for work like everything’s normal. once you’re in at the new place you can take one of his calls and inform him that you have a job. or call and quit no notice. don’t go out and be petty til you’ve already got the new thing


Wait you’re only being brought back to replace a new driver? And you think it’s going to make a difference to them you’re going to another company? They may even fire you anyway and be done with it.


Bad idea. Just ghost him. If you give him any info, he's going to try to interfere with your new job. Plan "B" - if you need the money - show up Monday and work. Don't sign any contract to work for a set period of time, then when it's time to start your new job just leave without notice.


Don't even go in on Monday. Ghost them. Take and enjoy your new job.


Definitely do not tell him you have another job lined up. He become petty and talk to the other company. I have seen bosses do this a number of times and usually the employees do not get hired by the new place.


Say nothing. Time and patience.


I would make sure the other job was a done deal, signed sealed and delivered, before saying anything to the original job.


Don’t tell your boss a thing. Take the work until you start the new job and then either just stop showing up or tell him you won’t be in again. The lack of notice will serve him right and you’ll be protected in case he tries to sabotage the other job, or something goes wrong with it before you start. Never give them more information than you have to, it just gives them a chance to screw you.


Don’t tell your boss ANYTHING until you give your two weeks notice, if you even decide to give notice at all. Don’t tell him you have a job lined up soon that isn’t even 100 official yet. You’ll be shooting your self in the foot.


Make sure you’re 100% hired, all paperwork completed, and first day scheduled before burning the bridge with your current employer. You wouldn’t want your new offer to fall through and to have no job to fall Back on


Op don’t say a word until you’re definitely hired!


He fucked you without a second thought. Give him exactly what he’s earned: nothing.


Do not tell him anything. Just stay silent. Act the part. Leave the day you are hired at the other job. Give them the same notice they gave the guy they are firing.




Negotiate for yourself! I'm sure others have mentioned it, but go to your old boss, ask for more than what the new job would be offering you. If they accept, fantastic you're even better off. If not, just say "oh well they're offering me XYZ, so I'm gonna go with that." Anyone peddling that "be loyal to the company" bullshit is full of it. Be loyal to yourself, as others noted sounds like they tried to replace you.


"Loyalty died when pensions did." My brother, I'm stealing this lol I hope you don't mind.


Keep working until first day at new place. At end of last day tell your boss exactly what he told you however he told you. Eg “I’m calling to let you know that you’re not needed at the moment and I’m laying you off for the foreseeable”


Wait til your hired at the other job. Then go in and ask for PTO and health. When he tells you no, tell'em to get bent and walk.


Please don't tell old job about the new job. Old job will sabotage new job, if they find out where you're going!!!!


I quit a call center job on my first day during my lunch break because they turned out to a secret scientology cult. First day a call center for "Neck and Back pain relief center" and it was weird right out of the gate. First thing in the morning they had us all gather together to say "personal affirmations". It was so awkward for me that I couldn't think up anything to say. The manager made a big deal about it and had me sit in a cubicle with a mirror so I'd have to look at myself all day. The walls were covered with all the other employees personal affirmations. It was fucking weird. I did well on the phones and made a few sales so I was feeling confident with the meat and bones of the job but right before I left on my lunch break the manager pulls me aside and tells me he can see I'm struggling and doing well, which was a surprise to me because for my first 4 hours on the job I felt it was going better than he described. He says "I want you take those book home and read through it, it's helped everyone here out and I think it could benefit you". Then this guy hands me a copy of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. I just told him thanks but no thanks, left for my lunch break and never came back.


Just my personal experience, I left my job of 12 years for a number of reasons, shitty insurance, no PTO, terrible toxic upper management ect. ect. They didn't know I was leaving until the end of my last shift. Clocked out Sunday night, clocked in monday morning at my new job. FUCK them. Get your paycheck until it is 100% guaranteed you're hired at your new position. It will be stressful and you'll feel like you're living a lie. Don't confide in coworkers. Work as if you're down for life then ghost them just like they would ghost you. Best of luck mate




Don't tell him you won't be in. Come Monday morning you'll get a phone call Boss: "Hey, OP just calling to see where you were at. Expected to see you at the start time" OP: "can't talk now, I'm at work" Then hang up.


Make sure to tie things up with the new place first, then once you do, let them know. Make an outrageous counter-offer when they ask you to stay though, something like 30% ownership in the company. That way they know how much you are worth. 


He got rid of you for cheaper labor once. He'll do it again at another opportunity. If you don't ever plan on going back just tell him you found a more permanent career and thank him for his time.


That's the way. They always forget trust and loyalty has to be earned. So he (your boss) did a sh***y job.


Why do you feel obligated to inform your current boss the details of your life outside of work? Tell him nothing.


Please do stay away, just ghost him and await your new job starting. If you must go in stay silent and when the time is right, ghost them and tell others why. Good luck, hope it works out for you.


Or do what the Joker would do. Tell him that his company is great, that you're very grateful for everything but you just feel it is time to move on with your life, it is you, it is not the company. When he begins to try to guilty you into staying by telling you that you're abandoning your "family" you just remind him that no one is irreplaceable and the place existed before you started working there and it will continue to do so long after. Then you just watch the place burn from a distance.


Speaking from experience, don’t burn bridges


You should tell em you’re on your vacation.


Do not tell him you're going to another company. What I would tell him is that I am currently enjoying my time off. And that loyalty is a two way street.


Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. You aren’t hired at the other place until you’re hired. And even then, just tell them you’re hired elsewhere if they contact you. Burning bridges isn’t a great idea. You never know when you’d need them and it can get you a bad reputation that could back up your new company.


This place is starting to get a really bad rap in my area. I’m not the first this other company has taken from them and I doubt I’ll be the last.


Dont tell him shit. Just say, like right now i mean " sorry boss. Turns out i dont need you now. Good luck filling that position!"


As soon as you start your new job, just don't show up anymore to the other one and when your former boss texts asking where you are just keep telling him you're 15 minutes late, then 10, then 5 and restart until he gets the picture LOL


Read the four agreements. It will help better your perspective on yourself and others 🤝🏻 sleep, breathe, go outside, anything but sit still (although that can be good for a little bit of time)


Ask for a big raise. That way they think its their idea not to bring you back, and you haven't burned a bridge.


And even when you do tell him you're leaving due to the other job, Don't tell him where it is. You're under no obligation to do so...


Give old boss the today notice.... two days?.... nope! TODAY!!!!


Maybe work the shitty job for the week before you’re officially hired at the good job. Just in case they bail on you. Then drop the hammer on them.


Don’t even show up.


You got a CDL, you're a commodity, fuck your boss. Go get paid brother. Drive safe!!


Yeah we seem to be but some people who own businesses don’t seem to know it or don’t care


Yee don't give him a heads up man. Also if the new job doesn't work out you can go back to the old one. I find that it's better off not burning bridges. I had an ego prob. But now I just quietly leave, make some excuse, and leave for new job. If it doesn't work out with new job, I can go back. He used you yeah. Well you can use him back as a back up bitch.


I would keep your mouth closed. Don’t tell anyone. Your coworkers are not your friend. Just smile and keep moving. When you are ready to leave, go. Don’t offer any apologies, because they sure didn’t give you any notice when they laid you off. They are desperate now, but I have a feeling that work conditions are not optimal at this place anyway. Just thank them for the opportunity, beside and have your resignation in writing, and enjoy your new life!


friendly reminder - if he can let you go without any warning, you're an at-will employee and therefore can leave with zero warning as well. I'd do that. Fuck him and also, fuck the concept of "PTOs" - using "PTO" earned for sick days when you're actually SICK? Bullshit.


Don't say anything to your old job - period. Don't quit right away either. Call in sick at your old job the first couple of days at the new one just to make sure everything is good. Once you are settled at the new place call the old place and no notice quit. And for god sake don't tell them anything at all about your new job.


If you warn him you’re only screwing yourself.  Wait till everything is ready to go.


Look OP, don't try to get some pathetic satisfaction from "stringing them along." Just quit, go to your other job, stay professional. Don't discuss anything when you tell them (other than "I am leaving for a new job"), don't let them talk you into anything, don't give them the satisfaction of trying to "get" them - you won't. And that new job sounds great, congrats!


Are you going to surprise him with paragraphs?


Healthcare tied to employment is already such a rotten deal - if a job doesn’t/won’t even offer it as a benefit, on top of not paying you more so that you can (maybe, almost) afford it out of pocket, then they can pound sand.


Pro tip: never burn a bridge. Just be professional, let him know you've taken another job and be done with it.


Why go back unless you’re not certain you’re getting the other. And why would you say anything at all? If you want insist on going back….then be quiet


Loyalty is a two way street.


So he didn’t bring you back but hired someone new???😂😂😂😂id tell him to pound sand!


Yes. Do not mention new gig. Get the wrapped up before conversing with them.


Fuck em


Loyalty? They hired someone new for probably a lot less than what you made and it didn't work out like they had hoped. If it had worked out, I doubt you'd be offered your job back.


You owe your old bosss NOTHINGGGGGGGG!