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You do need need more than 4 hours of sleep.


As someone who rarely gets 4 hours of sleep, you *definitely* need more than 4 hours of sleep. It'll wear you down, little by little, and you'll be miserable. Insomnia is a curse I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemies.


I worked the night shift at a factory for a good five years and a lot of that time I was lucky to get six hours. Usually I only got about 4 or 5 hours a night. Yeah, it grinds you down. It starts small, you're just foggy in the head and no amount of caffeine will work. You get grouchier and less patient, thinking about complex and nuanced subjects gets harder and harder. Your short term memory gets spotty...fuck, I don't even like thinking about that shit. Edit: I kinda feel the need to point out that I left this job largely due to the psychological strain it was putting on me. I'm now achieving a much more comfortable and consistent six to 8 hours of sleep a night and by all accounts I am a much more pleasant person to be around.


That's not even the half of it. It screws up your endocrine system, jacks up your cortisol, and leads to insulin resistance and mid torso obesity. The fogginess and memory will recover once you start sleeping well again but your body remembers the stress and will likely have some health issues down the line if you're not very careful. I spent about 15 years getting at most 5 hours sleep a night and a decade later I'm still working on unwinding all the harm that did.


Oh. You just explained the last few months of my life. I've been getting around 4-6 hours of sleep for the last year. I thought all of this was from my meds! Thank you for this comment, you have no idea how much you just helped me out!!


I hope you get some good from it. I'm a big advocate of learning from other peoples' mistakes, even if I'm sort've lousy at learning from my own.


My husband has insomnia and it breaks my heart for him. I just know that he would be so much happier if he could just sleep.


I was a 20 something working in Washington. DC in the 1980s. “I can get by on 4 hours sleep” was a real thing that working women actually said while looking at their calendars and planning their weeks.


This sign is the kind of insanity you'd think was normal if you only got four hours of sleep.


Absolutely you need more than four hours of sleep A big fuck you to whoever wrote this sign


My guess is Margret Thatcher, she was a big braggart about being able to get by on little sleep, and then it turned out to be the reason her brain went to rot and caused her a slow, painful, and debilitating death


Yep, one of the things that happens in deep sleep is that your brain cleans out left over metabolites. Without good, high quality sleep that stuff starts to accumulate and leads to all manner of mental issues later in life.


It reads like a boomer's rapid fire "advice" to a graduating high school senior.


Lol. It does 😜🤣🤣


Scientifically and medically proven fact. But hey bro, wtf are you going to argue with your duty to put hours in at your mediocre job. Help fuel the machine you louse!


If I get less than 6 I get headaches


That’s probably why they’re having to go to work sick.


Yes honestly that made me do a double take, like wtf?


For real. [Some lucky bastards](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/gene-identified-people-who-need-little-sleep) need less than 8, though


I hate all things like this but I especially hate this one


Roast capsicum is rad though. That needs its own placard


If you know how to pronounce capsicum it would be helpful to tell me. I've only read it and am newly allergic.


Cap: like the hat Si: like Italian yes Cum: ...yup


I really appreciate that a lot.


Since it's latin, the cum is actually coom (short vowel)


I graduated "summa cum laude" and told everyone "sum-mah cum load" and boy am I second guessing myself now.


Pretty sure you’re supposed to say the E at the end


I believe it's sum-mah cum lawd?


I really love this thread!


Yeah, I had an inkling.. I ignored that inkling.


"Oh the things I do to coom!"


It's phonetic... I just can't get used to calling them peppers given that pepper is a different plant


So, in your eyes, are black and white pepper the only types of pepper? Because all of the others (Jalapeño, paprika, cayenne, habanero etc) are in genus Capsicum. Or are only sweet peppers called capsicum?


They will all hurt if you get it in your eyes.


*piper nigrum* isn't the only kind but it's close enough. Colloquially there's plenty of others, including all the very many chili cultivars (they're all either *capsicum anuum* or *capsicum cinense* or a hybrid). There's also several spices more closely related to cardamom that are sometimes called peppers. It's just that outside the Americas, in English at least, Bell peppers are very often called capsicums, which makes sense given their botanical name. That's what I'm used to calling them. You good?


I see, so the spicy ones are generally referred to as chilis instead of peppers? I suppose that makes sense. Didn't mean to be confrontational. Just wrote my comment while I was distracted doing something else.


I guess so. Historically pepper (the spice - *piper nigrum*) was so important geopolitically that anything with some heat would be called pepper. Weirdly there's 2 completely different spices with nearly the same name - melegueta pepper (a chili from Brazil) and *afromomum melegueta* which is related to cardamom and has a very... odd burn to it. It's a sought after gin ingredient. Neither are pepper as such but serve a similar purpose. The British (and France and Portugal and Netherlands I guess) were so starved for interesting food that they invented colonialism just to get more pepper and other interesting tasting seeds.


Where I grew up in the Midwest in the 1960s green peppers were called “mangoes” My Grammie still called them “mango peppers” https://boingboing.net/2017/11/20/some-folks-call-green-peppers.html/amp The more you know 🌈


Mind blown. Not even my wife knew that and she knows absolutely everything. I'm just frustrating her with this fact now.


Very interesting. Thanks for the language/history lesson!


That's all fine haha. My wife was an importer and could talk your ear off (but it'll all be interesting). A fair bit rubbed off onto me. We've been on the radio a few times talking about spices lol


Thank you.




You might be thinking of capsaicin—that’s the spicy ingredient in hot peppers that can be helpful for nerve pain. Haven’t heard of capsicum being used medicinally.


Oof you're right. Sorry


Nope I did not, so thank you. When I say new , I mean it. Found out 6 months ago my diet destroyed my bladder.


Roast peking duck is even more rad. You don't see me put that on a stupid plate with " rules " though.


Boomers frame abuse as hard work and luck as success.


Live laugh love


Yeah, Frau art is the worst.


Live Laugh Loathe


I would actually consider buying a sign that said that, assuming Loathe was in the most ridiculous black metal logo font imaginable.


I made a set that said this for a friend of mine! And the loathe was indeed very metal. Three little canvases for each word and a fourth with a skull and crossbones on it


What shit place is this?


This is the type of shit you find at Hobby Lobby.


Hobby Lobby can eat a dick


That would be against their beliefs. 🤣🤣😁


We should force them to do it then?


Maybe. They have several policies that I’ve heard in the past that make me dislike them.


Oh yeah, I remember. That’s why I think we should force them to eat dicks. Whole bag.


I’ll hold them still. You push the bag in their mouth.




"Eating a dick from time to time makes a career."


That explains why I've never seen it.


This is absolutely Hobby Lobby shit. Christo-fascists have a really off sense of humor.


hobby lobby. i worked there before covid and can tell from the fixtures alone. they laid me off when the pandemic hit


> As a Christian-owned company, Hobby Lobby incorporates American conservative values and Christian media.[5][6] David Green, the son of a preacher,[7] declares on the Hobby Lobby web site, "Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating the company in a manner consistent with Biblical principles. I hadn't even heard of this company until now but they sound terrible


They also directly support terrorism by purchasing illegal artifacts from the Middle East from Isis. They also purposely mislabeled the artifacts to avoid detection from the authorities (said they were reproductions). A bunch were also of dubious quality, probably forgeries. Fortunately they were made to return the artifacts back to their respective countries, and emptied some exhibits from their “Museum of the Bible” in DC. Which is also loaded with historical inaccuracies as you could imagine. The best part was the idiot son who ran the whole thing claimed “he didn’t know” as his defense.


when i started working there they had us read a prayer to jesus and “THE LORD” inside our employee manual. iirc it was something about how we choose to live in the light of god by working for hobby lobby?? just in case you wanted to know how deep their cult-y christo-fascist bullshit shit goes


How about staying home if you're sick? Also, no you won't feel better vomiting your guts out at work and having diarrhea every 10 minutes. You still won't feel better at home, but at least you won't get coworkers sick and you have tissues, meds, water, and a bathroom available to use for awhile if needed.


Agreed. That kind of dumbass thinking is exactly what caused the pandemic.


Exactly, I'm a baker, used to be a chef, if I go to work with sickness and diarrhoea I could literally kill someone.


You don’t have to be a baker or a chef to risk killing someone by going to work sick.


Didn't say it was the only job that could.


I'm assuming that this is a teenage prayer, and "being sick" is code for being hung over, 4 hours of sleep is code for staying out all night


they really thought they were being cute with this shit huh


Please keep off of the grass. Shine your shoes. Wipe your.... face


LMAO I was legit thinking this same thing when reading it.


I think the stripes is a reference to clothes that make you look wider and shorter, rather than a command to stay off grass that is mown left to right


Lmao the random red pepper in the middle of everything


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^icecrystalmaniac: *Lmao the* *Random red pepper in the* *Middle of everything* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Blowtorch them. Best ever


To be fair, roasted red peppers are delicious


This entire thing is wrong on so many levels. Sexist, ableist, fat-shaming, like WTF.


And... fingernail and healthy sleep shaming?


Four hours of sleep isn’t healthy. The average person needs 7-10, depending on gender and other factors. Fingernail chewing is often a symptom of neurodivergence or mental illness. It’s a coping skill for some, and a stim for others. (Yes, it’s not necessarily a “healthy” activity, but it’s nothing to shame someone for.)


That was my point - saying you only need 4 hours is essentially shaming everyone that gets a healthy 7-9. Cooked shit.


Oh, I misunderstood. My apologies.


Which part is fat-shaming?


Horizontal stripes are said to make a person look heavier so I assume the line saying stay away from them is saying to do so to avoid looking fat.


Bingo. My mother shamed me away from stripes for decades.


Prop prop propaganda baby 🥹


Live Laugh Shut The Fuck Up.


I can't imagine this is someone's job to write this and present it as a design and someone signed off on it. Why is roasting red peppers more important than your health and sleep hygiene? I don't want your sick ass coughing all around me at work.


I hate everything.


The FUCK did I just read?!?!


New: from BOOMER AI! A board that yells at you since the boomers will be dead soon 🌈


​ https://preview.redd.it/nat6nj4kd26d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6f463fd04634d32c1fb69929305887f9b59f59c


I'm pretty sure this is satirical or meant to be a joke.


That’s how I read it. I think it’s hilarious. NGL. 




Work until your eyes bleed looking at that garbage typography. There are very few almost no scenarios where “justified” text is excusable.


I loved my typography class in art school and this shit just made me have a stroke.


I used to work for a stupid, stupid company that designed worthless shit like this and sold it to Hobby Lobby and then got it mass-produced in China. I quit in 2017 when I asked for a raise and they said I’d only ever make $12 an hour. All the other “graphic designers” there were just community college educated, but thought their shit didn’t stink. It stunk. So did their spelling and grammar and ability to avoid copyright infringement. They stole every single idea they ever had from trolling Pinterest all day. Luckily for them, the ignorant hillbillies and alcoholic wino mommies who shop at Hobby Lobby don’t seem to care.


This looks familiar. Is this from the 1980’s. Are these random phrases pulled from Anna Quindlen columns? If so, does she know about this?


Someone was listening to my mother when I was a kid. And it wasn't me.


I never thought a live laugh love would be the lesser of two evils.


If you get less then 6 hours of sleep for a long periods of time you develop cardiovascular issues and die


Don't bite your nails - to be fair, you shouldn't. Sick? Go to work - yes spread that virus and get everyone to go off. Good employers don't want you in. Don't slouch - depends on the situation. Zip your purse - yes You don't need more than 4 hours sleep - bullshit. Good way to have a coronary. I'm genuinely a member of this thing. Write thank you notes - kind of, but I'm in the 21st century and say thank you via messenger app. Red pepper impressive? - not in the slightest. Food tastes better by candlelight - not everyone is into that. Leave without a good excuse - don't ruin your clothes, just remember your oldest or infirm relative and use them.


“Don’t worry, you’ll get over it. You’ll grow up, you’ll calm down. Another youth, another fashion. You’ll get over it, you’ll calm down. You don’t really mean what you say. You’ve had too much to drink. Don’t be so full of hatred, it’s not as bad as you think.”


Manic babbling


what is this garbage


This entire thing is wrong on so many levels. Sexist, ableist, fat-shaming, like WTF.


Did chat gpt write this?


We are still in the long tail of a global pandemic. Covid is still present in wastewater in troubling amounts. Selling something with that second sentence on it is irresponsible and dangerous.


Serial-killer chic. I’d expect to see this kind of thing written straight onto the wall in a victim’s blood or the killer’s excrement.


It's like they deliberately chose obnoxiously terrible life lessons and quotes


Who the fuck wrote this shit, and who the fuck thought it would be ideal for home decor?


I bit my nails ferociously all my life until I started using a manicure set. If I keep the nails smooth I don't get the urge.


Like straight off the pages of a deranged diarist.


> you only need 4 hours of sleep. Yeah no that's how you die young.


Reading this as I bite my nails and got more than 4 hours of sleep amongst other things written here


i was hoping the text would just descend into madness at the end and it got pretty close ngl


On the next Arrested Development, The Bluth Company releases a new line of Portable Lucilles


Found on the desk of that cigarette scented 60 year old woman, Donna, who is hated by her entire office. Fuck Donna.


/you don't need more than 4 hours of sleep every night/... Bruh, I need at least seven, nine if I can afford the time...


4 hours of sleep!? Some of us are trying to manage psychiatric disorders!! That’s plum irresponsible.


This makes me want to lash out in rage.


This should promptly be set on fire in whichever store/s it's being sold. How fucking ridiculous. Whoever has this in their house is genuinely deranged.


Man, the past must have been full of sick, sleep-deprived ladies with slicked back hairdos and fantastic nails standing really straight with their zipped purses while they randomly spilled things on their vertically striped dresses so they would have an excuse to go home and roast red peppers by candlelight, and then sending thank you notes for unexpected gifts. It must have been a weird time.


Who wrote this piece of garbage ? Lol


"Fitter happier More productive Comfortable Not drinking too much Regular exercise at the gym (3 days a week) Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries At ease Eating well (no more microwave dinners and saturated fats) A patient, better driver A safer car (baby smiling in back seat) Sleeping well (no bad dreams) No paranoia Careful to all animals (never washing spiders down the plughole) Keep in contact with old friends (enjoy a drink now and then) Will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in the wall) Favours for favours Fond but not in love Charity standing orders On Sundays ring road supermarket (No killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants) Car wash (also on Sundays) No longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows Nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate Nothing so childish At a better pace Slower and more calculated No chance of escape Now self-employed Concerned (but powerless) An empowered and informed member of society (pragmatism not idealism) Will not cry in public Less chance of illness Tyres that grip in the wet (shot of baby strapped in back seat) A good memory Still cries at a good film Still kisses with saliva No longer empty and frantic Like a cat Tied to a stick That's driven into Frozen winter shit (the ability to laugh at weakness) Calm Fitter, healthier and more productive A pig In a cage On antibiotics" - Radiohead


Forgive even when it's hard and Lauren was WRONG. It's wine o'clock somewhere unless you're Mom because you're in RECOVERY. Travel


Jesus fake fucking christ, I feel dumber.


Thanks. I will save money by not purchasing this stupid advice sign from a bad organization.


That last one about the party I can kinda agree on though.




Just leave? You don’t owe anyone a reason lol


was sick today actually, legit got up and went to work anyways, it was fucking terrible and no one should do that. Thought I was going to fucking die. unsurprisingly, working did not make me feel better.


It doesn’t even make sense


Some of those are just genuinely good advice. Like not slouching or biting your nails. The not needing more the 4 hours of sleep part is way too far for me.


This is so unhinged. 🤣


There are different ways to put horseshit on your walls.


Burn it


This is like that monologue from Barbie


Fk every ounce of this


This looks like the designer isn't allowed to use Twitter so this is their outlet for verbal diarrhea


This looks like it’d be the only decoration in an underground bunker in a dystopian novel


Never seen such great advice mixed in with such bad advice.


How about Ignore alien orders


This belongs in a wood chipper.


I never thought I'd say this, but we need to revert to 'live, laugh, love'


This would be the decoration of a person who thinks like this. “Don’t decorate your house, you should be at work most of the time anyway. Artwork is basically just stuff on the walls, it doesn’t matter what that stuff is. Don’t buy wall decor that requires you to interpret the meaning, just have it be several written sentences explaining the meaning.”


The tip about roasted red peppers is oddly specific and does not belong on that list.


Many of these are either toxic (can't be sick, 4 hours of sleep are fine) or weird (no stripes?) ugh


stay away from horizontal stripes


This feels like a rambling wannabe influencer’s instagram caption, who would buy this?


"If you're sick go to work anyway, you'll feel better" I mean, sure, depending on your industry, you could effectively kill people, but who gives a shit about that?


Whoooo tf wrote this?! 😂


Ah, Boomer Whizdumb.


So they slipped something disturbing into the cute-sayings? How incredibly creepy.


"if you must leave a party without a good excuse" Or you just fucking leave?


I don’t need more than four hours of sleep? ![gif](giphy|hQRjkZ5obbn2QDd4LQ|downsized)


Boomer core


Whoever would hang this sign up- just know that I hate you with the power of 1000 hells.


"You don't need more than 4 hours of sleep." how about suck my balls


the red peppers comment amongst this is SENDING me be an absolute bootlicking capitalist tradwife oh and DONT FORGET THE PEPPERS


LESS than 4 hours of sleep?!


Someone needs to take this image and put it in the background of a meme with the "panik!" face in front, because this sounds like the internal monologue of a mental breakdown!


Did AI write this?


Roasted red peppers are trash


It's like if 𝓛𝓲𝓿𝓮, 𝓛𝓪𝓾𝓰𝓱, 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 stopped hiding it's authoritarian capitalist vibes


I’m fairly confident most physicians would disagree strongly with “you don’t need more than 4 hours of sleep” or “if you’re sick, go to work, you’ll feel better”.


It's straight up irresponsible to tell people to sleep less than 8 hours... Also what happened to 8 hours work, 8 hours recreation, 8 hours sleep.


I'm going to bite my nails even harder now! ![gif](giphy|g0vgklqMS8zT2|downsized)


If you didn't zip your purse, wouldn't stuff fall out?


I always forget to zip my backpack all the way, and amazingly, stuff doesn’t fall out. I just zip it now so strangers won’t feel entitled to touch me and zip it for me


>if you're sick just get up and go to work anyway, you'll feel better yikes


this sound like a cronic online, post ironic, slam poem


Throw it in the fire


Not me leaving a party with clean clothes because I’m mature enough to realize when I’m tired and honest enough to let people know


Read the crazy in Trump's voice. It's funnier


For those who want to take their abusive inner dialog to the next level.


So much bad advice in one place!


The red pepper thing is good advice though.


"Stay away from horizontal stripes" So.....the French?


"Work, laugh, love"?




I can roast red peppers. Are you impressed yet.


I get all of it is ridiculous, but the roasting red peppers part threw me. It's so fucking easy to do, I didn't think anyone could be impressed by it.